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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Seen more outrage here than other communities. Too much 'I want, I want, I want'. I think the community here take for granted how much of this game is on offer, may be restricted by slots, but the stuff that counts is free. 


Short end of the stick? No one is forcing people to buy the items, no one was forcing us to buy the gear in the first place. It's about choice. There's no victim. You consented. If you want it that badly you should be prepared to pay the extra price; it's clearly worth more now than it was a while ago. The items still remain exclusive regardless, so that's a null point. Aside from that, people may collect and may never use, so what? I'm not sure how that is a factor against trading. That can happen now, let alone in the future with trading - how often do you see people using Excali Prime/Lato/Skana exactly? Making items tradeable is the best one. The numbers of the gear do not increase, they remain exclusive and the people who paid a considerable amount of money have that control. It's down to them. 


I'll say it again, DE have already said the gear isn't returning anyways so these debates are encouraging false hopes.


Have you played Team Fortess 2 since the Orange Box? Were you there when the forums burned during the Halocaust? When players were targeted for harassment because they had a Cheater's Lament (given to people who didn't exploit the drop system)? Did you see what happened when the first exclusive items were awarded: the Soldier's Medal, the Sam & Max items, the Ear Buds (given out to anyone who logged in from a Mac)? Did you see how people who had Ear Buds were targeted for harassment? Were you there when they introduced trading and people traded away limited edition items for new things that they had never seen before (crates)? Things that, unbeknownst to those players, were going to be common as dirt and have almost no value? Have you ever had to endure the constant stream of messages from people who wanted your limited edition gear after it became tradeable because someone somewhere saw you using it and tacked your name and list of stuff on a message board?


No... Warframe is far from the worst community in regards to limited gear. Also, making Founders' items tradeable is not a good solution.

1) People who feel that only Founders should have the limited Prime items are going to be upset no matter how you make them available, including if it trading.

2) You open up Founders to exploitation*.

3) You open up Founders to annoyance.

4) You still keep the items out of reach of most players who would want them.

5) You risk turning the Founders items into signifiers of trading wealth/currrency.

6) You will likely make the items even less likely to show in play.


*Warframe is a game. People shouldn't have to be on guard for potential exploitation in a fricken game. Not everyone walks up to the trading table on equal footing. People don't always know the going rate of a item, or know its current availability. Additionally, people are not perfectly rational and do not make perfectly intelligent and unemotional choices. Assuming rational actors in economics leads to bad models.


People can enter into agreements without fully understanding the ramifications of what they are doing and I don't think the proper response is 'Oh well, they agreed to it.' Bad faith offers are bad, and the problem is with the person making the bad faith offer.


Felow ps4 people, they said they are working on tokens to reward  PS4 players that stuck with them since the beggining, i'm sure founder's won't care because they are too good to have double standards right?They supported the game on the pc they got theirs, we on the ps4, we got ours, everybody is happy.


Oh and don't get me started on risks and infancy bullsh*t, thing was available when the game was far from early stage.


Now you may say they were kind, cause that's how the grand masters masterminds usually come back, if so, they were rude to us by pulling the plug a week before, now they just have to balance things out and be kind to us.



If DE give the PS4 players something platform exclusive, you can certainly bet you'll see PC players, including I'm sure some Founders, raising hell that they didn't have a chance the exclusives.





While the topic is locked, it at least answers the questions asked.



No problem with that; a lot of people got on PS4 from day one, I can totally see them getting some kind of exclusive thing for it as well.


I'm just hoping that in 4-5 months, a similar thread doesn't pop up with new PS4 players complaining they can't get those Early PS4 Exclusives which would pretty much put you guys in the same spot we are now XD


If DE give the PS4 players something platform exclusive, you can certainly bet you'll see PC players, including I'm sure some Founders, raising hell that they didn't have a chance the exclusives.


Some people just can't accept the fact that they can't have everything they want. 

I may want a Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal, but I was a few days too late so I never got them, and I will never get them. But that's totally OK with me.

Some people are just greedy. 


Virtual items don't face natural scarcity. Permanently limiting access to them doesn't make sense. While I'm not advocating this, you could literally give every single person every single time in Warframe with virtually no cost. (I'm not advocating that - it would take most of the point out of the game. But make an item artificially, you can never-ever-ever have this again is a bad, bad idea.)

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If DE give the PS4 players something platform exclusive, you can certainly bet you'll see PC players, including I'm sure some Founders, raising hell that they didn't have a chance the exclusives.


thats fine. there are plenty of exclusives on the p.c. currently that the ps4 community doesnt have. they pretty much say we werent there so we shouldnt have chance to buy the items. well, whoever isnt on the ps4 would just miss the chance to get whatever items they decided to offer(pay or free)

p.c. has vandals, some mods, all founders stuff, steam items, the braton skin you get for signing up for the game under different sites...most likely more than just this, and most likely they will continue to get items the ps4 doesnt have access to. sometimes they give the p.c. an update, there is a mod in it, they hotfix it and take it out before its offered on the ps4.(legendary cores for example)


the ps4 has one exclusive and its only for the people in the U.S. and its a braton skin.


so we might as well separate the games and just have exclusives on both systems, want a certain item get it on that system.

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thats fine. there are plenty of exclusives on the p.c. currently that the ps4 community doesnt have. they pretty much say we werent there so we shouldnt have chance to buy the items. well, whoever isnt on the ps4 would just miss the chance to get whatever items they decided to offer(pay or free)

p.c. has vandals, some mods, all founders stuff, steam items, the braton skin you get for signing up for the game under different sites...most likely more than just this, and most likely they will continue to get items the ps4 doesnt have access to. sometimes they give the p.c. an update, there is a mod in it, they hotfix it and take it out before its offered on the ps4.(legendary cores for example)


the ps4 has one exclusive and its only for the people in the U.S. and its a braton skin.


so we might as well separate the games and just have exclusives on both systems, want a certain item get it on that system.


I guess I'm trying to say that making more exclusive content isn't going to help the situation and I think it will split the community more...


Then again, I'm against any exclusive items, at all, in the first place...


Edit: I don't envy DE's position. Any action or inaction on the exclusives is going to make some significant set of players not happy.

Edited by PoorCensored
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If DE give the PS4 players something platform exclusive, you can certainly bet you'll see PC players, including I'm sure some Founders, raising hell that they didn't have a chance the exclusives.


I don't have any problem with giving PS4 players something as long as it's not the Closed Beta Vandal weapons or Founder gear. 

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I know, but you can bet that it wouldn't upset as many people as reopening the Founders program. 


Maybe, maybe not. I don't have the data to make that calculation. However, the people who are going to be upset with re-opening the Founder's program are Founders - and their numbers will stay constant or dwindle overtime. (Hopefully) the number of non-Founders on both the PC and PS4 will continue to grow.


In any case, giving out PS4 (or any other) exclusives doesn't help create a whole, inclusive community.

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I think if we have learned anything over this whole debate.. tis that releasing more exclusives is a terrible idea.  I guarantee you there would be more people complaining about PS4 exclusives than the re-release of the "Excalibur prime access pack" to the PS4.


After all, there are more PC users with access to the forums :P

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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I think if we have learned anything over this whole debate.. tis that releasing more exclusives is a terrible idea.  I guarantee you there would be more people complaining about PS4 exclusives than the re-release of the "Excalibur prime access pack" to the PS4.


After all, there are more PC users with access to the forums :P


What I could see working is a pseudo-exclusive (in general, not to make up for other missing exclusives) is if DE figured out a way to have cross-platform accounts and gave out an item for logging into a PS4 and different one for the PC...

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What I could see working is a pseudo-exclusive (in general, not to make up for other missing exclusives) is if DE figured out a way to have cross-platform accounts and gave out an item for logging into a PS4 and different one for the PC...

Or how about this:

An event goes live on PC and the reward is a special weapon.

After the update goes through Sony Cert, it hits PS4 and the event offers a different exclusive weapon than it did on PC. Or the same weapon with a different special skin. 

That way it's just a psuedo exclusive. Everyone has the gun, but the look is still exclusive to either platform. 

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I don't know, a lot of people have been pretty level headed. At least, on the pro-rerelease side. It's mostly on the Founder's side that we see people jerking their knees in reaction to such 'injustices.'


Players supported a game that they hoped would become profitable on it's own, but refuse to share their toys?


Isn't that like... supporting a game for items, not for the game itself?

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I don't know, a lot of people have been pretty level headed. At least, on the pro-rerelease side. It's mostly on the Founder's side that we see people jerking their knees in reaction to such 'injustices.'

Players supported a game that they hoped would become profitable on it's own, but refuse to share their toys?

Isn't that like... supporting a game for items, not for the game itself?

I think that's the fundamental misunderstanding. It's not about you not getting our toys it's about DE keeping a promise. I know all you see is "aww cool stuff I don't get" and don't give 2 hoots about a promise made before you even knew about the game (could be wrong about that detail it's just for arguements sake). However, there are some reasons you should. Honesty is something that the game development industry seems to lack as a whole. I say seems here because its hard to filter out Internet rage vs. reality with this subject but it definately seems to swing towards the dishonest part. What you are asking is tantamount to demanding DE join the ranks of Activision/EA who are hated with some pretty solid reasoning. It's not something I want to see happen and I doubt is something anyone really wants to see happen.

The first deception is always the hardest, the ones that follow simply flow as water.

To bring it back to the OP's topic yeah it may be hard to defend now but there was a time when many of the issues that make it so didnt exist.

Edited by NevanChambers
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Tokens won't be exclusive to PS4, if they are ever added to begin with. Neither will Tokens ever reward Founder items. De already stated on multiple occasions that Founder items will never be redistributed in any way. Ever. 

And I bought into Warframe when there was only 1 tileset, a few weapons, a few Warframes, and all the bosses were still placeholders. I'd call that an early stage. 

Denial, they will be son.Did YOU support the beggining of the game on the ps4?Guess you didnt , same way i didnt support the pc, even though i had never heard about warframe, plus, megan specifically told they are looking to reward PS4 a couple times already if we are playing the DE said card.

Jeez, it amazes me how much of a child some of you can be, if i can live with the fact founders items supposedly wont come back, so can you regarding these tokens, son, if not, there are professionals that can help you with that.

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Also, seriously, if any of you here would feel cheated if they released the founder's items on the ps4 for the same price, for a short while to compensate the fact that they removed it a week before, probably because they didn't know how to handle such a thing in another platform, you need help, badly.

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 What you are asking is tantamount to demanding DE join the ranks of Activision/EA who are hated with some pretty solid reasoning.


Let's be honest here, keeping content away from players is a rather Activision/EA thing to do, isn't it? Not only are there closed-beta weapons out there that are unobtainable to players, but to put content behind a limited time paywall is... Well, Activision-esque? Just like... day one DLC, but, now you'll never be able to play on those Call of Duty maps that came with your Gamestop copy.

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Let's be honest here, keeping content away from players is a rather Activision/EA thing to do, isn't it? Not only are there closed-beta weapons out there that are unobtainable to players, but to put content behind a limited time paywall is... Well, Activision-esque? Just like... day one DLC, but, now you'll never be able to play on those Call of Duty maps that came with your Gamestop copy.

They are significantly different circumstances and if you can't see why then there is no hope for the future of this conversation. You choose to frame it in the way that means an injustice to you, the way I frame it is also a choice but I feel my arguement is stronger. It comes down to which is more important to you. Having a few trinkets or being able to trust DE in the future. I would gladly give up the former that I possess in order to ensure the latter.

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They are significantly different circumstances and if you can't see why then there is no hope for the future of this conversation. It comes down to which is more important to you. Having a few trinkets or being able to trust DE in the future. I would gladly give up the former that I possess in order to ensure the latter.


You're the one who brought up Activision/EA.


DE isn't going to re-release the Founder's program, they're exclusive. I've accepted it, don't worry. Doesn't mean there isn't meaningful discussion to made about the future of videogames and exclusives.


I'm anti-exclusives, and while it's a shame DE backed themselves into a corner with their wording, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be talking about it.


Rhino Prime is an upgrade over Rhino, even more so than Ember Prime was an upgrade over Ember. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Should Excalibur Prime be buffed, be altered, be modified in any way? DE doesn't seem to interested in going back to balance anything, so the likelihood this would occur is slim, however, if they would ever want to make the design choice that ALL Primes are now UPGRADED versions of their successor counterparts, then where does that leave Excalibur Prime? He's locked behind exclusive/paywall, so he gets left out, and... that's it? Same with Lato Prime, same with Braton Vandal. Just because their underpowered currently doesn't mean that's an acceptable reason to give up.


I wouldn't be as concerned with this whole matter if they were strictly cosmetic, but in the case of Boltor Prime and Rhino Prime being UPGRADES, there is a disconnect between older Primes and modern Primes.


A fix I proposed in another thread is to give Founder's a Syandana, a skin, something on top of their current bounties, so they can feel they truly get their exclusive fix. Then, Excalibur and Lato/Skana can be re-released for the public.


As a Founder, you get your exclusives. You supported the game, now you have an item you can display proudly to show it. I'm sure some Founders bought it for the Excalibur Skin because they REALLY LIKED IT and hoped it'd remain exclusive forever. But, shouldn't Founders bought the package simply to support DE, not over trivial items? Give them something to replace what they lost, make it grandiose, make it spectacular, make it unique, but don't make it linked to game play.

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why are people still talking about this? DE already clearly stated it's intentions


Because some people don't care what DE says.


It's not like the GAME DEVELOPERS actually have the final say in what to put in the game or not, now do they?


Um... wait...

Edited by Kalenath
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Denial, they will be son.Did YOU support the beggining of the game on the ps4?Guess you didnt , same way i didnt support the pc, even though i had never heard about warframe, plus, megan specifically told they are looking to reward PS4 a couple times already if we are playing the DE said card.

Also, seriously, if any of you here would feel cheated if they released the founder's items on the ps4 for the same price, for a short while to compensate the fact that they removed it a week before, probably because they didn't know how to handle such a thing in another platform, you need help, badly.


Unless they're something I missed here, he actually did support the beginning of the game on PS4. He's a Grandmaster, so it's highly likely that part or all of those funds he paid to DE, just like many others and myself, went to into developing Warframe for PS4. You not hearing about Warframe early on isn't something DE can fix, nor should they. 


Also, in regards to when Founders was closed: All we know is that they closed it. We have limited information as to the EXACT reason they picked that EXACT date - some can be inferred and some cannot. So stop acting like you know why. You don't. Unless you can find for me where they said "We here at DE decided to close Founders right before the launch of PS4 because we don't want them to have it teehee" then I'm sorry you're just wrong. Enough with the rhetoric and actually treat facts as fact, not what you want them to be. 

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Topic this open right? that's  why people still here this Topic will never end because PC is greedy and far from understanding the problem with this exclusive and ps4 never had it available so what end? Didn't think so.


People like you who keep fanning the flames when the issue is more or less resolved don't help matters.


DE has said that they're thinking up stuff for PS4 players.  That's the end of it.

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