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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Before she laid down she took out her portable commincation unit that allowed her to send but not recieve transmissions to Lotus and made her report the the Lotus. About Ookami so far. and the happenings on the Dome.


she had removed her clothes to put on a night gown. Still a hansom woman, she looked at her body in the dressing mirror. Under her left arm pit in a jagged scar that went just under her breast down to her ankles the skin was slightly a different shade of color the the rest of her body. It had taked 15 surgeries and 6 years for her to heal completely from her torture. but all in all. She had survived and was still a pretty woman even for her age. But some scars still are slow to heal. Ever since this NAtailA showed up the night mares of old had returned.


Stretched out on the table she came to. She passed out when they started cutting. She could only lift her head. she knew she was naked, the table was cold. She look down her body what she could see her full breast, her nipples were erect from the tempature in the room. They turned to her and realized she was awake.

"Good, now we can get a real reaction." the person in scrubs said. She could feel pain all over her body all at once but she couldn't see anything. the person in scrubs was joined by another and together the dug their finger into her and lifted in unison and as she saw her own skin being pulled away from her body she screamed. "AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She woke covered in sweat laying on the floor of the guest room still naked.

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when she regained herself she sat on the foot of the bed. she wiped the sweat and tears from her face. She took Rose's hand and held it in silence for a while "I guess it was bound to happen." she said. I guess "I should tell you what i've told no one except the Lotus." she finished.

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She looked at the marking on Rose's back, She took Rose into her arms.


 My Grandfather was an adminsitrator for  corperation. And against his will my father chose to serve the Lotus so we moved alot and never have a home anywhere for very long But when my mother and sister both died in child birth. He sent me to live with my Grand Father.

I met another Tenno in school and we fell in love. I was only 16 when I married my Aden. we had wanted to start our family early. So I got pregnant before i was married. It was in our eyes the only way my Grandfather would allows us to get married at such a young age. After we were married my Grandfather tried to get him a job, at the corperation But he was already 20 and had discovered he had abilities. He was an Ash. I was going to be a house wife and mother and I was happy it was what I wanted. But We didn't know that my Grandfather was dealing illegaly with the Corpus. When Aden found out for my sake he confronted my Grandfather. instead of telling the Lotus. It was because of this that My Grandfather hired a Corpus assassin to kill my husband. and in so doing the assassin invaded out home. We were still livling with my Grandfather. And he went to the wrong room and killed my Grandfather. Aden heard the struggle and when he went to check it out not only did he kill the assassin. He signed our death warrents with the Corpus. The authorities cleared him. Saying he was defending his family. But the Corpus didn't see it that way ((to be continued.))

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"We were going home from the funeral and they were on us. I was knocked out and when i came to. I was scared but I didn't want them to know it and I told them that my husband would come for me and... They said who the man that was with me. Oh he's not coming for any one. and then they showed me that they had cut his head off, had it as if it were a trophy.


That's when it started. They started making small cuts at first then they went deeper." she had started to tear up." They, they had completely removed all the skin from my body" she said and removing her robe showed rose that the think scars under her breast and around her ankles gesturing. " From here to my ankles was removed." the area that had been removed was littered with smaller scars. "This is when Alad V came in the room and when he personally touched me reaching into my." she paused She couldn't say it and gestured again around her lady parts. " And when he killed my child. When he finish he laughed at me and left the room. I don't know how long i lay there before THEY came. The Tenno the rescued me. The Lotus made sure I was healed and it was her that told me that no Tenno saved me something in me had awaken and that i had killed the Corpus doctors but that Alad V had escaped. The Tenno came to rescue me and found me passed out in the operating room where I'd be tortured and everyone else there was dead. It took 6 years and 15 surgeries for me to be healed to the point that i would survive. But it was the torture that seal my fate of being a Valkyr. I had gone back a year later and retrieved my husbands remains and buried him next to my mother and sister.  Please you mussent tell anyone what you saw." she said crying. "This is why I love Ookami so much. He's the child i was denied. And He reminds me of my husband. But, I knew long ago that even after i was able to move past my husband being killed . That no man would have me. It has been so lonely these many years, until now." she said.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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As the rain stopped and he and Modi were both chilled to the bone. It was late Fall. Winter would be here soon. Still they had time before dark so he walked on. Suddenly the beeps turned him west. He continued. until an hour be for dark. and built a small fire he'd to dry out his clothes and Modi could get sick if it got cold while he was still wet. He didn't want the fire but he needed it.

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NAtaliA was waiting for Kosha in the guest room wen she tried to go back to her nap,

"And you laughed at my pitiful existence? When that's your story? You can boast your age all you please, and somehow through all those years, you never learned, you never even thought, well, it's mildly sad, but, I must admit, You gave the impression that your torture was far worse than mine, I now see this wasn't true, you, however slowly, eventually healed, I should never have survived, Halcyon himself could barely keep me living as I struggled through my pain, you thought that your torture was bad? Removing your skin? That's nothing, I was quite beautiful, incredibly alluring in fact, they noticed this in me, they used it, then they stole it. They burned off my nerves in the thousands, a little each day, only to grow them back and do it all over again, they tended my very being from my body, I will never know who I was before they had me, and that's not even the worst part, you want to know what it is? It's the fact that those are all the memories I have, the only things, I will ever remember, are my pain, my suffering, and that wretch Halcyon who forced me to live on, in agony, in torment, it was all I could do to make sure he didn't share his prized immortality with me, and yet, I can not die, how could you possibly conceive the pain I went through? Don't bother answering that, there is no answer, but what I'm really wondering at this point, is how you might be able to laugh and tell me it's time to move on, when, by the way you're going about it, you'll never be able to do that yourself?" NAtaliA said, sitting against the wall across from the door.

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She couldn't say anything. She saw to much of herself in NAtailA, She just lay there and cried. threw her sobs. "I am truly sorry for you. We have had horrible things happen to us. I thought I could move past them. I do have many blessings to be thankful for. And I am thankful for them. But for me I can't dwell on the bad things in my life if i'm to function. You have to find something good in your life and put everything you have into it. I'm not saying to forget what happen to you. but to try and find something that makes the life you have now worth living. something that is just for you and no one else. Other wise you'll drive yourself mad. Please just try." She wanted to throw her arms around NAtailA but didn't because she remembered what she had told her about being able to read her memories.

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NAtaliA looked at Kosha, cracking the tenno's cool hit her harder than a Fragor, and she simply looked at the Valkyr.

"I-I, understand, thank you, don't worry about your son, I won't harm him, I'm glad you also understand, I will find a way to control myself, I will find a way to make sure I can find away to give you that hug you need, goodbye." NAtaliA said, stepping backwards into the wall.

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NAtaliA, ensconced as she was within the library itself, thought about what she'd done, how she'd made Kosha cry, how she felt because she did that, it hurt her, deeply, it was evident that her one weakness, the pain that could worst be afflicted to her, was caused by feelings, reactions to chemical stimuli in a brain she shouldn't've had, she shrugged it off, appearing from the floor into a gap between the aisles of books in the library, she picked up a book, understanding it without needing to read it, it was catalogued quickly, and then it was simply a part of her memory, she had 'read a book' and she remembered herself doing that, she had done that, not Natalia, or Ookami, NAtaliA herself had done it, and she now understood, she looked up, her cells flowing around the books, analyzing each one quickly and then leaving it untouched, she not only learned about the books, she learned about the writers of the books, how they'd been as they wrote them, how long it had taken. She made a name for herself, she was something more than she'd been earlier, she had grown. She liked the feeling, knowing more than pain, feeling more than anger and frustration, she closed her eyes, using her cells and walking through the library, enticed in every love story, stricken by every horror fiction, educated by dictionaries and text books. She came to the end, she'd read all the books in the library, and she wanted more, she wanted to add to the already vast collection of knowledge, she wanted to help. She moved through the walls, stopping before the door of Anrek, she knocked, hopeful that he would understand.

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"Come in" Anrek said quite loud chatting was heard from the room also "Sorry but I ain't looking forward for partnership with you end of story now quit bothering me with these offers" Anrek said to something and sounded like pressing a button to close the chatter machine.

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Thankfully the night had been uneventful, the fire had died down to coals. With a little stoking he had it going again and they were able to have a hot meal just some pourage that he had made from dry rations and a little water. After he had relieved him self and changed his clothes and redawned his Frame. He and Modi set out for another day. The Kubrow was coming along nicely, learning simple commands. He thought while they had the time to just walk and follow the beeping, he would train him. For about two hours he worked with the Kubrow. By the time he found this Tiandra person he expected, that he could have him trained enough that when he returned to the Dome he could start combat training in the arena.




Kosha woke from her nap and had realized she had slept the night away. for is was already noon. She came out to the living room and saw Rose

"Oh I wish you had woke me I didn't mean to sleep the day away. So what are you planning to do today." she asked.

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NAtaliA stepped into the room, poking her head in sheepishly at first, she was in no way afraid of Anrek, but he was obviously irked, and if he thought he was in power over her, all the better.

"Hello, Sorry about that spot of trouble caused by, my other half, earlier, she was, agitated to say the least, but, I actually wanted to talk to you about finding more books for your library, if of course, there are any books you don't have already," She said, stepping fully into the room once she affirmed that there was no shotgun instantly aimed at her head.

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"Your other half? Well... I have worse worries to think about right now than you. As my own wife and daughter are in here. This place will more easily get targeted by my kinsmen. As you might see and hear I am Corpus but I have different interests and money not being so important" Anrek said as gasped "Also the worry about my daughter since she is really willing to become a Tenno" Anrek said.

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"That is the very problem Natalia if I am correct. Actually thinking that is it possible to turn a Corpus person in to a Tenno it is the problem and how safe it would be I don't even know. Also problem is that do you Tenno actually see it at all good if Corpus child suddenly turns in to a Tenno" Anrek said "Was there something you are after of my library or something else?" Anrek aske.

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"The only way I could think of giving one who wasn't tenno a Tenno body would be to create a cloned tenno body, and somehow transfer the very personality from one body to the other, it would be an unlikely chance for success, and even if it did succeed it would be an abomination, hunted by tenno as a gross blasphemy of Tenno power." She reasoned, remembering books of attempts made before.

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"Oh yes, I nearly forgot, I require a way to ascertain to myself of what I am and what I can be in this world, my own past actions have been... questionable, and I was hoping you might be able to instruct me on, or at least point me in the correct direction towards someone who could, controlling myself better, also, I would like to make your library better in any way I can, so if you have any books that need retrieving, I'd be happy to help," She said, still near the door.

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