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Prime Gear Is No Longer Prime :( Whats The Point?

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For ps4 player this kind of late or slowbro.png

At least for those who grind for 3months or so will get their desire part.

Still if they have plat to spent though...

I'm still grind for my prime.

And not that kind player who do trading.

Newb get thier prime you get your.i don't see much problem.

All player should have prime since it were Tenno true weapon.

Sorry,personal opinion included ._.

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I agree with you completely my friend. This move made by DE takes the Grind out of the game completely. And, in a way it takes some money out of DE's pocket (very slightly though).


It is very annoying to know how hard I had to work for my mag prime and glaive prime and now when I join rooms I see everyone with those 2 easily. Da hell? I worked so hard to get those and now anyone can just waltz into the game and obtain those without putting any time in. Takes the grind out completely. Now DE can expect people to be quitting much sooner. Instead of getting up to Mastery Rank 8 and feeling like there is nothing to do, people will get to mastery rank 4 and already burn out from the game.


It's hurts DE cause if someone wanted a mag all of a sudden, their only choice would be to buy the normal mag from the market place for that specific price. As the prices for prime pieces go down, and with mag prime being cheaper on the trade channel than the normal mag's price in the market place, people will be paying less money to get better stuff. And the same goes for weapons. If, all of a sudden, someone wanted a bow really bad and didn't feel like getting the parts for the Paris, they would just go to the market and buy the normal Paris(And all that plat will just evaporate for no one else to use) but now, they'll just head to the market place and post a "WTB> Paris Prime" ad and be able to buy it much cheaper, AND THEN someone else can spend that same plat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they should be screwing the players, but as a business, (which is what DE is) trying to make money is your top priority-generally speaking-and DE messed up their income.


Don't rage; I'm  just saying. They took the grind out of the game, screwed over the players who had to previously grind (But this is beta, so that's not too much of an argumentative point), and messed up their money flow. All in All, It wasn't a smart move. 

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I agree with you completely my friend. This move made by DE takes the Grind out of the game completely. And, in a way it takes some money out of DE's pocket (very slightly though).

As someone who sells prime parts after obtaining them, I can tell you for a fact the things just materialize into my inventory with no effort needed.


Hell sometimes I log out and find myself in possession of 5 complete rhino prime sets. Daily reward? 5 complete boltor prime sets.  Defeat a Derelict defense? Lets just have a dozen ember prime systems.  Sometimes for trading Prime parts, I actually gain the part I sold and an aditional copy of other missing prime pieces. 


It is as you say, once a prime seller appears, no one has to go through the effort to obtain the parts.


Meanwhile in reality. 


No, someone, somewhere grinds it, these assets just don't magically appear as you all seem to imply.  Sure the person buying it isn't going through redundant hoop grind #14452. But it is being "grinded' by someone, somewhere. 

Nothing in this game is difficult. While getting a prime is nice, its hardly a badge of skill.

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I was a bit annoyed when this came out on PC, it did totally devalue primes, and you will start seeing low rank players with boltor primes, and frost prime will be come an everyday site where as you will rarely see a normal frost (lets face it normal frost is much harder to get than frost prime)


The only upside to me, that one missing part that the RNG gods just refuse to give me, I am able to buy.

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I was a bit annoyed when this came out on PC, it did totally devalue primes, and you will start seeing low rank players with boltor primes, and frost prime will be come an everyday site where as you will rarely see a normal frost (lets face it normal frost is much harder to get than frost prime)


The only upside to me, that one missing part that the RNG gods just refuse to give me, I am able to buy.

Frost Prime were everywhere even before primes trade.

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Well, that escalated quickly


You really wont find too much sympathy when a forum has discussed the topic to death.


And yes, the general stupidity that is the forums is: "when people complain about platinum prices, or complaining in general, then they must just want something for free", i hear ya in that sense.

But then why complain at all?

You either want something free

You want to feel unjustly special

You want to rub what you have in the face of someone who doesn't have it (prestige)

You misguidedly think its hurting the game with no evidence

None of these are good reasons. No one has ever provided a good reason to complain about trading, and the other stuff you can buy with plat is either cheap (slots) or completely unnecessary.

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I think your purposefully missing the point of prestige items  which,  where what prime items once where . 


Buying  or trading for prime items is like buying  trophies . If u buy a bowling trophy for a perfect game at a yard sale , doesn't mean anything  it just looks good hanging on your self ; BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING !


I get that it  should .   

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Same thing happened in gw2, when they said legendaries where to show you have mastered every aspect of the game, then one day you could just buy them finished straight off the auction house (though they were selling for like 1000usd)

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U don't have to worry about it tho...if u get ur primes by grinding the feeling about ur primes is different than if u got it by buying

And u can be proud of urself...

and I'm proud of my primes either coz i found all my primes by myself :)

Except my orthos prime which I got the blades from my friends (for free)

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They were never exclusive, they were never rare, and they definitely never showed that players "had the skills" to quote the OP.

Primes only ever showed who had patience, luck or time (often all three).


Now we are just adding money to those three ways to obtain them, who really cares?

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Who actually needs sparklies in a game to feel "special" ? Someone wants to feel "special", he ought to work on him/herself in RL before enjoying what games are actually made for: FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE FUN... Not burdening the rest of the player population with inferiority complexes.

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Well there could be another solution. Make prime parts drop like flies even when you're just starting Mercury missions at MR 1. /sarcasm


Not everyone have all the time in the world to play the game and grind all those items they might need to be able to enjoy whole game. If you have time to play and grind, then it would be pretty dumb to spend plat on prime items, right? If you don't like grinding and don't want to spend money on plat to archive those items you desire, you probably move on to some other game then, right? 

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  So lame.  So now any newb with some extra cash in their pocket can just go buy prime gear?  Now its not exclusive at all and no different then any other weapon except for some slightly buffed stats.  Now its not at all special to have prime gear, it doesn't show that you have worked hard in the game to get something that others only wish they had the skills to get.  Might as well just be covered in polished brass instead of gold.  Horrible idea DE just horrible. 

Skills to aquire??


Pls dont confuse skills with RNG..

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In the end de is a business they need money they want as much money as possible. What better way to bilk suckers out of there money buy vitrul items that dont really exist so the player feels special. Pay to win its nothing new.

Edited by (PS4)DirtyGuttz
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In the end de is a business they need money they want as much money as possible. What better way to bilk suckers out of there money buy vitrul items that dont really exist so the player feels specia. Pay to win its nothing new.

I question your definition of pay to win. What on earth are you winning?


P2W games in general limit your ability to acquire the best stuff by creating a pay wall. DE does no such thing.


I made just about everyone on my friends list happy yesterday because i have a collection of prime parts that they cant seem to find.

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The primes were and are not really that exclusive, besides the time it takes to farm them.

While I agree that, having frost prime early on was a status symbol, you can easily tell who the ones are that grinded for a prime as opposed to the ones who just loaded up on plat and bought it.

A player's skill will always show it's true color, so fear not.

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People complains about Prime items being too easy to get. 


People have hard time extrapolating how markets in real life work and how that transfers into digital markets.


People cry over items that hold no true value. 


Said people don't realize that you can earn them. 


Said people don't realize that trade is new feature, and that game is still in beta.


Said people don't realize that DE has gone from a crew of 30 to over 200 in less than a year.


People don't realize exactly what that means.


People don't realize that since DE has had a huge increase in staff... that the game will most likely have more people to work on old systems and improve them or create a totally new innovative system that is much better.


People are too impatient and forget that developers can't just snap there fingers and everything gets fixed.


People who believe that they can fix the systems should apply for a position at DE.


Said people will most likely be turned down because they have no idea what they're talking about and have no true expertise into balancing, maintaining and innovating a game.



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Instead of players working hard in game to get the parts from drops, they're working hard in real life to make some money with which they can use to buy platinum which they can then barter with in order to obtain prime blueprints and components.


Either way you have people working for it.


Post of the year. Hats off to you, sir.

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I don't see how me being shafted by crappy credit caches for 80 straight minutes in a T3, the result of which completely turns me off the prospect of doing it again, makes me less skilled than someone who gets the reward they want on wave one of the first key they ever use.

I don't have the time or patience for that nonsense, here you go fella here's 50p for a boltor prime receiver I spent all afternoon trying to farm but got suck with 16 straight void key rewards instead.

Your uber skills in earning the part straight away needs rewarding with platinum, unlike useless humps like me who can sit churning through the same mission for hours and get absolutely sod all to show for it.

Edited by (PS4)atpbx
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I have a feeling that this is gonna be locked...

I actually like it. What if you wanna farm for let's say a Rhino part, but what you get is some other piece but you have tons of spares. So now you can sell them off which is nice.

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