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Water Frame Ability Suggestions


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I thought of an idea for a waterframe a long time ago but was a bit too shy to post it. Now that a water frame is coming out I thought what-the-heck why not so here it is:


Tethys the water-frame (I thought it seemed better as a female frame :P )


1st Skill

Tidal Wave [25 Energy]

TETHYS summons a wave that staggers enemies in a line in front of her. When the wave returns it will pull downed allies.

Procs wet effect.


Creates a wave in a line in front of Tethys similar to Ice Wave but travels in both directions- forwards then backwards. It will damage enemies twice with a chance to stagger and knockdown. 100% chance to wet all targets. On the reverse wave, downed allies will be pulled back towards Tethys.




Range of wave increases.


50/100/150/200 impact damage


Inversed, 'increased' power duration increases speed of wave.


2nd Skill

Drown [50 Energy]

Condensing the moisture around her target, TETHYS suffocates her victim in a sphere of water. When the target dies or the sphere expires it erupts, damaging nearby enemies as well.

Consumes wet effect.

Procs wet effect on explosion.


Cast on a wet target. A sphere of water forms around the target similar to Oberon's Reckoning. Target suffers dot and is stunned for the duration. Wet effects are doubled for the target. Once the timer or the target expires, the sphere around the target explodes, dealing 200 damage to the target and nearby enemies, wetting them as well.




Increases range of targeting


Dot/s 40/60/80/100 poison damage or similar armor and shield ignoring damage

Explosion 200/220/240/260 impact damage


2/4/6/8 seconds




Water-form [50 Energy]

TETHYS becomes one with her element, transforming her warframe into water.

Procs wet effect.


Tethys transforms her warframe into water. In this state she gains an increase in power efficiency, power range and all melee attacks have a chance to wet enemies following the weapon's proc chance.




10/15/20/25 seconds


3rd Skill

Cleanse [75 Energy]

TETHYS quickly gathers the moisture around her and lets forth a wave of cleansing water that splashes and coats allies.

Procs wet effect.


Sends forth a wave of water that removes all debuffs and dots from herself and allies, including poison, fire and chill effects. All allies within range receives a temporary immunity to further proc chance from enemy attacks. Nearby enemies are wet as well.




Aoe radius increases.


Debuff-immunity 5/10/15/20 seconds


4th Skill

Phantasmagoria [100 Energy]

Energizing the water around living targets, TETHYS creates phantasms that confuse and attack her enemies.

Consumes wet effect.


A phantasm is created from each wet enemy within range of this skill. Phantasms have stats and appearences equal to that of the enemy they originated from except that their lower body is invisble like ghosts. Phantasms share the same health and shields as their target of origin, which means that if they take damage their counterpart takes damage as well and vice versa. When their origin dies, they die too. They act like shadows of the dead and will attack enemies and cause enemies to attack them. Phantasmagoria cannot be used again until all phantasms have expired.




Aoe radius increases, potentially creating more phantasms.


90/100/110/120 seconds





                * Elemental status chance. Wet has no use on its own but when combined with another effect it becomes deadly.

                * Lasts 3 seconds.

                * Any other basic elemental status procs will consume wet.

                * Targets receive 100% additional damage from electric damage.

                * Targets receive additional 50% damage from ice damage. When cold procs kn a wet target it will be converted into a freeze similar to Frost's first skill, the target will remain frozen for the remaining duration of wet unless it receives health damage. Targets frozen by Avalanche and freeze remain frozen for additional 3s.

                * Poison dot effects last additional 3s on wet targets and may cause it to spread to nearby wet targets.

                * Fire procs will blind target. (Effects of steam?)



                * Sentinel - Eros

                * Melee - High status chance whip


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ok please tell me you had this idea before my concept because its sounding like mine description wise with changes to the abilities

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/169397-water-warframe-idea although truthfully at this point idc about the concept since they probably already got the abilities made, if you like you can take some of mines

Edited by Sasoka
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ok please tell me you had this idea before my concept because its sounding like mine description wise with changes to the abilities

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/169397-water-warframe-idea although truthfully at this point idc about the concept since they probably already got the abilities made, if you like you can take some of mines


o.o Your ideas are great as well but I've never seen your post before sorry :/


You are late to suggest abilities, I think they are already decided at the moment.


I know T.T the new abilities were a bit disappointing.

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