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Forget Soma...


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Afuris was a tenno weapon.

Look what happen to that.

It got customized by the Lotus who the Tenno work for so she had both access and means, if they start handing out Prime Gorgons and Vandal Vulkar's than you can uise those as an example of cross-faction tomfoolery.



I would argue against the vandal being corpus faction since if you look at the Braton vandal and Lato vandal it's designs that the corpus took from the prime versions to make the stock version (aka braton/lato) and then the tenno took those stock versions the corpus made and modified them to be better (and the lotus branded her sign on it). It only became confusing when they introduced the snipetron vandal and prova vandal since there was no mention of the tenno modifying them in their descriptions.


So there is a chance at the soma vandal but it is very slight and I would just bet on the prime version being released sometime in the future.

Well the Crewman were running around with Bratons for months before their R&D department made the Dera, also as a side note in terms of the continuity of the weapons the Prime versions all came first, which were than copied with cheaper materials to make the regular versions we have today. Mind you there are some examples that annoyingly make this really confusing (Boar comes to mind), but that's what I've gleaned from the lore. The primes in use are scavenged from the Void which we have established that the Corpus can access so it makes perfect sense for them to try and copy the Prime designs they have discovered.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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I dunno, you can hate on me but i think some weapons shouldn't have a prime, but if they did, it should really feature a very high MR requirement, for instance :


Soma Prime, Tigris Prime, Vectis Prime, Galantine Prime...


The soma is really good, unless they did something drastic (like half the base clip size for an improved stat chance) I would hate to see a prime version of it. The Tigris would also have to do decrease the raw damage for an mid range accuracy boost or something. The Galatine isn't going to be in the same god tier it is right now after melee 2.0 drops (hopefully) so a prime version of that wouldn't be too dratic (in theory anyway).

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