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Quick Thought About Nyx


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What if Mind Control delayed all of the damage taken from Tenno until the effect ended (still accumulated and dealt once the effect ends to prevent chains of invincibility)...

And Psychic Bolts caused targets' heads to explode when they die, dealing radial damage? Perhaps even with damage scaling based on how much damage the enemy took prior to death, or at least from accumulated Psychic Bolts?


Then all you'd need is an AI change to make Mind Controlled enemies walk to wherever Nyx zooms in. Just MC someone big, load 'em up with Psychic Bolts while they're killing people for you, point them into the fray right as the effect is about to end...


Suddenly Psychic Bolts has a use, and you can still get your fill from Mind Controlled enemies. Plus, more distinction from Chaos.



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What if Mind Control delayed all of the damage taken from Tenno until the effect ended (still accumulated and dealt once the effect ends to prevent chains of invincibility)...

That would be nice, because it removes the "Ugh, why did you guys kill the Napalm I just used 25 energy on?" As it works similarly to how Valkyr gets the damage from enemies not killed when Hysteria ends, the mechanics are already there.

And I'd prefer to rather guide them via waypoint (if at all) than via reticule. What's the point in controlling an enemy to cover one side if you can't clear the other in the meantime?

Your suggestion to Psychic Bolts ... dunno, I can't really get myself behind that.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Mind control sounds okay except if Nyx takes control of the last EXT mob. 


As for the bolts...idk...they suck... if they had 100% Rad proc then they would fit more, I guess. 

But Nyx is too powerful as is so probably she's not on the "to be fixed" list, unless she's considered too powerful.

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Bolts could use a buff.


The suggested change to MC I'd say no to though.  Will just lead to people wasting ammo on it.  It just needs a better effect on the mob, so that it stands out better, and then the team members can choose to leave it alone or not.

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The suggested change to MC I'd say no to though.  Will just lead to people wasting ammo on it.  It just needs a better effect on the mob, so that it stands out better, and then the team members can choose to leave it alone or not.


I don't think any amount of visual effects is going to do it, honestly. Anything that glows is always going to be a priority target for someone on the team. Just look at Bladestorm, the bright red highlights just make enemies stick out like sore thumbs, and you will always have at least one trigger-happy teammate who will try to beat Ash to those kills.


I'm not saying that MC should make the target completely immune to damage; just that when someone mind controls something, their teammates don't immediately slaughter it before it can be put to work. Mind Control should be an enemy control mechanism, not (just) a glorified stun. 


Something can be done about the potential for overkill damage. It's part of the reasoning behind giving the Psychic Bolt explosion in the OP some kind of scaling.


Mind control sounds okay except if Nyx takes control of the last EXT mob. 


To clarify here, if someone mind controls an enemy, it'll only delay the end of an Exterminate or Defense wave until the effect ends. No chain-casting on the last guy.

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I like Mind Control the way it is. If my MC target was going to be killed so easily, did it really need MC'd? For 25 energy, it makes for turning heavy units into great distractions while playing solo. When in groups, harder to kill enemies can still be MC'd if only to keep said unit busy while the other enemies are taken care of.

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If my MC target was going to be killed so easily

If you take away that Psychic Bolts suggestion, this is about making MC'ed enemies be killed less easily. As I already pointed out in another thread we are conditioned to kill enemies, who stick out in some way, first. So MC is rather useless in PuGs, because standard units will be mowed down before the short stun even hit them, heavy units shortly after they have recovered from the stun.

Giving MC'ed units invulnerability for the duration and then applying the received damage (see comparison to Valkyr's Hysteria above), would make this ability viable and a lot more useful.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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I definitely agree that MC needs some sort of change to at least make it more obvious that it's currently "friendly." Making it immune to now-friendly fire might help, though I can just as easily see people wasting time blasting away at some MC'ed Bombard wondering why it won't go down. I use MC all the time when I'm soloing but very rarely when playing coop since my target ends up getting killed by my teammates almost immediately.


Psychic Bolts could do with some changes too. Right now it's basically the Nyx version of Ash's Shuriken which doesn't fit in very well with the rest of her theme. Personally I don't use it, because of that and the fact that I can do a lot more damage with gun and blade.

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I don't think any amount of visual effects is going to do it, honestly. Anything that glows is always going to be a priority target for someone on the team. Just look at Bladestorm, the bright red highlights just make enemies stick out like sore thumbs, and you will always have at least one trigger-happy teammate who will try to beat Ash to those kills.

Um... I tend to target those first because the effect looks a lot like Molecular Prime, which is literally a giant "kill me first" invitation.

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Giving MC'ed units invulnerability for the duration and then applying the received damage (see comparison to Valkyr's Hysteria above), would make this ability viable and a lot more useful.

that really doesn't solve much of anything. some of us  use mind control to take an enemy out of the fight against us. we do not oppose our teammates killing it early we actively encourage this behaviour.. it free's the skill up for the next target.


on top of the obvious trolling for exterminate and defence missions.


the last edge case is that some enemies are worth re controlling. such as healers and leader life stealers may be now they should work.

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I think Mind Control is in a good enough spot to leave it alone. A better visual indicator is all it needs; something linking the target to Nyx.


Psychic bolts either need to do % health damage with guaranteed proc of some sort, or be removed and changed to something else.

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I agree with your MC change, it is very good.

I personally think psychic daggers should just proc radiation.

It would give them a niche, chaos for big groups, mind control for a single target, and psychic daggers for 3-4 targets.

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