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Boltor Prime Is Grossly Overpowered


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Just like how Despair was when it came out.


Are we really considering a gun not being hitscan this large of a disadvantage now? Some games don't even use hitscan weapons anymore, and everything shoots projectiles. Yet it's so large of a drawback it clearly deserves to have DPS that beats that of even Soma, yet without having to bother to get to MR6. You can even trade of it in trade chat now, removing the need to farm for it.


We had this exact same problem with Despair when they came out. Let's not even bother going through it again with Boltor Prime, please.


Pretty soon we're going to get a Damage 3.0 to counteract all this power creep, when in reality what we need is Balance 1.0.

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Alright, a weapon comes out wich actually has disadvantages and to make up for it it has high power .... seems intended.

As Soma only has slightly lower damage but it is a hitscan weapon.

Its just like you said.

But i agree on that it needs some Mastery rank or something.

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Soo... the problem.. is its an upgraded version of the Boltor?    


Like a Prime Version...  in its orignal state, and not the recreation that is the non prime version O.o.   


Its a gun..  It kills people..   If it kills people faster, then another gun..  and keeps you alive..   WOot..   otherwise..  Don't use the thing, if you don't like it.    I want the gun.. on these simple reason..






Shoots Spikes..


-evil face as i pin enemies to walls-

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personally I don't mind a little "power creep" there's been plenty weapons released since the soma. why are you worried about one out of every 20 guns being pretty powerful? everyone talks about distinctive tiers; god, tier one, tier two, etc. why is it a problem of they deepen the pool for the god/first tier weapons. the pool for god tier is pretty boring now and I'm glad they are adding a weapon that has some disadvantage and quirks to it.

so please don't call for nerfs, or "balances" if you're not ready to nerf all of the god tier in oblivion

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personally I don't mind a little "power creep" there's been plenty weapons released since the soma. why are you worried about one out of every 20 guns being pretty powerful? everyone talks about distinctive tiers; god, tier one, tier two, etc. why is it a problem of they deepen the pool for the god/first tier weapons. the pool for god tier is pretty boring now and I'm glad they are adding a weapon that has some disadvantage and quirks to it.

so please don't call for nerfs, or "balances" if you're not ready to nerf all of the god tier in oblivion


I think the fact that "being balanced to not be god tier = nerfing into oblivion" shows a massive problem with the balance in this game.

Edited by Boondorl
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It has mediocre accuracy at long distance, projectile travel time means you have to lead targets and thus it only truly excels for close-mid range engagements.

The Boltor Prime doesn't require a nerf, and the Soma is still the all-round better performer anyway.

This is a stupid topic.

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If you want to nerf the Boltor Prime then u also have to Nerf the Brakk. Nuff said.

Thats actually a good idea.

Do it.


Boltor only disadvantages are ammo efficiency(lasts "only" for about 45 minutes on survival without using any consumables or switching weapons) and not being hitscan.

Except that its projectile speed is still faster than normal boltor, supra or even despairs. Its as accurate as braton both with and without heavy caliber and dps is too high to call it balanced.


Edit: oh and while you are nerfing brakk and boltor, nerf soma too, phage at least have huge disadvantages that actually justify high dps.

Edited by Davoodoo
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But i agree on that it needs some Mastery rank or something.

DE could just make all prime weapon mastery rank 6 same as Dakra prime, as this would clearly define the tier they are in.


Boltor prime is fine if it is left as is. Soma and Synapse are far easier to exploit on headshots because of how the critical damage multipliers work. Boltor prime has a terrible critical hit chance and this makes nearly every hit a white in practice.


In case anyone did not know:

White hits on head =2x damage

Yellow hits on head =4x damage.


Boltor Prime is not a critical hit weapons so it does not get the outrages headshot damage like Soma or Synapse. I still think Phage is just flat-out stronger because of its superior damage type and 100% accuracy when focused (it can also use viscous spread without penalty when focused).


As for Brakk, It is just a mountain of pain stronger than Boltor Prime. If any weapons should be getting the nerf-warrior's ire it should be Brakk.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I think the non-hitscan bolts are a bonus. You don't sacrifice as much by not running punch-through mods since the Bolts will naturally push through corpses. I do think Boltor Prime is too powerful. Even the regular boltor is a good weapon, having a double damage version seems like excessive power creep.

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It has mediocre accuracy at long distance, projectile travel time means you have to lead targets and thus it only truly excels for close-mid range engagements.

The Boltor Prime doesn't require a nerf, and the Soma is still the all-round better performer anyway.

This is a stupid topic.


what this guy said

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I think the non-hitscan bolts are a bonus. You don't sacrifice as much by not running punch-through mods since the Bolts will naturally push through corpses. I do think Boltor Prime is too powerful. Even the regular boltor is a good weapon, having a double damage version seems like excessive power creep.

Run any mission with each weapon Soma and Boltor-p. Do headshots, and notice how Soma does WAY more damage than Boltor-p because of headshot criticals. Boltor-p is weaker than soma and synapse if you can aim.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If you want to nerf the Boltor Prime then u also have to Nerf the Brakk. Nuff said.

I'm all for both. Brakk has been stupidly overpowered since its release, and the devs have done nothing to change that (except for giving it an arbitrary range cutoff, which accomplishes nothing except to make the weapon more annoying to use).


Brakk needs nerfing. Soma needs nerfing. Bolt Prime needs nerfing. Marelok needs nerfing. Crapton of other weapons need nerfing, and crapton of other weapons need buffing as well.

The game's balance is out of whack, and for anyone who thinks that this power creep is "just fine because itsanupgradedversionoftheboltor / itsanexclusiveweaponsoitshouldbethispowerful / itsclantechsobeingadirectupgradetootherclantechstuffisfine / itsPVEsobalancedoesntevenmatter"... let's just say I'm glad that they're not in game design.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Soma has 1 Impact damage. Look at how totally weak it is.

Slash damage is the biggie that adds damage over time. If you want to argue this, slash proc ignores armor and resistance and always does the same amount of damage.


Brakk needs nerfing. Soma needs nerfing. Bolt Prime needs nerfing. Marelok needs nerfing. Crapton of other weapons need nerfing, and crapton of other weapons need buffing as well.

The game's balance is out of whack, and for anyone who thinks that this power creep is "just fine because itsanupgradedversionoftheboltor / itsanexclusiveweaponsoitshouldbethispowerful / itsclantechsobeingadirectupgradetootherclantechstuffisfine / itsPVEsobalancedoesntevenmatter"... let's just say I'm glad that they're not in game design.

Play monster hunter and progression/power escalation works fine. The only problem is DE has not scaled NPC at all. My Dethcube trivializes most content because his gun has 6 forma. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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Slash damage is the biggie that adds damage over time. If you want to argue this, slash proc ignores armor and resistance and always does the same amount of damage.


Play monster hunter progression/power escalation works fine. The only problem is DE has not scaled NPC at all. My Dethcube trivializes most content because his gun has 6 forma. 

Oh, right, I forgot about procs. I guess that'd make Soma's DPS almost on par, if not higher than, Boltor Prime's.

In any case, though, the Soma's needed a good nerf hammer since its release. The alternative is to buff the crap out of every other primary and then buff the crap out of every single enemy in the game to compensate, which is far too much work for the same result.


At the monster hunter thing, I think that although weapons and Frames are currently out of whack in this game in terms of balance, the real culprit for the imbalance is our awful damage/mod system. Mods add too much damage and not enough utility to practically every weapon, and enemies don't (read: and shouldn't) scale to these mods until you get to the "We didn't intend for enemies to become this strong, and will not balance the game based on these enemies" levels. 


Right now, the problem with the game is that mods make it far too stat-reliant. I think the whole mod system needs a good looking at, because literally no skill is required in this game once you reach around Earth and get your damage mods ready. From then on, it's nothing but a series of (easy-to-climb) stat walls. Buffing enemies will only cause new players to suffer further; the best thing to do is to nerf down the "veterans" and decrease the stupidly large gap between modded and unmodded weaponry.

Edited by SortaRandom
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