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Best Way To Farm Brakk?



Anyone know what the most proven technique for farming this weapon is? For example, at the time of this posting there is a Corpus invasion going on. Can I get the deathmark by doing this invasion but siding with the Corpus? or do I need to wait for a Grineer invasion and then side against them at that time? I've looked for an answer to this but I've gotten nothing substantial.

Also, should I just keep running that invasion once I get the mark or are there faster ways for making them appear?

Any help is appreciated.

Edited by Whatarewordsworth
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16 answers to this question

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1) run 5 invasions (side with corpus) to acquire deathmark

2) run any grineer mission, preferably with 3 others who have deathmark


-deathmarks stack, invasions are best places to find pugs with deathmark

-as with any deathmark, more likely to come when gear is lower level

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I'm not sure if you have to do the grineer vs corpus invasion (as opposed to just corpus invasions) to get the G3 deathmark but you could easily check by whether or not you got a mail at the end of 5th run. 

Also, if you're gonna farm G3 with pugs, I would suggest running the grineer vs corpus invasion 5 times before you go anywhere else as this will ensure everyone does indeed have deathmark

Edited by Killist
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Don't. Just go about life normally. That's how I got the Dread AND the Brakk.

Coming from someone who went about the game normally, and still hasn't had an encounter, and hasn't had a Harvester encounter in over 2 months.


"Letting it happen" is the worst possible method to getting any of the Random bosses.

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Ignore these guys. 

I farmed Brakk, and Detron, and all Stalker weapons. Its possible but requires many days of dedication, that's basically all you going to do in Warframe until you get them.


To get a mark you have to do 5 invasions against the Grineer. And to farm you have to do any Grineer mission.


Assuming the chances are the same as the Stalker (We don't know if that is true, but assuming) then the chances are 1.5% + 0.5% for each eligible squad member for a max of 3% chance of a G3 spawn. This might seem like a small chance but is actually pretty reasonable, there are mods much rarer than this. Always have a full marked group, 0.5% may seem almost nothing but in the long run, that will make a difference, statistically.


Note that the G3 (Harvester and Stalker too) may only spawn in a mission after 30 to 240 seconds (4 minutes) so after that, they cannot spawn anymore and its safe to leave/abort the mission. Many guys like farming doing 5 wave loops or 5 minutes survivals, but that's not the most effective way, that's already 1 minute more than the timer, and another average of 1 minute more to get to extraction. So by the time you do 2 Defenses or Survival, you could have done 3 Other 4 minutes mission.


Also, there are many players that runs hundreds of "G3 hunt" (Or whatever they call in recruiting chat) thinking they are marked, when they are not. So to be safe, go farm it in invasions, with a full marked group, ALWAYS WITH A NEKROS, and mark the time with your cel phone chronometer app when you start the invasion, and leave only when the time reaches 4 minutes. 


The most important thing is to keep trying, its a random chance. You will get frustrated when they don't drop any parts, or parts you already have, but don't give up, eventually you will get it. Face this as your new way of leveling weapons, i have leveled many many weapons only doing invasions.


Good Luck!

Edited by RexSol
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Anyone know what the most proven technique for farming this weapon is? For example, at the time of this posting there is a Corpus invasion going on. Can I get the deathmark by doing this invasion but siding with the Corpus? or do I need to wait for a Grineer invasion and then side against them at that time? I've looked for an answer to this but I've gotten nothing substantial.

Also, should I just keep running that invasion once I get the mark or are there faster ways for making them appear?

Any help is appreciated.

you need to run 5 INVASIOnS!! Not 5 invasion missions, after u are payed out 5 times by corpus is the only time u and 3 otheres should start farming that is if they haven't spawned already. Most people think because they ran 5 missions they ran 5 of 5 OF 5 MISSIONS ON 1 INVASION they will be marked and thats it. Not true it can take up to 5 full invasion payouts!
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Huh, you only need to run 5 Invasion missions and side with Corpus each time, thus earning a single reward.  Anyone who told you that you need to run 25 missions is an idiot.  For reference, I ran 5 invasion mission and sided with Grineer to get a Forma blueprint and was greeted with a message from Alad V thus earning my Harvester deathmark.  Completing 5 invasion missions for Corpus is all it takes, no more, no less.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Yeah had plenty visits from them.  Five missions siding with Corpus on an invasion earns it though I find I tend to get the email after doing the first of another mission after that.  


Then sit back and wait for them to appear (the more of you marked the better the chance of them appearing) on a Grineer node, where upon they will reward your endeavours with Neurodes yet again :/

Edited by Sabreracer
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The G3, Harvester, and Stalker, in addtion to going a mission with a full squad with death marks, love to attack you when you are weak or when the odds are in their favor somewhat.  If everyone takes a one low level weapon, that will increase your odds as well.  And well, you can also do nightmare missions in addition to that but, the RNG with nightmares can give you a really bad disadvantage.  The last 3 times I've seen the G3 has been when I was playing nightmare mission... and can be one of the most unwelcomed sights you may ever see.

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