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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"EEEWWW don't you think you could have washed it off." he asked. "Jade sounds nice. But, I was thinking about Thraiga for a boy. It was my father's name. And Lilly for a girl. If it is a girl would Jade Lilly or JadeLilly as her name would that be ok with you." He asked.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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He kissed her back and after the kiss. he fell asleep with her in his arms. As he slept he dreamed. He saw himself much older more experienced and battle hardened, and with a few more scars. There was a alarm going off. She was there. Her hair was much longer and braided. but with a touch of grey. "Rose, where are the Children. We have to leave. I need you to get all the children off the Dome. as well as our own." he said 


His own hair was longer and so was his beard, it was a cold iron grey now. He put on his Frame.

"Well Finrir its been awhile but I need your help. We have to evacuate the Dome and I can't do it alone." he said to the frame.


"Doesn't the Librarian have a plan for this." Finrir said more as a statement than a question.


"Anrek's Been dead for two hundred years Finrir. There's a Trinity in charge now and I don't know where She is." He said.


At that moment there was an explosion. "ROSE!" he cried as he woke up in a cold sweat.


"Oh thank the Lotus it was just a dream." he whispered to himself. and fell back asleep.

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"Just a dream, Love just a dream." he said. But he still stared into the dark. At that moment he realized as he held his wife. One of his dreams had came true. How long before this one does. he wondered in silence.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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Halcyon woke, poking Natalia, who woke as well, indicated by her sitting at the end of the bed, holding her own arms around her, as if she was cold. Halcyon stood on the other side of the bed, sitting beside her as she hugged herself.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, and she shook her head. He tried to wrap an arm around her, but she shuddered away from his touch.

"I can't sleep, I spent the whole night thinking about what I am, what I was made into. I'm not real, I'm not alive, there will be thing I can never do. I'll never be able to feel the touch of another, I'll never be able to...to touch someone else, I'll forever be, just, hollow," she said finally, and Halcyon squirmed,

"You know I see you as more than that, I've always seen you as a mind, not a body, It might sound rude, but you aren't hot, you aren't pretty...(oof),I will tell you what you are, you are beautiful, and that's looking at who you are, not what you are." He said, rubbing his chest where she punched him when he said she wasn't hot, she hugged him when he told her she was beautiful, burying her helmet's face in his chest.

"It'll be hard, but if you really want me to, I think I've found the technology necessary to make a body for you." He offered, and she shook her head,

"It wouldn't be right, asking you to do that for me." She said, and he chuckled,

"You know I can only be happy for as long as everyone around me is," He said, and kept badgering her until she agreed, "Sometimes I think you've got me so wrapped around your finger that you make me want to do stuff for you." He said, grinning and standing, holding onto her until he had to have breakfast, he brushed his hands off, standing and leading her into the library, he brought up a blueprint for something that looked like a self reproducing technological cell, he got a foundry to work building them, he would have to start out with at least a couple billion, and the advanced technology of the foundry built ten a second. He got to work building a mold for them to form to, using Natalia as a template, she giggled as he measured some spots, but otherwise most awkwardness was avoided, he left the foundry to work for a while, coming back once he got a notification that it was completed. He opened his void locker, drawing out the redirector and having Omega perform as high intensity scan of the inside of Natalia's warframe. The cells received the orders and started arranging themselves, specializing and setting them selves in place, leaving space open for an AI chip to be inserted in. Natalia nodded, and he slotted it in, watching as the cells accepted the chip, integrating it into a neural system. NAtaliA's eyes built themselves as she opened them. She blinked, and looked up at Halcyon, then looked at her warframe on the floor as the finer parts of her body built themselves, working off her memories of how she was. Muscles were designed and created under her skin, and she covered herself best she could.

"Get out of here! I'm naked!" She yelled, and Halcyon jumped, turning to run out of the room as quickly as possible. She stepped out of the room a moment later, her Frost Prime warframe on, her helmet deactivated as she beamed at him.

"This is amazing, I have my body back!" She said, hugging him as her hair grew, Halcyon smiled down at her, glad to see she was happy, surprised when he watched some of her hair coalesce into a blob that fell to the ground.

"Gamma?" He asked, pulling Natalia away from the blob,

"Yes I was about to mention that, you don't seem to have put in a protocol to make them stop reproducing."

"Could you...?"

"Just did." Gamma said, Natalia's hair solidified, but the glob melted into the ground.

"I'll fix that later," Halcyon said.

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He gently Kissed her cheek and then showed her that he'd made her breakfast in bed. Just because he loved her. "Good morning sleepy head. I thought we'd go see Kosha today. and" he paused looking at her. "Did you know that your hair has changed color? And, over night at that. It's kind of odd don't you think." he asked.

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"You still look beautiful and with your new hair. You will always be White Hot to me." he said and kissed her again. "Before we go see Mom would you like to see if Mirage can tell you what the baby's going to be. But, I don't want to know, I want it to be a suprise. But, you can tell Kosha if you want." He asked her.

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"So are you done eating?" he asked.


Kosha had given the Kubrow some kibble. She'd given her son a day or two to recover. She was so proud of him and that he had passed his rite of passage. and couldn't wait to see him in his frame. She wondered what the Lotus's plans for him would be. But she would need to give him the pup soon while it was still a pup. So it could bond with him. She had been lucky to get the Sunika imprints. He had been used to fighting along side a warrior Sentinel so it was only right to give him one with a warrior spirit. And with the baby on the way it would be an added sense of protection. She couldn't wait for her Grandchild to be born. She had missed being able to be a mother she wouldn't miss this oppertunity to be a dotting Grand Mother.

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He winked at her. He had seen woman that he thought was pretty and attractive before he met Rose. But, She had been his first and had made him a man. that night. She was the love of his life. His Wife and the very foundation of his life. He served the Lotus but his life revolved around Rose. She was and would be the only woman He would submit to. He was a mans, man and any woman that saw him would judge her man by the way he was Rose's man. But there was only one woman for him and that was Rose. He didn't know nor did he want to know if she had bedded another man before him. But he never doubted that to her, He was her man.


When she was finished eating He cleared away the breakfast dishes and Brought her, her favorite outfit and waited while she dressed. When they left their room to go to the Hospital for an ultrasound, He beemed behind his helm. He truly believed he walked in the pressence of an Angel.

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((Are there any restaurants in the dome?))

Halcyon led Natalia to his Liset, fixing a gourmet meal for her from scratch,

"Oh Halcyon, you didn't have to..." She laughed, looking hungrily at the meal,

"Don't worry about it, the tomatoes were about to go bad anyway," He chuckled, setting the plate down in front of her, spaghetti, she grabbed a fork, ready to start shoving the food into her mouth, when she faultered,

"Can I...? I mean, is it possible for me to...?"

Halcyon suddenly looked squeamish,

"That's a good question, let's see if those cells filled out on their own," He said, calling Omega over, "X-Ray, please," He told the AI, and Omega complied, indicating that Natalia's cells had indeed mass produced themselves at an incredible rate, creating her organs quickly and efficiently.

"Looks like you can," He said, separating the spaghetti in half, giving Natalia the slightly larger amount. She ravaged the food, eating quickly enough to give Halcyon motion sickness. He are a little, then pushed away his food, cringing, sickened as he watched Natalia's jaw unhinge for a moment, she looked at the remainder of his food when she finished hers.

"You gonna...?"


She ate his food just as quickly, sitting back afterwards with a smile on her face, accompanied by quite a bit of tomato sauce. Halcyon handed her a napkin, and she scrabbled to stop looking so pig like, taking the napkin graciously and cleaning her face with a blush.

"Sorry about that, it's hard to remember how hungry you are without a stomach, then you get one and you're ravenous." She explained, and Halcyon shrugged, heading back to the room to turn in for the day, Natalia laying beside him, curled around his torso in a tender embrace, he wrapped an arm around her, cherishing her proximity, unable to remember something important, something that was bothering him. He decided to worry about it tomorrow, he closed his eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes.

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