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Forget Soma...


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Soma is a TENNO weapon 


It will be a prime



Vandal = Corpus


Wraith = Grineer


Dex = Lotus??


DEX = Digital Extremes, gift weapons from our developers.

Edited by Sedant
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I'm still waiting for the feature where we convert a regular weapon into a prime/wraith/vandal variant, like a BP of some sort instead of releasing the same weapon with a model change and buffed stats, some of them are indeed different like the glaive, but the boltor prime is better in every way, making the regular one obsolete, a conversion BP would be alot better.

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Afuris was a tenno weapon.

Look what happen to that.

its just an anniversary weapon, same as the promo braton. but for the others, tenno = prime, grineer = vandal, corpus = vandal. even the DE confirmed this if im not wrong.

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Soma is a TENNO weapon

It will be a prime

Prime = Orokin/Tenno/Lotus Faction

Vandal = Corpus faction

Wraith = Grineer faction

Dex = Digital Extremes faction (broke the 4th wall with a hammer)


I would argue against the vandal being corpus faction since if you look at the Braton vandal and Lato vandal it's designs that the corpus took from the prime versions to make the stock version (aka braton/lato) and then the tenno took those stock versions the corpus made and modified them to be better (and the lotus branded her sign on it). It only became confusing when they introduced the snipetron vandal and prova vandal since there was no mention of the tenno modifying them in their descriptions.


So there is a chance at the soma vandal but it is very slight and I would just bet on the prime version being released sometime in the future.

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