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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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I have one: It was said it would be never available again, and as soon as account migration comes to exist, there is a way for it to exist on PS4, and a way for founders to be on PS4, so if a founder migrates, and then is slapped in the face with "we lied! it's available again", that is a problem.


Counter point: Provide a single, solitary, valid reason as to why PS4 players deserve it. We all know you can't, it's just a matter of how much you type while proving it.

One son : Business practice.


Also, the paying ps4 players all have expressed their disgust towards the possibility of items that were never offered to us appear in our version of the game.Then again, based on your complete bias, that might be ok to you.

So if that happens, here is what i suggest : spend lots of money on the ps4 version, because the original ps4 paying players will quit.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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Mods seriously need to make bots to lock threads with "Founder's/Founder Pack/s" in them, this is just getting ridiculous.

Paying customers expressing their opinions, yeah, how dare they, but dont get me wrong i just find it so cute to see the 3 of you upvoting each other, almost reminds me of dutch..

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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So if that happens, here is what i suggest : spend lots of money on the ps4 version, because the original ps4 paying players will quit.


Ok just hang on a bit.

Are you saying that if there is no founders package, all the original PS4 paying players will quit ? o_0


So are you claiming to represent the entire PS4 payer player populace ?

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One son : Business practice.


Also, the paying ps4 players all have expressed their disgust towards the possibility of items that were never offered to us appear in our version of the game.Then again, based on your complete bias, that might be ok to you.

So if that happens, here is what i suggest : spend lots of money on the ps4 version, because the original ps4 paying players will quit.


Business practice actually precludes it in this case. 


Fact is, offering founders for PS4 would generate a one time cash influx- at the cost of long term viability. MMO games live and die on the reputation of the dev team just as much as the content of the game. If a team becomes noted for going back on their word, their product typically suffers for it. For proof, I present MW:O and WoT- WoT has a player retention rate of some horrifically low number, like less than 5%? This is, in part, due to bad word of mouth generated by WG's hideous customer service and some really, really shady business practices (the rest of it is utterly terrible game mechanics, but that's well beyond the scope of the discussion.)


MW:O, I mean, that should be self explanatory. Promised features never materializing, graphics *degrading* over versions, blatant FoTM buff/nerf cycles coinciding with premium 'mech sales, unexplained (and undocumented) gameplay changes... the list kinda goes on. 


Neither of these games has anything approaching a good reputation, and WG's latest US offering, World of warplanes, has tanked massively against it's competitor. PGI is a bad word around most of the net, and I strongly doubt, given the current status of their game, that it has much life left. 


However, that's conjecture at best, and soothsaying at worst, and we'll let it go. You may disagree with the assessments above, that's fine. They merely are there to provide an example, not necessarily attempt to chart a hypothetical course should DE renege on their promise to not make founder's exclusives available again.  


As-is, it's a nonissue- DERebecca said, again, just today, there are no plans to return the founders program,


The topic is closed as DE has no plans to return the Founder's Program. But, DE is actively planning/discussing future milestone/token gear/sets for players.




And the founder's program itself, in big, bold letters said 


Being a Founder has its privileges.

Snag exclusive items that will

never be available again!




Thus, by putting the two together... we can surmise the founder's pack items won't be returning, although it's possible some flavor of PS4 exclusive might. 

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All Beta games have exclusives in their Founders package, and none I have seen have released these items publicly.


You know, there used to be a time when games didn't have exclusive in-game content you could only get if you stumbled across it during beta.


Aspects of modern gaming seems to make me sad so often... I wonder if I should take up a new hobby.

Edited by PoorCensored
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Ok just hang on a bit.

Are you saying that if there is no founders package, all the original PS4 paying players will quit ? o_0


So are you claiming to represent the entire PS4 payer player populace ?

Trying to put me against my own kind?Nice try and no never did i say i represent anyone, i just talk based on my experience with them they all seem pretty pissed about it, you gotta give it to them they are not used to this, one of them even wanted rhino prime to be exclusive to us, crazy i know, but thats just to give you a picture of it, take as you will.

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Oh, so you guys founded everything, pc, ps4, there must be thousands of you out there.

Sorry pal WE fund the ps4 version, on the present, because we play it and make it profitable, and it costs them almost nothing to do so.

Actually, there ARE thousands of us. Just saying.

Also, where did the money to begin work on the PS4 BEFORE PS4 Launch come from, I wonder...

I just like pointing out the painfully obvious.

Funding and FOUNDING are two different things.

There's an extra vowel in there somewhere i think..

Edited by Emeere
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The reason founders has ended, is because DE no longer need the extensive funding from players they used to.


Yet they still do Prime Access bundles. This is debatable because you can still earn 80% of it in game, but from the first pack they did, it looked like a huge money grab.


Before this gets derailed further by people who didn't seem to grasp the point of the thread, let me say this again: exclusive is and should always be exclusive.


I'm not saying Founders Pack should be back. I'm saying what they did wrong and why it's hard to defend the exclusivity


And I fully agree with what you are trying to do with this post and I'm ashamed of all the arogence shown by other founders.

I bought the founders pack because I had never invested so much time in a game before and at 500 hours now I don't think that will be matched any time soon. Being in the Design Council is also something I really wanted to help be apart of the growth of my favourite game. The exclusives were only secondary reason I bought it.

So to the other founders, please stop being a bunch of arrogent jerks. Nobody likes a sunburn slapper.


To me it made sense why they ended it. It was for the founders of the first year of Warframe's existence. They were there from the start (presumably). Founders was supposed to end with closed beta, but we were lucky they pushed it as far as they did.


With the player base reaching incredible levels, I guess they had to end the program or else too many people would be able to get it and make it loose the 'supporter' value of it when you could still pick it up 3 years down the track (lets be honest, it won't leave beta for a looong time)


Yes whenever there is a hard cutoff there will always be people on the edge who may or may not deserve to be there (think of someone who gets a grade of 92.9% and as such doesn't get an A) but you still have to cut it off at some point.


This is the painful truth of the matter. If it was open for a year as I read earlier, then that would be the most fitting time to close it.

Say a doorway is open for an hour and a bunch of people were able to get in, the people who got to the door an hour after are going to upset they missed the chance to get through, but those who got there 6 hours later wouldn't be as upset because that was a much shorter time from where they stand. If the founders was open for 3 years, then those joining a year later will still feel like they missed out compared to people joining a year from now who only missed a years window.

Essentially making that sharp edge give a much larger more painful cut.

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One son : Business practice.


Also, the paying ps4 players all have expressed their disgust towards the possibility of items that were never offered to us appear in our version of the game.Then again, based on your complete bias, that might be ok to you.

So if that happens, here is what i suggest : spend lots of money on the ps4 version, because the original ps4 paying players will quit.

If they migrate with founders gear That will be the day I delete warframe off my PS4 and DE you know what kind of spender I am $$$ but I wont think twice to leave this game in the dust
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Actually, there ARE thousands of us. Just saying.

Also, where did the money to begin work on the PS4 BEFORE PS4 Launch come from, I wonder...

I just like pointing out the painfully obvious.

Funding and FOUNDING are two different things.

There's an extra vowel in there somewhere i think..

No effing sh*t sherlock, try speaking 6 languages and then debating on your fourth language.Also, both verbs seem to be eligible here, to fund and to found, regardless of the package's name, and both of them seem to get my point across.


As for the meaningful part of your post, it came from the exclusive prime accesses you try to sell as founders' package, since it was available a week before the ps4 launch.

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It's too late to do anything about it now.


I have no problem with things being exclusive to founders, and think it's a cool reward. I just wish they wouldn't have made one of the things a prime frame. Now anybody who didn't buy founders, or started afterwards and never had the chance, will never be able to "complete" their set of Primes.


It makes sense in the short term, because even at this point founders packs were available for the vast majority of the lifetime of the game. However what about people who start in ten years? The game may still be running then, with new people still starting. Is "You should have seen the game a decade ago" going to be a reasonable excuse as to why they can never have Excalibur prime?


What's done is done, I just really wish they had picked something else. Preferably something entirely unique that wasn't part of a "set".

Edited by Zamte
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If DE really needed the money and if people really wanted to support them, DE could just release another 'founders pack', it can have same or different perks to the original founder pack (the contents of the pack would be highly debated). Besides, there is no doubt this game is still in development, there are some people willing to give DE the funding to do so.



Edit: I really don't mind it being re-released or not. The gear provided is merely for E-Peen purposes and if people want to wave it around go ahead, it affects me in no way at all. People need to stop QQ-ing about the issue, it only creates a divide between the community and nurtures hostility.

People will never stop complaining. There are still people who complain about The Cheater's Lament in Team Fortress 2... and its, what, 5? years later.

Exclusive items always divide a player base, full stop. The o ly good answer is for DE to not have offered exclusives in the first place, and that ship has sailed.

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Yeah its exclusive but it was exclusive before ps4 came out you PC  players  not really  understanding that this exclusive deal was out before  ps4  so we Couldn't help support  the game like you all or knew about the game to much so letting  us have a shot at getting Founders pack  or Excalibur prime shouldn't be a problem if you really  care for Warframe you would understand how this aint right you cant hold us to that because we Couldn't support a game we Didn't have. 

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Yeah its exclusive but it was exclusive before ps4 came out you PC  players  not really  understanding that this exclusive deal was out before  ps4  so we Couldn't help support  the game like you all or knew about the game to much so letting  us have a shot at getting Founders pack  or Excalibur prime shouldn't be a problem if you really  care for Warframe you would understand how this aint right you cant hold us to that because we Couldn't support a game we Didn't have. 

Prime access functions as a continuation of supporters packs. If you wish to support the game then feel free to get those. 


I've highlighted all of the important text in the image.

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Plus its in the ps4 codex just there only to be seen more like forgotten all because it was exclusive for PC only never to be played with.      Not a good idea because  it was  a exclusive deal that ended before ps4  system came out already  not fair because  if Warframe was a ps4 and xbox one game only i bet the Founders pack  and Excalibur prime  would have been on both not just  ps4.

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Be fair to the players we come first over all the game needs every  Warframe im a Excalibur only guy i want this to happen it needs to happen. Two type of players us and you all its the same game exclusive or not we should have Excalibur prime and Founders pack is they have to change  some things oh well its exclusive for PC but wouldnt be for ps4 players just because we never had a shot at this.

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And if they go back on there word so what? Its all about the player and the game getting Excalibur prime for ps4 Would help us love the game more and feel more happy about playing it.   somebody said if they did go back on there word how could we trust them with our money nothing will happen to our money we giveing them money for the greater good of Warframe this will be something they can over come as a team and will fully think everything out before doing this again.   And even if ps4 gets a exclusive most likely you PC players already have it it will just be a new type of Excalibur prime or with a new skin but still Excalibur prime  so you PC players wouldnt miss out on anything just a new skin for us when we get him.

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Joined the game recently, didn't know it was still beta, didn't know there would be content I wouldn't get.


Sucks... well yeah but that is the nature of all founders pack type offers so no complaints there, this is not the first nor the last game where I'll be in that situation.


Considering how the frames are so core to the game and that the prime of one of the three starter frames is an exclusive well that was simply a pretty damned stupid decision by DE. They may find a way to add the prime to the game at some later date or they may not. Some games define exclusive as "excusive at launch" some as "exclusive in perpetuity" some just keep it vague and do what they want. I guess we'll see over time which camp DE fall into.


However......  If the prime frame will never, ever be an option for me to collect then remove it from the codex and any other unobtainable entries. I find that kind of thing really, really annoying. Its the same in DCUO, I can never have the original batman skin for Legends PvP. I've never asked for it but its annoying that every time I select a character to play i am reminded that "you can never have this, look at it, it can never be yours". Having a codex entry that I cannot star would be the same kind of annoying


This also means that PC players or eventually PC players who get to port across to the PS4 will always have the ability to have a higher mastery level than us PS4 only players. Not sure that has any real impact apart from bragging rights though.

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I have a simple solution. DE can release an "I Am Entitled Pack". This could be a release of each of the founders prime pack items individually on the market. Each one of the items would sell for $150.00. None of these items would be active for use in the game until you buy a "Crybaby Whiner BP" also for $150.00 and used to make all the other item usable in the game.


Now the founders pack items are made available again so the "I Am Entitled Group" have no need to complain any more. If you want it that bad then you have to pay through the nose for it.


I also forgot to mention that there would also be a baby bottle melee weapon and a cosmetic diaper on the  Excalibur Prime to distinguish it from the "True Founders pack item.


DE please lock these stupid threads as soon as they appear. These do nothing but promote animosity between the PC and the PS4 players and help to further divide the community. I thought we were trying to bring the two groups together.


Sorry about the rant but I am getting soooo sick of these.

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every body is sick of this at this point but when a great game like Warframe is on two systems for ps4 & PC players only why have something so exclusive come out when the other system aka ps4 players Haven't even started playing the game yet do to the ps4 not being out yet how is any of that right? Its not never was you all support the game and help make them money only because at the time PSN Members Couldn't and even if i knew about the game for PC i wouldnt play it because its PC and i Don't  feel PC  games to much im sure other people feel the same about it just give PSN Members a fair shot at getting Excalibur prime and other things we never Could get or act on at the time this is just something they didnt fully think about at the time and Didn't see coming now they can fix this.                    Warframe is about the players and the game not just about PC because you all could help at the time if you really love the game it shouldnt matter if we get this but most of you PC players our greedy and far from understanding and like rubing this exclusive in our face thats why this will never end till this it set right.              And most exclusive stuff normally comes with a game if you pre order it you get exclusive stuff other players dont get when they buy the game later thats exclusive not this.  

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I do find it stupid how they ended the program even though game is still in beta; although I don't really care, Excalibur prime is honestly just a reskin to me.


DE said they are not bringing it back, but will release more "exclusive" things like the founders program in the future.

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