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Id Like To Get Some Positive Feedback On A Few Ideas I Have.


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Ok so ive come up with a few ideas for the game and id like to get some good feedback about whether they're good or not. This post will be big so i apologize but id like to get all of them out there in one go. if you would like to discuss one of my ideas just use the number to the right of it. anyways i hope this wont end up too buried as i would like to think at least one of these are good.




1) so i have a male warframe which i havent come up with a name for yet however it will be another melee warframe.

he will be another tank with high health, armor, and shield that can boost nearby allies. similar to rhino i know but hear me out.


first ability: he will sweep the area in front of him with the equipped melee weapon and it will have a gust in front of it pushing enemies back.


second ability agros nearby enemies towards you by stomping the ground and either roaring or making a threatening pose (undecided) and makes you take 5% less for a very short period of time. percentage goes up with each rank up to a max of 15%.


third ability throws glowing hollow armor on everyone similar to a wearable bubble but can easily be broken unless strengthened.


fouth ability increases melee damage by 100% and range by 200% for a duration and adds a glowing effect to the currently equipped melee weapon to show the range increase. (will be worthless for the most part on short range and fist melee weapons but they'll still get the damage boost)





2)first will be an LMG. a heavy minigun with very low damage but a huge clip and fast firing speed. its backup ammo will be huge as well and as it fires the end of the barrel will glow from heat and make it deal more damage which means the longer it fires the more damage and speed it has

. as this weapon expels ammo at a high rate its accuracy will be bad and so will its ammo consumption but the biggest drawback will be refilling the ammo reserve after it has been depleted. but i feel that the game could always use another LMG besides gorgon and the supra and a minigun just sounds fun since it will be big, bulky, and spams bullets everywhere.


3)the next is a dual wield smg that will be a primary weapon. they will be much bigger than their pistol smg counterparts and will deal more damage due to the fact there is only one mod that doubles the bullet fire for primary weapons. i figured having a dual primary would spark a little interest but since i havent put a ton of thought on it i have little to offer on it other than a suggestion.


4) one of the melee weapons i have is going to be a large 2 handed sword that actually swings like a dual wield. the primary attack will split the large sword down the middle of it and you'll swing both blades like dual longswords however the heavy attack will fuse both and slam the ground or swing horizontally. the swords size will be quite massive and long in size therefore it will be slow. if classified as a dual wield it will clearly be the slowest one of all and maybe even the slowest heavy weapon as well but it will make up for its speed in unique animation and long range. its assassination move will make you hold the weapons out from the sides of your warfame and slam them together around the enemy cutting them in half.


5) another melee weapon will be a set of boxing like weapons that will discharge a shotgun like effect upon impact causing instant bleeding to your foe. im unsure how mods would effect this but hopefully they would work in the standard fashion and the animation for these should be quite exciting.



Dojo Rooms.


6) Enemy Testing Ground: for enemies you've researched with your codex and maxed you can bring them up into this room and wail on an immortal standstill enemy hologram of the enemy you selected. it will be great to getting a visual of the different effects of weapons and mods on specific enemies.


7) Shooting/Melee Range: this will be a simple room. static enemy holograms which will look very basic and human like that you can shoot to see accuracy and/or moving targets to test enemies that run around or hide behind corners. It will have a bench on the inside where you can equip any weapon in the game you want but they're automatically unequipped when you leave the room. this could take place of the Enemy Testing Ground idea but i feel it would bring more to the game to have them separate. Only a single person can use this room at a time as it will be blocked off a barrier like the obstacle course.


8) weapon bench decoration: a simple decoration where you can change your weapons and mods inside your dojo.


9) clan mission map decoration: it will be a large hologram of the solar system, from here you can plan specific clan raids and missions and receive special clan only missions from the lotus to do. it would help bring clan activity to warframe as i find most dojos to be baron as a desert. as far as clan missions go you can either put a reward up for people in your clan that help you or you can post resource runs for your dojo where people will grind a selected mission to gather resources for the dojo in return for a selected reward from the clan leader. all resources in this mission will regretfully go strait to the vault when you gather them however they can also be withdrawn from the next idea.


10) vault kiosk: a place where clan members can withdraw or add resouces and money in the dojo with permission from the clan leader.





11) Capture the flag. (self explanatory)


12) clan VS clan mode in pvp: each clan will have their emblem displayed on half the map and on CTF it will be on the flag that needs to be captured (sorry im trying to promote a little clan based activity)




13)Void Assassination:


corrupted tenno like boss in the void. could later be a warframe that can be acquired but thats to be discussed later if they do a tenno,


it will use a range off attacks which will be listed below

-a pull attack that is followed by an area slam

-a vampire attack that will make them heal, invulnerable, and stand still until melee'd/head-shotted or until the power runs out..

-finally they will periodically use an area blast that does very heavy knockback damage that can only be avoided by blocking.(gives people a reason to block for once)


it will have 3 stages. after it looses 1/3rd of its life it will leap up on a platform and several laser traps will activate and rotate around the room until all are destroyed. after that the fight resumes until it only has 1/3rd life left and it will leap up again and activate more intricate traps. after that it will leap down enraged and will have higher damage and speed angrily shouting at your group.


the arena to fight this boss will be a large floating disk connected by a glowing bridge which will fade when everyone is on the disk and the fight starts. the room will be surrounded by either large circular gears that spin around the disk or rotating orbs that will spawn the traps. the floor below the disk will be electric and falling off will begin to slowly kill you unless you use the nearby disk to be back up. being spatially aware during this fight will be key


since this is my void boss idea id like it to feel hard and challenging. so everything in this fight will be unforgiving,



anyways these are my ideas so id live some good feedback. getting this posted at the top in general will make my day.

Edited by darthmidget
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Warframe idea is too similar to existing frames to be worth the development time. Guns as well. Melee weapons sound interesting.


Dojo and PvP ideas are fine.


Boss concept just sounds like a modified stalker.



Also, if you want your suggestions taken seriously, I would invest the time to correct your grammar and spelling.

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There's far too much here. You're going to fail to get a response simply due to the wall of text here.


Your idea for a Warframe would be obsolete before it even started. I would not use any warframe with those abilities, simply because a melee centric warframe suffers from a whole host of problems (closing to melee range, surviving at that range, etc).

Weapons are either covered by existing weapon types or lacking in detail and reason for existence.

Dojo rooms have either been suggested before (like the firing range) or aren't even a room, really.

I'm not in favor of additional pvp types at this juncture.

I've no opinion on your void assassinate idea.


Also, the term you are looking for is "Constructive feedback".

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Feedbacks (only few are positive) :

Warframe :

Curiously enough, my imagination ran pretty good with it, except with the 3rd skill.

I don't see the point of having a skill that buffs everyone's armor when you can just provoke/taunt them with 2nd skill.

1st skill is pretty basic so no comment

4th I'd very much like to see.

Weapons :

1. What is the point of having another supra/gorgon?

2. We have akstilletto which is basically a dual wield SMG with pretty nasty fire-rate..

What is the point/purpose of it being a primary weapon?

3. Galatine/Gram rings any bell?

4. Instant Bleedout on hit? Too much to ask. Best you gonna get is probably a Fist weapon like obex/kogake with higher stat proc chance.

Dojo Rooms :

1. Enemy testing ground aka Simulation room : This, I like. A room for testing weapons on enemy & observe how the enemy behave would be quite useful.

2. Shooting ground : pointless if you have ^

3. Should prob be put in the Simulation room.

4. Not gonna happen anytime soon, if ever. Granted, not a bad idea.

5. Vault Kiosk : Could be useful

PvP :

Extremely imbalanced at the moment, no point in having other modes until conclave is balanced 1st.

Void Assasination :

It's probably gonna come out sometime in the future. Not sure what the boss is gonna be. Would be great if it's the Stalker though.

Edited by Veridantus
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For the Frame, he's really similar to already implemented frames. Banshee has the same first ability with a different animation, trinity/rhino has a similar third ability, and valkyr has a near identical fourth ability.


For weapons, try to figure out how to make an infested, or Tenno machine gun to make the set complete.


The dual/single sword sounds, and it sounds tenno. I like it. (The boxing idea, not so much, if it's firing like a shotgun, it'd run out of ammo :o)


For the dojo...


all the points you've listed have already been thought up, look here for some more if you'd like.


Capture the flag sounds fun, and clan based PVP sounds just as interesting. Although if it was Clan VS Clan you'd need a Red VS Blue style paint job on the frames, and trinity would be over powered, unfortunately it's not quite possible right now.


Fun boss fight.

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thanks guys. i was just looking for some good feedback on these. i seems i have alot of rethinking to do on a few of these though i feel some of theme were simply thrown out the window just because other things already existed. even still the feedback was constructive from a few of you and that will come in handy as i slowly revise a few of these. i figured a few were unoriginal ideas but i might as well speak up anyways. doesnt hurt to mention the same ideas if it increases the chances that the devs will see the desire for them from multipul people. anyways thanks for the help for those that actually tried to be constructive.

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