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Sods Law (Or - Rng Is Not The Only Enemy)


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So, been having fun with the hunt for rhino prime, but had a couple of moments that had me grinding my teeth, so thought I'd share so you can see that yes, it is not only you.


Firstly, I make a goof on the locations of the components, and I run  Bunch of t2 exterminates hoping to get rhino chassis... naturally, all I get are orthos prime bps. one after another. Taking a break, I see a rhino systems on sale for 7 plat, and I snap it up. Feeling buoyed up, I start another t2e (I'm sure you can see where this is going) and of course, I immediately win a rhino systems.


Jump to today, a mixture of fruitless t3e's and t3s's under my belt (and a rhino helmet) I get invited to a t3 survival, and grumble as I get a failed to connect error. I shrug, move on.... and less than half an hour later I pop into trading to see whats happening... and the Host of the game is selling a rhino chassis.


Sods law - showing RNG how its done.

Edited by WindBlade
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Murphy's Law is that if it can go wrong, it will.

Sod's Law is that everything will go wrong for you even if it can't, every good deed you ever do will blow up in your face, and everyone you hate will enjoy a perfect and content life despite setting themselves up for failure and actively trying to ruin their own lives.


Basically, Sod's Law revolves around Karma--how it craps on you for no reason, and how it avoids the deserving.

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