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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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as Ingron gave the command and she dropped the glaive.before Rose could reach him. He pounced on her pinning her to the floor. His left claw having penitrated her abdomin, He held her heart in his hand and felt it beating. "It didn't have to be this way." he said.

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as Ingron gave the command and she dropped the glaive.before Rose could reach him. He pounced on her pinning her to the floor. His left claw having penitrated her abdomin, He held her heart in his hand and felt it beating. "It didn't have to be this way." he said.

((I hope that you meant NAtaliA by that and not Rose))


NAtaliA simply laughed at Ookami, the hole where her heart was refilling after a new heart grew before Ookami's eyes,



"Of course it didn't. I could've left peacefully, and you could've decided not to be put on my list," she blinked, "Those visions you've been having, dreams? I wouldn't worry about them, I won't let you live long enough for them to happen." She said, melting into the ground and appearing in the liset regardless.







"Now what you have done Halcyon..." Ingron said having his black armor on "Now I have to inform my greatest agent about the threat what sounds like you have created am I correct?" Ingron asked. "You should have left the doing the body to professionals but now to the subject who was that?" Third guard asked.





Halcyon looked at Gamma's Icon on his UI,



"Yea, that was my bad, I'll get her, don't worry about it, that was the consciousness of a some of very tortured memories, when I found Natalia her back was opened up, they were dissecting her while she was still alive, and by the scars on her, they'd been treating her like that for months, that's who that was, the living breathing sum of only a life of torture, I'm kinda surprised that she didn't sadistically knock us all out and re-enact her torments upon us, she definitely has the strength to do it, and your greatest agent? don't send him unless you want to tarnish his reputation, he won't catch her, and he might die trying, I've got Omega on it, and he'll stall her until I can get there and take care of it, I would however, try and find these nanite like cells she may or may not have around the dome, that's how she got away, they can specialize and re-specialize their purpose, so they cna be a gun, sword, or even body parts, anything that's unnatural, I'd get it checked out."

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Behind his helm his face went ghost white. 'How did she know about the dreams?' "SHE"S MY MATE! I could do no less than protect her and my child, do You not understand it was not with malice against you. It was to protect them." he said still awe struck that she knew of his dream and at the same time she could regenerate her organs.

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Halcyon looked at Ookami,



"Don't worry, I'm kinda sure Omega is more than able to crumple her ship in deep space, she won't be able to get back here to bother you. Though, I am kinda wondering, what was that she said about dreams? It's obviously got you shaken up," He said, crouching next to the wolf frame.

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Discharging his kubrows. He stood as if every movement was being measured.  Looking a Rose then to Halcyon. " Are you alright? I need to talk to her, She knows things she shouldn't. I need to know what else she knows....


About me, Rose our Child and everything else she knows about everything else. He said his voice barely above a measured whisper. I also need to know every detail you know about her. Strengths, weakness's, EVERYTHING." he said.

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Halcyon shrugged,



"There's not much to be known about her, she's an anomaly to the point of I never should've let her exist this long, it's obvious that killing her will be a challenge, especially if she can create things with those cells just by memory... Natalia! can you do that?"



She also shrugged, stopping at his side,



"I've never tried,"



"Well there you have it, we can run some tests, but so as to whether you'll ever see her again will be tough to say, and her knowing stuff she shouldn't? I'd either put it up to smoke and mirrors or she had a lucky guess, it'll just be another thing to test, but as far as I know, memories aren't the most communal between Natalia and I, and we do quite a bit of hanging out, though she is always wearing a warframe I built for her instead of one made up of those cells..." Halcyon said, becoming thoughtful for a moment, "Weaknesses, weaknesses, like I said before, she seems nigh unkillable, and Omega said she's nonpolar and covalent, meaning we can't dissolve her or pull her apart with magnetism. You didn't even give her pause when you ripped her heart out, I'm thinking the best way to hit her would be through hacking of some kind, the cells are tiny, but they are still electronic, so an EMP should be effective at making them explode. Do you still have that heart? if you do, get rid of it, you don't want to give the cells time to worm their way into your warframe," He added, still contemplative. Natalia stepped forward, her glove deactivating to reveal her bare hand, looking at Ookami,



"If you want to get results right now, we can check if simple contact with the cells transfers memories, but that could be kind of personal, so it's up to you," Natalia said, drawing her hand back slightly.

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After he'd got Rose home and had met up with Halcyon and Natalia.


"I think I can trust you, You were my monitor so by all acounts you've given my no reason not to." he said to Halcyon.

You, on the other hand, We've never met till now. So I'm going to ask you to swear that unless its a matter of life or death to Rose or our child that you tell no one what you may or may not find. But, if that Thing is part of you and it can know these things you may also. So if we could to some where private I will let you try." He said although he didn't seem so sure of his confidence.

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"Come in Ookami" she said. "Ookami always knocks never using the intercom."


"Oh, its just you. Where's Ookami" she asked. Looking a little disappointed. and offered Rose to sit on the sofa.


"So how are you and how's the baby?"

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In a liquidy (dark sector) fashion the glove on his frame unwrapped itself from his left hand and touched it to Natalia's.




"I'm sure He'll be fine Rose." she said and as she finished speaking I squiling sound was heard from Kosha's bed room and a black Kubrow pup with silvery grey badger stripes scappered into the living room.

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"Yes, I like your outfit." she said.


"He's for Ookami. His naming day in coming and I thought it would be the perfect gift. It would serve two purposes actually. He would have a companion on missions. He took Ruka's death pretty hard and I never got to thank you for helping him grieve for her. And showing him that he could love again. and He wouldn't have to worry about you so much when he left you at home." she said.

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After he'd got Rose home and had met up with Halcyon and Natalia.


"I think I can trust you, You were my monitor so by all acounts you've given my no reason not to." he said to Halcyon.

You, on the other hand, We've never met till now. So I'm going to ask you to swear that unless its a matter of life or death to Rose or our child that you tell no one what you may or may not find. But, if that Thing is part of you and it can know these things you may also. So if we could to some where private I will let you try." He said although he didn't seem so sure of his confidence.

Halcyon shrugged,



"What can be worse than her already having been in your head? If she can some how see what Natalia sees it's not bad cuz it's not as if she's learning anything new." He said, leading Ookami to their room and standing nearby, he looked at Natalia, who had agreed to never tell anyone, she held out a hand,



"This might not work, so don't get your hopes up." She said, shrugging, as Ookami touched Natalia's hand she nearly fell backwards, her vision exploding in a whirl of memories that weren't hers.

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He felt a presence in his mind once their hands touched. It was just a moment, But it seemed for ever. through her touch She was able to know everything about him, He saw every second of his life from his birth to now, All with in the time it took them to join hands and then pull away. When the touch ended. he felt the presence leave.

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Halcyon caught Natalia as she fell, placing her quickly on the bed and taking notes on a holographic pad,



"So what happened?" He asked after writing down what physically happened. Natalia was near unconscious so he was looking to Ookami for information.

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Shaken he sat down "Sorry, Have you ever heard that when you die you life passes before your eyes. Well i didn't die. But I just saw every second of every moment in my life. up till she let go of my hand. I... I saw EVERYTHING he said. The hurts, the joys. My wrong and good deeds. My moments with my wife. all of it as if i were in the room when it all happen but wasn't a part of it. She knows everything about me. Both of them do. My strengths weaknesses everything that she could use against me she knows it." He said.




"Do you have everything you need for the baby. Dear, I haven't been able to be out and about lately. Is there anything you would like to do." She asked Rose.

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Rose stopped petting it and sat on the couch again. "So umm... what to do." She said.

Rose question of what to do was answered as the roof began laughing, cackling, speaking in NAtaliA's voice,




"Do? Well, I'm gonna tell you what I would do, if I were you... I'd be running, hurling yourself from this horrid library as fast as I could," NAtaliA cackled, forming parts of the roof into a silhouette of Rose running, a myriad of shadowy creatures sprinting after her, morphing and changing as it went. "You don't have to leave of course, I already said I wasn't going to hurt you, and I seriously value life in everyway, so your child is fine as well, but this so called mother, Kosha," She spat, "Evidently never saw fit to teach her child such values, so he ripped my heart out, and he's on the list along with his beloved adoptive parent." She growled, the shadows fading, the room returning to normal as if nothing happened.







Halcyon nodded, thoughtful,



"Did it feel like this while the other one had you? did you see it then?" He asked, typing up what was said.

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"No I felt nothing I just wanted to kill her She was threatening Rose and my Child. I lost control I couldn't think at all. I just reacted. But at the same time there was a since as if we'd met or crossed paths before. But I know now that we hadn't. Unless... It was when the refugees where here and it was when the mist had surrounded the Dome. I don't have any memories of her at all.

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"Bring it on Sister, Its been over a hundred years since I've had a good fight. You do what ever you want but my Son and his family are off limits. I've lived a full life." she said and let out her war cry.


The Kubrow pup leaped up at the ceiling and did puppy snarling at the presence.


When it settled so did the pup. "Are you ok Rose?" she asked now standing in front of Rose.

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"I was thinking that if I could help her in some way, Make the ones responsible pay for what they did maybe she could be at peace and would leave my family alone. I she was a small child it would have been more difficult for her to find that kind of peace but if she was old enough to use her head. she may be ok with it. and I would need to know where to start if I'm to do this for her. But if it was a lackey of Alad V then Alad V is  who I would start with first, But I already Killed him. Unless she feels cheated because I did it and not her." he said.

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