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Founders Pack End-All According To De


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A question to Founders. What do you think if DE give us a option to finish our codex and mastery points of Founder primes, without giving us the primes?, DE can release the primes to void, all can craft them,  get the mastery points and codex entry, but stuff will remain locked and non-founders can´t play with it.


I don't like it. Sounds stupid, no offense.

How are you maxing founders gear if you can't use it?

Edited by Phantasmo
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A question to Founders. What do you think if DE give us a option to finish our codex and mastery points of Founder primes, without giving us the primes?, DE can release the primes to void, all can craft them,  get the mastery points and codex entry, but stuff will remain locked and non-founders can´t play with it.

Interesting, but I'm sure there'll be people who complain "why do Founders have to grind these Mastery points, but nobody else does?"

I think a simpler approach would be to credit every account with having levelled all those items to 30.

Not sure how such a script would work, and I think if it were applied to new accounts in the future, I think they might hit Mastery rank 2 immediately.

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How about this? DE buffs everything for skana prime, lato prime, and excalibur prime next time this topic is brought up?


Yeah man.  Lato Prime should be twice as powerful as Brakk and Skana Prime 3x more powerful than Soma...  that's right son I said Soma, because of golden sword reasons.



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I don't like it. Sounds stupid, no offense.

How are you maxing founders gear if you can't use it?


DE can use spy mission for it.

Need to be polished but the basic idea will be this:


Create a OD Spy key, split Excalibur prime in 4 parts of info, you need to play the mission and at the end, like other void, you get one part of the info. When you farmed the 4 parts of it, you can craft it, and get the codex entry and mastery points. Work of level it up is replaced by the work of farm it. Can be crafted like a Broken Excal prime. Same for other prime exlusive.


For vandals/Wraiths exclusives DE can use Grinner/Corpus spy mission.


All can get the points, all can finish the codex, but only founders can play with it.

Edited by Superkoco
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DE can use spy mission for it.

Need to be polished but the basic idea will be this:


Create a OD Spy key, split Excalibur prime in 4 parts of info, you need to play the mission and at the end, like other void, you get one part of the info. When you farmed the 4 parts of it, you can craft it, and get the codex entry and mastery points. Work of level it up is replaced by the work of farm it. Can be crafted like a Broken Excal prime. Same for other prime exlusive.


For vandals/Wraiths exclusives DE can use Grinner/Corpus spy mission.


All can get the points, all can finish the codex, but only founders can play with it.


There's people who don't give a damn about mastery ranks and don't give a damn about the codex. They just want the stuff, period.

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It's diplomatic talks.


Telling to some of your customers "FORGET IT, not a chance!" can be perceived poorly. 


^ this.


There's people who don't give a damn about mastery ranks and don't give a damn about the codex. They just want the stuff, period.


Well I have no idea about what kind of people you know, but I wouldn't dislike the idea of getting that extra mastery.

Edited by Vintovka
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The diplomatic talks can buy you that much time. After that, you either start offering diplomatic facts or you get very diplomatic middle fingers.


You can be diplomatic AND tell people that "no, there's no idea about exclusive content coming back in the future, it's very unlikely so don't get your hopes high on that" without being drastic. It's all about how you tell them, really.

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You can be diplomatic AND tell people that "no, there's no idea about exclusive content coming back in the future, it's very unlikely so don't get your hopes high on that" without being drastic. It's all about how you tell them, really.


That's exactly the "no facts" part I was talking about. No means no, no matter how kind you are.

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So let my try to picture this for you, as many people said, and im sure you will be with me here, when you get to a certain point of the game, you do the silliest stuff to keep youself entertained, as in: saryn with full infested loadout, shadows of the dead build for nekros, radial blind excalibur for the lulz, radial disarm with max range and so on, more than that, i know some people that are rank 10+ and just wont let go of excal, they like it, and he is a huge part of warframe, i think those people should have a shot at it.You can keep lato, skana, design council whatever that means (never understood that), your pretty title, your avatar, even some freebies to compensate.


But making excal itself, being the mascot of this game, plain unobtainable is ridiculous, and see, it is your hard earned money, so i would be full against an in-game release of him, never should he be obtainable without dishing some good cash on it, that i can very much understand, but cmon, keeping people from the mascot of the game with absolutely zero means of getting it, thats just wrong.


Also, i see some people saying it is gonna be a common thing, hell, it should go in a 150$ package, how many people you think have that to spend in a game?


Why not make a celebration package, excal prime and only him, new syandana, boosters and all those things we know that are standard in the prime acesses, 1 month to get it, then bb, everyone is happy and no complaints.

Honestly, I'd be 'okay' with it if they had to pay as much as we did.

But the only problem with your package idea is that after that one month, the problem WILL arise once again. You give an inch...

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To be honest. Even if re-releasing or making the very first Prime Acess public again comes out to light and figured out as ''Breaking a Promise''. Does this stop you from what's really important in playing Warframe? Because I doubt it does...and DE's are Humans last time I checked.  Ironically some people who claim to have bought the Prime Access to support the game dont want others to have these exclusives. But if it really is for the sake of supporting the game. Making it public once again for other people to have acess to it sounds handy. 

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Honestly, I'd be 'okay' with it if they had to pay as much as we did.

But the only problem with your package idea is that after that one month, the problem WILL arise once again. You give an inch...


Then don't remove it.

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Honestly, I'd be 'okay' with it if they had to pay as much as we did.

But the only problem with your package idea is that after that one month, the problem WILL arise once again. You give an inch...

Well maybe it will arise again but it is gonna take a very long while until a bunch of people with valid points complain about it.


Im just asking for excal because we ps4 players were never offered him, and since i can imagine pc players would be pi**ed if they offered it only on the ps4, despite having already being offered on the pc, you can kill 2 birds with a stone and offer on the pc as well.

After that, unless they release the game on a new platform i cant see why it would be valid asking for it.

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exclusive in-game items and privileges only available to Founders.

Exclusive Founders Only Prime gear -- Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and Lato Prime -- Plus, show off your support with an in-game Founders Badge.

(Steve)doesn't include exclusives for founders (Rebecca) those won't ever come back (Steve) no it does not

If DE goes back on their word, I will flip and roll over DE and Warframe like a wrath of which even SOE has not seen.

A woman scorned and hell combined shall become a Brazilian Carnival compared to what I shall invoke.

Just...you simply don't do it.

Lets not go there. It is a dark place.

Keep to the sun.

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If DE goes back on their word, I will flip and roll over DE and Warframe like a wrath of which even SOE has not seen.

A woman scorned and hell combined shall become a Brazilian Carnival compared to what I shall invoke.


But let's be honest here.


You don't want others to have what you have, just simply for the sake that you have it.


Instead of buying a pack with gifts in it because you wanted to support DE, you bought it to have something that you could waggle in front of other people's faces.


Re-release it or not, I just want people to understand that they're against it simply because others don't have it.

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But let's be honest here.


You don't want others to have what you have, just simply for the sake that you have it.


Instead of buying a pack with gifts in it because you wanted to support DE, you bought it to have something that you could waggle in front of other people's faces.


Re-release it or not, I just want people to understand that they're against it simply because others don't have it.

He was sold the product under the premise that this would be true.

As a consumer it is understandable to get angry.

Especially as it would be a misleading sale and something that some places could actually seek a lawsuit for (sounds petty but it happens)


Non founders can be done the same way with your logic, they simply want it because they can't have it. A misguided sense of entitlement demands that they have access to everything regardless of previous arrangements.

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He was sold the product under the premise that this would be true.

As a consumer it is understandable to get angry.

Especially as it would be a misleading sale and something that some places could actually seek a lawsuit for (sounds petty but it happens)


Non founders can be done the same way with your logic, they simply want it because they can't have it. A misguided sense of entitlement demands that they have access to everything regardless of previous arrangements.


So much this. 

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Even if it was considered, I would say open it ONLY for those who have purchased within that program to give them a chance to upgrade (bahahaha). I don't believe it should be available as a full public deal.

The Founder system was indeed supposed to be exclusive; however, no matter what way a founder defends it, they can be perceived as being elitist. So on that note, I say leave it in the past <3

Edited by RavenOfTheFlock
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But let's be honest here.


You don't want others to have what you have, just simply for the sake that you have it.


Instead of buying a pack with gifts in it because you wanted to support DE, you bought it to have something that you could waggle in front of other people's faces.


Re-release it or not, I just want people to understand that they're against it simply because others don't have it.

Have you the slightest grasp of the definition of exclusivity and what it entails?

The very reason others desire it, the very reason it is prized as priceless, that which grants it its worth (because lets face it, the founder gear is junk) is due to it not being available to the wide public at large.

You say that founders just want to rub it in people's faces?

I say people just want it because they can't have it.

I bought my friend a grandmaster for his birthday prior to the program ending. He even got the t-shirt. What have your friends done for you?

If you're going to paint us as "bad selfish people" then I shall paint your ilk as "vapid narcissistic children".

The train has left the station. Deal.


Edited by OriKlein
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Have you the slightest grasp of the definition of exclusivity and what it entails?

The very reason others desire it, the very reason it is prized as priceless, that which grants it its worth (because lets face it, the founder gear is junk) is due to it not being available to the wide public at large.

You say that founders just want to rub it in people's faces?

I say people just want it because they can't have it.

I bought my friend a grandmaster for his birthday prior to the program ending. He even got the t-shirt. What have your friends done for you?

If you're going to paint us as "bad selfish people" then I shall paint your ilk as "vapid narcissistic children".

The train has left the station. Deal.


They're cosmetics. There is no reason to deny your fellow players these benefits, as well as the Mastery Ranks and other bonuses that come along with being a Founder. (Such as, when Focus comes out, Mastery Ranks play a specific role in that.)


You're free to paint me as any picture you'd like, but do remember that the entire game benefits from players spending money. Instead of trying to look down on us as children... or... Vapid? Think of us as fellow potential investors. The price can stay the same, but exclusives are no way to run a business. Temporary deals, such as Prime Access are fine, but at least give the players a permanent opportunity to gain the bonuses enacted by purchasing it.

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You're free to paint me as any picture you'd like, but do remember that the entire game benefits from players spending money.


This statement again. Ok, let's say they bring it back. Same price, same deal. Someone goes and buys Grandmaster. If they brought them back, I'd demand a refund. DE has now broken even. Tell me how that is profitable. 

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This statement again. Ok, let's say they bring it back. Same price, same deal. Someone goes and buys Grandmaster. If they brought them back, I'd demand a refund. DE has now broken even. Tell me how that is profitable. 


I'm just naive, I guess. Assuming that it was brought back, what kind of a person would actually clamber for a refund?


I'm not going to use the words I'd like to use, to describe such a person, but just imagine the kind of person that would be upset if something was re-released.


He/she looks like an upstanding fellow, doesn't he? Proud of his game, glad that other people can play with the toys he has, the kind of person that helps at Friendship Doors, the kind of person excited DE is making the game more popular?


That's not the kind of person you picture? Oh, good. Me neither.

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I'm just naive, I guess. Assuming that it was brought back, what kind of a person would actually clamber for a refund?


I'm not going to use the words I'd like to use, to describe such a person, but just imagine the kind of person that would be upset if something was re-released.


He/she looks like an upstanding fellow, doesn't he? Proud of his game, glad that other people can play with the toys he has, the kind of person that helps at Friendship Doors, the kind of person excited DE is making the game more popular?


That's not the kind of person you picture? Oh, good. Me neither.

Why do they need the same rewards as us? Serious question.

Why not just buy Prime Access which is about the same price as Founders was.

Don't pretend this is about supporting this game, this is about the Items. 

If all you really cared about was supporting the game, you'd just buy XYZ amount of Platinum, no?

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Why do they need the same rewards as us? Serious question.

Why not just buy Prime Access which is about the same price as Founders was.

Don't pretend this is about supporting this game, this is about the Items. 

If all you really cared about was supporting the game, you'd just buy XYZ amount of Platinum, no?



I think your first question can be bounced back to you, just as well. Why are you opposed to other players getting the 'rewards' you have? Is it solely based on the idea that the items you got were exclusive?


They're cosmetic items, some have an importance on the lore. (Excalibur Prime.) Why shouldn't all players have a chance to use them? Equal can be said about the Prime weapons, somewhat. Also, there is an inherient bonus that comes from these weapons in the form of Mastery Ranks which plays on a multitude of in-game mechanics, and more seem to pop up every day. (Focus is dependent on Mastery Rank.)



You can't get Excalibur Prime through Prime Access.


It's a mixture of both, Excalibur Prime, the original Prime, the original Warframe, etc. Someone who is willing to pay that amount of money probably wants it for it's deep seeded Lore basis.


You can only buy XYZ amount of Platinum until it dulls the senses. 'Just' getting Platinum isn't the same as being able to donate that same amount of money to get an item in game.

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