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Credit Caches On Void


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Personally, I am not on endgame yet, so I regularly need cash, and void runs are the best way to get them. 


I understand that people may get pissed on credit caches dropping on void runs. 


I really think that 2000 credits 4 times in a row in a T123 survival is really lame. I think that:

a) survival rewards should have a boolean flag: if last reward was a credit cache, do not give credit. 

b) credit caches should be larger

c) game should look into the pile of cash of the poorest warframe: the more cash the poorest player has, the less likely to have more credit caches to drop. e.g: less than less than 100.000: no change; 100.001-200.000: 25% less money caches; 200-500.000: 50% less money caches; 500.001+ : no money cache reward drops on Void.

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I went from 50K to 120K using only the credit drops from a single 30 minute T2 Survival. There is clearly an issue here.


That and I got a whole pile of Morphics to add to my 58 stacked in the corner of my..... Where do tenno put their crap again?

In a pocket dimension a.k.a bag of holding.

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