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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Exc. Prime is the only one I miss and will miss in my collection.

If DE will release it, in the future, like the rest of the Primes are, ok with me, if DE will never release it, ok with me. I'll not have it, but that does not ruin my game experience or makes me want to say bad things to DE or players.


What I do want from DE is to never do exclusive stuff, and replace 'exclusive' with 'early access to'. Because something exclusive will always start fights and devs will always be in the middle.

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I see no reason not to offer it to the PS4 version of the game. By the looks of it, account migration will never happen, and they never have had the chance at a founder pack. Offer it to PS4 = more money for DE = more development = good yay.


Keep it exclusive as it was done by them for PC. They made a call there, so stick with it.

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I am seriously surprised that it's such a topic.


Founders packeges are meant to gather money for the project at time the game is not really worth it, mony that is needed to keep on going or at least keep going with out making any debts.

Basically the Company is asking for help at a time off need and so rewards the faith and devotion of the players with exclusiv content.


It's like the kiss for the hero by the damsel in distress, you can't expect to get it now, the chance is lost.

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Exc. Prime is the only one I miss and will miss in my collection.

If DE will release it, in the future, like the rest of the Primes are, ok with me, if DE will never release it, ok with me. I'll not have it, but that does not ruin my game experience or makes me want to say bad things to DE or players.


What I do want from DE is to never do exclusive stuff, and replace 'exclusive' with 'early access to'. Because something exclusive will always start fights and devs will always be in the middle.


^This. But, then again, the way they're doing it now is for a reason, I'm pretty sure (buyable via Prime Access and farmable in-game).


That said, because they said that the items won't be available again, they should stick to their word. There's honor to be had in being truthful.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Why Founder's pack exclusivity is easy to defend:


They are legally obligated because they said it was exclusive and would never be released again.


I'm not sure it would hold up in a court of law. Besides, most companies have fine print on any offers saying they are subject to change.

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I'm not sure it would hold up in a court of law. Besides, most companies have fine print on any offers saying they are subject to change.

There are a dozen things in the FTC that cover it. No hypotheticals just, unlikely DE is going to bother releasing it again to avoid the headache that would likely occur. 

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I have a simple solution. DE can release an "I Am Entitled Pack". This could be a release of each of the founders prime pack items individually on the market. Each one of the items would sell for $150.00. None of these items would be active for use in the game until you buy a "Crybaby Whiner BP" also for $150.00 and used to make all the other item usable in the game.


Now the founders pack items are made available again so the "I Am Entitled Group" have no need to complain any more. If you want it that bad then you have to pay through the nose for it.


I also forgot to mention that there would also be a baby bottle melee weapon and a cosmetic diaper on the  Excalibur Prime to distinguish it from the "True Founders pack item.


DE please lock these stupid threads as soon as they appear. These do nothing but promote animosity between the PC and the PS4 players and help to further divide the community. I thought we were trying to bring the two groups together.


Sorry about the rant but I am getting soooo sick of these.


LOL founder's denying it is understandable, they want to keep their exclusive stuff, much like kids that won't donate their used toys even if kids on mars needed it.Now you lol, i'm sorry but it just strikes me as laughable coming from you.


No need to feel that way because you are not able to spend money on this game, just let the people who make this game viable to you do the talk, k?


On the matter, they should release the pack "I am a licker begging for upvotes from the guys i think are cool" pack, suits you.You don't have founder's package, nor does the inclusion of it will harm your experience in any way, so i dont see any reason other than plain trolling or feeling needy for you to come here insult people.


No other game in the world does that, if exclusives happen to exist they are either paid by sony or microsoft, which is why pc doesnt get exclusive content in these multiplat games, or they have different counterparts on each platform, as in guest characters in fighting games.


Now, the fact that you defend such an inexistent practice proves that you are either ignorant as to how business work, again, not surprising since you dont spend a dime in this game or that you are looking for attention.


My suggestions as to how you can solve this would earn me a warning so I will keep them to myself.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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It want get anything lock your just trying to down the idea of Excalibur prime coming back because you got it exclusive and you can never get a headache if DE is making more money off this from psn network why not? Money is money why not get even more rich like he said it will and should likely come back only right for psn members something like this should have never been exclusive.

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Here's an idea... maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't... Why not give the Founders the ability to give copies of the exclusive items to other players?


There's have to be some sort of cost involved, however, it makes the content available, but only at the whim of the Founders.

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Having other Founders remove the exclusivity of the items isn't actually an improvement over DE doing that. 


I might be open to making the items tradable, but somehow I doubt that would please much of anyone.  It would still mean "No longer exclusive, exactly" which probably wouldn't sit well with other founders.  And the pricing on such items would not doubt be extremely high, and it's rather obvious the part of the community asking for a re-release actually wants them easily and cheaply available, which would not be the case.

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Having other Founders remove the exclusivity of the items isn't actually an improvement over DE doing that. 


I might be open to making the items tradable, but somehow I doubt that would please much of anyone.  It would still mean "No longer exclusive, exactly" which probably wouldn't sit well with other founders.  And the pricing on such items would not doubt be extremely high, and it's rather obvious the part of the community asking for a re-release actually wants them easily and cheaply available, which would not be the case.

Doubtful, see, i would never vouch for this solution since it wouldnt affect us ps4 players.Actually, I would be indifferent.


But forgetting about the whole platform thing, lets just think about it for half a second : YOU bought it, with YOUR cash so YOU are the PROPRIETAIRE.Now I dont know how laws work everywhere in the world but I am pretty sure that even in other galaxies far far away having something entitles you the right of : Selling, Giving and Renting.


Would be ridiculous if someone cried about it, if you buy a Audemars Piguet exclusive watch, you can sell it, an exclusive 458 italia, you can sell it, so why in the hell i wouldnt be abe to do so with something this simple?


As for the rest of your post, I dont know about the others, I for one am just asking to be able to spend more 250$ on this game and get grand master.Asking for it to be cheaper is stupid and whoever says so will lose all the credibility of their argument.

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I understand that but for ps4 you can get everything free but still pay for it if you wanted it ASAP idk how it works for PC but its just how they maid the game for us ninjas play free not saying everything should be free but people will buy it anyways just to have it DE it Wouldn't be a waste.                You PC players shouldn't get mad or feel bad about us getting it free or paying for it it shouldn't be a big problem this would not change your gameplay or how you play Warframe just because people on a other system want Excalibur prime to.           Exclusive or not you shouldnt give DE a hard time about this idea because of greed thats all most of this come to greed being greedy about something you got that others never had a shot at getting or to help support the game like you.              All Warframes available but one not right We shouldn't get a different exclusive only because it would be the other way around and im not the type to rub stuff in your face but others will then you all may want what we have i see nothing wrong with that idea if it was like a week later or something but then psn members would feel you shouldn't just because of how your acting about Excalibur prime and the founders gear now.                    Founders gear aint hard to defend you cant defend this and say its fair or right because its not Excalibur prime  should join the ranks for ps4.  

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Good, cause your point is absolutely meaningless, calling people greedy, lol, pointless point is pointless.


But thank you for proving my point, that none of you can provide a single valid reason as to why ps4 players dont deserve the chance to buy it.



You didnt jump off the cliff.

No risk, no reward.


The founders did.  Carpe Diem.  They seized the day, while we slept til noon.  


To the Victor, the spoils.  Founders Swag is theres because they took a chance.  PS4 players are not taking the same chance..  PS4 players are investing into a proven title that has a lot of staying power.  Founders didn't have that.  They invested into a risky venture that had no guarentee of success.  For that ALONE, they get exclusive swag.  


They did something to deserve it.  What have we done to deserve it?

Edited by Grayfigure
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No effing sh*t sherlock, try speaking 6 languages and then debating on your fourth language.Also, both verbs seem to be eligible here, to fund and to found, regardless of the package's name, and both of them seem to get my point across.


As for the meaningful part of your post, it came from the exclusive prime accesses you try to sell as founders' package, since it was available a week before the ps4 launch.

Ok, I just gotta chime in here.


Do you HONESTLY believe that the capital needed to create the PS4 port of Warframe was generated only a WEEK before the ps4 port LAUNCHED???


So, no development time was needed to create it.......no capital was needed to utilize the dev tools used to create it........the deal with Sony Entertainment was just mashed out/argued over/agreed upon in only a week's time, with payments involved........you really believe that......?


I can understand getting in to a heated debate about something we're passionate about, but I URGE you, for the sake of keeping credence on your side of the arguement....think about what you're saying here........

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You sound crazy we deserve it just from them making it exclusive for PC.  When ps4 wasn't out yet you act like every body took a life & death risk supportin this game the money was going to come anyways.

....not exactly life and death, but something almost as near and dear to people's hearts:  


What's in the wallet.


When Warframe came out, there was no sick trailers talking about its plot and gameplay.  There was no atmospheric shots of its environments.

There were no hi rez videos showcasing its graphics potential.  There was no multimillion dollar mega game publisher backing its business venture.


While DE has made a name for itself in the video game industry, this was a risky venture for them.  If warframe had not worked (worked as in became popular enough to sustain itself), they would've done detrimental damage to their credibility as a game producer.


the Founders took that risk by giving DE money.  If Warframe had failed, the founders WOULD NOT/COULD NOT get this money back.  It would be gone, for good, with no viable game to show for it.  That's the risk the founders took.  Thats what DE asked the founder to do: Give them money with not much to really show for it except a promise of a great game, based off the beta gameplay.  Those that stepped up, were promised exclusive content that Others later on would not have access to.  This was done as a thank you.


PS4 players are in a different situation.  You are not stepping off the cliff the founders did.  You are not being asked to invest without sufficient proof of the game's success.  You have a year's worth of video, gameplay demonstrations, examples, pro/con blogs, and other examples of the (now) robust and well rounded multiplayer game DE is offering you.  You can already judge for yourself that this thing is a success, no guesswork.


Not saying you guys don't deserve anything for being the founding PS4 players.....but you are not the Warframe Founders.  Because you were not there for the beginning of Warframe.  You're like me: Jumping on a sure thing.  Again, why should we get something that was given to those that jumped into this thing, not certain there was even water in the pool, when we only jumped in after the Movie, TV series, and internet shows were a critical success, and the Theme Park just opened up?  (last part is an example :P)

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Yeah, i dont understand why people (even Ps4 users like myself) feel that they are entitled to such a thing. Founders are founders.  No, there arent founders for the PS4 platform. The game had to be funded, created, debugged, and ported to the PS4. 


However for me it comes down to the lack of mastery. Missing items are missing affinity. No matter how you put it.


Though It seems the biggest argument from the PS4 standpoint is that we never had the chance at the packs. PC members missed the boat, but the boat never arrived for the PS4.   Not only did we miss out on the prime items, and the affinity, but some of us also lost out on the various things Grand Masters have. I for one would love to have the ability to view the dev. Counsel forums. I like to see this game be developed.


Is it REALLY that big of a freaking deal if people are willing to pay the same amount that you did? Especially on the PS4, you wouldnt have to worry about your sparklies being tarnished because they aren't special enough anymore. So what if it is exclusive to the founder's pack. How about they just re-released the founder's pack.



As i said many times in the numerous dumb threads before.


Things just come down to people complaining they dont have it, fighting against people who dont want to share. 

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The item's in the founders pack have no mastery points so leveling them will do nothing beneficial for your MR. The design council I could agree with them offering a new type of promotion for people to buy into it but the only problem I would see with it is that there would be a lot of people doing it and then the design council would lose its exclusivity and just become another normal forum section

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The item's in the founders pack have no mastery points so leveling them will do nothing beneficial for your MR. The design council I could agree with them offering a new type of promotion for people to buy into it but the only problem I would see with it is that there would be a lot of people doing it and then the design council would lose its exclusivity and just become another normal forum section


I'm not a founder, but the design council sounds like it should be the more important part of the package. Three promotional items, or the ability to weigh in on how the product is designed... I know which one I think a real life investor should be more concerned with....

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