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What If 'players' Acted Out The Stalker Role.. Like In Dark Souls?


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this is a pretty sick idea,it should be a very hard requirement reaching the stalker title,but it would spice things up

as for the annoyng factor

i think that this game,especially since everyone got triple hp got a little too easy

DE could learn a lot from dark souls

i thumb up this idea

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This would be a bloody fantastic idea. For all of you there screaming that this game is a Co-Op game.. it's not. It's a beta of a game thats not even close to finished, that just RECENTLY came out of closed beta. It's going through DRASTIC changes, what with the missing spec trees and the random inclusion of health/energy/shield gaining warframes. Honestly, I can't see this game NOT eventually having a PvP mechanic, though I'd choose not to partake - I do prefer Co-Op.

That said, when the Stalker showed up suddenly, it was both frightening and awesome. Course, we beat the living crud out of it in moments, but it was still a pretty epic inclusion within the game. This mechanic, ALREADY introduced in the game, complete with whatever backstory it might have, means that changing the NPC into a PC would have zero impact on storyline. Nor would the game suddenly be a real, true PVP experience - four guys, against one, is hardly a competition. It would add a flavour excitement to the matches, without the danger of being "ganked" or repeatedly "griefed". And, a-la-stalker gameplay, after he kills a single player, off he goes. Hardly mission ending. I support this idea strongly.

I'm honestly tired of team-based PVP in pre-generated battlegrounds. Warframe should continue to do the unusual in all aspects of gameplay.

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After reading all this. My brain got rolling. I remember when I realized the Old Monk was actually (or at least could be) a player. Mind Blown. This is an experince I feel needs to be in more games. So here is a possible implementation of this idea. Remember this isn't set in stone. It will hopefully generate dicussion on what we would like to see in the Stalker in the future. Here goes.

- How to be the Stalker

-- How

You will not be able to choose when you want to be the Stalker. You will be chosen. Upon clicking a mission you have the chance of being randomly chosen to be a Stalker. If you accept and are currently in a group, you will be disconnected from your session. The group will have their mission choice reset. If you do not accept in 30 seconds, the group you would have attacked will have an NPC Stalker spawned (as they would have had a Stalker event anyway).

-- Frequency

Stalker events should be as fequent as they are now. Rare but not unheard of.

-- PvP Switch

Players will be provided with an option to prevent player controlled Stalkers.

- Stalker loadout

The idea behind the Stalker I am about to describe is based almost entirely on his (I am just assuming it is a him) name. The Stalker. Something that would stalk his prey before striking with full force. Able to play with a varity of styles, anyone would be able to find a comfort zone in his skin.

-- Mods

The Stalker would use none of the player's mods. All stats would be standardized and controlled by level.

-- Level

In general the Stalker should scale on the level of the players in the mission and the number of players. A possible (and simple) level scaling could be as follows: A group of 3 Tenno Level 20, 23, and 15 are running a mission. The base level of the Stalker will be related to the highest player. Level 23 in this case. The other players contribute a portion of their levels to the Stalker. In this case let's assume they provide half their level (10 and 7.5). The Stalker would be level 40. That would mean the max level a Stalker could be is 75. That doesn't actually mean a whole lot with out numbers attached to the levels. It's just a formula.

Level controls the Health, Shield, Defense, damage and powers availible to the Stalker. Mo' levels = mo' stronger.

-- Weapons

--- Longarm

Paris or Snipetron: These weapons would allow a powerful longrange softening and harassment. Neither would reveal the Stalker's position with a damage direction indicator.

--- Pistol

Aklato: A mid/short range power house would give a gap closing cover or retreat poke options.

--- Melee

Longsword: A balanced weapon with strong melee and charge options.

-- Powers

The Stalker would have unlimited energy, but before you go "OPOPOPOPOP!!!111!!!" the powers would be limited by a cooldown. The Stalker wouldn't have access to enemy drops, making prolonged encounters impossible. However, the Stalker should have access to all his powers if managed correctly.

The Stalker is granted more powers than normal but a majority of them are movement and deception based. You'll also notice no uber. Powers would also be unlocked and leveled depending on level.

--- Slash Dash: Cooldown of about 10 seconds

--- Smoke Screen: Cooldown of about 20 seconds

--- Teleport: Cooldown of about 7 seconds

--- Super Jump: Cooldown of about 5 seconds

--- Speed: Cooldown of about 30 seconds

--- Decoy/Moult: Cooldown of about 15 seconds

- Defenses

Health, Shield, and Defense increase with level. Exact numbers will have to wait until the player health and shield ranks kind of level out.

-- Special Defenses

The Stalker will be immune to Crowd Control. This means no cold damage slow. No Mag Crush lift (may still deal damage if in range). No hit stun. No air attack knock down. No Rhino Stomps (damage is still good). No Radial Blind. In other words... No laming out the Stalker. However(!), the stalker will not have frost damage and his air attacks will not knock down. Only a stagger step stun.

- Special

-- Stamina

The Stalker will have unlimited sprint but low stamina for blocking.

-- Player Vision

At long distances (like 2 rooms away) the Stalker will have the players outlined in red so he can find them. The players will still have the ablility to prepare themselves without totally revealing their position.

- Rewards

The rewards should be good but not the primary reason for this.

-- Stalker

The Stalker will be awarded credits for how much Health damage he deals along with bonuses for killing players. If all players are killed, the Stalker's mission is over.

-- Players

The Stalker will give large Affinity and the possiblity of multiple mod drops (1 for sure).

- Penalties

To ensure people don't rage about losing a mission or revive charges, the penalties will be light. This also emphasises that this is really just for fun. A Win/Win situation for both parties.

-- Stalker

After dieing he goes about his day.

-- Players

If a player dies they cannot be revived by allies, and cannot revive for 3 minutes or until the Stalker leaves/dies which ever is sooner. The revive costs no actual revive charges.

- Potential abuses and problems

-- Killing a player in duo then running away for 3 minutes.

--- Potential Solution: Time limit for the Stalker. Perhaps 15 minutes. Alternativly, if the Stalker goes far enough away the downed player could revive.

-- Lag

--- Potential Solution: Try to select Stalkers that have a good ping with the Target host.

-- Host Migration

--- Potential Solution: The devil is in the details. Pray the other host is good or switch to an NPC.

Thank you for your time.

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If the rewards are good enough people will do it.

So we should make the rewards so good people will feel forced to do it even if they don't want. Yeah that's just a great idea. Why can't you pvp fans just leave us alone to enjoy our pve game? I swear you guys feel the need to inject pvp into every single game.
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For all of you there screaming that this game is a Co-Op game.. it's not. It's a beta of a game thats not even close to finished, that just RECENTLY came out of closed beta. It's going through DRASTIC changes, what with the missing spec trees and the random inclusion of health/energy/shield gaining warframes. Honestly, I can't see this game NOT eventually having a PvP mechanic, though I'd choose not to partake - I do prefer Co-Op.

Oh? Its not a COOP game?

This would be a bloody fantastic idea. For all of you there screaming that this game is a Co-Op game.. it's not. It's a beta of a game thats not even close to finished, that just RECENTLY came out of closed beta. It's going through DRASTIC changes, what with the missing spec trees and the random inclusion of health/energy/shield gaining warframes. Honestly, I can't see this game NOT eventually having a PvP mechanic, though I'd choose not to partake - I do prefer Co-Op.

That said, when the Stalker showed up suddenly, it was both frightening and awesome. Course, we beat the living crud out of it in moments, but it was still a pretty epic inclusion within the game. This mechanic, ALREADY introduced in the game, complete with whatever backstory it might have, means that changing the NPC into a PC would have zero impact on storyline. Nor would the game suddenly be a real, true PVP experience - four guys, against one, is hardly a competition. It would add a flavour excitement to the matches, without the danger of being "ganked" or repeatedly "griefed". And, a-la-stalker gameplay, after he kills a single player, off he goes. Hardly mission ending. I support this idea strongly.

I'm honestly tired of team-based PVP in pre-generated battlegrounds. Warframe should continue to do the unusual in all aspects of gameplay.

Do that stalker thing in online and leave it out of the main game and everyones happy.....

Edited by Venarge
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So we should make the rewards so good people will feel forced to do it even if they don't want. Yeah that's just a great idea. Why can't you pvp fans just leave us alone to enjoy our pve game? I swear you guys feel the need to inject pvp into every single game.

Lol so it's your game and no one elses'? F*** off. Piles of different people play this game and the rewards won't be the only reason people will play this. An actual majority of people in this thread are interested in this concept, including many people who are generally against PvP. Butt hurt care bears should just go F*** themselves instead of trying to perpetuate the myth that no one would want to play this.

Edited by Aggh
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I don't think making items AMAZINGOMFGHOXXORZ is an intention, is it? I mean, realistically, this system should provide players and Stalkers alike roughly the same amount of money and/or mods as a normal mission would. Essentially, all I see it doing is giving players a little variety from the average AI controlled fighter. Drops shouldn't be amazing, but given as prizes for spending time doing something else from the norm for a change. There's already been a proposal to make it toggleable, so as long as the drops are the same as, say, fighting a boss (materials, Mods, Cash), anyone complaining that they are forced to take part is fooling themselves.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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It's all fun and games until a Trini-Tank comes to invade you and starts his/her unholy invincible rampage. Thanks but no thanks.

Dude, you dont understand. They want to make this invading thing with the stalker warframe. So there would be no trini tank OP build whatever. As much as I hate pvp, you should read what OP writes....

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How about this..

Instead of gathering resources, why don't you make it - you have to combine dilfferent Warframes. Let's say three warframes to be exact. these Waframes can Ash, Banshee, Excalibur, or Loki. You get to choose which three you want to combine. with this stalker warframe, the Blueprint for it is only avaible if you kill the stalker himself - if you're lucky enoughh that he actually drops it.

As the stalker, you only get 3 changeable mod abilites. The one mod ability is a passive which therefore has to be there:

1. This passive mod ability grants you unlimited invisibility (with invinsibility) - until you engage combat. This will be temporarily turned off as soon as you engage your target, and will turn back on if you manage to defeat him/them. This will give players the ability to "inspect" the players, maybe even find out their abilities and the way they play.

And the other ability mods you can select yourself, but it depends on who you chose.

- If you want to use Loki's Radial disarm as your most powerful ability to bring the target into melee combat for a short time.

- Ash's 3rd most powerful abiltiy which can teleport you to target or maybe even Loki's switch teleport

- Banshee's Sonar or Silence abilities to make sure the target is 'alone'

- Maybe even Ash's most powerful ability bladestorm to damage all who are near (This will require fixes and a little bit of changes in the blocking mechanism tho - for the blocking to actually work) - which the Warframes can block, if facing the right way that is.

You, as the stalker, can only engage your target first though, he is the main priority.

You can damage other players, to strategically give you the advantage. But target is the first engagement.

Accomplishing this target assasination task will give you a reward of 2000 cash. Plus unlike in missions, where Tenno have to go to Extraction and board their ship. The stalker can summon wormholes, which form in the wall or floor. In which he walks/runs/jumps through (wall) or jumps into (floor) to escape.

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How about this..

Instead of gathering resources, why don't you make it - you have to combine dilfferent Warframes. Let's say three warframes to be exact. these Waframes can Ash, Banshee, Excalibur, or Loki. You get to choose which three you want to combine. with this stalker warframe, the Blueprint for it is only avaible if you kill the stalker himself - if you're lucky enoughh that he actually drops it.

As the stalker, you only get 3 changeable mod abilites. The one mod ability is a passive which therefore has to be there:

1. This passive mod ability grants you unlimited invisibility (with invinsibility) - until you engage combat. This will be temporarily turned off as soon as you engage your target, and will turn back on if you manage to defeat him/them. This will give players the ability to "inspect" the players, maybe even find out their abilities and the way they play.

And the other ability mods you can select yourself, but it depends on who you chose.

- If you want to use Loki's Radial disarm as your most powerful ability to bring the target into melee combat for a short time.

- Ash's 3rd most powerful abiltiy which can teleport you to target or maybe even Loki's switch teleport

- Banshee's Sonar or Silence abilities to make sure the target is 'alone'

- Maybe even Ash's most powerful ability bladestorm to damage all who are near (This will require fixes and a little bit of changes in the blocking mechanism tho - for the blocking to actually work) - which the Warframes can block, if facing the right way that is.

You, as the stalker, can only engage your target first though, he is the main priority.

You can damage other players, to strategically give you the advantage. But target is the first engagement.

Accomplishing this target assasination task will give you a reward of 2000 cash. Plus unlike in missions, where Tenno have to go to Extraction and board their ship. The stalker can summon wormholes, which form in the wall or floor. In which he walks/runs/jumps through (wall) or jumps into (floor) to escape.

3 would be too much.

People who dont use their start plat to buy another slot only have 2 as far as i know. make it 2 and everyone could achieve this


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3 would be too much.

People who dont use their start plat to buy another slot only have 2 as far as i know. make it 2 and everyone could achieve this


Nooo. 2 and then everyone would want to be a Stalker. We don't want half of the people playing Warframe as the Stalker.

The point of 3 is wether to choose "to be a stalker or not to be a stalker" The thought of sacrificing 3 Warframes for a Stalker Warframe is very hard.

I myself am Mastery 3 and have 3 warframes already: a rhino, an ash and a loki. Only giving up 2 Warframes is easy. I'm thinking of deleting my lvl 30 Loki to make room for Banshee.

Also people who don't use their Platinum can simply purcahse 1 Warframe slot for 20 each. If you soend 40 Plat for 2 WF slots, and you start with two in the beginning - then you would have 4. You don't even need to spend most of your Plat in order to build a stalker.

I was thinking to myself to make it 4 Warframes or maybe all the Warframes have to be on a minimum level to be able to craft the stalker. But since the drop rate of the stalker would be somewhere around 10% -Give or take 5%. since the stalker comes rarely, it would make it much harder to get the blueprint rather than build the Warframes themselves.

Edit: And if the Stalker gets killed and he luckily drops the blueprint. Everyone gets it.

Edited by Zed0
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Giving up a frame itself is hard. And this has nothing to do with hard or easy. Its about the content and that all the content needs to be obtainable through playing. And this way, not everyone would be able to become a stalker. And a gian sh****storm would destroy the community.... Not really smart dont ya think

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Nooo. 2 and then everyone would want to be a Stalker. We don't want half of the people playing Warframe as the Stalker.

The point of 3 is wether to choose "to be a stalker or not to be a stalker" The thought of sacrificing 3 Warframes for a Stalker Warframe is very hard.

I myself am Mastery 3 and have 3 warframes already: a rhino, an ash and a loki. Only giving up 2 Warframes is easy. I'm thinking of deleting my lvl 30 Loki to make room for Banshee.

Also people who don't use their Platinum can simply purcahse 1 Warframe slot for 20 each. If you soend 40 Plat for 2 WF slots, and you start with two in the beginning - then you would have 4. You don't even need to spend most of your Plat in order to build a stalker.

I was thinking to myself to make it 4 Warframes or maybe all the Warframes have to be on a minimum level to be able to craft the stalker. But since the drop rate of the stalker would be somewhere around 10% -Give or take 5%. since the stalker comes rarely, it would make it much harder to get the blueprint rather than build the Warframes themselves.

Edit: And if the Stalker gets killed and he luckily drops the blueprint. Everyone gets it.

Giving up a frame itself is hard. And this has nothing to do with hard or easy. Its about the content and that all the content needs to be obtainable through playing. And this way, not everyone would be able to become a stalker. And a gian sh****storm would destroy the community.... Not really smart dont ya think

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A game like this, I always thought it would be really cool to have at least the option to turn on the lotus and go your own path. As ancient and noble as tenno might be, I wouldn't imagine they are ALL loyal. There is always a rotton apple in a tree.

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Giving up a frame itself is hard. And this has nothing to do with hard or easy. Its about the content and that all the content needs to be obtainable through playing. And this way, not everyone would be able to become a stalker. And a gian sh****storm would destroy the community.... Not really smart dont ya think

Omg, i think you're missing the point. Everyone shouldn't be a stalker, if they really want to be a stalker so bad they would need to sacrife quite a bit.

There would be more S#&$storm if everyone had a stalker warframe.

Example: If MOST of the people had a stalker warframe, they would play it alot. So the rate in which you bump into the stalker would increase by lets say 400%

Do you really want to have to fight the stalker every 2-3 missions? People find it hard enough to having to kill the stalker at it's current rate of engaging you. Especially since it's after killling a boss.

There would be even more of a gigantic s***storm if the Stalker (since everyone has one) becomes a normal enemy to fight since it's THAT often you need to fight it.

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Lol so it's your game and no one elses'? F*** off. Piles of different people play this game and the rewards won't be the only reason people will play this. An actual majority of people in this thread are interested in this concept, including many people who are generally against PvP. Butt hurt care bears should just go F*** themselves instead of trying to perpetuate the myth that no one would want to play this.

I didn't say it was my game. But this game was touted as a PVE game. A lot of us came to play it because we want a PVE focused game, do you understand? PVE! We don't want PVP crap mixed with our PVE game. Its like me going over to BLR and saying that during a match random mobs should spawn and start attacking both sides. Do you not think the people who are playing BLR(myself included) would be &!$$ed? They are there cause they want to play PVP, just like we are here cause we want to play PVE.
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I didn't say it was my game. But this game was touted as a PVE game. A lot of us came to play it because we want a PVE focused game, do you understand? PVE! We don't want PVP crap mixed with our PVE game. Its like me going over to BLR and saying that during a match random mobs should spawn and start attacking both sides. Do you not think the people who are playing BLR(myself included) would be &!$$ed? They are there cause they want to play PVP, just like we are here cause we want to play PVE.

Except that they already implemented PvE in BLR.

And people would be able to opt out of this as had been said a million times. You're sensationlizing things that are easily mitigated. Nice job making yourself look like a complete asshat. Also, nice job skimming over the fact that a lot of people are interested in this, including people that are otherwise opposed to PvP. You're a minoirty in this particular discussion and every single possible problem you've brought up can be mitigated. Make some valid points our please gtfo.

Omg, i think you're missing the point. Everyone shouldn't be a stalker, if they really want to be a stalker so bad they would need to sacrife quite a bit.

There would be more S#&$storm if everyone had a stalker warframe.

Example: If MOST of the people had a stalker warframe, they would play it alot. So the rate in which you bump into the stalker would increase by lets say 400%

Do you really want to have to fight the stalker every 2-3 missions? People find it hard enough to having to kill the stalker at it's current rate of engaging you. Especially since it's after killling a boss.

There would be even more of a gigantic s***storm if the Stalker (since everyone has one) becomes a normal enemy to fight since it's THAT often you need to fight it.

They'll only be able to play often as there are stalker events. Chances to play as stalker will be rare enough as it is without people having to jump through hoops and make sacrifices to do so. Maybe have a rank limitaiton to ensure that it's not a complete noob that's taking the stalker role but more people will actually mean that you'll have a lesser chance to play as stalker.

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Except that they already implemented PvE in BLR.

Yeah and its completely seperate from the PVP modes. Just like it should be here. I don't have a problem with PVP in this game as long as they don't mix it with the PVE content. Yeah you can op out if you want, but then you miss out on some kinda reward. Why should those wanting a pure PVE experience get less than those who want PVP mixed into it?
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Yeah and its completely seperate from the PVP modes. Just like it should be here. I don't have a problem with PVP in this game as long as they don't mix it with the PVE content. Yeah you can op out if you want, but then you miss out on some kinda reward. Why should those wanting a pure PVE experience get less than those who want PVP mixed into it?

If you where going to introduce PvP in a way that married it to PvE the goal is to find a way where they is no actual penalty for not doing it.

Again - look at Dark Souls. You can play the whole thing set to offline mode and be no worse off for it. Play the whole thing as a purely PvE experience. I actually did that recently and rather enjoyed myself.

Having it one is very risk reward. Might get your &#! kicked - but if you kick &#! instead you get a little something for it.

Edited by Blatantfool
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Omg, i think you're missing the point. Everyone shouldn't be a stalker, if they really want to be a stalker so bad they would need to sacrife quite a bit.

There would be more S#&$storm if everyone had a stalker warframe.

Example: If MOST of the people had a stalker warframe, they would play it alot. So the rate in which you bump into the stalker would increase by lets say 400%

Do you really want to have to fight the stalker every 2-3 missions? People find it hard enough to having to kill the stalker at it's current rate of engaging you. Especially since it's after killling a boss.

There would be even more of a gigantic s***storm if the Stalker (since everyone has one) becomes a normal enemy to fight since it's THAT often you need to fight it.

So you want to keep the balance by only giving the "paying players" the ability to become stalker? *facepalm*

You just missed the point. You want to restrict players who dont have the money for plat. Dont you realize that the content needs to be obtainable for paying and free to play players.

You say: "You have to sacrifice something." But you dont actually care for the ones who cant sacrifice enough due to the lack of slots. Its a terrible idea that only a few with plat/ slots are able to become the stalker

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Yeah and its completely seperate from the PVP modes. Just like it should be here. I don't have a problem with PVP in this game as long as they don't mix it with the PVE content. Yeah you can op out if you want, but then you miss out on some kinda reward. Why should those wanting a pure PVE experience get less than those who want PVP mixed into it?

THAT'S WHY THERE WOULD BE AN OPTION TO OPT OUT OF IT YOU SCRUB. It's your choice to miss out on it. Less challenge means less reward. That's how it is in all games. It'll be the same when scrubs like you are still playing easy difficulty when difficulties are implemented.

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Here's my two cents from my original topic, sorry if anything has been said before, I rushed to the ninth page to paste my ideas.

I think it'd be nice to see actual playable Stalkers. I've only seen the guy once but I know that his CPU is programmed to kill, playing on an expert level to out-perform everyone but the few select people that either get him glitched or simply are stronger than him. This is a nice way of iterating the strength behind him, but it's also a way of losing all hope in your Tenno, knowing that this NPC can just spam a few skills and slaughter you.

I reckon it would be good to see a special faction that players can join once they reach level 30 to become Stalkers and betray the Tenno much like the sole Stalker seems to have done so far. It'd a system that would be available every Saturday for an hour accessable to the majority of players, and only a few can join every week. The first people to enter become Stalkers and are allowed to do the missions as they did as Tenno, but they can also invade other Tenno missions like the current Stalker does, to complete the hit contract that was placed.

This is a good idea as it promotes PvP as well as allowing Tenno to actually stand a chance against lesser skilled Stalkers. Stalkers could also leave behind a reward to players that successfully slaughter them.

A few issues that could be addressed:

- Groups could gangbang a Stalker, leaving him to die and the hit to continue

This could be solved by allowing the Stalker to join secretly and to enable a feature to start the taunting messages using a menu of sorts. The Stalker will go un-noticed and will be allowed to stealthily navigate through the mission, locate the appropriate Tenno to kill and perform the hit. The time he remains un-noticed for will be for inviting fellow Stalkers to help perform the hit. Additionally, if there are not available Stalkers for assistance, the lone Stalker gets his shield, armor and health minorly buffed in accordance to the amount of people currently assisting the Tenno at the time.

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Here's how I imagine a player-controlled stalker confrontation could go down....

There's an option in options menu for player-controlled stalkers. Like someone else said in this forum, the stalker has set abilities and loadouts, unlimited energy, and cooldowns. The players will also have cooldowns (to prevent spamming slash dash, invincibility, etc.). Whether or not the players have unlimited energy or have to find energy orbs is up for debate.

I like the idea of having a stalker warframe. It can come w/ a very limited selection of abilities and weapons. None of the abilities or weapons can be modded. How the warframe is acquired can also be up for debate. Whoever plays the stalker is selected randomly. They must have the stalker warframe and if they accept they are placed in the mission at a certain point (explained in a bit). The number of ppl in the squad can be balanced w/ stat changes or placing more stalkers (its possible, there was a wiki comment about a squad encountering 3 stalkers in a mission, each after a different person).

The confrontation will take place in a fixed set of tiles where the stalker(s) will wait. The squad must finish the stalker confrontation to reach whatever their objective is. Once the squad reaches a certain tile they are locked in. For added tension the stalker music can start playing and the stalker does his lil death threat sequence. When somebody reaches a certain point the stalker(s) will appear. So the stalker aint bored while waiting there could be "cameras" at fixed points in the tiles so they can observe the squad before fighting them. Its also up to debate whether or not to include a light amount of enemies in the tiles. It could help the stalker, but no enemies could also increase the tension.

When a stalker reaches a certain health milestone w/ the target still alive OR if they killed the target but their squadmates still live they will have a countdown which unlocks the ability to extract safely. It will be completely optional whether a stalker wants to extract or not if the target is still alive. Upon killing the target the stalker must extract when the countdown ends. When a player is killed they wont respawn as long as the stalkers are in the field. Once the stalker(s) are gone the area unlocks and any dead players have a small cooldown till revive. Up for debate whether or not it should cost a revive.

Now for rewards. If the player(s) kill the stalker(s) they get a reward for each stalker (if theres multiple). Stalkers get their reward for killing the target plus bonuses if they killed any squadmates and/or extracted safely. If the party somehow wipes before reaching the stalker then they get a fraction of the reward. If the stalker dies and the target is still alive they also get a fraction of the reward. The actual rewards are also up for debate.


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