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Please Do Nerf The New Hazards


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One of the main annoyance is how it completely slows down the pace of the game, which is something warframe has going for it. It's tense and action packed, superhuman warriors running down corridors felling enemies like wheat before the scythe. Now what do I have? Brand new ember prime which I start levelling, got my shield mod on, walk through a door and BAM. Dead. Shields untouched but the little health completely gone. Now in every grineer tile-set we find said super warriors tentatively inching forward searching in fear, not afraid of the Grineer - but their broken lamps!


Why would something like this be implemented to completely bog down gameplay and repetitively murder new players or frames. I enjoy rushing, I play with my friend and we charge down the halls as fast as we can trying to outrace each other whilst unleashing our alien tech upon our hapless foes. And now, even with fully levelled frames that isn't and option to anything besides a beefy warframe like rhino. I have almost no clue as to why these lamps were implemented as such, did you not play through a level without realizing how plain and obnoxious these traps are? With melee 2.0 around the corner isn't an obstacle that can only be taken out at range a little counter intuitive? Heck even with ranged weapons, how you are supposed to shoot a lamp around the corner of a door without it first zapping you is a mystery.


The corpus traps serve a purpose and fit with the vibe of the ship, they're avoidable and a skiled player can still get past them without pause. Gameplay is unaffected and people are given the option of rushing in still (with risk of added turret fire) or slowly and safely clearing out the room. With the grineer, we suddenly have these magic tenno targeting broken lamps which deal unavoidable screen whitening damage forcing players to creep forward ( and sometimes that isn't even enough).


Simply put, get rid of this terribly implemented idea and get back to the drawing board. If grineer are to have traps they should be...

a). Balanced, the damage numbers compared to the corpus turrets have a wide difference, new players are disadvantaged by not having a clue what is happening nor any means to avoid them.

b). Logical, why are there magic tenno targeting lamps in the first place? How do they work? If they really are broken lights why only tenno, why would electricity discharge into these organic warframes opposed to the @(*()$ metal Grineer in their @(*()$ metal ship (you made me a bit annoyed here).

c). It shouldn't change someone's gamestyle or force people to work in groups. There are many different type of people who play in many different ways, some prefer to relax on their own whilst others like charging on ahead. These traps should be avoidable by some kinda of quick skill based decision (like you can jump slide through corpus laser doors).

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These traps are making it hell trying to get new players into the game and sticking around.

I have had 4 times of starting a map and having a new player bleeding out before the intro cutscene can be skipped.

I have had inumerable times of not being able to take out a light because it was just behind the door.

I have had quite a few times of not being able to take out a magnetic door because the sensor bar spawned in a ceiling fixture. And come on, is it so hard to check bounding boxes and NOT spawn them if the sensor bar would spawn in something?

And I am avoiding the Grineer Galleon tilesets as much as I can because the constant blinding flashes are giving me major headaches. I'm glad that they came to their senses and made the lightning in the shipyards less blinding (though I think it can do with more toning down) but they really need to do something with all of the broken lights. Its just ridiculous AND dangerous to players with epilepsy.

I think that until they can be re-worked they just need to be removed like the nervos were.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I'm guessing these things weren't supposed to go live yet.

I think the fact they're still live is entirely why they're shocking people. 

These lights are punishing everyone though. Warframe is a game where you are supposed to go fast. 

Some people take that principle and apply it linearly as possible. Rushers. 

Other people like to explore, but they're probably still hitting the sprint button and getting zapped all the time. 

These traps do not add to gameplay. If I check the ceiling every second of movement for a trap odds are I'm still going to be shocked by the one outside my field of view. We had perfect trap ideas and mechanics from the void, I don't know how we've fallen so far back in the idea of an 'environmental' hazard. 


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Just be rid of it.

Yup. That's how I feel about it. It's not even about difficulty, it's about annoyance. I don't play to be annoyed. Getting shot doesn't annoy me, constant CC, Napalms through walls, energy-zapping doors and these damn lamps do.

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I'm pretty sure they were made to stop people rushing ahead, as most of my frames are killed in 2-3 zaps.

If that's why they were put in, I laugh.

I'm doin' the electric boogaloo while flying through the areas.

No skin off my bones.


-copters through-

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I'm reviving this because there are two other threads discussing light traps at the moment. I want DE to notice how many of us want these things removed. If 3 different threads about these stupid things doesn't catch their attention, I don't know what will.


Well, doesn't mean they can't choose to ignore it. They sure managed to ignore everyone's grievances over Prime Access (as one example...)

Edited by marelooke
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Well, doesn't mean they can't choose to ignore it. They sure managed to ignore everyone's grievances over Prime Access (as one example...)

Limited time offers are one thing, implementing a mechanic that makes no sense regarding gameplay, balance, let alone physics, is another.


I just got killed running to evac during a survival because the light I was supposed to shoot to avoid the consequences of being 'careless' was on the other side of the door, making avoiding it impossible since it was the door to evac itself.


I won't stop bringing this up until someone from DE notices our complaints.

Edited by Z3R0M0N5T3R
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It is particularly annoying, also, that I can not simply blow up the broken lights with my Penta. If I actually spot the damn things, I have to stop dead, switch weapons, fire to break the light, switch back, and continue. This stops gameplay dead in its tracks, and is highly annoying when you've got enemies nearby.

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It is particularly annoying, also, that I can not simply blow up the broken lights with my Penta. If I actually spot the damn things, I have to stop dead, switch weapons, fire to break the light, switch back, and continue. This stops gameplay dead in its tracks, and is highly annoying when you've got enemies nearby.


Just tried it with my Penta as well. That's ridiculous. Why are they immune to explosions if they're "Broken" in the first place?


I think my comic entry for the contest is going to address these this.

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One thing happened running the invasion in Neptune:
The broken lights had spread to the corpus ship.

And you know what?
Outside of the room that the invasion pod dropped you in I never once ran across a light on the corpus ship that I couldn't take out before it zapped me.
If there was one near the door I could always easily see it and shoot it.
There were no ceiling fixtures or overhangs that prevented me from shooting the lights.

In short, on the corpus ship they actually worked for the most part.
I was actually thinking: "If they tweaked the damage a bit the broken light traps on the corpus ships would actually not be annoying and wouldn't be too bad"

So I think that by moving the broken lights to the corpus ships would fix a lot of complaints against them.

In fact, the only time I had trouble seeing the lights was when a window was blown out and all of the lights started sparking.
Outside of those instances if I missed taking out a light it was actually a mistake I made, not the game spawning them in positions that I couldn't do anything about.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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There was a nightmare defense alert I played yesterday. There were lights in the SPAWN room. Every time I tried it, the host started DEAD. As in, dead and timed out, so they'd be forced to use a revive or to simply stay dead the whole mission.


Soooooo yeah, it took 3 hosts quitting (and booting the rest of us) until one of them simply stayed dead (the other three of us accomplished the mission,) but I'd say these things are a bit too strong for the frequency with which they appear.


[WARNING: Harsh language. I do NOT own these.]


I feel that these videos must be posted in every thread related to the broken lights. DE cannot ignore this gamebreaking trap.





Case #2



Now imagine that happening to new players who do NOT have the defensive mods or leveled warframes that veteran players have, let alone the knowledge that they should expect traps like this in the first place. They'd be more inclined to quit this game and move elsewhere. Please DE, do not drive away the playerbase with nonsense like this.

Edited by DB-Tenno
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The only time these have killed me is when I'm leveling up new Warframes. Which, remarkably, is what a new player will be doing. For a long time. Either the broken lights have to go, or new players will go.


Although I do contest the notion that they should go based on how realistic they are. Given we have no idea how our shields might work, to presume they have neutral electric charge is... Presumptuous.

Edited by Notso
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The only time these have killed me is when I'm leveling up new Warframes. Which, remarkably, is what a new player will be doing. For a long time. Either the broken lights have to go, or new players will go.


Although I do contest the notion that they should go based on how realistic they are. Given we have no idea how our shields might work, to presume they have neutral electric charge is... Presumptuous.


If a broken light can bust our shields that badly then the Orokin's engineering skill must've been pretty damn awful.

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The only time these have killed me is when I'm leveling up new Warframes. Which, remarkably, is what a new player will be doing. For a long time. Either the broken lights have to go, or new players will go.


Although I do contest the notion that they should go based on how realistic they are. Given we have no idea how our shields might work, to presume they have neutral electric charge is... Presumptuous.



If a broken light can bust our shields that badly then the Orokin's engineering skill must've been pretty damn awful.


My thoughts exactly. It would be nice to hear a rebuttal from DE explaining the thought process behind these things. I can't see Scott honestly having a long thought out idea about "broken lights" being the best new thing to happen to game balance.

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