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So The Tenno Are Called The Betrayers Because...


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I would like to have more information about the tenno race itself. Are they are seperate species or are they a group of species being teamed up as one, and so being called tenno. Just look at some strange warframes, it could have been species based.

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I would like to have more information about the tenno race itself. Are they are seperate species or are they a group of species being teamed up as one, and so being called tenno. Just look at some strange warframes, it could have been species based.


The Tenno are mutated Orokin (read Ember's codex entry).


The Orokin were humans as evident by the fact that both the Corpus and Grineer are humans as they are direct descendants of the Orokin.

Edited by Brimir
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Remember, the War was very long, I would say centuries old.

Humanity developed Jump-drives, cloning, advanced robotics, energyweapons and genetic manipulation.

They colonised the Sol System. They built the Solar Rails, that expanded outside the solar system.

And during this Golden Age of Man, the Orokin became super advanced.

They fought a war, about what is unknown.

The enemy was technologically superior to them, using new tech against them.

Slowly they were losing.

Now, the orokin Empire was either machines, aliens or advanced humans.

"Gold and Cold" is their description. Sound like Primes, or AI.

To this day

Neural Sentries, very advanced AI are guarding Orokin Towers.

They also control minds.

Tenno, the weapon that saved them, and was their doom,

Stalker called "Stoic and silent".

Stoicism is the belief that the removal or absence of emitions like Love, hate, greed, compassion, is the goal and the Way.

So if the Orokin were stoics, then the Tenno would be made without emotion.

The perfect warriors, the new CODE, the way of the Tenno.

It can be reasoned the enemy were given the name Sentients since they were the opposite.

A feeling race, unprepared for the malice and lack of compassion they met in the Tenno.

The Gholems likely failed, since they are very emotional, a scrapped weapon, but kin to Tenno. Possibly the the first rejects from Void Space.

The Lotus. She woke the Tenno, who:

"The few that survived slept in chryostasis"

The Tenno fought a War. They won it for their masters. Why then the turn on them?

Lotus is in many ways a Mother. She takes care of the tenno, she guides, but

But she seem almost devoid of feelings. One might say she is stoic.

Why the symbol, the Lotus flower then?

Why does it appear in Orokin Derelicts? Why does the Stalker have it?

Why do Primes lack it?

Lets say Orokin were perfectionists and highly logical.

Lets say this became arrogance and tyrranny.

The Gold of the Orokon echo in Lotus mythos.

Gold represent perfection, the flower having grown through all six stages.

Love, compassion, spirit, knowledge, mysticism all lead to Transcendence.

So back to Stoicism, funny enough a direct reflection of the Lotus.

Orokin were arrogant in their perfection. But they needed handlers for the Tenno, and they were AI.

But like the enemy, they had both emotion and logic.

Because the Orokin did not understand the genetic monsters, and feared them.

Through the Neural Sentries we know as Lotus, the Tenno

"attacked in ways the enemy could not comprehend"

So what went wrong? I guess the Lotus freed the Tennos minds. She directed them against the tyrants, who would have killed every last tenno given the chance. Maby they awoke, maby Lotus used them to save herself.

We know the Tenno hid. We know the Grineer and Corpus knew about them abd hated or feared their return.

So grineer are the remnants of the old Guard, the Orokin army.

Now reduced to dying clones.

Corpus are rebuilding the Orokin. The descendants of the old Empire longing for a new Golden Age.

Indoctrination, robotics, long lifespans, religious reverence for Orokin.

Wealth equals dominance and knowlege is power.

No wonder they view Tenno as betrayers.

So Stalker then. He does not hunt to kill all Tenno.

He wants to educate them, make them remember.

Lotus current agenda is unclear, but she knows more then she is prepared to reveal.

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You know what? That makes sense to me. The Cold and Gold being the stoic nature of the Orokin/Tenno as opposed to Sentients having emotions. I'm thinking both were human, yet the Orokin are like the bad guys out of Fringe or something like that.


And yes, it's a reflection of the Lotus (although she shows some emotion), not surprising as her apparel looks Orokin-like with the gold. I still say she's not a bad character, but a rogue Orokin. Either way, she's Orokin IMO.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I still don't trust Lotus. She sends us off to kill x or y, but all that does is keep the grineer or corpus from holding a dominate position. why wouldd that matter at this juncture unless she was working an angle. Perhaps she is Orokin and woke up their old weapons to prepare The way for their return. Perhaps the stalker the trying to prevent this and hates us because we betrayed the rebellion. Or worse yet the sentients weren't completely defeated and turned us against the Orokin by corrupting The Lotus to their will. I just don't trust Lotus is all I am saying lol

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That doesn't really explain why grineer & corpus invade each other.. If one is trying to rebuild the Orokin & the other one are the remnants of guardians, why would they invade each other? Cooperation would make more sense..

Also the Orokin turned to the void as an act of desperation. Where their logic & reason failed. Not to mention the Tenno were highly revered before their betrayal. All of this are not the action of stoicism.

Edited by Veridantus
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That doesn't really explain why grineer & corpus invade each other.. If one is trying to rebuild the Orokin & the other one are the remnants of guardians, why would they invade each other? Cooperation would make more sense..


Here is something I wrote on the subject a while back:


We know that the Corpus and the Grineer have formal organisation and record keeping and yet they know little about the Orokin era, hence they can't have existed during the Orokin era (as organisations/races). Supporting this: we know that the Orokin recreated "humanity" from DNA left of the post cataclysm earth, no mention of creating different types of humanity.
We know that the Orokin had some form of military of their own that was used to fight The Sentients and we know they failed to halt their advance, we know the first Tenno were a "last ditch" solution and from that we know that the Tenno were not a "normal" part of the Orokin military framework (whatever it was)
We know that the Tenno have some from of Technocyte infection (Design decisions from Dark Sector, regardless of how much lore is applicable it's obvious that DE wanted to make a game with technocyte-infected soldiers in techno-biotech armour) and from the infected boss comments "you are our flesh" and the suchlike.
We know that the Orokin were experimenting with what became the infestation at the end of the Sentients war because of the backstory for Lephantis, and we know from the Stalker codex that the Tenno began the Orokin pogrom not the Infestation, possibly with good reason (I think the Orokin were using their created humanity to make infected monsters to combat the Sentients, and when the Tenno found out... words were had) Then the Tenno disappeared, we left, probably because we didn't trust ourselves to rule over Humanity like the Orokin did, or maybe we simply didn't know if we'd done the right thing by wiping the Orokin out.
Dark Sector had a lot of the "I may be becomming a monster but I'm not becoming the same type of monster that you are"-type dialogue, I'd be surprised if that theme isn't at the core or Warframe, I can just see the Tenno saying that the Orokin mustn't be allowed to make monster slaves from the re-created humanity, because they themselves felt like monsters.
So what did the humans do without the Orokin and with monsters breathing down their necks? They made themselves a new army to combat the new infestation and they gave it everything they could including the manpower that normal human reproduction couldn't muster, they made the Grineer to replace their dead or missing protectors.
Even with their imperialistic, slaver mentality the Grineer still think they are protecting the system, they still think they are the only ones capable of doing it, they still think that if humanity will just do as they say they will be safe (Listen to Sargas Ruk's dialogue he talk about Grineer protecting humanity). Certainly they've let it fester enough to build into a resentment for the "weakness" of anything non-Grineer. They think that because they were created to think that way because it's the only type of soldier who would fight something like the Infestation without fear.
The Corpus is the other end of the spectrum, when the Grineer took over (After all if governments and freedom are getting in the way of safety what is a genetically engineered warrior race to do? Take over the Earth of course!) There were those out in the colonies, those with money and resources that the Grineer still needed but didn't yet have the military might to enslave. These outposts would have become a libertarian nightmare, where those who had resources could dictate almost anything so long as the infestation didn't descend.
And that's where we are now, hundreds of years later, with the Grineer finally approaching enough force to finally challenge the Corpus, and the Corpus with enough stockpiled Orokin tech to cause a lot of trouble, and in the meantime all of those Grineer and Corpus losses all fed back into the infestation, that we left behind when we went into cryosleep.
We maintain balance because we created this problem, because "they" (The Grineer and the Corpus) have simply become what our actions made them become.
This all hinges in "The Tenno have a form of technocyte infection like Hayden Tenno in Dark Sector" and "The Orokin fed humans to another modified Technocyte virus to create monsters" which I think are well supported but not explicitly stated, with those in-place then the rest is almost a given.
Edited by SilentMobius
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Wow, that's really elaborate & actually read all of it..

Unfortunately, it still doesn't really click.

While I understand if Grineer were clones/descendent of ex-Orokin guardians, 

Their military background might actually try to enslave races, etc;

but considering the fact that the Orokin are the most advanced race at that moment,

why do the Grineer does not possess any kind of Orokin tech currently? It doesn't make any sense.

Corpus as well, they are currently gathering Orokin tech. How is it that they do not possess enough Orokin tech

if they are the wealthy side, surely they would have enough tech even at the time of the Orokin empire's fall?

& yet here they are gathering scraps of Orokin tech using inferior Corpus tech.

Not to mention Grineer & Corpus tech differs quite a lot compared to the Tennos(considering tenno weaponry are from Orokin tech since as prime counterparts only available in Orokin Void & Derelict), if the technology are of the same origin, then there should be traces of it in the design/mechanics. 

Anyway, all in all, I still don't think Grineer & Corpus have any connection of origin to Orokin (except I believe that they are all humans from Earth).

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Actually, all technology (Tenno, Grineer or Corpus) is based on Orokin technology. Both the Grineer and Corpus are obsessed with it - which is their chief motivation behind wanting the Tenno dead; we represent unknown Orokin tech (especially the Warframes themselves) that they would just loooove to get their hands on.


Corpus laser and drone technology are a prime example of this: the Orokin Void contains both drones and laser weaponry.

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My thoughts: The Orokin aren't living. It's a cluster of Intelligent Machines, thus the war versus "sentients". So it created the Tenno and brainwashed them until they decided they had had enough and slaughtered them all.  This follows with the "Neural Sentry" brainwashing corpus and grineer.
The only detail is the stalker, and his sense of betrayal when the tenno murdered their masters.  If he is a Tenno as well, then he was brainwashed and felt betrayed, and after centuries might be attempting to make amends for the misdeeds he commited.


Simply put: We're just people who were conditioned by the Neural Sentry in the past, so everyone hates us because we killed them all previously.

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Except that he's NOT. By all accounts we have so far, the Tenno that we have now have NOTHING to do with Hayden Tenno in the past. Check out Ember's lore, as has been said OVER and OVER; there's no technocyte, there's not Hayden, there are children sent (by accident or purpose we're not sure) into the Void and are twisted by it.

Well there are actually ways to reconcile all of this. You assume that embers lore can only be interpreted only one way. You assume that there's no technocyte there is nothin that would prove this. You assume the children became the Tenno. Why? That's not stated that's not even implied. They could be the first Sentients there's just as much evidence to support that.

Ultimately you and all the clan who claim that DE has stated there is no connection to DarkSector are dead wrong. Steve stated we will begin recieving details on the connection beginning next month. Sorry guys the Tenno are technocyte infected humans who aren't affected by it.

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