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So Is Frost Really As Useless As Everyone Says?


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Despite all the frost fanboys, now he's defined by all crappy powers.  


The problem is that people takes the changes and react in extreme manners. I don't play Frost much but when needed, I can step into his shoes. This didn't change now after the changes applied to its skills; you just need to change how you approach his use and understand that, like Rhino's Iron Skin, it's an ability which effectiveness is much more situational than before.


If his snowglobe had originally been a power with a set durability with no timed duration and then made into a timed invincibility sphere, people would have complained it became OP. We're just experiencing the exact opposite of the spectrum because a lot of people in this community, believe it or not, tend to act up like entitled brats whenever something they take for granted gets changed.


While the statement has been used to death, this is BETA; expect changes, drastic or not, to happen. If the game had been released for a while and DE deciced to simply overhaul most powers, then people would have had reason to complain. Beta means we're in a constant flux and nothing is yet set in stone.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Frost is still good.  His 4 is better than it was before due to the increased damage, allowing his room-clearing ability to remain relevant for longer in defense and survival.  Snowglobe is still usable vs level 40 enemies, I don't see what the problem people have is besides having to recast it more often.  His 1 is useful to get heavies off your back and 2 is lackluster but can apply a slow in a wide area to give you a breather.  Ash is also still good. People just want every frame to be Nova.  "If it's not ridiculous I won't dream of playing it," is their attitude.

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Frost is still good.  His 4 is better than it was before due to the increased damage, allowing his room-clearing ability to remain relevant for longer in defense and survival.  Snowglobe is still usable vs level 40 enemies, I don't see what the problem people have is besides having to recast it more often.  His 1 is useful to get heavies off your back and 2 is lackluster but can apply a slow in a wide area to give you a breather.  Ash is also still good. People just want every frame to be Nova.  "If it's not ridiculous I won't dream of playing it," is their attitude.


Do. Not. Agree. You're wasting 25 energy for a projectile that stops 1 enemy, ONE and until it takes damage which any stray bullet will do. Honestly, unless you're in a 1 v 1 situation and need one extra second to reload, you're wasting 25 energy to do basically nothing.


Also, if you have ever played Frost for any amount of time. You'd be more farmilar with the mechanics of slow on enemies if you did. Slow makes enemies more accurate per shot, which is not what I call 'a breather'. Considering that Frost is already the slowest warframe in the game, it's a double edged sword. Most other warframe's abilities are straight benefits, only Frost has to be THAT careful when he uses his abilities.


But the issue is not with Ice Wave, it's with Snowglobe. No, it's not viable at level 40. It's not even viable against level 30 (other than infested but then again, Nyx Vauban Rhino Ember Nova excal have better abilities to control infested). Trust me when I say I have pushed the limits of Snowglobe before, for 50 energy ...it's not worth those few unreliable seconds beyond level 30.

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Slow makes enemies more accurate per shot, which is not what I call 'a breather'. Considering that Frost is already the slowest warframe in the game, it's a double edged sword. 

I never heard this. If this is true, it should be changed

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I have loads of fun with frost, narrow minded maxed + duration mods for snowglobe.

And place the globes on corners where enemies will come from, but outside the line of fire.


Frost is still king in (mobile) defense and survival missions.

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I have loads of fun with frost, narrow minded maxed + duration mods for snowglobe.

And place the globes on corners where enemies will come from, but outside the line of fire.


Frost is still king in (mobile) defense and survival missions.

I laughed.

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Right now, I'd say he lacks flavor.  When I'm using him, most of the time he's just a generic frame that presses 4 to do damage.  He's a bit slower with higher armor of course, but he just lacks flavor.


It just doesn't feel right to use Avalanche, completely cover enemies in frost/ice... and then have it end and they're perfectly back to normal.  Before, when it was bugged, it felt right for the frame.  Hopefully they tack on a post-Avalanche slow or something, like his #2 has, though with a bit longer duration and impacted by duration mods.  His #1 could likewise benefit from something like that... a slow that lasts the full duration, even if the stun is broken.


Snow Globe... well, I'm not a fan of the power (before or after the nerf), but it does need a little love.  The removal of the timer and letting Frost's armor benefit it would help.  And I wouldn't mind seeing it slow stuff if broken.

Edited by Axterix13
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frost, like ember, is still struggling to get a specific role.

is not bad, but is not specially good at nothing either.

Your completely wrong when you say this....Frost IS good at nothing! Nothing at all!

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Frost is my main frame, but I also play Loki and Volt sometimes.  I think Loki and Volt are both better than Frost, although I find Frost to be more fun.  You won't be totally gimping yourself by playing Frost, but there's no way that, given equal skill and the same weapons with a different frame, you will not outperform Frost.  He's fun, but he is an objectively bad frame right now.  

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The issue is that they have essentially made him strictly a damage Warframe in a game where damage doesn't scale.. I agree that Snowglobe was pretty invincible before and that should be changed. They need to buff his globe and put the stun back in his ultimate and he will be viable again for high level play.

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Personally I still hate all of his abilities accept Snow Globe. The only one that comes close is Avalanche, and that needs more range and damage to really do anything. 


As for Globe, it is pretty useless now on really high levels. It just drops almost the instant you put it up, especially in T3 Void missions. This combined with his slow speed and lack of a good crowd control skill make him pretty much a big slow target that goes down pretty fast in these types of missions. 


However, for enemy levels 30 and below, I haven't had too much of a problem using him in MD and Defense missions, so it depends on where you plan on using him.

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Personally I still hate all of his abilities accept Snow Globe. The only one that comes close is Avalanche, and that needs more range and damage to really do anything. 


As for Globe, it is pretty useless now on really high levels. It just drops almost the instant you put it up, especially in T3 Void missions. This combined with his slow speed and lack of a good crowd control skill make him pretty much a big slow target that goes down pretty fast in these types of missions. 


However, for enemy levels 30 and below, I haven't had too much of a problem using him in MD and Defense missions, so it depends on where you plan on using him.


Frost is like Rhino in that there's no reason not to use corrupted mods to push him to max power efficiency.  The only powers affected by duration are Freeze and Snow globe.  Freeze is garbage and one snow globe will break instantly anyway, so go for 75% power efficiency and stack 4 snow globes on top of each other.  If you also slow the bad guy with ice wave you've sorta solved the problem.  Of course, most other frames can solve the problem with one button and no mods, lol

Edited by CyberneticSaturn
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Buff to Snow Globe! Check the latest Hotfix.

more likely a change just now timer + damage count as health+armor(like iron skin?)

need to test.and I dont think I will ever use armor mod on any of my frame.

Just globe & funny avalanche without frozen CC....still nothing.

i compare him to tank bro,Rhino.

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I did a solo T2 Mobile Defense just to test out the new Snowglobe buffs.  It's still really underwhelming.  It lasted roughly 8 seconds (sometimes as little as 6).  And that's with a rank 8 Steel Fiber, maxed Intensify, and Aurora helmet equipped.  You could probably have it last around 12 seconds if you added a maxed Blind Rage on top of that, but it's not really worth it. 


So in short, Frost is still utterly useless.  He's the slowest frame, possesses abilities with little synergy, doesn't compete with true DPS frames, and has very little useful utility. 

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