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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Halcyon nodded,

"You owe me nothing, Ookami, your, teachings, have shown me something, made me realize, that I am unable to love. You two are bonded together, held, by something stronger than anything else. A fear of death that is refined, extended towards another. Your pain is their pain, and the other way around. I can never again have this, for I have been forced to believe I am unable to die. Unable to give up, able to be hurt, but not killed, anyone else I try to forge such a bond with will take my eons of existence for granted, I will be left alone again, watching them wither and age. Thank you, we may meet again. But I doubt it, I just want to see her one last time." He said, opening up his void capsule, retrieving an urn from its depths. An urn containing her ashes. He walked away, to his ship, setting course for no where in particular and sealing the urn in a backpack fueled by cryotic. He sat alone, with a glance at a tarp nearby, covering a tenno sized mahogany box. Not moved from its place beside his foundry. He opened it, revealing the warframe he'd made for her. With all his skill, with all his care. He had created a female formed Frost Prime. No squall helm, but a streamlined form of the Frost Prime one. He closed the box, closing his eyes and walking back to the navigation terminal with the back pack.

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"You are free to go Ookami my scans doesn't indicate any possible injuries in your body" Mirage said and departed from the room.


Meanwhile at Talvi's rented room.


"I think you could use your warframe until we get to the market stalls of the Hall where you can buy yourself some clothes" Taiji said as took her Nyx Prime helmet and putted it on "There is a reason why I didn't want to become a Prime... Because it would get this place in some serious troubles if Grineer or Corpus finds out about this" Taiji said she was able to take off the helmet but not the warframe at all.

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Taiji followed Harina they got to the Hall where at the market stalls Harina and Taiji were stared at but mostly Taiji. Taiji started using telepathy communication "They are staring at me. It makes me slightly nervous I have to admit..." Taiji said through telepathy to Harina only as they arrived to clothes section of the market place in the hall.

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"Ok I need to get up and dressed in you would excuse me and my Wife." he said. After Rose as him were alone in the room he stood up and revealed the many scars and bruises he had that weren't there the last time she'd seen his body. But, before she could react he'd grabbed her in his arms and kissed her.

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"I think you should buy more clothes since you never know will you get those ones dirty somewhere" Taiji said as looked at the clothes bought herself an outfit tracksuit pants light grey colored, light grey hooded shirt, white T shirt, white socks and white sneakers. She bagged them and paid. The merchant was eyes widened quite a while as this had seen Nyx Prime. "Quite rarely here visits any primes" merchant said "I know it is not a shame or joy on my part. They just prefers to be safe" Taiji said to merchant.

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The next morning when he woke up. He looked across the room and saw the crib. He was happy he would be a father. And having passed he Rite of Passage he was now confidant that he could do it. But, first things first. He need to see Anrek. 


He'd dressed, kissed Rose on the forehead and went to the Library.

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"Just in case that if you make food and something goes wrong you will have alternative clothes so you will not be in under armor or worse" Taiji said "Anyway shall we go now then to our own duties?" Taiji asked.


Meanwhile at Library.


Anrek was paying attention mostly on the computer what is on his desk "What is it Ookami? I need to say it is good to see you okay again" Anrek said as turned to look on Ookami.

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"I just got panic attack I think... I need to get my problem solved soon as possible or it will become a death to me... So... I need to hope that Talvi arrives soon as possible. Maybe we three can travel together" Taiji said and looked towards Harina thinking about Talvi.

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"What I have read from your mind is that he has said that he loves you as friend. He loves somebody else. I think he said Ashtare named by person who he loves... Coldly but also he understands your emotions towards him. He wants to keep you close because of dark past of both your and his. Those people who has dark past seems to be those who he wants to have near of him" Taiji said "What do you think to be the reason you love him?" Taiji asked.

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"So you haven't thought at all about what kind of person he is when he doesn't feel regret. What have I read from your mind is that you haven't never felt that kind of treatment and that you were finally allowed to sleep in the safe place where nobody will not disturb you. Didn't his mother say that do not judge people by their look and words. Talvi is a noble man but beneath the handsome looks lies a warrior without a match but restless soul who doesn't find peace for some reason... Like something has locked away from him" Taiji spoke.

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"You understood somewhat wrong. From his eyes I am able to read that there is something gone, missing, forgotten not sure but he looks like that he has forgotten half of his life or something" Taiji said "True warrior he is but he knows Valkyr who has gone berserk in the battlefield is much as a problem as advantage" Taiji finished.

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"Umm... I didn't see any capsules and nobody who are working at the arena haven't given any notes about seeing a capsule in there. You sure that you didn't see something while you were unconscious?" Anrek spoke.


Meanwhile at hall.


"I will go look for him and talk with him" Taiji said and departed to her room.

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((OOC: Yeah I missed that one or there has had been a too long pause well...))


Anrek started digging information from his computer about this pod and received a message from one worker "There we go. It is at one level down from here what are used to store things. If you remember the first time when you met Mihya but first level down" Anrek said.

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Remembering the harvester attack. He was glad he remembered to bring the Orokin book with him.  He made his way down to the lower levels storage rooms. There is was, still powered up and the Blue swirling mist still filled the inner chamber of the Pod. Tracing the runes on it. He tried to read them. It seemed that there was a certain way to open this pod. This was an Orokin pod, not a Tenno one.


Why would the Orokin need pods he thought.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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As he read the old runes. His eyes opened wide. He'd found on the Pod the same Passage he'd found in the Orokin book.


"Only one with a Destiny may follow the Path. Through the Myst the journey Begins." as he read on he found that the Orokin although more rare than the Tenno. Some were born with abilities as well. But they had difficulty with regular frames harnessing their abilities. And, they were unable to assemilate wiht Prime frames. So the delved futher into mysteries of Frames and abilities. And had finally found the technology to Produce the Proto frame to harness the abilities for Orokin specifically. It was also discovered that although Orokin could not wear Tenno frames, Tenno could wear Proto frames as well. It was also revealed that in the Great war. That there were Orokin sympathizers that sided with the Tenno. He thumbed through the book and then check the pod. It could be. The same person the had engraved the Pod. Was the same person that had written the book. Closing the book he opened the access panel. Pressing a few buttons. He entered the command to retrieve all date files. incerted the mem chip and hit enter.

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Retrieving the data he watched the Video again and again of Thraiga. He started to see features that he favored from his father. His hair was starting to turn a little gray at the sideburns and the eyes and cheek bones were his fathers so the rest must be from his mother, he thought.


Still not able to figure out how to open the Pod. He place his had on the top glass panel. "Why wont you, Open." he asked retorical.


"Because you didn't ask me to." Came the Nordic accent.


"Are you? the Pod, or the Something else." he asked.


"Thraiga, do you not remember me. I'm Finrir. Your, Frame." It said.


"I'm not Thraiga. He's dead. I'm Ookami. I'm... " it felt odd but he said it anyway. " I'm his Son."


"So, Its true. He did tell me he had, had a Son. But when last we talked he had taken me off and said He'd be back. that he had to do something. I had thought it was to set the deployment of the Pod." it said.


"He didn't make it. So, would you please open the pod?" he asked.


The glass canopy lifted up with a hiss as if it were pressurized. The Blue mist wisped up in tendrils but remained in the pod.


"Now what do I do?" he asked.


"You lay down in the Pod in the mist. And it will begin." Finrir said.


He walked over the the side of the pod. "What will begin?" he asked.


"Our Journey. My young Friend. The journey has ended for Thraiga. But yours has just begun." Finrir said.


He stepped over the side of the pod and once he laid down, he took a deep breath and breathed in the mist.

The Mist shot up and then down as if in a vaccum. As if like a liquid the Frame covered his body, assuming his form. When he was completely covered by the liquid it solidified. And the Mist disepated.


"Let it Begin" Finrir said.


He climbed out of the pod and stumbled. The frame adden 4 inches to his height making him six feet and 2 inches tall. The feet looked more like Paws than feet. But every then else assumed the natural shape of his body. He waved his arms back and forth it was a fluid movement. as if it had been made for him. He noticed that it was a glossy black trimmed in silver and the Mist must have been consumed by the frame cause there were almost lights of the same bright sky blue of the mist.


"It will take time for us to learn to work together. But, it will only take 24 hours to fully assemilate to each other. At that time you will be able to remove me when ever you choose But not for the first day. " Finrir told him.


He looked around the room. everything was as it was save for the pod had powered itself down, lay dormment.


"If I should be come damaged just take me off and lay me in the pod and after 24 hours i will be repaired but you one the other hand must seek medical attention when needed." Finrir told him.


"What do we do now. Finrir." he asked.


"We do what ever you would normally do. I'm a Proto frame not a fortune teller. I do not decide for the Opprative what to do. I only guide him until it is time for him to be on his own. I will continue to witness and observe the Opprative and offer guidedence when asked. But once you have mastered Me you will need me less and less. If a new Opprative assumes me. I will guide him as well and to the same extent as I did the one before him."


"How many, have you guided." he asked the Frame.


"Just Thraiga and now you. I was made especially for him. He was the first Finrir. It would only be proper that the next would be, His Son. As most Frames are inherited by father to son and mother to daughter. But sometimes it does skip a generation or two." Finrir said.


With that he left the store room and venture up into the dome. Almost feeling as if it were his first day at the Dome.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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