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Yet Another Frost Improvement Thread, But Not About Snowglobe


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Honestly, Frost's offensive abilities are still lacking. His Avalanche is still pretty bad. Don't get me wrong, it's miles ahead of what it used to be, but it's still not that great. Instead of just simply buffing up his damage, add some more CC to him. He commands ice, that should be more than enough reason for CC.


The enimies that are left over from his Avalanche should be frozen in place for a bit. This isn't gonna make him Nova powerful but it won't be on the level of Volt's ultimate. Frost's Avalanche is literally useless past 35, give or take a couple levels. I love this frame, but his abilites are lacking and there is some real potential here. Every frame always has a panic button. Frost doesn't really have one. Unless you count snowglobe, but that can't be used offensively. 


Excal's Radial Blind can be used to turn the tide in a losing fight, and so could Avalanche if tweaked properly. It wouldn't make him overpowered, but it certainly would make him much more useful. DE did a great job starting to fix him, but he's not balanced yet. Oberon's offensive and other warframes offensive abilites just about trump Frost's in every area.


But, there's my two cents, and I know that people have said this sort of thing before, but I think it needs to happen. Because Avalanche isn't useful for anything in high levels. Rhino's stomp sure doesn't kill everything in it's path in high levels, but it does give you some breathing room and a handy panic button.

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i don't play anymore since the nerf and half a fix to his snow globe which still needs a buff, was quitting the game because of this just silly then I agree with you on that but I couldn't stand any other frames I wanted tank frame and frost looked nice and snowglobe was gd since well they haven't exactly got the theory of what a tank is meant to do but with snow globe it was worth it now its just got so many cons on the dam thing

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Yeah, but Snowglobe isn't the big thing right now. It's at least useable now. Avalanche however, is not. It's a terrible ability as it is right now. Instead of just adding raw damage (nerf whiners in bound) just give him some CC. Like man, he commands ice. That in and of itself is more than enough reason to have CC. I originally thought he would have some straight up hard CC because of what he is centered around.


Frost still needs some major fixes. While every other frame got their fixes and newer frames came out, he's still leagues behind his fellow Tenno. This is something that really needs to be fixed because I love my warframe to death, but DE hasn't fully fixed him yet. They did most certainly start fixing him, but it's still not enough.

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Yeah, but Snowglobe isn't the big thing right now. It's at least useable now. Avalanche however, is not. It's a terrible ability as it is right now. Instead of just adding raw damage (nerf whiners in bound) just give him some CC. Like man, he commands ice. That in and of itself is more than enough reason to have CC. I originally thought he would have some straight up hard CC because of what he is centered around.


Frost still needs some major fixes. While every other frame got their fixes and newer frames came out, he's still leagues behind his fellow Tenno. This is something that really needs to be fixed because I love my warframe to death, but DE hasn't fully fixed him yet. They did most certainly start fixing him, but it's still not enough.


Yeah, he had CC. It was good, got removed because a whiner complained that mobs took delayed damage from avalanche. 

Instead of putting the damage before the freeze they removed the freeze all together. 


So yeah... frost is just so bad. I mean, terrible. 

Not the king of defence and useless elsewhere. He's just extremely terrible and nobody gives a damn. 

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