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Ghost Clans! Shadow Clans! Unite!


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We need to communicate! The Forum will not suffice!


I am a little clueless on that one. The forum is not that grate for disscusion and open communication in this scale right now. We do not know if the Update is going to bring us new means of communication ingame but we need to come up with a alternative if it doesn't. Other forums? Teamspeak? Facebook? I don't know ... I really don't. Input is appreciated and needed!






I used to be part of Broframe, that was like a 7000 man clan, the clan was divided into seven because it was breaking the game acording to the devs, but the clans were made into an alliance.... well my point is that we had an alliance channel ingame (like trading, recruiting, region, etc.) so I guess thats going to be our way of comunication.

Edited by xozzy19x
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We are seeking an alliance.We are a dedicated ghost clan that will hold our own in battle should you choose to accept. See you on the battlefield fellow Tenno.

Clan: umbra

Warlord: Shad0wed1

Let's teach the moon clans fear.

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My shadow clan already is thinking of a name for our own ghost/shadow Alliance. We may be a gathering of the casual players, but were the best casuals Warframe has to offer!


I've thought of a few lore appropriate names myself.

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I have a clan willing to join in this council of shadows and ghosts.


Clan Name: Victory at Sea

Tenno: 7 -- 4 are active daily, Warlord has over 900 hours in-game.

Warlord: LunarWind


I propose the name of the alliance be something along the lines of "The Ghost Council" or "Council of Ghosts".

I think that using "Shadow" in the name sounds too dark.

"Council" would work to show that we are a collection of like-minded Tenno standing on equal ground and not a single group with a set leader.


In any case, I will pledge my considerable stockpile of resources and the skill sets of our veteran warriors to any cause the alliance deems worthy.

Looking forward to showing the mountain-dwellers and moon-lords that Ghosts and Shadows possess power to rival their bloated empires.


As all Tenno strike from hiding to bring balance to the vast hordes of the Grineer and the sprawling industry of the Corpus, we will strike as Ghosts and as Shadows to bring balance within the ranks of all Tenno.

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I have a clan willing to join in this council of shadows and ghosts.


Clan Name: Victory at Sea

Tenno: 7 -- 4 are active daily, Warlord has over 900 hours in-game.

Warlord: LunarWind


I propose the name of the alliance be something along the lines of "The Ghost Council" or "Council of Ghosts".

I think that using "Shadow" in the name sounds too dark.

"Council" would work to show that we are a collection of like-minded Tenno standing on equal ground and not a single group with a set leader.


In any case, I will pledge my considerable stockpile of resources and the skill sets of our veteran warriors to any cause the alliance deems worthy.

Looking forward to showing the mountain-dwellers and moon-lords that Ghosts and Shadows possess power to rival their bloated empires.


As all Tenno strike from hiding to bring balance to the vast hordes of the Grineer and the sprawling industry of the Corpus, we will strike as Ghosts and as Shadows to bring balance within the ranks of all Tenno.


There are three names I propose, depending on who we're aligned with/focus on lore-wise:


Orokin aligned - Imperus Populusque Aurus (IPQA) | Imperium Populorum Aurum
Tenno aligned (no Lotus) - Concilius Populusque Gladius (CPQG) | Concilium Populorum Gladium
Lotus aligned - Concilius Populusque Lotos (CPQL) - Concilium Populusque Lotom


The second one is the best one for a lore neutral name while making reference to SPQR and while being lore appropriate.


Other versions of the second one:


Concilius Magnus Populusque Gladius - High Council of the People of the Sword

Concilium Magnum Populorum Gladium - same


Just my suggestions.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I used to be part of Broframe, that was like a 7000 man clan, the clan was divided into seven because it was breaking the game acording to the devs, but the clans were made into an alliance.... well my point is that we had an alliance channel ingame (like trading, recruiting, region, etc.) so I guess thats going to be our way of comunication.

A chat channel in game will not suffice we need something that is but down on record so that everyone can go back and see what was said and not just he people who were lucky enough to be online at the time.

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A chat channel in game will not suffice we need something that is but down on record so that everyone can go back and see what was said and not just he people who were lucky enough to be online at the time.


If alliance chat has a MOTD style deal, then our moderators can put info into that. I am however for decisions being made on a forum/not in-game, as you are right it would be up to people lucky enough to be on at the time

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There are three names I propose, depending on who we're aligned with/focus on lore-wise:


Orokin aligned - Imperus Populusque Aurus (IPQA) | Imperium Populorum Aurum
Tenno aligned (no Lotus) - Concilius Populusque Gladius (CPQG) | Concilium Populorum Gladium
Lotus aligned - Concilius Populusque Lotos (CPQL) - Concilium Populusque Lotom


The second one is the best one for a lore neutral name while making reference to SPQR and while being lore appropriate.


Other versions of the second one:


Concilius Magnus Populusque Gladius - High Council of the People of the Sword

Concilium Magnum Populorum Gladium - same


Just my suggestions.

Just something that's bugging me because I took Latin for a while, but "Populusque" is not "of the people" but rather "and the people". So the second one would be The Council and the People of the Sword, the third The Council and the People of Lotus, etc. A couple other things: "aurus" isn't a word in Latin, and the "us" endings are the proper ones here.


On a less critical note, I do like the idea of a name with Roman roots.

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What will we do with inactive clans/players?


We had to define inactive. A 30 player clan with 2 acitve players is pretty inactive. But if they say 15 of them are going to be back online in a few weeks then this would change all of a sudden. We can not generally say this clan is inactive lets throw them out. Not without checking and giving some time. If there are no lifesigns whatsoerver for an extended period of time the possibility to expel them is always there.

But I would start at a smaller level. I for example have a player who has not been active for 200 days. I will now expel him from the clan and look for a new one. I still have him in my friendslist and can reinvite him should he come online again. If he doesn't, no harm is done. I think inactive player clean-up should be warlord duty since they know their member better anyways. This way we will have less inactive member problems and less Why-did-you-expel-me-I-was-just-on-vacation-T.T drama.


Something like this has to be relegated to the clan level. An alliance can't be run like a clan. I wonder how much, if any, control of the alliance the alliance starter is (this is the warlord of the starting clan, judging from the latest livestream).

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This is a very small matter but one thing to keep in mind when we form the council is to make sure it is an odd number of council members, because even numbers can create voting stalemates if the group is divided on an issue.


Next here are some more alliance name suggestions for the pile. Most of these are pretty bad, as I just wanted to put down a bunch so that maybe someone will pull bits and pieces from them to make something better.

Politically derived: 

The United Democratic Coalition (UDC)

The United Democratic Brotherhood (UDB)

The United Democratic Federation (UDF) 

The Democratic Constitutional Union (DCU)

The Democratic Populist Confederation (DPC)

The Democratic Commonality Coalition (DCC)

The United Populists Legion (UPL)

The United Populists Coalition (UPC)

The United Populists Federation (UPF)

The Brotherhood of Community (BoC)

The Brotherhood of Democracy (BoD)

The Brotherhood of Emancipation (BoE)


Less politically derived:

The Alliance of Shadows (AoS)

The Shadow Ghosts Alliance (SGA)

The United Shadows Coalition (USC)

The United Ghosts Coalition (UGC)


I know most of these sound highly political but I what I tried to emulate with these is the idea that we are a a large collective body that represents a population almost directly rather than through a few select leaders that would make up an alliance of moon clans for example, leaning more towards direct democracy than a republic style. 

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IGN:  TheDamDog


Clan:  What Would Khorne Do (ghost)


As to the alliance name, I really would advise against something long and windy in Latin.  Tenno are not Romans, and as this alliance is targetted towards small clans, something simple and ninja-y would seem far more appropriate.


Or just go full bluster and call it "The Moon Breakers" :P

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IGN:  TheDamDog


Clan:  What Would Khorne Do (ghost)


As to the alliance name, I really would advise against something long and windy in Latin.  Tenno are not Romans, and as this alliance is targetted towards small clans, something simple and ninja-y would seem far more appropriate.


Or just go full bluster and call it "The Moon Breakers" :P


Sounds pretty cool if we put it in japanese.

Tsuki Bureka! XD


But that's just Moon Breaker. Idk the grammar to make it The Moon Breakers. Damn, I need to learn Japanese.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Sounds pretty cool if we put it in japanese.

Tsuki Bureka! XD


But that's just Moon Breaker. Idk the grammar to make it The Moon Breakers. Damn, I need to learn Japanese.

Japanese has no articles and nouns don't pluralize, so 月ブレーカ (tsuki bureika) could be translated as "Moon Breaker," "Moon Breakers," "The Moon Breakers," or even "A Moon Breaker." It's quite different from western languages in that regard.

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Japanese has no articles and nouns don't pluralize, so 月ブレーカ (tsuki bureika) could be translated as "Moon Breaker," "Moon Breakers," "The Moon Breakers," or even "A Moon Breaker." It's quite different from western languages in that regard.


Cool, thanks for that info.

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i'm warlord of a ghost clan.

i wanted to know, are empty slots in clan eat up slots in the alliance?


As far as we've been told the alliance is based on total population size, not number of clans. So basically you could have 3000 1-man ghost clans, or 300 10-man ghost clans.

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I have my own dojo, i tried recruiting but i didn't get any members (i admit i didnt try very very hard) but the fact is that i play EVERY day and i always have resources, i built the whole dojo by myself, in my opinion 3000 one-man-clans are more productive than 100 shadow clans with 2 or 3 active members and 20+ inactive ones, i just bring this to the conversation because i am against the compulsary recruiting advised to one-man-clans, becuase as the alliance counts members and not clans what matters is the amount of ACTIVE members regardless of the amount of clans, i can guarantee that i will be active but if i recruit a bunch of randoms in a rush it is quite probable that they will be slackers interested only in using my already researched labs.


Regarding the name i would go with something that all of us can identify with, nothing too specific, moon breakers?... nah, grey knights, no, something like "Independant Coalition of the origin System" would be perfect and desirable.

Edited by Orbister
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I have my own dojo, i tried recruiting but i didn't get any members (i admit i didnt try very very hard) but the fact is that i play EVERY day and i always have resources, i built the whole dojo by myself, in my opinion 3000 one-man-clans are more productive than 100 shadow clans with 2 or 3 active members and 20+ inactive ones, i just bring this to the conversation because i am against the compulsary recruiting advised to one-man-clans, becuase as the alliance counts members and not clans what matters is the amount of ACTIVE members regardless of the amount of clans, i can guarantee that i will be active but if i recruit a bunch of randoms in a rush it is quite probable that they will be slackers interested only in using my already researched labs.


That's why it's important that members of this alliance be very aware of the status of their members when recruiting. Warlords in the alliance should stay on task about removing inactive members.

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