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Dakka Based Warframe?


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Hey guys!


I had this day a couple of days ago. I was thinking about how cool it would be to a have a Grineer-ish warframe, or just a warframe whose gameplay was focused around firepower. Not only boosting his gun damage and/or ammo efficiency, but also being able to use something like an arm-cannon or being able to summon cannons out of walls or terrain (if anyone reading this has watched Full Metal Alchemist, you might remember seeing an alchemist doing something similar).


I really REALLY like Grineer designs, and I would love to see a warframe doing what the grineer do best: Make stuff explode and spam bullets at DISGUSTINGLY high fire rates (you can never have enuff dakka, or so I've heard). Sadly, my idea isn't that well-developed compared to some other concepts in this board, but I wanted to know if anyone out there would like to see this happen, and if you have any ideas you can contribute. Even if DE isn't interested in something like this, it'll be fun to see what people come up with!


So here are the skills I came up with. Keep in mind that I am trying my best to create skills that could work in Warframe without going batS#&$ crazy and turning this into "Bullets: The Video Game Based on the Feature Film (Directed by Ork McDakka)":


1.- Gun Cannon: Behaves like a high powered-target piercing round being fired from a high caliber cannon. You aim with your crosshair, and once your targets are all lined up, you press 1 and you shoot through them. I came up with 2 ideas regarding the animation. In one of them, the warframe's right hand would move out of the way, allowing his/her arm cannon to fire (this would obviously mean that the warframe itself has a 100% mechanical limb). The other idea consists of the warframe having a long gun barrel strapped to its right arm.

A heavy-caliber gun sound is a must.


EDIT :The people commenting on this thread have come up with a shoulder-mounted gun system that folds in one way or another behind the warframe while not being used. Great job guys!


2a.- Wall of Flak: The warframe places a long metal bar in the ground that fires small explosive flak rounds upwards, creating a wall of flak that slows enemies, deals damage and has a chance to proc bleed.


2b.- Flak Cannon: The warframe creates a small flak cannon by modifying the terrain itself. This cannon cannot move nor rotate, but it will target and fire at any targets that get in front of it. Useful in hallway area-denial or crowded rooms where enemies only have one way in or out.


3a.- Ammo Cloning: This skill will allow you to give you and your allies a decent amount of ammo. Its high energy cost means that it will not be spammable, but can still be useful in a tight spot.


3b.- Overcharge/Clip Burst: The gun being used will overload, firing an entire clip at an enemy in a second or less.


4a.- Lead Storm: The warframe will activate both of its arm cannons while wielding the active weapon, and fire continuously wherever you are aiming. For the duration of this skill, your active weapon won't have to be reloaded, but when it ends, the magazine WILL be empty.


4b.- Lead Storm: Your fire rate will go sky-high, and you won't have to reload your weapon for the duration of this skill (the base duration will be short in comparison to the 4a variant).


And there you go! My drawing skills are a little rusty but if you guys are interested, I could try and come up with a sketch of the arm cannons or the warframe itself.

Edited by TheAlfax
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I've actually been drawing up a frame for a while as well (oddly naming him Flak), and I was planning on using some sort of ammo regen mechanics as his third ability. I've also noticed none of the frames can do this, and I love the fact that other people are coming up with similar ideas.


The arm cannons are funny as well, because I was planning on using a wrist mounted rocket or crossbow type weapon (similar to what one of the N7s wear in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer- I think the N7 Demolisher had the wrist mounted crossbow, I might be wrong).

Edited by zeroythe
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I've been wanting to have a Grineer-based Warframe as well, and so far love your ideas. If you don't mind, could I post a suggestion(s)?

Instead of having an arm cannon I think he should have his cannon connected to his back, which will move over his shoulder when in use.

Another idea is having your first ability turn it into your primary weapon, and use both energy (fairly low amount, maybe 10 per shot) and primary ammo as it's ammo.

But thats just a couple of ideas I had, I really like your ideas.

Edited by Sasquatch180
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I've been wanting to have a Grineer-based Warframe as well, and so far love your ideas. If you don't mind, could I post a suggestion(s)?

Instead of having an arm cannon I think he should have his cannon connected to his back, which will move over his shoulder when in use.

Another idea is having your first ability turn it into your primary weapon, and use both energy (fairly low amount, maybe 10 per shot) and primary ammo as it's ammo.

But thats just a couple of ideas I had, I really like your ideas.

i like your ideas :) the warframe itself sounds pretty cool. best gun themed frame i've seen on here yet. Just be careful you dont' throw in flamethrowers, we dont' want Boba fett....or do we o.O

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I've been wanting to have a Grineer-based Warframe as well, and so far love your ideas. If you don't mind, could I post a suggestion(s)?

Instead of having an arm cannon I think he should have his cannon connected to his back, which will move over his shoulder when in use.

Another idea is having your first ability turn it into your primary weapon, and use both energy (fairly low amount, maybe 10 per shot) and primary ammo as it's ammo.

But thats just a couple of ideas I had, I really like your ideas.

Thanks! Love your ideas too! That shoulder mounted cannon sounds great, and I think it actually fits more if you think about it. An arm cannon sounds kinda like what Ruk already has.

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I thought about back cannon's for a while. I don't see them happening as that is where the weapons go. Shoulder mounted might work, all depends on the weapon.

dunno, our weaposn go ON our backs, so having something already there, like a backpack of some sort, using boba fett as an example, the weaposn would simply go on back of that. bu tshoulde rmouted could work to. The barels materialize, maybe your hold onto the fireing mechanizm in your hand when you use it? goin gof fthe 10 energy a shot thing.

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I thought about back cannon's for a while. I don't see them happening as that is where the weapons go. Shoulder mounted might work, all depends on the weapon.

What about this: the shoulder that the cannon is connected to has a slightly bigger pauldron with a mechanical system built in it that rotates the cannon along the shoulder, but also has a joint that allows the cannon to fold across the back of the shoulders horizontally? Edited by Sasquatch180
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Maybe for a shoulder cannon connected to a hinge on the back of the shoulder and remains vertical behind the shoulder until the power is used.

I don't see the weapons stacking on top of the cannon on the back either, most of the cannons I could think would need to rotate and point the barrel in front of the frame (the weapons would have no where to go).

Gundam had some interesting designs over the years, maybe hanging off the shoulder to the side of the back until used when it would swing under the arm and have the grip and trigger on top of the barrel?

Edited by zeroythe
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I really like the shoulder-mounted cannon idea (specially since one of the things I love about Grineer armor designs is the shoulder size/shape). Just keep in mind that the variant A of the 4th skill makes you use 2 cannons+your active weapon. 2 shoulder mounted cannons would look pretty sweet now that I think about it.

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could do a sentinel type thing. whenhe 'summons' the cannonit forms like a sentinel over his right shoulder?

An interesting idea! Although I believe it would be harder to code/animate, but I could be wrong.

Edited by TheAlfax
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Am glad other ppl think this would be awesome ^^ I had this same thought when DE released valkyr (corpus warframe =D)

but instead of a cannon on the shoulder (but a shoulder cannon would be badass!!) why not a turret?

It would work with the mods e.g. Continuity for how long it sits, focus for damage etc etc, plus ppl would just spam the cannon O.O

this way it work like Nekros shadows of the dead..... Minus the massive horde of dead XD Its other skillz could be an ammo drop

increased dmg or throws a seeker grenade? Skill lvl increases how many you can throw at once?

Bottom line is that this idea (this topic not just my ideas ^^)

would be a waste if not used by DE, but who's to say DE aren't

already making up concepts? Dun dun DUUUUUN!!!!!! XD

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I also have thought of this kind of Frame idea. So far i have only conceptualized a couple of skills, which are shown below:




All titles are tentative


1: [sidearm] : Basically "morphs" part of the warframe's arm to turn into a large pistol-like thing that deals damage that is based on the the equipped sidearm's damage stats- probably boosted many times over.

2: [Main] : Basically "morphs" part of the warframe (any or whatever) into a firearm that deals damage based on the equipped primary weapon- probably boosted many times over.


- You cannot cast any of these two again unless the clip is emptied, and power duration increases the "ammo count".

- Dependent on the warframe skin, some of the morphed weapon's properties on these two skills will be changed, for example, no skin equipped on the frame will result in a [sidearm] that shoots bolt-type bullets without punch thru and high status, while equipping a skin will turn the [sidearm] into a spectra-like beam that has punch thru and low status. There may be at least 4 skins for the frame, one based on each faction- while the prime version comes it's own unique skin.


Here's the hard part, I can't figure out where to place the following- or add them at all.


[Weapon Perfection] : A buff-type ability that boosts the team's weapon damage, equalizing IPS and elemental values based on the highest factor on each side. For example, a 1/2/3 IPS weapon suddenly has 3/3/3 and so on. A variation on this would add the abilitiy to fire weapons w/o even consuming a single bullet from thier magazines, while bows have thier charge times zeroed.


[ ??? ] : An area debuff ability that reduces ranged damage output and accuracy of enemies by a certain percent. Either it works like most area debuff abilities or combined with trinity's infinite range to allow people off the tile to be protected- but only in an area around the lone ally.


[ Sentry Mode ] : Morphs the frame into a static or slowly moving emplacement that has a lot of dakka to offer. Equipped skin will determine the weapons used.




Well that's it for me.

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Am glad other ppl think this would be awesome ^^ I had this same thought when DE released valkyr (corpus warframe =D)

but instead of a cannon on the shoulder (but a shoulder cannon would be badass!!) why not a turret?

It would work with the mods e.g. Continuity for how long it sits, focus for damage etc etc, plus ppl would just spam the cannon O.O

this way it work like Nekros shadows of the dead..... Minus the massive horde of dead XD Its other skillz could be an ammo drop

increased dmg or throws a seeker grenade? Skill lvl increases how many you can throw at once?

Bottom line is that this idea (this topic not just my ideas ^^)

would be a waste if not used by DE, but who's to say DE aren't

already making up concepts? Dun dun DUUUUUN!!!!!! XD

Thanks for commenting! I originally thought of a sentry turret, but nowadays you can find turrets in almost every game and I thought it'd be neat to mix things up a little. That's why one of his abilities is essentially creating an automated gun that can't rotate but will fire in a straight line at anything that gets in the way. It requires better positioning than just putting a sentry gun on the floor to do your work.


Then again, just imagine how cool it would be to have your sentry turrets fire at enemies suspended in the air by Vauban's Bastille. It'd be a pretty fun combo! If anything, I'd say the terrain-cannon could be replaced by the sentry turret. The shoulder/arm-cannon is something I would really like to keep.

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Woops my bad bud^^ couldn't really read the comments properly due to using my phone XD gotta start using my laptop more lol. Another idea would be that the shoulder cannon could do a straight line energy beam? Or blast? Size of beam (or blast) affected by skill lvl, mods yadda yadda yadda..... Also was thinking what type of def skill would this warframe have? A spawnable riot shield? (grineer shield lancer) could be handy for defending a downed ally =) plus mobility? A moving defensive skill unlike the static snow globe or volt shield =3plus would great to bash a shield lancer with >.<

Also on the subject of defensive skill...... High blast dmg land mines? O.O

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  • 2 weeks later...

My god , Overcharge would be ridiculously OP with the Soma, the Ignis, the Lanka, the Tetra...One hit ANYTHING EVER.

Well it's still a 75 energy skill. As long as the warframe's energy pool isn't stupidly huge, that skill could be used in a more tactical way rather than being spammed at any given time. Besides, the newer bosses can't be killed in one hit due to their multiple-phase-styled fights.

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