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[Designing Variety]Should The Item(Armors,weapons Etc) Variety(Numbers) Of Diablo 3 Or Related Be Added To Warframe ?


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Hi,a very important question for the current gameflow,should the Digital Extremes equip the game with the variety numbers in items seen in Diablo 3 or related?


Is variety needed or is it too early for that ?


Should we be able to customize a weapon with weapon parts as a better scope or related or remain in the mod change state ?


THANKS for your interest in my post

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That's as clear as I can say it. I quit Diablo 3 more than a year ago because of the random bullsh*ttyness that it is. Never going to touch that cursed crap again even if Blizzard would ship me a 1000 copies of Reaper of Sh*t for free.


No need for random varying numbers of stats on items in Warframe. If that's ever coming to Warframe again (I know there's been something like it with the Mods before Mods 2.0 came along) I'm going to quit Warframe as well because it adds literally nothing than grind because how is one to decide which stats roll? -> You guessed it: RNG.


No-one, literally no-one, wants more RNG in Warframe.

Edited by MeduSalem
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This game is nothing like D3


It's not NOTHING like Diablo.

They are both essentially dungeon crawlers/loot games. So yeah.


Anyway, not random stats on weapons. It doesn't really work with the way weapons are handled right now.

But I'd be more than happy if they added some other types of gear slots or "rune" slots for our equipment that offered further stat adjustment.

Those could be random (maybe), and would actually make the economy more interesting, and deeper.

DE already mentioned adding something like that in one of the devstreams, so it's really just a matter of coming up with something appropriate.

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No need for random varying numbers of stats on items in Warframe. If that's ever coming to Warframe again (I know there's been something like it with the Mods before Mods 2.0 came along) I'm going to quit Warframe as well because it adds literally nothing than grind because how is one to decide which stats roll? -> You guessed it: RNG.


No-one, literally no-one, wants more RNG in Warframe.


Um, You can speak for yourself on that one.

In a loot game, RNG is what makes it what it is. RNG isn't bad in the slightest. Just like anything else, there is RNG done right, and RNG done wrong.


Sorry if you don't like loot games like Diablo, but that's the kind of game it is. It's what makes the economy work and something people like it for. It's about the hunt for loot. More popular games than you can name are like that so...hard to say RNG loot is terrible inherently...for far more reasons than I'm giving.

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To modify stats for different builds.

How does that have anything to do with D3?


Because, idk, Diablo has a bunch of different things to modify stats for builds? >_>


Also, if you thought the OP was talking strictly about RNG decided stats, then you might want to try rereading, and not jumping to thoughts the second you hear Diablo.

He meant added more attachments and modifications to builds. Things like runes, signets, rings, or whatever in other games. Only as weapon attachments, or stuff.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Um, You can speak for yourself on that one.

In a loot game, RNG is what makes it what it is. RNG isn't bad in the slightest. Just like anything else, there is RNG done right, and RNG done wrong.


Sorry if you don't like loot games like Diablo, but that's the kind of game it is. It's what makes the economy work and something people like it for. It's about the hunt for loot. More popular games than you can name are like that so...hard to say RNG loot is terrible inherently...for far more reasons than I'm giving.


There's a difference in loot-games that eventually reward you for grinding 500-1000 hours and loot-games that flip the middlefinger at you no matter how much time and effort you invest in them. Diablo 3 is the later.


I personally like loot games, normally they keep me going, that's why I stay at Warframe, because even there's grind involved there's always a finish-line for a special part like farming the components for a Warframe for example. Even stuff like the Brakk or Detron parts will eventually end, because once you dropped all parts you are ready to go and you don't have to care anymore because they have fixed stats. There's no better version around until DE decides to make a Prime/Wraith/Vandal version, which itself also have fixed item stats. If they keep it this way I'll be playing Warframe the next few years too.


I've played Diablo 3 long enough, probably too long, to come to the realization that the itemsystem the game uses is pretty screwed up. It's like waiting for the planets to align in realtime. After you reach a certain point of damage output you can't go anyfurther because the chances for you to drop better items are dropping to zero. That's when the games' intention of people farming for loot breaks apart. It's been that bad that in the end I didn't even pick up 99.9% of the items anymore other than some Legendaries and some Rings and Amulets. It's like you're adventuring through the garbage can where all the items that never made it to any other game got thrown away because they sucked too hard.


The chance to drop a legendary was something below 0.4% from Champions at maximum Monster Power Level. That's not even a feasable difficulty to farm stuff so it's basically much less drop chance even with magic find at cap. Not only were the chances low to drop one... No you had to beg it's for your class and after that most of the items had 2 or 3 (Some of the new Reaper of Souls items even more, which again counters the less varying stats *thanks blizzard middlefinger*) tiers in which the varying stats could roll. So you had this legendary item and its useless because it's the low-tier variant. Even if you got a high-tier variant... The other 4-5 random stats that roll make the item even more useless. It's like the game is RNG^RNG^RNG^RNG. The possible combinations through RNG kicking in are so high that it's near to impossible for a single player to ever drop an item that's been worthwile keeping. That's why the Auction house was the only reliable source of getting better items after some point, which defeats the whole purpose of a loot game.


You paid like what... 50 bucks for Diablo 3 and you don't even get to experience the good items without investing another 100 bucks (or more for ridiculous priced items) to buy gold and therefore items in the Auctionhouse. Traditional Blizzard-bullsh*t. I've like no mercy with it anymore at this point. :D


Okay they shut down the auction house a few days ago... But that won't help the friggin itemsystem, because I've already looked into the new level 70 set/legendary items and they are somehow worse than the Vanilla ones because of multitudes of tiers which defy the less varying stats in many ways. It's like they only swapped the broad range in which a stat could roll to multitudes of tiers.


I could go on and on about, but at this point it doesn't even matter anymore. D3 is doomed and RoS won't save it.


That said there might be other games of this magnitude out there... But Warframe's RNG is/feels right the way it already is. I don't want less RNG in Warframe, but I also don't want an overly complex item dropsystem with too much RNG.


Also the uncountable RNG complain threads on the forum show that people either think like the game is okay now, or they want less RNG (most of the threads are like this sadly), but I've actually seen only a handful of people saying it's not enough grind. The later have been mostly whipped by majority of the community. :P

Edited by MeduSalem
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Ionus hmm maybe I am wrong in expressing ideas yet why is that the sales on helmets and other upgrade like options and researches move in accordane to the point of my threads ? (I clicked the box on your post itis cool)



MeduSalem hmm great post,so as long as we can categorize the type of grind as well the the momentum point to understand the need of the items variety to which I refer which is one or two weeks before the Prime Warframe release we will be able to comprehend the validity of item variety developing in the future.


Emeere Many people choose to change the looks please check Ash Warframe users using the third helmet which maker him lookk exactly as the Shinobi character


Blatantfool why is that ? can you justify your opinion ? (I apreciate your answer and I apologise for being demanding yet it is natural in order to evolve the game further and faster.


Nightframe why would it look like that ? (if possible please justify your opinion )

Edited by VoidGhost
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Cpt_Atroxium well I cannot understand you friend,I would like to mention that the only thing I do is not to express my opinion but merely underline the Warframe community's preferences seen in the game and in the related to it Warframe Market my opinion is not at all expressed since it is very extreme for the current game state

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Ionus hmm maybe I am wrong in expressing ideas yet why is that the sales on helmets and other upgrade like options and researches move in accordane to the point of my threads ? (I clicked the box on your post itis cool)

How could you possibly know the sales transaction rate for cosmetics? What you are saying is a baseless and direction-less statement.

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