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Please Do Nerf The New Hazards


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       "Broken lights" in specific. These are just the worst thing to happen to this game gameplay wise in a while. As much as proponents of them would like to argue, they in fact Do not encourage teamwork or caution. The only thing they do encourage is malice against your weaker team mates for having lower shields and being shocked by a light on the OTHER SIDE of a door where it can not be seen to be shot, and frustration from people who would like to think they've done everything in their power but pack the highest amount of shields possible to avoid this happening.


New players are first exposed to the Grineer ship tileset. These new traps teach them nothing about what to do to avoid them. All they see is that they've been suddenly shocked by something, who KNOWS what since they were blinded in the process, and now they're going to die at the hands of two grineer butchers because their health and shields have been depleted (perhaps they were playing Loki, like I do?).


Playing in a team? Prepare to be barraged when playing survival by unfair amounts of damage. head to Cassini or Mimas on Saturn and you'll see that in most cases the spawn room itself is covered in traps. A game mode that already punishes slow frames for not being able to get to the next oxygen tank room is then punishing them further by setting them up just for running. "But those are avoidable!" says the proponent. Is it? Is it really? In a game that forces you to make fast decisions, kill as many enemies as possible, and get to the next pod before the life support hits 0, is it really a choice? Do I have the choice of dying by lack of oxygen, or dying because I couldn't be bothered to stop and look around for seven seconds to shoot at a broken light? If that isn't enough to persuade you then you've neither played survival correctly, nor have you read the first paragraph of this post. Again, They spawn on the other sides of doors and shock you.


We also need to consider the kind of atmosphere these traps instill in the player. I go to Corpus levels to see an enemy faction that relies on smart technology and shields as their means of waging war. I go to Orokin Derelicts to fight waves of enemies that rely on mob tactics and heavy close quarters attacks. I go to Grineer tile sets and now.... Now I see a faction that has literally nothing to call it's own. You've tried to take corpus traps and make them apply to grineer. I expected a platoon of meat headed genetically engineered super soldiers, not to be assaulted by a faulty lighting system that by the way has no scientific realism regarding how a simple light could manage to purposefully deliver any electricity to you at all.


As a solo player who takes every precaution they can when playing alone, I find this addition of new hazards to be insulting. I worked my way to the top to get the weapons, frames, and gear that I have by playing. I did this so that things would be relatively easy on me. If I wanted a challenge, I would go pick up all new equipment and start playing with that. But instead, a few people cry out "It's just too easy for ME" and you decide the best way to fix that is to add an entire new variable of danger to the game that literally nothing I have worked toward can actually realistically prevent. Rather than introduce a new enemy faction, something to GAIN for going above and beyond and trying to go past an hour in survival, you implement these traps to a faction that already has everything it needs to blow apart players like me who just want to go it alone. I used to solo survivals on saturn with Loki or Valkyr. Loki for the invisibility, and valkyr for the constant action and high armor in combination with my fire resistance just for napalms. Now, as a loki I can die while invisible to a hazard that I can't even see yet because it's around the corner or in the next room, and as valkyr you expect me to replace my fire resistance with electric? No. I worked hard to get these frames in conditions that were suitable to play alone with. Now you're straining the difficulty just so that it's a struggle to even play. That's not adding interest, you're just making anything I worked toward make no difference in my survivability. That is a disappointment.


When it comes down to it, DE has always favored Grineer anyway. Grineer have had more events in their favor. They have better rewards to give out during invasions than even an entire society built upon the ideals of being a merchant.They have more enemy variants than any faction, more weapons, had an entire language of their own from the beginning, not to mention they have the most powerful units of any faction. I don;t even need to pull up any numbers on Grineer Napalms or Eviscerators, go see another thread about them if you need convincing that they are the least balanced units in game. Grineer needed no hlp making them a more challenging threat. By giving the grineer another unfair leg up on everything in game, you're upsetting the balance. Yes, DE. You are upsetting the balance. And Tenno need to rise up and do something about it. So as a player, a Tenno, whatever, I'm here talking about it and get this to stop. Let's start with these awful lights. How many interns does it take to change all the lightbulbs in a Grineer galleon?


So DE, don't just fix them being in unseeable areas. Don't just nerf the damage and the range. Just be rid of them. Their presence makes me sick. I would literally head the assault of an entire event dedicated to removing their faulty lighting systems if it meant seeing the end to this awful idea of an addition. Just be rid of it.

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       "Broken lights" in specific. These are just the worst thing to happen to this game gameplay wise in a while. As much as proponents of them would like to argue, they in fact Do not encourage teamwork or caution. The only thing they do encourage is malice against your weaker team mates for having lower shields and being shocked by a light on the OTHER SIDE of a door where it can not be seen to be shot, and frustration from people who would like to think they've done everything in their power but pack the highest amount of shields possible to avoid this happening.


New players are first exposed to the Grineer ship tileset. These new traps teach them nothing about what to do to avoid them. All they see is that they've been suddenly shocked by something, who KNOWS what since they were blinded in the process, and now they're going to die at the hands of two grineer butchers because their health and shields have been depleted (perhaps they were playing Loki, like I do?).


Playing in a team? Prepare to be barraged when playing survival by unfair amounts of damage. head to Cassini or Mimas on Saturn and you'll see that in most cases the spawn room itself is covered in traps. A game mode that already punishes slow frames for not being able to get to the next oxygen tank room is then punishing them further by setting them up just for running. "But those are avoidable!" says the proponent. Is it? Is it really? In a game that forces you to make fast decisions, kill as many enemies as possible, and get to the next pod before the life support hits 0, is it really a choice? Do I have the choice of dying by lack of oxygen, or dying because I couldn't be bothered to stop and look around for seven seconds to shoot at a broken light? If that isn't enough to persuade you then you've neither played survival correctly, nor have you read the first paragraph of this post. Again, They spawn on the other sides of doors and shock you.


We also need to consider the kind of atmosphere these traps instill in the player. I go to Corpus levels to see an enemy faction that relies on smart technology and shields as their means of waging war. I go to Orokin Derelicts to fight waves of enemies that rely on mob tactics and heavy close quarters attacks. I go to Grineer tile sets and now.... Now I see a faction that has literally nothing to call it's own. You've tried to take corpus traps and make them apply to grineer. I expected a platoon of meat headed genetically engineered super soldiers, not to be assaulted by a faulty lighting system that by the way has no scientific realism regarding how a simple light could manage to purposefully deliver any electricity to you at all.


As a solo player who takes every precaution they can when playing alone, I find this addition of new hazards to be insulting. I worked my way to the top to get the weapons, frames, and gear that I have by playing. I did this so that things would be relatively easy on me. If I wanted a challenge, I would go pick up all new equipment and start playing with that. But instead, a few people cry out "It's just too easy for ME" and you decide the best way to fix that is to add an entire new variable of danger to the game that literally nothing I have worked toward can actually realistically prevent. Rather than introduce a new enemy faction, something to GAIN for going above and beyond and trying to go past an hour in survival, you implement these traps to a faction that already has everything it needs to blow apart players like me who just want to go it alone. I used to solo survivals on saturn with Loki or Valkyr. Loki for the invisibility, and valkyr for the constant action and high armor in combination with my fire resistance just for napalms. Now, as a loki I can die while invisible to a hazard that I can't even see yet because it's around the corner or in the next room, and as valkyr you expect me to replace my fire resistance with electric? No. I worked hard to get these frames in conditions that were suitable to play alone with. Now you're straining the difficulty just so that it's a struggle to even play. That's not adding interest, you're just making anything I worked toward make no difference in my survivability. That is a disappointment.


When it comes down to it, DE has always favored Grineer anyway. Grineer have had more events in their favor. They have better rewards to give out during invasions than even an entire society built upon the ideals of being a merchant.They have more enemy variants than any faction, more weapons, had an entire language of their own from the beginning, not to mention they have the most powerful units of any faction. I don;t even need to pull up any numbers on Grineer Napalms or Eviscerators, go see another thread about them if you need convincing that they are the least balanced units in game. Grineer needed no hlp making them a more challenging threat. By giving the grineer another unfair leg up on everything in game, you're upsetting the balance. Yes, DE. You are upsetting the balance. And Tenno need to rise up and do something about it. So as a player, a Tenno, whatever, I'm here talking about it and get this to stop. Let's start with these awful lights. How many interns does it take to change all the lightbulbs in a Grineer galleon?


So DE, don't just fix them being in unseeable areas. Don't just nerf the damage and the range. Just be rid of them. Their presence makes me sick. I would literally head the assault of an entire event dedicated to removing their faulty lighting systems if it meant seeing the end to this awful idea of an addition. Just be rid of it.


I'm pretty sure they were made to stop people rushing ahead, as most of my frames are killed in 2-3 zaps.

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well they kill new players pretty much flatout.... new players will rage quit= there goes player base....


also man i seen a frost mastery 14 player get killed in the damn bloody spawn zone.... 3 lights were in spawn he got wiped hard

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i have no issue with the light shocks, but i have had times were the SECOND i enter the game (not even in control of my frame yet) i get shocked twice. and other instances where i am shocked in about 3-5 succsessions spanning about 10 seconds. if anything reduce the occurances. and in the recent livestream DE DID mention adding more!

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rhino prime with iron skin and this really isn't a problem, but most other frames, god damn +1


Yeah, I could just use my Rhino, but I honestly don't want to have to be forced to use Rhino on Grineer tilesets, and it still would do absolutely nothing for the headache-inducing white flashes.

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For some balanced/constructive criticism I do like the "door traps" as they can be seen and dealt with.


I agree completely though that the lights are just annoying.


If the idea is to have a "situation" that favors Electrical Resistance only put them in outer systems or Nightmare or something.


New players will have neither the Mods or the base Health/Shields to deal with these and as others have said that will just drive them from the game.

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I certainly don't mind new obstacles that slow down rushers. Hell I sometimes am a rusher myself, but I can totally appreciate a hindering obstacle IF it's implemented well.


This..was not. But seeing ALL the threads raging about this + the obvious stupidity that is insta-death when spawning into a mission...Don't worry guys, this WILL be fixed. And soon.


Just wished it was fixed today during the hotfix. I'm afraid of taking any of my lower ranked warframes on any Grineer mission...

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There was a nightmare defense alert I played yesterday. There were lights in the SPAWN room. Every time I tried it, the host started DEAD. As in, dead and timed out, so they'd be forced to use a revive or to simply stay dead the whole mission.


Soooooo yeah, it took 3 hosts quitting (and booting the rest of us) until one of them simply stayed dead (the other three of us accomplished the mission,) but I'd say these things are a bit too strong for the frequency with which they appear.

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You actually want Rhino/High shields teammateS to run ahead and eat all of the lights so this actually encourages high level players running ahead of new players.


GGNORE DE, you made rushing even more important. 

So... So, GG No Re DE G3?

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LOL, I play frost most of the time and ignore them completely  1k+ shields plus sentinel with maxed Guardian means they are nothing short of a nuisance visually.


I run through the doors eating them so my squad can run through seconds later.


Which is counter intuitive to what they supposedly made these traps for. The proof is in the pudding, folks.

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I do remember playing the day these things came out and feeling bewildered (and at time frustrated) at being blinded, zapped, and humorously killed from many directions before finally discovering these little buggers the later half of last night.


I must agree with the OP, these lights serve little purpose than booby traps that are hard to look out for and do not teach players anything as nothing similar to these environmental hazards yet exists elsewhere in the game, at least not yet.  Not to mention that running up against these environmental hazards, which should encourage players to avoid them, are unavoidable the way the map tiles spawn.  


I have seen broken light fixtures attached right behind closed doors, which zap random players as they continue along a fixed one-way hallway.  Most memorably, I was freshly wounded from fighting a group of Grineer guarding the cells of a rescue mission, whereon I approached a cell to free my captive only to be killed by a broken light fixture right on top of the door.  Since the lights activate on proximity, it was quite literally impossible to complete the mission without coming into contact with the lights.  To those who say "Noob, why didn't you just shoot them?" do keep in mind that I was just learning of the more common type that hangs on ceilings and was unaccustomed to the flat one found atop doors and on flat walls; now assuming that I've been playing since before open beta, this speaks some good hundred feet about the new player experience and learning,  I trust said experience has been explained adequately enough previously.


Thus as I have drawn, not only do they serve no purpose apart from annoyance (hint hint, rollers?) and on top of, are poorly implemented to the point where the very trained response to environmental hazards, the avoidance thereof, is rendered impossible.  Either nerf, better implement, or remove entirely.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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This..was not. But seeing ALL the threads raging about this + the obvious stupidity that is insta-death when spawning into a mission...Don't worry guys, this WILL be fixed. And soon.

If only I could believe that. Unfortunately, in my experience:

- It took months for Eviscerators to get touched somewhat at all, and they're still brokenly tough.

- It took months for those same Eviscerators to be banned from Earth tilesets, and even so they still spawn in the Interception missions.

- It took over a month for Interceptions to be rebalanced so that players on Earth could actually complete the missions, and now they've been broken again for almost a week thanks to Tethra's Doom.

- New players *still* face disadvantages due to damage type changes in 2.0 and starter weapon nerfs, not to mention an inability to craft anything early on.

- New players *still* have difficulty acquiring basic damage mods that the game is balanced around, months after the mod drop changes.


Basically, DE doesn't appear to give a damn about content balance, especially for problems affecting new players. They come up with what they think is a cool gimmick and then toss it in, and seem to be ridiculously stubborn when it comes to actually fixing their "neat idea" that they're convinced the community will love once we get used to it.


It's a common affliction in game developers, who tend to think of themselves as rock stars, and it leads directly to people quitting.


We'll see if they bother to apply more than band-aids in the coming week.

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I don't know how many times a light bulb blew in my house and then proceeded to electrocute me from across the room. 


Seriously though, they don't fit into the lore or feel of the game at all, and seem like more of a joke than anything else. I mean why, if they are broken lights, do they not zap Grineer as well? Or, for that matter, why do they zap people in the first place? Why are Grineer ships falling apart?


And if they are traps of some sort, they certainly don't look like it, and they are placed in the most random dumb places. They should also be counted as an "enemy" like corpus cameras and turrets and only spawn on later planets if they are indeed meant to be traps.


Without explaining ahead of time to new players, I wouldn't expect anyone who just started out to know what is going on when they get fried to death.

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