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Valkyr Is Really Fun, Without Her Ultimate


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how about making hysteria  +100% armor or health boost instead of invulnerable. it would fit more with her high armor and the steel fiber you put already anyway and wouldn't allow cheap immortality.


it could even be a like frost snow globe a 5 sec immortality and +100% armor or health for rest of duration.


no matter how angry you are enough hits are gonna take you down.




btw: even with its flaws valkyr is still one of my favorites, and i almost have em all.

Edited by Edgedemon
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they could just fix 2nd skills duration to 10 seconds, make it autocast on everykill, stacking on itself with diminishing returns with smaller numbers at first compared to now but getting better if you get a kill streak going. and then swap it with hysteria. make the melee only (or very low values on ranged weapons) lifesteal a shout/aura for 2nd skill.

so she could provide a meaningful buff to team. use whatever weapons she wants. have an incentive for in your face, chop chop till you drop style of play.

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Warcry everywhere...

Only hysteria when need to replenish my hp :/

So yeah,there's no need for everlasting hysteria for me :o


Pretty much.


A lot of people are focusing on how "bad" Valkyr is.  While that's a valid concern, the thread is largely focusing on how uninteresting her ultimate is.  This is largely due to its invulnerability, but it is also because of the slow pace of her claws.  Compare that to how you practically never slow down when using a 1h sword.

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This man just summarized everything already. 


(And my Valkyr isn't even forma'd)


Eh, I can't agree.  Raileks and I agree on some points, but ultimately I think a change is pretty important for her.  I still like her, but she could be so much better.


Then again, that's a pretty common theme in Warframe.

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Don't get me wrong.  Valkyr is one of my most favorite warframes, and i use her almost every time and on almost every mission.  What i like about her is that her powers are not astronomical like many of the other warframes.  I like the other warframes and i have no problem with their powers, but i wish for Valkyr to be improved.  I think she can be far more enjoyable and useful than she is now.  i personally think it's harsh to say she is useless.  In fact, i thought that about Loki, but i gave him a second chance and thought it over.  I don't mind him so much now, but he still is not my favorite.  I can't say that he is useless either.  However, using Loki as an example, Valkyr is probably much in the same way that it takes a player with experience to understand how to use her.  Too many times i have seen players use Valkyr and failed miserably.  One thing that bothers me though, is that i needed a lot of special mods to make her work to my liking, (survivable without powers), and that meant modifying her in a way that helps me to keep from having to use her 4th power constantly.


I don't want to change her or wish a change for her because i dislike her, but i do because i like her too much as a warframe.  i want the best for her as a warframe.  There is much potential and i think it has not been reached in her design.  It feels as if Valkyr was an experiment on DE's behalf, and perhaps they are not quite done with her design concept. i don't know.


In my former post, it may have sounded as if i said DE doesn't know what they are doing.  I did not wish to sound that way.  I'm glad they invented Valkyr, but i wish they would have another look at her and try something different with her 4th power and maybe the 1st; something better, an improvement, without changing the initial concept.

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Valkyr is my princess, she is great if you mod her right, I (unfourtunately) have to have an extremely long hysteria, to have a long enough warcry, I think my hysteria runs around 35-40 seconds, and my warcry lasts about 25, they need to make warcry, paralysis, and hysteria have exactly the same duration, make the casting speed of everything faster (especially paralysis) I am running natural talent and it still feels slow for casting, paralysis should have less than half a second to cast, warcry and hysteria's duration does not synergize well at all, they work hand in hand with each other, their duration should be the same. ripline could cost less, perhaps 15 energy.


She has a beautiful frame art, and a great skill set, with (imo) the best mobility ability. she has so much more potential.

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Just a heads up; Valkyr has been confirmed to not be affected by U13, unfortunately.  That said, DE does plan to look at Valkyr after that, but it's not clear how they intend to change her.


Hopefully this thread can keep going, so we can tell DE just how we want Valkyr to be changed.

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From all the frames that I played with she was the worst. Her ultimate is the most useless ultimate on the game, in every single aspect. She enters into a kind of slow-motion that breaks the flow of the mission, and her movements with that claws are clumsy. Also Warcry should have longer duration than Hysteria, since its much more useful. 


Her survivability is horrible. Without Hysteria to recharge her health (since it drains health from the enemies) she falls quick. Rhino have less armor than her and survive longer because of his Iron Skin. Volt, a frame that have weak armor, but have strong shields, survive more than her. Loki, who dont have too much shields can survive longer too, simply using his invisibility. Saryn is simply a tank near her. Even if I use maxed Vitality, maxed Redirection and 70% of Steel Fiber she still falls quick. 


And theres another problem with Hysteria health drain: you will only drain health from enemies you can reach with that stupid claw. Other players around you will not be using melee most of the time, and can shot the enemies before you reach them. If theres a Nova around spamming M-Prime, then you are done with it. 


I would like if she had an ultimate like the one from Ash, but not using teleport. Instead she was to jump from target to target like a tiger. This was to be the most reasonable for her, but hey, this is too much work, here's a new helmet for your Valkyr. 


I had spent a catalyst and a forma on her, and still Im not satisfied. Im going to dump her as soon as I have all resources to make Zephyr. 

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Valk is a gem only players with skills and knowledge of the game can use.   People swear they know how to mod......but are just horrible at it........and if you can't mod...your Valk is about to be crap..and your opinion about her is going to be crap.....



At the end of the day...I think DE even knows..the only changes and/or tweaks she needs is her Ult and thats it......maybe some tweaks to Power 3......everything else is fine.........she doesn't need nothing else in regards to her health/armor.....icing on the cake if they give her a shield boost......like it would matter anyway lol



Edit:  And please don't make Valk into a Ember situation.......


DE just needs to tweak and enhance her ULT for Melee 2.0....thats it...........melee 2.0 is so damn complex I can see why they are waiting

Edited by Ishki88
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When I first came into this thread, removing her god mode and giving damage reduction along with the default increased melee damage was my exact idea, and reading on it's exactly what you suggested + more. I agree with the idea. While I'm fine with her being armor based, she's supposed to be heavily melee oriented, yet just feels like a regular old tank, only she can't even do that properly because she can't pull aggro like Rhino's Iron Skin can. She's just kinda there.


Shadowboxing is one of the many reasons her ult feels unsatisfying. Hopefully the combo system can band-aid that until it gets updated.


Agreed with the ult time. The current time is far too long for how boring the ult truly is. Fleeting helps a lot, but now War Cry is made useless, which is sad because, aside from the long cast time, I find it a very useful ability. Moving some of the life steal from her ult over to it would definitely give more incentive to use it.


In the end, most players just wanna go on rampages with their Jats and Scindos. Who doesn't wanna absolutely wreck everything with their giant battle axe or hammer? The melee damage bonus is awesome, but wasted on her claws. When Melee 2.0 comes around, I'm sure that'll be made an option. Having your current melee weapon scale with her ult is nice, but definitely not the fix that's needed. All it did was give it slightly better scaling.

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So what about Loki? hes no different than Valk being untouchable... yet ppl worship Loki as a god, which he is a god lol but fact ppl complain or think valk is the worse frame while they think loki is the best... yet both are the same concept of survival.


But maybe 1min of invincibility could be a bit to much and should change to 50%-75% life steal? therefor still a chance to die but still enough to tank everything close quarters as it is the only thing shes good at.

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So what about Loki? hes no different than Valk being untouchable... yet ppl worship Loki as a god, which he is a god lol but fact ppl complain or think valk is the worse frame while they think loki is the best... yet both are the same concept of survival.


But maybe 1min of invincibility could be a bit to much and should change to 50%-75% life steal? therefor still a chance to die but still enough to tank everything close quarters as it is the only thing shes good at.

Lowkey is not limited to melee and in melee does 4x damage. And he has a form of CC/disable which is better than Valks' slow.

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I just think she's a waste of a slot right now: I lvl'd her to 30 (more than once, tried to forma out her issues) but she's just all round mediocre and an utterly useless frame in terms of late game team synergy.


She may be ok for normal stuff though, if you don't use hysteria and carry a good rifle.

Though thats true for all frames.

I've taken her to 30 and sold her, I have the parts to build her again if she ever becomes worth it.

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I like some of these ideas, (btw valkyr is very viable even in pluto) I think her ult should be a multiplier to armor for each kill that way she can maintain a sense of 'painlessness' that beserkers tend to feel due to the rage and stuff also the more you hit an enemy it increase duration of said skill. like 1 second per hit that way its fair and doesn't have to be long.


Stats example


armor multiplier levels:

2x/3x/4x/5x per kill



10/15/20/25 seconds +1 sec per hit


Attack multiplier should remain consistent in melee damage like the original

base damage 300 + 125%/140%/160%/175% of your melee normal atk damage


and thats it so far the rest stays the same.

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I like some of these ideas, (btw valkyr is very viable even in pluto) I think her ult should be a multiplier to armor for each kill that way she can maintain a sense of 'painlessness' that beserkers tend to feel due to the rage and stuff also the more you hit an enemy it increase duration of said skill. like 1 second per hit that way its fair and doesn't have to be long.


Stats example


armor multiplier levels:

2x/3x/4x/5x per kill



10/15/20/25 seconds +1 sec per hit


Attack multiplier should remain consistent in melee damage like the original

base damage 300 + 125%/140%/160%/175% of your melee normal atk damage


and thats it so far the rest stays the same.


That... would be absurdly overpowered.  Numbers would need to be tweaked.  The duration is already far too high as it is; giving it +1s per hit would make it last nigh forever.


The armor addition is a neat idea, at least.

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Well... melee 2.0 is out and i still play Valkyr a lot.  Even more so now.  Her 4th ability seems a little better, faster, more fluid, which is good.  This was what she should have done in the first place to start off, but she still needs something more interesting done with her 4th and 1st in my opinion.  However, i am loving her right now because now she can do more melee than before the update, making her feel less "useless".  I still find it funny how people still say she is useless and yet constantly depend on my Valkyr to revive them when things get nasty in battle.

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Strangely, Hysteria received a damage decrease after melee 2.0, yet, ground finishing enemies has multipled like crazy.  I was in a T3Survival slamming level 70 heavies down and then executing them...completely.  Like 1 ground pound finisher and their were dead.  Didn't really make sense to me since punches did very little, but...I went with it.

People who say Valkyr is useless don't put much thought into things and really try anything.  She never has been useless, but she's certainly good now.  She scales better than most, and if you get the chance to shield stun high level enemies, you rip chunks out of them, instant kill them, and should you find yourself with life strike...your HP bar will bounce all over, merrily.  If you're in a mission with Nova m priming things, you're going to outdamage Nova the higher enemies get, and she helps you do it.


In other news


After picking up Life Strike...my Valk is now a god.  She's more mobile/dashy than any other frame (with dual ichors), more durable than any other frame, and depending on what weapon and stance you have equipped, she can practically teleport at short ranges to enemies through meleeing.  Once its time that she can't armor tank anymore, well, nobody else can survive whatever is going on.


Always uncertain if going into Hysteria draws aggro...

Edited by Terrornaut
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  • 2 weeks later...

That... would be absurdly overpowered.  Numbers would need to be tweaked.  The duration is already far too high as it is; giving it +1s per hit would make it last nigh forever.


The armor addition is a neat idea, at least.

well it was something i came up with on the spot, btw +1 second per hit wouldn't really matter if you are killing the enemies with one hit and the stats i gave her removes invurnability instead replaces it with armor multiplier. so if your dealing with heavy units you can stay in hysteria longer or atleast long enough to make it matter as a powerful ulti. I chose those features that would be similar to a berserker the longer your enemy stays alive the longer you stay angry.

Edited by lordhalo
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