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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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The end because you said so? To many problems in its self right there. Anyways what you say about DE dont matter DE is not here in this topic saying its over your words have no meaning to me You're not helping im free to say what i want about this topic get use to it.

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Entitlement and people being or not being left out



The game requires extra options,options that will not harm the gameplay outcome but add more out of the word Premium Access should be something that introduces an item to the free game in order to absorb it later.Soon the time will come that players will wonder about Vandal and Wraith Warframes as the next level after Prime 


Founders package role through time


Founders package was the Unique Prime access and as in all games it will change form to be available again the question is when will it be and what our expectation will be up to that date

Edited by VoidGhost
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You're the one who brought up Activision/EA.


DE isn't going to re-release the Founder's program, they're exclusive. I've accepted it, don't worry. Doesn't mean there isn't meaningful discussion to made about the future of videogames and exclusives.


I'm anti-exclusives, and while it's a shame DE backed themselves into a corner with their wording, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be talking about it.


Rhino Prime is an upgrade over Rhino, even more so than Ember Prime was an upgrade over Ember. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Should Excalibur Prime be buffed, be altered, be modified in any way? DE doesn't seem to interested in going back to balance anything, so the likelihood this would occur is slim, however, if they would ever want to make the design choice that ALL Primes are now UPGRADED versions of their successor counterparts, then where does that leave Excalibur Prime? He's locked behind exclusive/paywall, so he gets left out, and... that's it? Same with Lato Prime, same with Braton Vandal. Just because their underpowered currently doesn't mean that's an acceptable reason to give up.


I wouldn't be as concerned with this whole matter if they were strictly cosmetic, but in the case of Boltor Prime and Rhino Prime being UPGRADES, there is a disconnect between older Primes and modern Primes.


A fix I proposed in another thread is to give Founder's a Syandana, a skin, something on top of their current bounties, so they can feel they truly get their exclusive fix. Then, Excalibur and Lato/Skana can be re-released for the public.


As a Founder, you get your exclusives. You supported the game, now you have an item you can display proudly to show it. I'm sure some Founders bought it for the Excalibur Skin because they REALLY LIKED IT and hoped it'd remain exclusive forever. But, shouldn't Founders bought the package simply to support DE, not over trivial items? Give them something to replace what they lost, make it grandiose, make it spectacular, make it unique, but don't make it linked to game play.

Yes I brought up EA/Acti, and you are the one who twisted it to something that it's not. They aren't denying people anything out of meanness, to increase their pre-orders in order to sell a game that is untested or unproven, to increase their profit margins, to cynically shut out a used game market. They aren't locking content on a disc behind a small patch that you have to pay 20 dollars for, they aren't pre-selling you content that may not come at all or be worth even it's "discounted" price. They aren't putting up trailers that misrepresent a product. None of the things that I was actually focused on have been done. Still you've been slighted so their actions are indefensible.


And yes it is true the founders should have supported the game to support it, but next time you buy plat then it should be fine with you if they give you half or none of it? Everyone knows that plat sales how you support DE so they can keep making the game, as long as they do that then it doesn't matter if they fail to give you what was promised in exchange right?

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there are founders that have migrated to PS4. so i would say that in some way the founders program was released for that platform. TROLLOLOLOL!


Uhhh... what? What game are you playing? Account migration hasn't become a reality yet. So as they say... TROLOLOLOL

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The end because you said so? To many problems in its self right there. Anyways what you say about DE dont matter DE is not here in this topic saying its over your words have no meaning to me You're not helping im free to say what i want about this topic get use to it.


Fine, keep beating a dead horse expecting it to get up and run again.  Just attempting to save you your breath and time.

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The end because you said so? To many problems in its self right there. Anyways what you say about DE dont matter DE is not here in this topic saying its over your words have no meaning to me You're not helping im free to say what i want about this topic get use to it.



Your double and even sometimes triple post are getting annoying. There is no need to separate the posts...


From my long time with DE and Warframe, I see them move foward and make things better in the next step, instead of trying to go back and redeem themselves with past choices. A clear and recent example is the new Prime Access compared to the old, they added in a cosmetic specfic pack for the people who complained about not having the option to just buy the cosmetics. You don't see them rereleasing a Misa cosmetic pack with the current Prime Access do you?

They learned and implemented a solution, which is what they are thinking of doing with the tokens, instead of going back and rereleasing old exclusive items.


Edited by FateZero
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Your double and even sometimes triple post are getting annoying. There is no need to seperate the posts...


From my long time with DE and Warframe, I see them move foward and make things better in the next step, instead of trying to go back and redeem themselves with past choices. A clear and recent example is the new Prime Access compared to the old, they added in a cosmetic specfic pack for the people who complained about not having the option to just buy the cosmetics. You don't see them rereleasing a Misa cosmetic pack with the current Prime Access do you?

They learned and implemented a solution, which is what they are thinking of doing with the tokens, instead of going back and rereleasing old exclusive items.



Dude, don't feed the troll.

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No breath being use here in till DE give us our exclusive or whatever great they have in mind people will say what they want here on this topic ain't no way around it you feel how you feel and i feel my way about it im leave it at that with you. And im beat that horse till it fly me to a Excalibur prime frame. 

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No breath being use here in till DE give us our exclusive or whatever great they have in mind people will say what they want here on this topic ain't no way around it you feel how you feel and i feel my way about it im leave it at that with you. And im beat that horse till it fly me to a Excalibur prime frame. 

Google translate does not recognize this as a language. 

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No breath being use here in till DE give us our exclusive or whatever great they have in mind people will say what they want here on this topic ain't no way around it you feel how you feel and i feel my way about it im leave it at that with you. And im beat that horse till it fly me to a Excalibur prime frame. 


Keep dreaming, it'll get you far kid. 

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I thought that was after midnight :P, oh wait those are gremlins. lol

*pads post count*


Oh goodness, don't hit it with water! We will be up to our eyeballs in idiocy before...


Um... wait... We already are. Hmm... How did that kid kill off those pesky things anyway? Been a LONG time since I saw that movie.

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Unless they're something I missed here, he actually did support the beginning of the game on PS4. He's a Grandmaster, so it's highly likely that part or all of those funds he paid to DE, just like many others and myself, went to into developing Warframe for PS4. You not hearing about Warframe early on isn't something DE can fix, nor should they. 


Also, in regards to when Founders was closed: All we know is that they closed it. We have limited information as to the EXACT reason they picked that EXACT date - some can be inferred and some cannot. So stop acting like you know why. You don't. Unless you can find for me where they said "We here at DE decided to close Founders right before the launch of PS4 because we don't want them to have it teehee" then I'm sorry you're just wrong. Enough with the rhetoric and actually treat facts as fact, not what you want them to be. 

No he didnt, he didnt play on the ps4, and if he ever does, he will enjoy a game we, ps4 players, tested and endured entire months to get measly hotfixes, far from the experience you get on the PC.Porting costs them next to nothing compared to the amount of profit they are making out of the ps4.

Also, I am not blaming anyone for my ignorance regarding this game when it was launched, I am actually helping them, telling them how is the mind of a console player so they dont screw it up again and we dont have to hear from people like you that we could have acquired it before because i have internet access, if the game isnt in our platform of choice we dont even bother, also, by the time this was announced to the ps4 i wouldnt blindly spend 250$ in hopes i would someday be able to transfer over, since sticking to the pc is not an option, i dont like playing on it, had i bought it, assuming i knew it, i would still be without it on the ps4.


Also, sepculating reasons as to why DE shut the program down, regardless how much of a coincidence that was, has little to do with anything i stand for in this matter, be it their lack of knowledge, be it what you said.Results are what matter, and they did shut down a week prior to the ps4 release.

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Denial, they will be son.Did YOU support the beggining of the game on the ps4?Guess you didnt , same way i didnt support the pc, even though i had never heard about warframe, plus, megan specifically told they are looking to reward PS4 a couple times already if we are playing the DE said card.

Jeez, it amazes me how much of a child some of you can be, if i can live with the fact founders items supposedly wont come back, so can you regarding these tokens, son, if not, there are professionals that can help you with that.

So now you're resorting to petty insults? That's what people do when they no longer have an argument to stand on. 

Tokens will not be exclusive, although PS4 may see it's own exclusives in the future. As long as they aren't Founder items, I'm OK with this. De already stated that Founder items will never be released again, so the best you're gonna get is a completely different exclusive that is completely unrelated to the Founder pack. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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So all the work that was done PRIOR to the PS4 launch meant nothing. Good to know.


All the bugs, the holes in the floor, the weapons that didn't work right, the enemies with 1 hit kills (scorpion hitscan harpoon! ICK!), all those did not exist. They never happened before you got your hands on the game because you didn't see it happen, so it didn't happen.


All the work that was done prior to PS4 launch to make a stable game MEANS NOTHING to you.


Then I don't see how stealing what people paid for will make any more difference. I mean, it's not like it was YOUR rewards being stolen now is it? if it was, you might change your tune.


Then again, maybe not.


This come to mind...


Edited by Kalenath
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No he didnt, he didnt play on the ps4, and if he ever does, he will enjoy a game we, ps4 players, tested and endured entire months to get measly hotfixes, far from the experience you get on the PC.Porting costs them next to nothing compared to the amount of profit they are making out of the ps4.


Wrong. Why do you think getting updates regularly to PS4 takes so long? Many would blame it completely on Sony Cert, but even a PS4 player like yourself knows that that's not true. A good amount of that time is spent with the build being bug screened on PC before it gets to PS4, so that when it does get submitted for cert, it isn't full of bugs that PS4 player would be stuck with for another month and a half. You're welcome by the way.



Also, I am not blaming anyone for my ignorance regarding this game when it was launched, I am actually helping them, telling them how is the mind of a console player so they dont screw it up again and we dont have to hear from people like you that we could have acquired it before because i have internet access, if the game isnt in our platform of choice we dont even bother, also, by the time this was announced to the ps4 i wouldnt blindly spend 250$ in hopes i would someday be able to transfer over, since sticking to the pc is not an option, i dont like playing on it, had i bought it, assuming i knew it, i would still be without it on the ps4.


 That's still a choice. Sure it's a gamble, but it's a gamble many Founders have taken 10 fold. We invested in a half finished game. What have you invested?



Also, sepculating reasons as to why DE shut the program down, regardless how much of a coincidence that was, has little to do with anything i stand for in this matter, be it their lack of knowledge, be it what you said.Results are what matter, and they did shut down a week prior to the ps4 release.


If you truly feel that way, then actually say that. You keep stating your speculations as fact, and widely accepted no less. Stop. 


You want results? Warframe made it to PS4 and you had nothing to do with it. We did.

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So all the work that was done PRIOR to the PS4 launch meant nothing. Good to know.

Right. All the money I've given DE has meant nothing to Warframe on PS4. Absolutely nothing. All $500-ish was completely meaningless and didn't at all contribute to Warframe reaching the PS4. Seems legit. 

Seriously, dante. In the end, we're all on the same side here. But both parties must be willing to compromise. 

You can have your exclusives as long as they are completely unrelated to Founder gear. PS4 players have been out in the cold for too long, in that sense.

But you can't just go around flinging poop like a wild ape. You have to be willing to discuss things like this in a civil manner. Otherwise you don't make any progress and instead make enemies. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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Uhhh... what? What game are you playing? Account migration hasn't become a reality yet. So as they say... TROLOLOLOL

Oh really? well i never really followed the topic. Yeah i guess thats an even bigger TROLL!!!!!! founders pack stays exclusive!

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