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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Rounding the corner, he found himself directly behind an unaware Moa. With his Bo Prime he laced it around it's mechanical neck and broke free of the robotic body. Lifting the head He tossed it across the room distracting the rest of the Corpus and Moa's. Slowly following them and one by one he'd kill 7 Corpus 2 more Moa. Leaving 8 more Corpus Witch he made quick work of using a rising wind combo and a rolling gale, attack.

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"Do you know how many daippers your gonna need or how fast kids grow out clothes. And when it becomes a teenagers and espeacially if its a male it'll eat you out of house and home and what I bought will just barely get you started. This is a Tenno child were talking about. not a human." she said.

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"that will be taken care as well. " She said. As the mech's dispossited the parcels and left. One stayed behind and assembled furniture. things like a crib, changing table. and Dresser. All for the baby. Kosha in the course of an hour had everthing squared away. The room didn't look anymore full than it did before.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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Stepping over the bodies of the Corpus he ventured futher into the room. Before he came to the next door way.


"Leaving so soon Tenno? You are not done here. Have you not come to be part of my next Prodject." he heard the voice say.

He turned to see Alad V standing there.


Fueled by his anger for the this Corpus for what he had done to his Okaachan. He ran full bore at Alvad V.


"Sanuka, Attack!" Alad V said.


Sanuka desended from the ceiling to land on the floor just behind him and pounced on him throwing him down on his face.

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Halcyon observed, knowing Ookami was in a bad spot, knowing he'd have to get himself out of it, almost all weapons would be useless in this situation, except that he would need something to hit Alad with as he evaded Zanuka. He left the Despair nearby, knowing that the Sybaris would require close range.

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Raising his head he saw what he thought was his dispair. They were just out of his reach, if he could just stretch a little further.

"COME TO ME" he screamed.

Alad V started to laugh. "You think someone will help you. You humor me Tenno." he said. "Wait what is this." he said to Ookami as he notice 4 Silver Kubrow appear out of nothing. Two of them started running for Alad V and the other two leaped at Sanuka. Which cause it to jump off of His back. Lines of blood ran down his back as he stood up from where the Metal Beast had jumped him and cut into his flesh. He saw the two on the robotic hound and figured they could handle it for now and sent the two on V to join them. As they ran past him to form the pack on Sanuka, he picked up the holsters and strapped them to his thighs. Lifting his nose to the air He could smell Alad V's fear. and walked slowly in that direction.

"Wha.... Wha... What are you. Your not a Tenno. What abilities are these. Oh you will be a great addition to our research. Faneing cockiness to hide his fear.

Taking one of his knives he cut into a Corpus body and slathered his chest, arms and face with its blood. His blue/grey eyes turned Steel Blue. And he charged on all fours with the speed of a tundra wolf.

Alad V was hiding on a ledge crouched down behind a storage container. Thowing the knife he still held the container shattered.

"What's wrong Alad you seemed so confident earlier." he growled through gritted teeth. He Grabbed him the threw him across the room.

As he was about to attack V again. A mangled Sanuka entered the room, the apperitions had disipated before they could finish the job.

He was barely able to dodge as Sanuka leaped at him. His anger for Alad V was rising fueling his primal instinct. He ran toward Sanuka and Sanuka in turn ran toward him.

They lept at each other in the air almost in unison. Just before making contact, he cast his Frenzy. His claws shredded the diaodes and wires and metal of the mangled thing. (he's killed harvester's before but nothing like this) Sanuka fire it projectiles as his lept and they exploded as they colided. Both Tenno and Machine hit the floor.

His body ripped open and burned at the sametime he sturred, as he regained consciencousness.

The Robot sparked and twitched but other than that it did not move.

Moving by pure rage, and instinct alone he stood limping toward Alad V. "Who am I, I am Ookami Nihonto Midori, I am your Reckoning, Throwing his dispair he pinned Alad V's arms and legs to the wall.

Slowly he walked up to the Corpus Bastard. Only a hairs bredth away from his face, he sniffed the air. "Your so big and powerfull, What happen?" he asked.

Alad V didn't say anthing cowaring with fear. The wolf in him had taken over. He grabbed the Man by the throat pushing his head against the wall.

"Sniff, Sniff, Awggh You pissed yourself. Why whats wrong I thought I was part of your next project?" he said.

Alad V started wimpering and tear came down his face "Ple... Plea... Please, What ever you are Please don't kill me." he begged.

"This is for Kosha Midori, my Okaachan." he said reaching down and grabbed Alad's genitals and ripped them from his body. "AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" Alad screamed in a deafening howl. Then He shoved them down his screaming throat.

"This is for me." he said. With his left clawed hand he punched threw his abdamon and pulled out his heart. and threw it to the floor.

Covered in blood both his own and that of his enemies, he took a few steps and collapsed on the floor.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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As he lay there. The Purplish Aura cloaked figure appeared. It brushed against his face. "You avenge the one you know as Mother. Such honor My Child. Had you known me. Would it have been the same?" It said as it disappeared. The blood was washed away from him and his wounds were healed leaving more scars upon his body.


When he awoke, the black Shadow of a Wolf stood over him. He jerked back thinking it an enemy.


"Fear not Child,"  It spoke in a ancient nordic voice. "You fight well and use your skill deftly. But, learn this lesson well Ookami. The way of the Finrir and the Ronin is a Honorable one. Relying on your instincts is good, but don't be consumed by them. A true warrior keeps his head in battle. Berserkers are fierce warriors. But they easily loose control and can that can cost the Victory of the battle." without another word it disappeared.

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"Again my dreams come to life. Is this part of the Rite or am I loosing my mind?" he asked himself. He looked himself over and saw that he'd been healed again. What was this magic he thought.


So far it had been 2 days. Since Ookami had left. Kosha arrived at Rose's room to check on her daughter in law.

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((OOC: Tuckr has had been suspended for few days for some reason. So we will be waiting what comes on Rose and Harina))


????: "Ookami focus on the mission then to the things what bothers you. You sound like that the most difficult is still ahead of you maybe less than length of a sword's blade. You are okay Ookami now get back to fight and focus on the targets"

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Halcyon nodded, understanding his ferocity, but noticing how off balance Ookami seemed, he shrugged, figuring it was the way of his beastial abilities. He leaned the Sybaris against a nearby wall. He said to Ookami,

"Go on, be great, But I want you to never again lose yourself in your anger. It might be required at some point. But even as I display the coldness, the frigidity of Frost, I am yet forced, required, to sometimes reveal the fragility, the intricacy, of a snow flake. In this, you must find equality, in this you must find the balance that tenno so cherish. So while you may require the extremity of a wolf, remember to sometimes, and not just to one person, display the caring, the understanding, of a kubrow pup. "

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(( As idea's are flooding my brain I will do the following in sections as they come to me. ))


The Archway appeared as did the Lotus.


"Tenno, You have done well. But, you must continue. Your weapons are now returned to you.


In the midst of Destiny and Fate, You must recover and defend an Artifact of an Ancient era.



The image of the Lotus disappeared.

He picked up the Sybaris and checked it. Garoy had done well on the modifications. It had been turned from a right handed repeating rifle that fired 2 shots at once to a Left handed rifle that now would fire 4 shots. He slung the Bo Prime over his shoulder.

Then he walked through the Archway.

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Coming through the Archway. He found himself on a Tenno class battle ship. It had been abandon. Cables and wire hung from the overhead and the bulkheads. To the left He could see that the bulkhead had sustained a massive burage of missile fire. How the ship was still flying through the galaxy he didn't know. But the air was gone and he held his breath, as best he could he held on to the bulkhead to find a way in.


Soon he came to a double sliding door that was held open by a container on its side. He climbed over it and kicked it out of the way. As the doors shut air pressure returned to the ship. Feeling around in the dark, he found a console and pushed the master switch. Power was restored to what was left of the ship. Pulling up the ships scamatics, He found that only 4 decks still sustained life support. the rest of them had been destroyed in what ever battle it had gone through. He searched from room to room for what ever he could find that might be this Artifact. He'd found 4 boxes of extra rounds that surprisingly in good condition and although not exactly the right kind he would use they would work. He also found a small galley and was able to take some rations. "How long had he been gone, he hadn't thought about food untill he found them. But he eat them anyway.


He'd covered the first deck and didn't find anything that he thought of importance. He found a scuttle and a ladder well. and climbed down to the next deck.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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"I'm fine, But it has been 4 days since he left. An no one seems to know anything about it, or at least they won't say anything. But as you know the Rite is for the one going through it. And, it is different for everyone. So there's probably no need to worry." she said.

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"We could get you a check up to see how the Baby is doing. And then we could do what ever you wanted." She said.



He arrived at the bottom of the ladder well and opened a door. From the looks of it he must have skipped the second level and come straight to the third. There must have been motion detectors in the room, cause as he walked the lights came on to reveal what looked like a storage room or a cargo bay. There were crates and things with tarps covering them. He'd found a crowbar and after several hours had opened and gone through them all. He sat on the floor and looked out across the room. "I don't know what or where you are but I hope its worth it" he said to himself.

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Mirage came to the med room quite tired from the operation Gate Crash and heard what Rose said about birth "Die?! Haahhahhahhaa! Now that made my day. Fell unconscious some of them after the birth of a Tenno child does. Believe me it is really exhausting the birth and it will hurt" Mirage said then after putting her weapons to cabinet she checked Rose. "Well 9 months and 3 weeks should be the time when you will birth your child. I am a mother myself you know. So I do have experience about birthing" Mirage finished.

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"There has had been one close call case I admit. The death what you think is would be caused by bleeding inside of the body *she did a scan on Rose's body* But currently scan doesn't detect any of that bleeding. So you are free from worry. Don't make up things in your mind. Fear is the enemy of free life" Mirage said.

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