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The Katana In The "warframe - The Sword Alone" Video


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They never had a name for the sword they used either. The ninja used a shorter version of the katana. NOT the wakizashi. The sword did not have an official title. So later on the future more like modern times they gave those swords a label which was Ninjato. It was basically a shortened katana. Since the Japanese style of making swords always caused it to have a curve at the end. The Ninja needed something small not ludicrously huge, and unwieldy by the average person. Something that could be collectively and easily mastered.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjat%C5%8D Actually there is a weapon called the ninjato iv seen it actually used by those that still train in the art of ninjustu and it is a real weapon. The difference is that the wakizashi is the secondary weapon of the samurai as they always had two swords a long and short one. And the wakizashi is just a shorter katana it has a curved blade a ninjato on the other hand is a straight blade it is not curved that is how you can tell the difference.

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Well, considering the fact that the katana is curved...


... That was kind of expected. Someone skilled in that should be capable of making arced cuts in almost any angle from the scabbard except for the silly ones like trying to draw and cut the floor from a standing position or trying to draw and cut to your left from a stationary position without turning and using your right hand. In one motion.

Cutting upward from the ground was actually a stance that someone took and it was a attack but only master swordsman were able to use because of vulnerability and difficulty. It was often used to break through defenses or used  while charging the enemy but it was a rare sight. 

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Cutting upward from the ground was actually a stance that someone took and it was a attack but only master swordsman were able to use because of vulnerability and difficulty. It was often used to break through defenses or used  while charging the enemy but it was a rare sight. 

Pardon me if your bad spelling of "Kenjutsu" and "Thor" reduces my ability to trust the credibility of your statements.

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention everyone!


I've confirmed with Geoff that the Katana will be in it's proper position when it goes live.




also when using double katanas (a big one and a short one, the short goes on the LEFT side, not the right side as ingame right now. plz fix that also.

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A longer post because this coffee tastes horrible.


They never had a name for the sword they used either. The ninja used a shorter version of the katana. NOT the wakizashi. The sword did not have an official title. So later on the future more like modern times they gave those swords a label which was Ninjato. It was basically a shortened katana. Since the Japanese style of making swords always caused it to have a curve at the end. The Ninja needed something small not ludicrously huge, and unwieldy by the average person. Something that could be collectively and easily mastered.

The name would be the same as that of the katana. Would use the same kanji(刀). The classification thing only started a few hundred years ago.


You do realize that the katana will be situated based on what slot it is worn on primary, secondary, melee since in melee 2.0 you are supposed to be able to equip a melee weapon in any slot you choose. They could also be basing were the katana is placed by researching kinjutsu which is what came before kendo and laido and both of those are based on kinjustu which means art of the sword. This is also what the samurai used as there fighting style and combat art so if that is what they are using then it is placed right. And you also need to chill its a game were non of that even exists anymore your just over analyzing it chill out and enjoy the game for what it is a 3rd person shooting/slashing game now if this game actually took place during the time of the samurai or say a 100 years after they were massacred then I could understand your raging.

An average person would not take much consideration into the positioning or angling of the scabbard of a generic sword. As the backsword more frequently seen nowadays outside of the Japanese "sabre" is the military/cavalry sabre, which, if I am not wrong although I frequently am, is worn with the blade facing downwards, this would very likely become the assumed position of other sheathed backswords regardless of construction or origin. It is a common mistake and the average person cares more about their next paycheck or pet rock than they do about the infinitely complicated library of martial arts as a whole.


Its not really heavier per say just longer reach and longer grip sort of a medium between light and heavy weapons.

Depends on the balance as well. If the centre of gravity is closer to the hilt, it will feel more controllable. If it is closer to the tip, it will feel heavier, despite being the same weight. That being said, the weapon being referred there is definitely not a lightweight. A lightweight would be something like a Chinese Jian. That is light. The archetypal katana falls under the "medium" category, as does the langeschwert. Something around 3 kilograms is considered a bit too heavy for a sword.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjat%C5%8D Actually there is a weapon called the ninjato iv seen it actually used by those that still train in the art of ninjustu and it is a real weapon. The difference is that the wakizashi is the secondary weapon of the samurai as they always had two swords a long and short one. And the wakizashi is just a shorter katana it has a curved blade a ninjato on the other hand is a straight blade it is not curved that is how you can tell the difference.

That classification as a "ninjato" is a modern one. And depending on how the cooling technique is done, there can be a katana with an almost straight edge. Ganryu(a.k.a Sasaki Kojiro) favoured a straight-edged nodachi whose name is anglicised as "The Drying Pole". It was long and straight. I would not classify that as a "ninjato" either.


Cutting upward from the ground was actually a stance that someone took and it was a attack but only master swordsman were able to use because of vulnerability and difficulty. It was often used to break through defenses or used while charging the enemy but it was a rare sight.

The style I am learning (Shinkage-Ryu) requires us to be very close to the ground. In fact, the knee of our back leg is supposed to be barely an inch above ground level. Someone trying to break through from below would have to be crawling. And that would not do much. Also, charging an enemy is stupid as heck. On the battlefield, said charger would be skewered by a spear or naginata. Off the battlefield in a civilian area, said charger will be extremely obvious. The Battou/Iai moves are intended for use at the initiation of combat. They do not always work and it is recommended that a practitioner learn how to fight with their blades drawn to at least an intermediate level instead of relying purely on their ability at Iai/Battou. Having a katana already drawn can also be more advantageous assuming the one with a drawn katana is attentive and manages to stop the opponent from either drawing their blade or is capable of closing a distance of about two metres in under a second.

Edited by Sadwyrm
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nice work on the quick response to katana concerns its gonna be great !


but DE just do whatever you want seriously


we have silent rocket launchers, i dont think reality matters anymore


also the average arnis kali eskrima practitioner would destroy the even an advanced kenjutsu practitioner - look into that REAL martial art style for reference on dual weapon wielding it is superior to the chinese/japanese counterparts

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nice work on the quick response to katana concerns its gonna be great !


but DE just do whatever you want seriously


we have silent rocket launchers, i dont think reality matters anymore


also the average arnis kali eskrima practitioner would destroy the even an advanced kenjutsu practitioner - look into that REAL martial art style for reference on dual weapon wielding it is superior to the chinese/japanese counterparts

It does depend on the individual more than the martial art. A Kalaripayattu practitioner can be argued to be one of the best fighters in the world due to their traditions of training with live weapons. And Kalaripayattu happening to have one of the longest known unbroken historical records as a martial art in the history of martial arts.


On a more practical response to your post, dual wielding in Japanese sword arts is rare. Very. Rare. Even Miyamoto, who is the most legendary for using both blades only used a single bokuto in almost all his duel records. Kobudo are very real. Modern things like gendai naginatajutsu and kendo are modified versions not completely intended for killing. The difference is in the "do". "Do" indicates philosophy, the spirit is focused through movement of the body. "Jutsu" indicates art, the spirit is expressed through damage to another body. Gendai naginatajutsu isn't exactly for damaging another body, though. The classification gets confusing after a while.


And Chinese martial arts are also very real outside of the flashy Olympic "Wushu". That's mainly for show. Even Taiqi is actually an art of killing, except its martial applications have been lost to time due to the same blind morons who say Capoeira is "just" Traditional Brazilian dancing. A martial art is still an art of war. It is only that martial arts in all societies have been banned from the general public for at least a duration of three decades. It is recommended that to actually decide whether a martial art is real or not, one should seek out and challenge a master of said art, instead of proclaiming an art other than your own inferior. Also, dual wielding in Chinese martial arts mainly only extends to those of what can be termed "civilian martial arts", where they use shorter weapons and the movements of normal fist techniques with slight modification to cut with the weapons.


In summary, the chances of victory and defeat are not decided by the martial art, but by whether the practitioner can apply their training to an actual situation.

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It does depend on the individual more than the martial art. A Kalaripayattu practitioner can be argued to be one of the best fighters in the world due to their traditions of training with live weapons. And Kalaripayattu happening to have one of the longest known unbroken historical records as a martial art in the history of martial arts.


On a more practical response to your post, dual wielding in Japanese sword arts is rare. Very. Rare. Even Miyamoto, who is the most legendary for using both blades only used a single bokuto in almost all his duel records. Kobudo are very real. Modern things like gendai naginatajutsu and kendo are modified versions not completely intended for killing. The difference is in the "do". "Do" indicates philosophy, the spirit is focused through movement of the body. "Jutsu" indicates art, the spirit is expressed through damage to another body. Gendai naginatajutsu isn't exactly for damaging another body, though. The classification gets confusing after a while.


And Chinese martial arts are also very real outside of the flashy Olympic "Wushu". That's mainly for show. Even Taiqi is actually an art of killing, except its martial applications have been lost to time due to the same blind morons who say Capoeira is "just" Traditional Brazilian dancing. A martial art is still an art of war. It is only that martial arts in all societies have been banned from the general public for at least a duration of three decades. It is recommended that to actually decide whether a martial art is real or not, one should seek out and challenge a master of said art, instead of proclaiming an art other than your own inferior. Also, dual wielding in Chinese martial arts mainly only extends to those of what can be termed "civilian martial arts", where they use shorter weapons and the movements of normal fist techniques with slight modification to cut with the weapons.


In summary, the chances of victory and defeat are not decided by the martial art, but by whether the practitioner can apply their training to an actual situation.

I'm still here because I'm bored. All my walls of texts are the product of boredom and coffee, not the popular concept of "butthurt". I admit that I lose to a practitioner of Escrima in skill. I happen to lose to everyone. Especially a claymore user. And I have lost to a girl. She was barehanded. The girl had no training in anything. I have also lost to a ten-year old. So me losing is not an accurate portrayal of anything other than my bad fortune.

Edited by Sadwyrm
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I'm still here because I'm bored. All my walls of texts are the product of boredom and coffee, not the popular concept of "butthurt". I admit that I lose to a practitioner of Escrima in skill. I happen to lose to everyone. Especially a claymore user. And I have lost to a girl. She was barehanded. The girl had no training in anything. I have also lost to a ten-year old. So me losing is not an accurate portrayal of anything other than my bad fortune.

I lol'ed

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Also, dual wielding in Chinese martial arts mainly only extends to those of what can be termed "civilian martial arts", where they use shorter weapons and the movements of normal fist techniques with slight modification to cut with the weapons.


As a long-time practicioner of Chen Style combat Taji and even longer standing practicioner of a Cheng style variation of Bagua Chang... I can say you are very right in this statement above. 


Most short weapon forms can and are performed virtually the same way without the weapon as they are with the weapons. 


On a related note. I hope they took inspiration for the Glaive's melee 2.0 behavior and combos from Taji and Bagua wind and fire wheel forms. Deer Hook forms are also very similar.

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Is the next update going to 13 or is it going to be 12.7?

if tomorrow's update is the big one like all the clues have been pointing... like this one... http://www.warframe.com/grineersystems (new image revealed everyday with one more image left for tomorrow.) ...then tomorrow is Update 13.


If tomorrow isn't update 13 then it will probably be 12.7. Is that vague enough for everyone? LoL

Edited by RawGritz
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Seems like most of the news are pointing for U13 this Wednesday, which is actually surprising to me. However, due to the size of the magnitude of the update itself, I do hope they prepared themselves enough so that they can release the update earlier in the day.


That way, if there's any major issues quickly following the release, DE wouldn't have to stay up until midnight to fix things.

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I learnt something new today.

But just out of interest, I did a simple google of images of samurai carrying katanas, and it seems that most of them are carrying them... wrong?

Different time period, different sword. Take it from an umpteenth generation swordsman (Started in the 700's and been a part of the male upbringing of the family since, even if it is just sword etiquette nowadays. I was the only one in my generation that pursued it further).

Katana=Blade up, Warring states.

Tachi= Early Samurai period, blade down.

They made the switch for various reasons but the most important was maintaining a state of readiness. With the Tachi you had to shift your position and leave yourself open, with the katana a defensive or offensive draw was possible, opening up new possibilities for combat and making it more honorable by preventing kills of an unarmed combatant. Also, blade down began to indicate 'time of peace', during Warring States this was not the case and therefore the blade faced up, to symbolize that they can and will do battle to defend their family/clan/honor.

I have a post on it in further detail on the thread mentioned on the first page. I'll probably add it later though.

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You are right, "the samurai" hods his katana sheated blade side up, but you forget that we are not samurai....we are ninja. Even if that is a katana.... Excalibur holds it like the ninjaku, blade side down. 



I would rather have dual ninjaku than a katana. 

Edited by nekrojiji
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So apparently the coffee put me to sleep from its horrible taste.

As a long-time practicioner of Chen Style combat Taji and even longer standing practicioner of a Cheng style variation of Bagua Chang... I can say you are very right in this statement above. 


Most short weapon forms can and are performed virtually the same way without the weapon as they are with the weapons. 


On a related note. I hope they took inspiration for the Glaive's melee 2.0 behavior and combos from Taji and Bagua wind and fire wheel forms. Deer Hook forms are also very similar.

I might be horrible at actual application of what I learn, but I do a ton of research. I hate it when I'm inaccurate.


And using those styles as reference would be interesting. Chinese styles tend to be the most acrobatic and varied out of the three countries in that region, barring that ridiculous-looking taekwondo exhibition stuff. Why anyone would ever need to kick three metres straight up or above the head of an average person while screaming loudly is beyond me, regardless of whether they're in the Korean military.


wow, my sensei would be furious if he saw me do that lol. In his eyes, that's considered disrespectful to the blade itself. but mainly because I'm still not the absolute best in his class. 


My teacher(he keeps insisting that we just call him by name and never "Sensei" because he's not) spent half a day explaining how dangerous it can be to do that. A lot of stuff about spinal integrity, leaving yourself very open to an attack from above and all that. Everyone except me was asleep before he got halfway through it.

if tomorrow's update is the big one like all the clues have been pointing... like this one... http://www.warframe.com/grineersystems (new image revealed everyday with one more image left for tomorrow.) ...then tomorrow is Update 13.


If tomorrow isn't update 13 then it will probably be 12.7. Is that vague enough for everyone? LoL

It's funny to consider that the update will roll out about a short while after I finish building Valkyr. I shouldn't have bothered with worrying about the current melee animations and wondering how she'll look best.


Seems like most of the news are pointing for U13 this Wednesday, which is actually surprising to me. However, due to the size of the magnitude of the update itself, I do hope they prepared themselves enough so that they can release the update earlier in the day.


That way, if there's any major issues quickly following the release, DE wouldn't have to stay up until midnight to fix things.

I know of this one region publisher company with some F2P MMO I've forgotten who were all "THIS UPDATE IS HUGE SO WE WILL FIRST ADD IN THE DATA AND ACTIVATE IT LATER".


It was really efficient.






... They spent two days(iirc) with the entire thing offline because they messed up so badly.


I like it, though the katana looks a little heavy to be running around with...

The archetypal katana is about 1.3~1.6kg, iirc. It's heavier to carry a military rifle. Those can be up to 10kg, according to some... *BEEP* who offered to demonstrate by shooting it through my face. It's worse how I'm not even making up that someone offered to shoot me in the face because he didn't like my existence.


Different time period, different sword. Take it from an umpteenth generation swordsman (Started in the 700's and been a part of the male upbringing of the family since, even if it is just sword etiquette nowadays. I was the only one in my generation that pursued it further).
Katana=Blade up, Warring states.
Tachi= Early Samurai period, blade down.

They made the switch for various reasons but the most important was maintaining a state of readiness. With the Tachi you had to shift your position and leave yourself open, with the katana a defensive or offensive draw was possible, opening up new possibilities for combat and making it more honorable by preventing kills of an unarmed combatant. Also, blade down began to indicate 'time of peace', during Warring States this was not the case and therefore the blade faced up, to symbolize that they can and will do battle to defend their family/clan/honor.

I have a post on it in further detail on the thread mentioned on the first page. I'll probably add it later though.

I am obliged by my teacher to ask for the name of your style. So... What would the name of your style be?


Many I read about who practice HEMA consider it strange that the Japanese did not develop the broadsword-style longsword during that period. Something about the tactical advantage of having two edges instead of one. And another something about how it's less of a bother to figure out which side has the edge for draw-cut motions. Among other somethings.


... Keep in mind that the "many" I speak of reading happen to about make up a certain percentage of the HEMA practitioner population. More specifically the ones somewhere between the "MY KANG FOE ES BE'ER DUN YIORS" bunch and the sarcastic smart-&#! "AI HABU RERUNTO ZA KATANA ANUDO ITTO IZU YUUSURESU" bunch. The ones who put it up to serious discussion. And then there are those who bothered to read about the forging technique used and point out how a technique similar to the forging technique used for the katana had surfaced outside of Japan over a thousand years prior.


You are right, "the samurai" hods his katana sheated blade side up, but you forget that we are not samurai....we are ninja. Even if that is a katana.... Excalibur holds it like the ninjaku, blade side down. 



I would rather have dual ninjaku than a katana. 


No idea what you're talking about, honestly. Still, if you're looking for dual shortswords, look at the dual daggers range, maybe.

Edited by Sadwyrm
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Ninja use Katana Leonardo from TMNT DUh and is it possible to have them equipted either way?

I hope they but this as an option for players with different opinions

Im almost 1000% sure that isnt a katana. Its not curved for one and also its looks like a ninjato as they are described.

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So apparently the coffee put me to sleep from its horrible taste.

I might be horrible at actual application of what I learn, but I do a ton of research. I hate it when I'm inaccurate.


And using those styles as reference would be interesting. Chinese styles tend to be the most acrobatic and varied out of the three countries in that region, barring that ridiculous-looking taekwondo exhibition stuff. Why anyone would ever need to kick three metres straight up or above the head of an average person while screaming loudly is beyond me, regardless of whether they're in the Korean military.



My teacher(he keeps insisting that we just call him by name and never "Sensei" because he's not) spent half a day explaining how dangerous it can be to do that. A lot of stuff about spinal integrity, leaving yourself very open to an attack from above and all that. Everyone except me was asleep before he got halfway through it.

It's funny to consider that the update will roll out about a short while after I finish building Valkyr. I shouldn't have bothered with worrying about the current melee animations and wondering how she'll look best.


I know of this one region publisher company with some F2P MMO I've forgotten who were all "THIS UPDATE IS HUGE SO WE WILL FIRST ADD IN THE DATA AND ACTIVATE IT LATER".


It was really efficient.






... They spent two days(iirc) with the entire thing offline because they messed up so badly.


The archetypal katana is about 1.3~1.6kg, iirc. It's heavier to carry a military rifle. Those can be up to 10kg, according to some... *BEEP* who offered to demonstrate by shooting it through my face. It's worse how I'm not even making up that someone offered to shoot me in the face because he didn't like my existence.


I am obliged by my teacher to ask for the name of your style. So... What would the name of your style be?


Many I read about who practice HEMA consider it strange that the Japanese did not develop the broadsword-style longsword during that period. Something about the tactical advantage of having two edges instead of one. And another something about how it's less of a bother to figure out which side has the edge for draw-cut motions. Among other somethings.


... Keep in mind that the "many" I speak of reading happen to about make up a certain percentage of the HEMA practitioner population. More specifically the ones somewhere between the "MY KANG FOE ES BE'ER DUN YIORS" bunch and the sarcastic smart-&#! "AI HABU RERUNTO ZA KATANA ANUDO ITTO IZU YUUSURESU" bunch. The ones who put it up to serious discussion. And then there are those who bothered to read about the forging technique used and point out how a technique similar to the forging technique used for the katana had surfaced outside of Japan over a thousand years prior.



No idea what you're talking about, honestly. Still, if you're looking for dual shortswords, look at the dual daggers range, maybe.

Yeah, he told me about another master who had messed up his wrist really bad by practicing a backhand style of fighting by having the blade horizontally placed on his back, pulling it and cutting the opponent. Its was really cool to see that and I want to learn how to do it as he did but I dont want to destroy too much of my body in the process.

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