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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Wait." he said. "Omega I'm not your master but can you answer me a question." he said.

"Ask away,"


Infiltrator mechs surrounded Urza with Omega "Stand down Frost Prime or death is the price you pay from attacking" Infiltrator mech said their cannons are charged and grenades are changed to type that explodes on impact to any surface. They are decent distance away from Urza and Omega.

Urza raised her hands as if surrendering, only to launch the mechs into deep space with pistons from the ground. Looking at Omega with uncertainty, she'd been banking on the fact that Omega wouldn't resort to such drastic measures, but AI can't lie. So she stayed still. A blade emerging from the ground behind Kosha to stop inches away from her.

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"Urza is made of the same substance as them, as well as existing within their memories, but they each have their own pool of memories and data, one can not control the others remotely. The reason it would kill them is because Urza can regenerate from any attack, her nanites existing all over the dome, I would be required to emit an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to affect the entire dome, which Natalia and NAtaliA are in, and I would also be utterly drained of power, Halcyon's shields being the only thing able to recharge me, and also currently destroyed completely." Omega explained, seeing the balde, but knowing his protocols didn't extend to close family.





Urza extended the pistons up and over as the mechs landed, bringing the pistons back down to smash the mechs through the floor.

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"Can the Twins as I'm refering to Nataila and NAtailA be taken to another place where they wont be affected so that when My friend and now blood brother ( looking at the pucnture wounds from the injection) Recovers can repair you and they can return." he asked.

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"And Urza will simply sit still while we transport them? While we get them to leave, she can simply attack you faster than I can defend you, and that will be the end of it. She knows she has a chance to live in the current circumstances, if changes are made to remove that certainty, she will release a full out attack that will kill us all." Omega said, stuck at the impasse as Halcyon started to stir.

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Mechs didn't take too much damage from drop the roof was too high up to able to smash the mechs on the floor but they knew this is too dangerous for them so they disengaged before they take too much damage to replace them came Ingron who was informed about what has had been uncovered (When that Frost prime wakes up I will give him @(*()$ lesson about what can be done and not done) Ingron thought he heard that only way to destroy Urza is EMP. "Hmm... It would take too long that... Except" Ingron said thinking about a plan.

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He placed a hand on the right and left cheek of Nataila and NAtailA. "I'm sorry I have no choice this is for my family. and You in a way being made by Halcyon are family But, I have to do this." with no emotion on his face he looked Urza in the eyes. " DO IT." he said.

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Alpha came online, seeing most of the armor plates destroyed as he booted up Halcyon's warframe, mechanics were off, as were most other functions, only his helmet and Halcyon's void locker remained, Alpha opened the void locker nearby, and Gamma stepped from it in his Oberon.



"Oopsie." He taunted Urza.




He placed a hand on the right and left cheek of Nataila and NAtailA. "I'm sorry I have no choice this is for my family. and You in a way being made by Halcyon are family But, I have to do this." with no emotion on his face he looked Utrza in the eyes. " DO IT." he said.

Omega emitted a buzzing indicating an inablility to do so,



"That's complicated in the way that you don't have clearance to order me to do that, I can only do it if you are in life threatening danger." Omega said sheepishly, and Urza smiled,



"All I needed to hear," she said before seeing Gamma. "H-how?" She stuttered before charging forward to attack the AI.



((Urza didn't extend pistons from the roof, she simply brought the ones from the floor back down on the mechs, but whatev they still probably wouldn't have the strength to break the ground with such extensions))

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Kosha had been there before in battle and had to make the same choice. Who would live who had to be allowed to die. She was scared but she was also proud of her son. He would be a good leader one day. But, she also knew he would have to live with that choice the rest of his life. She hoped that he could.

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Ingron saw Urza charging towards Omega he raised his light machine gun and fired three rounds towards Urza so they wouldn't hit anything but these rounds are made from rubber if they does hit it just hurts a lot nothing else. He threw some kind of disc towards Urza.

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Halcyon's armor came further online, and Alpha, not having any speakers, vibrated his iridium armor plates at high speed,



"He have a plan, stall her." Alpha said, the twins getting to the ship via stairs built by NAtaliA.




The blade behind Kosha disintegrated as Urza focused on trying to hit Gamma, who, with three vantage points, easily saw all her attacks coming, weaving through her arms and dodging her slashing attacks with the Glaive, pinging Alpha and Omega for data every now and then.



The twins squashed themselves inside the thumper, getting launched at mach 9. Delta landing the ship afterwards as Alpha started up an iridium plate aimed at Halcyon's neck, calling out to Omega, whose protocols activated with Halcyon in life threatening danger. Exploding in a brilliant nebula of light, the egg shaped item falling to the ground afterwards as Alpha and Delta were erased from existence, along with Urza, and Gamma.

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Ingron had covered his eyes with extremely dark object it raised off and heard Rose speaking "I think they are but... This Frost needs a serious lesson about with what she is dealing with. I should say a ******* disgrace" Ingron said and went to Halcyon "Let's get this boy to the hospital then" Ingron said to others and checked is there any life signs about waking up soon.

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He stood there and watched as Urza and Gamma melted from existence. It didn't even register at first that the thumper had bee launched. As he saw the last part of Urza dematerialize. tears streamed down his face as if he'd seen the last spec of life drain out of someone he cared about.  A few seconds later his bravado faded and he slumped to his knees still leaning on Modi. And he vomited at the realization that he had ordered the death of another person.




Kosha saw this and knew what he was going through. and ran to him to comfort him. "It will get easier but it will never go away."



Spitting on the hanger floor and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. " Are they safe. Rose and our child are they safe." he asked his mother.


"They are my son, They are." she told him.

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Although he would live and his family was finally safe he still exhibited signs of hypothermia. "Help me, Okaachan I can't stand up and my legs are of fire." he said.



"WE NEED A MEDIC!" she yelled. " You stay right there, Young man." she ordered her son. in a tone that said obey your mother.

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The Thumper out ran the electromagnetic disturbances, barely, but continued into outer space, Delta not there to recall it.





After a few moments, electronics would reactivate, and Halcyon would wake, realizing what happened and sprinting to his ship, his warframe mangled, he started it up, sending the message for the thumper to return. Hoping it would reach it. Stepping off the ship, he fell to his knees, seeing Gamma, and bowing his head in thanks to the only AI that had thought to give him something to live for, he picked up Omega, placing the egg shaped item on a polarized plate on his warframe as the signal reached the thumper, causing it to turn around and start heading back. He looked at the nanites that remained of Urza, and put them in an urn, not forgetting a single one with Omega's help once the AI reactivated, then placing the urn in his void locker. His warframe started up, and he waited for the voices of Iota and Alpha for a moment, looking up as medics approached. Pointing them in the direction of Ookami.

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Mirage came to Ookami and got him healed up "There you go young man. Just have rest at your home" Mirage said after 10 minutes. "Halcyon we are going to have a talk about what you have done. I have to say for your kind of person you done something so stupid and selfish that I don't know do I want to forgive you from this" Ingron said. Meanwhile place where Rose had dropped the gauntlets Tiandra stored the gauntlets to her room for now since Harina is away.

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As Mirage tending him he talked to her telling of  his pain but mainly " Where is Rose. She's my wife please find her. ROSE. " he called.


Modi darted around the medics trying to get close to his Master he need him. whining and barking.



Finally hearing her voice he calmed down. " Rose my love, I kept my promise. I came home." he said and then feel asleep from the seditive given him by Mirage.

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Mirage came to Ookami and got him healed up "There you go young man. Just have rest at your home" Mirage said after 10 minutes. "Halcyon we are going to have a talk about what you have done. I have to say for your kind of person you done something so stupid and selfish that I don't know do I want to forgive you from this" Ingron said. Meanwhile place where Rose had dropped the gauntlets Tiandra stored the gauntlets to her room for now since Harina is away.

"Don't talk to me about stupidity, I told you guys to eradicate anything unusual, what did you do? You let it fester, you let it grow, and it led to the complete destruction of some twenty five AI, you aren't allowed to scold me like some child, I don't care how stupid you think what I did was, and what, exactly, makes you think I care about anything you say?" He growled, standing to head for his ship Omega dislodging from his back and glaring at Ingron, following Halcyon as he looked through his database for any trace of any of his AI. The twins landed soon, Natalia consoling Halcyon, NAtaliA's face paling as she touched the floor.

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"Have you ever thought what are the rules of the Dome?" Ingron asked from Omega and Halcyon "There is a rule anything what Tenno has done anywhere in the dome is on his responsibility if it causes damage were it owned by this Tenno or not. And this means that you were responsible from what happened here be glad that your AIs saved you. This is free ground yes but it does mean that you are responsible from what you have done. That is the price of freedom in here" Ingron finished and turned to leave the place. Halcyon receives message from Tiandra.


"Are you coming or not?! The talk on the library" read on message.

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