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How Did I Not Notice This Till Now. (Kogake Wall Attack Damage)


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telling you, use ripline to get going, then just press the melee button. its literally easy as 1 then e

Shouldn't be restricted to a single specific Warframe in order to have a basic maneuver be viable in-game.

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Shouldn't be restricted to a single specific Warframe in order to have a basic maneuver be viable in-game.

completely agree with you on that, however valkyr has the easiest time pulling it off, as any attack while the ripline animation is in effect constitutes a wall attack animation

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So I tried it out.


The good news: Momentum is now conserved when doing wall attacks. You launch in the direction that you aim in, swing the sword / do the punch, and continue moving in that direction. Great for controlling where you go with wallruns without having to slide-cancel.


The bad news: You still can't aim up and down with wall attacks (you always launch off horizontally), meaning that your maneuvering is very restricted and landing wall attacks is still nearly impossible.

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