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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Actually they did say one thing that does prevent them from releasing the founders packs with the original founders gear:

(emphasis mine)

That was featured predominately on the image used to promote the founders packs.

You can find the page here, archived by the waybackmachine: http://web.archive.org/web/20130921195122/https://warframe.com/founders

Sure they can release another founders package BUT they need to include different items in it. Otherwise they open up a huge can of legal worms that they dont want to deal with.


True true true, first time i actually see that btw and get to check on the content of each package, well, as a lawyer i cant help myself but to find breaches in there.Like, they never said which of those items would never be available again, by analogy with the prime accesses one could think that only non weapon/warframe items are exclusive.But i don't even need to go deeper into that, since that wouldn't please you guys anyways.

But releasing it on the ps4 wouldn't break their promise at all, let's be realistic here, migration is MIA at this point, and even if it wasn;t you would have to deal with hordes of paying ps4 players that would feel cheated for not being ever able to get their hands on it.

That said, i would def get the 250$ pack, know many that would as well.Win win scenario for anyone with common sense, this last one.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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How is it old if it never came out for ps4 ? Only thing old about it is the update but it would come new to ps4 because it was never there we never had it.                     Its just not adding up


Because DE learned their lesson.


Hopefully, they won't do this again.


Because people cannot be pleased. They want more. Now. They want things they haven't earned and will screw up anything they can to get them. Because they can. Contracts mean nothing to these people.  Customer loyalty means nothing to these people. They want, so that is all that matters.


If DE DOES come out with some kind of exclusive PS4 pack, the screams will be even worse. PC players will demand the items be on PC as well, PS4 will demand the other -older- items be added 'because they deserve it'. Etc. Etc. Etc ad nauseum. (Just look at how many threads are here for this topic already!)


I HOPE AND PRAY that DE does NOT add any more 'exclusive' items anytime soon. This is bad enough as it is.


Now if they made some kind of BOTH platform 'Supporter' pack...

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And people asking for it because they want Excalibur prime to.    exclusive or not it Should be in the game other games have exclusive stuff and when you miss out you can most likely get it later not never just because he was exclusive. Make it exclusive for ps4 to same game running off two different systems so why not.   

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For what it's worth, exclusive is and should always be exclusive. But at least remove the 'beta' label and go 'retail'. As it is, instead of the Founders Pack serving as a token of gratitude for people who supported the game while it's under development, it's serving as a slap in the face to people who are here right now and ARE supporting the game while it IS STILL under development - whose only fault (if you can even call it that) is they arrived a bit later than the others.

That or find some other way that won't insult the people who supported the game before and the people who are supporting the game now - while it is still under development.


Get over yourself. You already have a way to support the game while it's under development, while getting more tangible rewards than we founders ever did- it's called prime access, and it's actually a better deal than the founder's package. 


The only thing we got was a shiny version of two useless weapons, and cosmetic appearance for a frame. We never got a syandana, or an extractor, or really anything other than a lot of plat at a worse level of discount than the one you can get now.


And the core of the game was established a Loooong time ago- these system updates Warframe is going through are small fries compared to the update from 7.0-8.0; which could be considered the Alpha version of Warframe, and which was originally considered to be the ending time for Founding. And yet, DE put it off for months just to be nice. 


So don't come in here with your righteous anger, thinking it's justified. You know not whereof you speak.

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WTF kind of conclusion is that?

This is not cuba or soviet russia, if those items were advertised and promised to be part of a puchasable package that is exactly what it will be, are you effing out of your mind?People payng 150$ and you are asking them for free?REALLY?

First they are cosmetic, so there is absolutey no problem in charging for them and never making them obtainable without spending real money, second, if somebody else came with this senseless conclusion i would laugh at them and tell them to get a job, it helps in the capitalist world.

I'm not asking for them for free. My point is that you won't be able to rerelease the pack without everyone getting mad because they cost money because the items in there have mastery XP and thus to get the maximum level you could possibly get, you'll be forced to spend money. So people will get mad because more or less pay to win(in that you can't "complete" the game without paying for the packs).

I think rereleasing the founders gear is dumb and selfish and I'd be disappointed with DE if they did it. Calm down and stop jumping to conclusions. I never said that I wanted the gear to be free, I just said that if it was rereleased, there would be a stink if it wasn't possible to get them for free. I said this in the hopes that it would point out the absurdity of the idea.

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Look at what your saying how can somebody be pleased by something or better yet the Founders gear if they never had it? Its nothing to learn from like you didn't pass a test people on a other system besides PC want the same thing that's to much for them to do?               And why would PC players want the new Founders gear for ps4 if its the same thing you all already have?                But maybe you still not understanding me people dont want new gear they want Excalibur prime and the Founders pack nothing new added with it it would only be new to us because we never had it that's all it really cant be fix?                     And late PC players would just miss out because the exclusive deal for you all been over sounds fair and its more to it then we all know life aint fair but we also know right from wrong and this aint right.                      And that comment was dumb PSN Members our loyal to the max well i know i am.

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Look at what your saying how can somebody be pleased by something or better yet the Founders gear if they never had it? Its nothing to learn from like you didn't pass a test people on a other system besides PC want the same thing that's to much for them to do?               And why would PC players want the new Founders gear for ps4 if its the same thing you all already have?                But maybe you still not understanding me people dont want new gear they want Excalibur prime and the Founders pack nothing new added with it it would only be new to us because we never had it that's all it really cant be fix?                     And late PC players would just miss out because the exclusive deal for you all been over sounds fair and its more to it then we all know life aint fair but we also know right from wrong and this aint right.                      And that comment was dumb PSN Members our loyal to the max well i know i am.



Can anyone make sense out of this pile of words?

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Look at what your saying how can somebody be pleased by something or better yet the Founders gear if they never had it? Its nothing to learn from like you didn't pass a test people on a other system besides PC want the same thing that's to much for them to do?               And why would PC players want the new Founders gear for ps4 if its the same thing you all already have?                But maybe you still not understanding me people dont want new gear they want Excalibur prime and the Founders pack nothing new added with it it would only be new to us because we never had it that's all it really cant be fix?                     And late PC players would just miss out because the exclusive deal for you all been over sounds fair and its more to it then we all know life aint fair but we also know right from wrong and this aint right.                      And that comment was dumb PSN Members our loyal to the max well i know i am.

Translation of Google translate in a nutshel:

PS4 user does not understand why founders gear is not available for the PS4 in some form or another. The PS4 version of warframe is separate and offering it to those players wouldn't effect the PC Players. Give the PS4 Players a chance to obtain the founder items. Many PS4 Players would like Excalibur prime, The warframe game is new to all of the ps4 userbase.

Edited by Nariala
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I see what your saying but ps4 players had to wait to support this game like we our now. 


And all the PS4 players who are demanding the exclusive items be put into the regular game, in effect be available for free?


What about them?

Edited by Kalenath
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They should get it, because they demand it.


As you might know, if you demand something, you will get it. Right?


Sure. I get it.


Walk into a convenience store and demand the money in the register. Because you deserve it. Just... don't do it in Australia... http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-buzz/robbery-fail-man-gun-gets-denied-shopkeeper-170546837.html



Who? When? I myself a big supporter of $300 Founder pack rerelease on PS4. But naturally it's insanity to ask for stuff that's $300 pack bling items for free.


That is harder.


If you PAID for it on PC, then SHOULD you get it for free on PS4? I don't know. Sony and DE don't know what to do. I bet they will come up with something, but when? Anyone's guess.


It's the guys who say that they should just have them for free that I detest.

Edited by Kalenath
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Sure. I get it.


Walk into a convenience store and demand the money in the register. Because you deserve it. Just... don't do it in Australia...

Well, you guys use Continetal Taipans for selfdefense.


I would want to have anything to do with one of those.

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Sure. I get it.


Walk into a convenience store and demand the money in the register. Because you deserve it. Just... don't do it in Australia...




That is harder.


If you PAID for it on PC, then SHOULD you get it for free on PS4? I don't know. Sony and DE don't know what to do. I bet they will come up with something, but when? Anyone's guess.


It's the guys who say that they should just have them for free that I detest.

I can respect that. Excalibur, Lato and Skana prime only available in $300 pack, Misa Prime Sydanna only available in $150 pack - is all fine and good. It's not offering Founders items on PS4/Ps store at all that I find unacceptable and offensive.

I also find it questionable and potentially bad for the game's future that Founders items can't be bought on PC. They should have left them permanently purchaseable but bump up the price considerably + no physical swag. $500 could be just fine.

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I can respect that. Excalibur, Lato and Skana prime only available in $300 pack, Misa Prime Sydanna only available in $150 pack - is all fine and good. It's not offering Founders items on PS4/Ps store at all that I find unacceptable and offensive.

I also find it questionable and potentially bad for the game's future that Founders items can't be bought on PC. They should have left them permanently purchaseable but bump up the price considerably + no physical swag. $500 could be just fine.


Again, hard choice.


They SAID it was a short time exclusive. That is a binding written contract. I can see the other point of view as long as it's not just people feeling sad that they can't get stuff for free.


If DE goes back on their word, who will trust them? Who will support the game?


This is going to get messier I bet. :(


Contracts CAN be altered, but not generally after they expire. That's usually kind of illegal.

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I never said it should be free but Excalibur prime is a Warframe right? And most prime Warframes you can get for free just playing the void so why cant we do the same? Or you can buy it like always if you dont feel like doing it the free way but the problem is Excalibur prime is in the Founders pack most people i know just want him not everything that comes with it.                                 Would be nice if everything did but we just want Excalibur prime  so he can really join the prime ranks but for ps4 and if they cant do that like i been saying people will pay. 

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For NOW, Excalibur Prime is not available.


For the future? Who knows when or if it will be available?


But to put it bluntly:


Asking DE to break a contract is bad idea. They have a duty to their customers and supporters. I don't know if this will translate or not.

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For other games:

1. Game is in beta, Founders Pack is offered

2. Founders Pack ends

3. Beta ends, game goes 'retail' (or 'production' stage)


1. Game is in beta, Founders Pack is offered

2. Founders Pack ends

3. Months later, game is still in beta (and looks like it will still be in beta indefinitely)

4. More people joins in and supports the beta game

How is any of that related to making the founders equipment available again?  In both scenarios the Founders Pack has ended and sufficient time has passed.  People joining now are not "founders".

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They wouldnt be going back on anything the game would be better over all for everybody they need to do whats right for ps4 and every body that supports the game its only right.


By breaking their sworn word?


*sigh* It's not translating...

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