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Excalibur Is Awesome And I Just Realise That.


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*raises hand* Excalibur player here ! And yes, he's awesome, but i think he could use a slight buff to the slash dash, something like a damage boost/alteration depending on the currently equipped melee weapon, that would make it feel like you're really dealing damage with your weapon and not just "dashing around"... Just an opinion anyway, slash dash is still an awesome skill to use for mobility, combined with a nice frontal flip jump (or a superjump) you can cross a canyon lenght.

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Super Jump + Radial Javelin + Heave Impact. Nothing else to say.

You forgot one word:  Mercury.




I think a large part of Excalibur's bad rap comes from his description when selecting a starting frame:  Excalibur is a well-rounded offensive Warframe.


Excalibur is a mobility and control frame, but the description leads new players to believe otherwise.


Excalibur was a well-rounded offensive warframe.  Then the entire game started to revolve around explosions, anti-matter, vortexes, time-distortion and floating Deathcubes,  Now his only useful abilities are Slash Dash, only for mobility, and Radial Blind, which is control.


The game changed and the xcal didn't evolve with it.  A big reason for this, no doubt, is the frame's Prime only available as a founder's reward.  If you'll notice, the founder's rewards have been all but outpaced by everything else in the game.

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You forgot one word:  Mercury.





Excalibur was a well-rounded offensive warframe.  Then the entire game started to revolve around explosions, anti-matter, vortexes, time-distortion and floating Deathcubes,  Now his only useful abilities are Slash Dash, only for mobility, and Radial Blind, which is control.


The game changed and the xcal didn't evolve with it.  A big reason for this, no doubt, is the frame's Prime only available as a founder's reward.  If you'll notice, the founder's rewards have been all but outpaced by everything else in the game.

That's exactly how I feel about excal, the game has evolved so much that his skills are just dated.

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I think releasing excalibur prime, the face of the game's primed version only to founders was a big mistake. But what's done is done. People paid for those exclusivity rights, and I respect them. But that doesnt mean DE don't need to take a look at the Excalibur. Apart from some skill revisiting that might be needed, excalibur needs some exclusive attention, such as cosmetics and etc. Hell, I would even consider releasing "Terminal Excalibur, it ends where it all begun" :) Cause whatever you do, base excalibur is a starter frame, so why not make a better excalibur for those who want to upgrade when the time comes?

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A big reason for this, no doubt, is the frame's Prime only available as a founder's reward.  If you'll notice, the founder's rewards have been all but outpaced by everything else in the game.


That makes absolutely no sense. None. The reason why Excal hasn't gotten a rework yet is probably because he isn't the one most in need of a rework. Blindcalibur still works great and a large portion of the Excal playerbase refuse to admit that their favorite frame isn't as useful as he used to seem.

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I think releasing excalibur prime, the face of the game's primed version only to founders was a big mistake. But what's done is done. People paid for those exclusivity rights, and I respect them. But that doesnt mean DE don't need to take a look at the Excalibur. Apart from some skill revisiting that might be needed, excalibur needs some exclusive attention, such as cosmetics and etc. Hell, I would even consider releasing "Terminal Excalibur, it ends where it all begun" :) Cause whatever you do, base excalibur is a starter frame, so why not make a better excalibur for those who want to upgrade when the time comes?


Loki and Mag are starter frames too.

And Volt previously.

Just saying.

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Loki and Mag are starter frames too.

And Volt previously.

Just saying.

They arent exactly the face of game. But, Mag has a prime version availible to everyone, and we know that next prime is loki. And do you think mag and loki are weak in any way? Loki's pure utility makes him awesome against anything, be it infested, corpus, grineer. In all game types as well. Even as solo. Mag is very strong especially against corpus both are strong and have or will have prime versions, whereas excalibur, the most important , the face od game only have prime version for founders. Volt is forgotten though, Im sad for him

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Excalibur is easily the most underestimated frame in the game, both in terms of usefulness and fun!


Radial Blind is a sort of hidden gem, and even Slash Dash is useful for crossing large distances.  Combine it with Super Jump's easy vertical maneuverability and you have a warframe that can get to all sorts of places quickly and easily, crowd control in a pinch, and Radial Javelin is equally effective against everything.


You can build him for continuity for Slash Dashing long distances and getting the most out of Radial Blind, or go for a power build for Super Jump to get incredible amounts of air time and extend the usefulness of Slash Dash and Radial Javelin for attack purposes.


The Excalibur is also the original and favored Barkleyframe!  It's tons of fun to go flying over a crowd of enemies and then unload an Ogris missile into them from above before landing with a melee slam and Heavy Impact.  I call it the "Double Funk Nasty Dunk".

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That makes absolutely no sense. None. The reason why Excal hasn't gotten a rework yet is probably because he isn't the one most in need of a rework. Blindcalibur still works great and a large portion of the Excal playerbase refuse to admit that their favorite frame isn't as useful as he used to seem.


Because the Lato and the Skana are so useful...


C'mon now...they even nerfed the Lato recently.  They want to make sure the Founder's Program doesn't make any sort of impact outside of cosmetic.


It's unfortunate but xcal will always be in the same pool as the Lato and the Skana unless they plan to either re-issue the Founder's Program or change the rewards.


The 'herp derp blinderp' argument doesn't prove anything considering there are absolutely no CC resistances.  100% CC will always be an OP gimmick until they change it.  Then you'll really see xcal kick the bucket.

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Because the Lato and the Skana are so useful...


C'mon now...they even nerfed the Lato recently.  They want to make sure the Founder's Program doesn't make any sort of impact outside of cosmetic.


It's unfortunate but xcal will always be in the same pool as the Lato and the Skana unless they plan to either re-issue the Founder's Program or change the rewards.


The 'herp derp blinderp' argument doesn't prove anything considering there are absolutely no CC resistances.  100% CC will always be an OP gimmick until they change it.  Then you'll really see xcal kick the bucket.


Of course they aren't. What is that even supposed to mean? The Lato and Skana are bad, if you purchased the founders packs expecting their prime versions to be good that is on you.

I doubt their purposely making prime gear bad. The Lato and Skana are just bad by virtue of them being starter level equipment (they preform quite well in their level range though).


That makes absolutely no sense unless you assume that DE is making founder's gear bad on purpose. Do you have any proof to support this accusation?


>Using 'herp' and 'derp'

Are you ten years old?


CC is a solid gameplay choice, and Excal is pretty good at it. If DE nerfs CC, Excal will not be the first frame to fall hard. Excal has ONE CC ability (unless I'm forgetting something), his other abilities are mobility, mobility-damage, and damage.


You're also assuming that DE will eventually create CC resistances.

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>Using 'herp' and 'derp'

Are you ten years old?

I'm not 10!  You're 12!  Herpity derp age derp!


If I say "umadbro" does that make me 8?


I wanna be young again!! :(



Of course they aren't. What is that even supposed to mean? The Lato and Skana are bad, if you purchased the founders packs expecting their prime versions to be good that is on you.

I doubt their purposely making prime gear bad. The Lato and Skana are just bad by virtue of them being starter level equipment (they preform quite well in their level range though).


That's a massively contradicting couple of statements right there.  "Lato is bad and you should feel bad!" and then "Lato is good in specific places."


You're not thinking this through, are you?



That makes absolutely no sense unless you assume that DE is making founder's gear bad on purpose. Do you have any proof to support this accusation?


And then there's this.  "Lato is bad and you should feel bad!" contradicts this statement too.  If Lato was supposed to be bad, even by your own assumptions, then yes, DE would be giving you bad founders gear on purpose.  You would even have to come to that conclusion yourself.



Think this through a bit without being so mad.


  • Early on during the Founder's Program, Lato, Skana, and Excalibur were a pretty large % of the choices available.
  • They were good when they were released.
  • "Prime" did not have the same lore behind it that it does now.
  • They're only bad now.
  • They're not even getting looked at.
  • Excalibur is being talked up but nothing is being done about him.
  • Every single other frame has been changed and tweaked except Excalibur.
  • They had other weapons they could have given you, but they purposefully gave you starter weapons.
  • Lato even recently got nerfed.
  • Founder's Program has been said to be 100% exclusive (even though I still don't expect it to be)



Add all that up and you have a situation where DE is purposefully letting the founder's gear get out-paced by everything else so other players (which now comprises the majority of the Warframe community) that did not get a chance to be a founder don't feel the game is P2W and alienates newcomers.


Its a simple conclusion and every action they have taken so far points in that direction.


Now they could come out next Wednesday and make xcal, lato and skana a total beast combo...I doubt it, but it could happen.  Then I'd be absolutely wrong.  Until that day though, I've come to the most logical conclusion based on current evidence.



I forgot to explain something.


I understand that all players are able to get base versions of the Founder's Program primes.  The whole point of DE doing this is so that they don't get a "Dude, where's my prime?" situation going on.  They want to keep whining about exclusives to a minimum.


That's why they're re-releasing all event items wherever and whenever they please.  People cried about it too much.


Nobody's going to cry over terribad primes.

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Do you have dyslexia? Because I'm 21, not 12 (joking bruh, don't get mad)


Nah, that makes you 16. A ten year old is probably still trying to flaunt his spelling skills.


My statement was "they perform quite well in their blah blah blah" (that's a direct quote, trust me I'm a doctor).  The Lato (and Skana) when compared to other weapons performs terribly in average (going by the star chart) content. BUT, in starter (level ones) content it does okay. The only way that would have been contradictory is if I said it is bad in all content and then said it is good.


Again, you seem to be missing the context clues. The Skana and Lato are terrible (supposed to be terrible) as they are starter gear. Starter gear is (almost) always supposed to be absolute crap outside very low/specific levels. So, they're bad overall, but can do okay in the starter area. 

Them being bad on purpose because they're starter gear is not the same as DE releaseing them and then making them bad because they were given to founders. They were never all that good. They were indirectly nerfed via changes to damage and resistances and the lato was directly nerfed.


I'm not mad, what is it with this community and assuming people are upset? [incredulous] Do I have to pretend to be an elcor?



-Not really.


-False. They've been bad for a LONG time (since I started playing)

-As far as we know.

-Excal isn't actually that bad.

-Not every frame has been fixed. Excal doesn't really NEED a change. Most of his problems are either something that applies to a lot more than him (direct damage abilities) or something players don't like but aren't really a problem (super jump).

-Don't see how that's a problem. People obviously wanted them.


-Why is that a problem.


Wrong. You jumped from it being a possibility to it being the conclusion without having anything more than circumstantial evidence.

Not really.

You think your conclusion is the most logical, but I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. A few problems:


1. The claim is that the lato, skana, and excal are bad because DE is purposely nerfing founders gear.

-The power of the Lato, Skana, and Excal do not affect the power of the prime weaponry. They're separate weapons. The reverse is also true.

2. Why would vanity versions of starter gear (the skana and lato) be made anything other than maybe T1 (assuming that starter gear is T0)? Excal isn't bad and neither is Excal prime.


Your conclusion is far from logical.


That doesn't make any sense. People already whine about the Founder's gear. It doesn't matter if the prime weapons where made average or above, people want what they can't have. The weapons being made sub-par wouldn't really change the complaints much since there are already people complaining about how the Founder's gear isn't fair since it 'locks away' special stat sets.


They're re-releasing event items because they never said those were exclusives (in most if not all their cases). DE seems to be very careful about tossing the E-word around.


Excal isn't terribad. I did used to call him Excalibad, but that was primarily because I just didn't like him. He is definitely better than pre-buff Valkyr and current Oberon.

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Excalibur is easily the most underestimated frame in the game, both in terms of usefulness and fun!


Radial Blind is a sort of hidden gem, and even Slash Dash is useful for crossing large distances.  Combine it with Super Jump's easy vertical maneuverability and you have a warframe that can get to all sorts of places quickly and easily, crowd control in a pinch, and Radial Javelin is equally effective against everything.


You can build him for continuity for Slash Dashing long distances and getting the most out of Radial Blind, or go for a power build for Super Jump to get incredible amounts of air time and extend the usefulness of Slash Dash and Radial Javelin for attack purposes.


The Excalibur is also the original and favored Barkleyframe!  It's tons of fun to go flying over a crowd of enemies and then unload an Ogris missile into them from above before landing with a melee slam and Heavy Impact.  I call it the "Double Funk Nasty Dunk".

Amen.  Excalibur is fine as is except for maybe a Slashdash width increase and some kind of (small) punch-through or ragdoll on Radial Javelin.

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