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Dear Digital Extremes: Thanks


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The devs in that game got shafted so hard they couldn't do anything till perfect world entertainment picked them up.


Generally everything added to STO has been an improvement over its original incarnation.  Dunno where this example is coming from.

He's not talking about STO which was, and still is, a massive pile of steaming manure.

He's talking about a Star Trek licensed game that DE 'recently' made which was a rotten tomato.

Same studio, not same people involved (although that may change as they're shifting more HR into Warframe).

Also, PWE didn't do jack S#&$. Infact, the reason they teamed with/bought Cryptic was because Jack Emmert and PWE see eye to eye (id est, how to weasel more money out of sucker players with Chinese gambling habits & methods).

The majority of the devs were/are...I have no nice words. Those who were decent people and of talent quit Cryptic as soon as opportunity knocked (like Tuffli).

The only thing Cryptic done well was to prove how underhanded and good they are at milking brand-lovers for their hard earned cash and spitting on them afterwards (or arc-peeing, even).

So, yeah, Kudos for...being a great sleazy second-hand car salesmen, I guess?

Also, Daniel Stahl. Snake/slimey doens't begin to...

Edited by OriKlein
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Awesome post.


It's hard to see the wider perspective in the day to day.

Posts like these help not just DE but everyone remember what makes the game great as opposed to gripe-worthy.

Warframe has really good bones and is still incubating... We should see some great stuff down the road.


Thanks for the reminder!

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It baffles me whenever I see people bashing DE or their game in general. It's always a case of "You REALLY don't know how good you have it, dude." Every single time someone complains about RNG, Dev involvement, Community involvement, or makes long-winded posts with tinfoil-hat level arguments about how their tired of DE trying to swindle them, I find it really difficult to not say "Uh.. shut up, and go play Vindictus for 3 years before you're ready to talk about any and all of those things."


Not that the games are compareable, but comparing DE to Nexon/Devcat is something that highlights literally everything DE is exceptional at -- Timely updates with fixes that matter, a great connection to their community and sense of what the issues are, events that are accessible and fun, and a fair business model theory -- LITERALLY everything you may want is attainable in-game without paying, with the exception of cosmetics, slots, and boosters. In all honesty DE is the only company in existance that I don't feel any hesitation towards giving money to, or are the only ones I feel deserve the money they get.


It still baffles me how people complain about RNG in this game, too... Again, play Vindictus, and try your odds at getting an enchant scroll whose drop rates are compared to getting a shiny freaking pokemon in Gen III. There are no drop rates in Warframe that are less than 1%, if I remember right.


Honestly, the attitude I see around the forums 90% of the time is comparable to that of a MOBA's community. It's really tiring, tbh.

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This is a great post, and I wanted to come forward to express my own sentiments.


Having worked briefly in the game industry, aspiring to get back into it, and being heavily involved in professional gaming communities, I understand how hard it is to be responsible for developing and maintaining such a large-scale project while also regularly communicating with the game's community and constantly striving to make the right decisions about the game's growth. From all that I've seen so far, you guys have managed to succeed in many areas where so many other companies fail, even juggernauts in the industry.


I think any sensible person who thoroughly enjoys this game knows that you guys aren't perfect but you acknowledge that truth and seek to make simultaneous constant improvement in every area. That's far from an easy task, and yet so far you've managed to take on that challenge without collapsing under the weight of its intensity. That deserves applause.


On a personal note, I love that you guys have quickly responded to and implemented many of my suggested changes for tweaking the UI and correcting spelling/grammar. These kinds of changes are so small in the grand scale of things, but you swiftly implement them anyway. I'm normally the type of person who's incredibly stingy when it comes to F2P games; if more of my suggested tweaks get implemented so quickly and elegantly, you can be sure I'll be making more Platinum purchases in the near future. Not because I actually want or need it, but because I want to show you my support for your hard work and dedication.


You guys are awesome. Seriously.

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^All of this! Especially this part:

I think any sensible person who thoroughly enjoys this game knows that you guys aren't perfect but you acknowledge that truth and seek to make simultaneous constant improvement in every area. That's far from an easy task, and yet so far you've managed to take on that challenge without collapsing under the weight of its intensity. That deserves applause.

And I'd like to add, they had to put up with publishers stepping all over their ideas with Dark Sector beforehand. DE certainly has stamina! The fact they're still around, pushing for their dream game to come through is what makes me at ease with giving them my hard-earned USD.

EDIT: If I could upvote your post more than once I would :P

Edited by (PS4)intrand
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What? You mean the Stark Trek game? And how the devs of that game were &#!'s?

Im pretty sure the devs ffrom that game aren't like any sort of lead devs in this game. Even though they are both DE.

Not to mention the fact that licensed games are inherently poo. I can think of a few exceptions, but they really are exceptions. I don't know how people aren't getting, after 30+ years, that licensed games are the shameful depths that studios sink to when they need the money, all the way from E.T. on the Atari 2600 up to today. The only relevant analogies I can think of for doing licensed games are probably too lewd not to be excised by a mod.


(Generally, franchise-related games are better than games related to a specific film, because their development cycle isn't tied to the film's schedule, but this particular Star Trek game was related to the films, wasn't it?)

Edited by thegooseking
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Honestly, the attitude I see around the forums 90% of the time is comparable to that of a MOBA's community. It's really tiring, tbh.

the toxicity there, whether DotA, Dota2, LoL or HoN(the worst of all) is honestly 10 times more tiring than Warframe's.

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Nice to see some positivity amongst all of the whining and tinfoil hat-worthy arguments. DE has been doing some amazing stuff with us - Regular events, devstreams (Real talk: How many studios do this as often as DE?), high level of community interaction, and so much more. Thank you, DE.

+1 to you, OP. I'd give you +5,000 if I could.

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I will be extremely happy if updates were released every 2 weeks like most other games but it is pointless to even talk about it when nothing has been done about it in 4 months. I think DE is doing an awesome job in terms of content but when it comes to making PS4 players happy they are truly missing the point. Void missions FPS are even worst now with update 12, drop tables are still lacking after 3 months of talking about them,etc.

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I will be extremely happy if updates were released every 2 weeks like most other games but it is pointless to even talk about it when nothing has been done about it in 4 months. I think DE is doing an awesome job in terms of content but when it comes to making PS4 players happy they are truly missing the point. Void missions FPS are even worst now with update 12, drop tables are still lacking after 3 months of talking about them,etc.


Before I say anything I would like to note I am a PC player so I can't know everything thats going on on PS4, but with that out of the way.


In the dev streams they clearly state that their teams push these updates as fast as they can to all of you on the PS4 the reason for them coming so slow is SONY and their authentication process. They have also said that they well be bringing void improvements to both PC and PS4 soon. Please don't take it out on DE when they have addressed these issues before in dev streams and posts. Nobody forces you to play, that's a choice you made and still make every time you choose play.

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It is an shared opinion OP. I too think that DE are among the best of the best developers. 

But also, while i may not be one of those who helped warframe much, i am very proud of the players and the community itself i am from. They supported, they gave amazing feedback and most of them are still around.


Warframe has got a long way to go though, but still much better than what I've experienced has an player.

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Agreed on pretty much everything you said, OP. Normally, when I play a free game I give them a bit to help out (I don't like being a freeloader), so games like Neverwinter or Path of Exile, I've given may $40 or so to (I figure give somewhere around the worth of buying a game outright). However, Warframe is the first game I've ever wanted to support above and beyond the norm. I grabbed the medium founders pack, and thought I was fine with that. Then I started watching the dev streams, seeing how the devs interact in the forums, and had so much fun in the game I made the jump to wanting to really support them much as I could. Since then, I've watched every devstream/primetime, and I love how DE is always chatting with the community. It's not something I'm used to, since many of my games have been from 'silent' developers, where the only news you get is from some interview (and usually not much info given in those).


Warframe may have its ups and downs, but overall I have been impressed by DE. I've been playing DE games since 1998, and hope to be playing DE games for many more years.

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