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Noru Prime Syandana Feedback Megathread


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Please remember that we're talking about an aesthetic piece of content. By definition, some people will like it and some won't.

Unfortunately, if you don't like it, it pretty much means you'll have to suck it up, because there are plenty of people who DO like it, and to change it would only upset them.

This is one of those times when you simply have to respect the opinion of others, admit that you are simply not going to use something, and move on.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

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You can always find someone who likes something even if they are in a minority of one vs the rest of the global population, but as an artist and a business that is trying to sell a thing to make a profit, it might be an idea to strike a balance of aesthetic that matches your clientele.

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I don't find it appealing. There is barely any gold on it at all and no energy whatsoever. For those who haven't seen it, I'll link it below. Any chance we could get an "Accessory" access pack encore for the ember prime pack? Because this Syndana just looks like infested noodles.



Noru Syndana: http://i.imgur.com/BFmX8Ll.png


Does not compare to this: http://i.imgur.com/JSCQFu5.jpg


Not even in the slightest.


I don't find it appealing. There is barely any gold on it at all and no energy whatsoever. For those who haven't seen it, I'll link it below. Any chance we could get an "Accessory" access pack encore for the ember prime pack? Because this Syndana just looks like infested noodles.



Noru Syndana: http://i.imgur.com/BFmX8Ll.png


Does not compare to this: http://i.imgur.com/JSCQFu5.jpg


Not even in the slightest.



anyone else feeling a little disapointed with it? :T i mean visually from the prime access page it looked like it was another energy-based syandana like the misa but then when peeps bought it all they got was this: 


idk about u guys but i was a little disapointed about this :T either they change the picture on the prime access or the entire syandana's design or better yet, make a new skin for it and give it out for those who've already bought it :T but what do you guys think?



I really hope this is one of those items that gets a face lift a couple updates down the line. This syndana is nothing like what it looks like on the Prime Access page. On the PA page, it looks like an elegant syndana but isn't the typical neon light show that we got from the last time but more of a tame solid color cloth cape. Then when you get in game to see it, the horror show happens. The second you see it it just looks like some gross slab of skin that was just peeled off your warframe's back and is now just dangling on.


You three have encompassed my thoughts to a T. I too was very excited to see that the accessories was a stand-alone purchase and instantly bought it expecting something at least as attractive as the Misa (which I couldn't get at the full price point), and how I'm very disappointed and frankly wishing I hadn't spent it at all. I would much rather have seen the entirety of what I'd get in-game and avoided the bad buy...

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Really though, I'm only going to get the Accessories Exclusive Package only for the 90 day credit/affinity booster, but that's about all that's worth getting this Prime Access.


   I share the same opinion as most of these tenno's in the forums when I say that the Noru Syandanna isn't that appealing. Primes usually stand out, having very noticable Gold trims around the weapon/Warframe/syandanna. So, it's not the energy that it's lacking persay, because I frankly think some syandanna's look good without it, but it's the lack of the gold trimming that doesn't really make the Noru all too appealing, much less deserving to be in the Accessories Exclusive Package. Really, it looks like a syandanna that can just be bought with about 10-20 plat just over the regular syandanna's, because it doesn't really look like an exclusive accessory to be considered a prime, but it looks too fancy to be considered just a normal syandanna.


   But then, it's not even the syandanna that makes the Accessories Exclusive Package horrible. The part what I'm more concerned about is the so-called Distilling Extractor Prime. The Titan Extractor Prime is way better than the distilling, even the regular Titan Extractor is more appealing than Distilling. Titan Extractor Prime has double the health and capacity as the regular extractor, now, Distilling does too, but it only picks up common materials, that I can get all the time from just farming mods in any survival missions. Not only does it only pick up common materials, it takes a WHOPPING 8 hours before you can collect your material. 


   Now, lets compare at what's more worth Deploying: Titan Extractor, or the Distilling. Now, the Titan Extractor only has regular health, and can only pick up materials in a regular basis, however, it has a chance to pick up rare materials and it can be extracted within 4 hours. Distilling Extractor has double health, and double capacity, meaning it can pick up twice as much materials than the regular variant. The con's however, are that it takes 8 hours before it can be extracted, and it only picks up common materials. Now, since the distilling extractor prime has twice as much health, but twice as much time it take than the regular extractor, in reality, it actually has the same amount of health as a regular extractor, so one could say at this point that they're both equal. The last con about the Distilling, is that it only picks up commons, so you won't be able to get the chance to even pick up, I don't know, morphics that you desperately needed? That makes Distilling the NERFED version of the regular extractor, and can't even be compared to the Titan Extractor Prime.


Now that I've explained my reasonings as to why the Accessories Exclusive Package is only good for it's 90 day credit/affinity booster, let me give 2 reasons as to why it's a bad idea to get the WHOLE package (Accessories Exclusive Package included). The first reason is that (even though I bought the last prime access) even though you get plat with the recharge, you can always get the prime weapons/ Rhino Prime in-game, but this part is not really an issue here, for all you dedicated chargers, such as myself. The second reason, which is the big problem, is that this Prime Access is $20-30 overpriced from the last one, and the last one gave you better accessories/extractor/weapons (may vary) than this recent Prime Access.


I'm so not regretting getting the Misa Prime, nore my Titan Extractor Prime right now, and long live Ember's Prime Access.

Distilling extractor prime has a greater chance of picking up rarer resources, I do believe it says that in the description of the pack.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought the prime accessories pack that's on sale yes, partly because I want to make those extractors and yes, partly because the credit and afinity boosters seemed cool and also partly as a tip jar to DE for making a cool game. However, I don't really need the boosters since I know I'll eventually play it enough to get to the same place without them, and the same goes for reaources I'd end up getting through extractors.

Mostly I bought it because I wanted the Syndana from the Ember Prime pack since that looked so badass, but wanted to earn and build all the prime stuff myself so I was excited when I noticed a pack at 1/3 of that price with the Syndana included. Unfortunately, I didn't get that. I noticed too late that the one included in that pack is different than the one from the Ember Prime pack. Instead, the Syndana that comes with it has none of the badass particle effects, is way too rounded and frankly, looks and animates like a massive malformed gummy worm. Maybe make it flatter or more metallic or add some particle effects like the other prime syndana. It being so rounded at each end also has the effect of making it look too bulbous and not nearly as sleek as the other syndanas, even as the other prime Syndana which is also just as wide, but uniformly so. I can see how it would look good in a certain art style, but not the one in this game. All the warframes (even smooth ones like Banshee or Nova) and the weapons as well have a texture which accentuates hard edges and a cool cyber-ninja aesthetic which paired with the smooth appearance and animation of this Syndana, make it look very aesthetically displeasing

I debated with myself for weeks about whether or not to get that accessories pack since $50 is a lot to spend on a F2P game all at once and I don't actually get any oh-so-valuable platinum for the purchase. But I wanted the badass ninja scarf that you can't get any other way. As it is, I find myself wishing I'd just waited for another 20% off sale and bought a platinum bundle since I probably won't end up actually wearing it.

Whoever designed the Noru Prime Syndana...you can do better. Hell assuming the same person designed all the syndanas, you HAVE done better. By a very wide margin, too.

Edited by (PS4)I_NoScoped_Bambi
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Please remember that we're talking about an aesthetic piece of content. By definition, some people will like it and some won't.

Unfortunately, if you don't like it, it pretty much means you'll have to suck it up, because there are plenty of people who DO like it, and to change it would only upset them.

This is one of those times when you simply have to respect the opinion of others, admit that you are simply not going to use something, and move on.

One man's trash is another man's treasure.


So what you're saying is...this entire board is completely pointless for anything other than a potential ego boost for the artists and animators

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So what you're saying is...this entire board is completely pointless for anything other than a potential ego boost for the artists and animators

Not at all. You're welcome to say you don't like things, and why, and what you think could change, as long as you're polite and respectful while doing it.

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Not at all. You're welcome to say you don't like things, and why, and what you think could change, as long as you're polite and respectful while doing it.


I wasn't trying to be impolite or disrespectful. What I was saying is that just about everything in this game can be paid for with real money. I guarentee that there's someone pertaining to each weapon, warframe, etc in the game who paid for that piece of content and likes the way it looks. If your statement that it won't be changed because some people happen to like the current design was true, then this feedback forum would be pointless since there's nothing universally disliked, regardless of whatever the overwhelming majority opinion might be. It's impossible to please all the people all of the time. It is however, possible to please a majority of the people when they make it clear they want something to change. If DE gets feedback that their design or animation or whatever is widely disliked for a particular piece of equipment, why shouldn't they change it? It's pretty obvious from the sheer number of people coming out and saying how much they dislike this syndana not just here, but all over the internet (do a google search for it and see how many of the opinions you find on it are positive), that a majority of people would like it to change.


In reality, DE doesn't work purely on popular demand. If they did, this game would be far different than it is now, and probably for the worse. If they said "hey, so...we were thingking of getting rid of charge attacks" and then made their decisions based on the backlash of people who liked charge attacks the way they were, Melee 2.0 wouldn't have happened, or at least would be far different than it ended up being. All we can do is state our opinions and hope that those opinions are heard, understood, and taken into consideration. Whatever they decide is up to them, and neither someone like you saying something should stay the way it is now or someone like me saying that it shouldn't, obligates them to go in either direction.


What I was saying is that if only a single unified opinion on something would incite change, then any feedback forum is a total waste of time since that will never happen for any topic.

Edited by (PS4)I_NoScoped_Bambi
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Well said, I do agree. But player backlash is definitely a cause for concern to DE. I'm not saying that they are governed by popular opinion, but if something is already in the game and established, and especially if people paid money for it, it's unlikely to change. 

Yes, there are lots of people who say they don't like it, but lots more people bought the pack containing it. I'm going to assume that the majority of them bought it because they liked the Syandana that came with it. We do have to consider the fact that not everybody who has it is posting their opinion. 

But it's a wonderful argument that can go on for hours.

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My only regret is that i did not get the opportunity to buy the other prime syandana but i just love this one. Combined with the back pattern of Frost prime it just looks amazing to me.




Is there something I would like to see changed? yes. Channeling effects on the prime syandanas, their eleborate paterns would really compliment this. (and a fixed Frost prime channel effect while they are at it)

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