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Well That Happened...


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So i just got a warning for saying the N word...when i replaced the A with UH. Now i would see why i got this warning...if it was the 90's But lets be honest here in this day and age. the ONLY people to get offended or irritated would be people over 30. Devs i love you guys an all, but trust me...No one cared enough about what i said to get offended.

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So i just got a warning for saying the N word...when i replaced the A with UH. Now i would see why i got this warning...if it was the 90's But lets be honest here in this day and age. the ONLY people to get offended or irritated would be people over 30. Devs i love you guys an all, but trust me...No one cared enough about what i said to get offended.


Well don't say that again, because it is offensive, and it's no different than having "er" at the end.

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I can understand your position. I'm not a fan of the way society handles words like that.

Living in Alabama, I'm accustomed to its use in describing a particularly classless or "trashy" person. The colloquy I typically see has nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin.

That being said, you used that word in a private space. The curators of any private space have the right to make many different kinds of rules about how the space they own can be used. You broke one of those rules, and they're choosing to pull you aside discretely and remind you - instead of just throwing you out.

I can also understand why someone might feel a little embarrassed about a warning received in this way. Highly empathetic and sensitive people really feel the emotional pinch from even the gentlest correction. However, if you're feeling called out here, it wouldn't be wise to compound the problem by letting the entire community know what happened. That would be silly.

TL;DR - You broke a rule that is their prerogative to enforce, and they handled it much more gently than they could have. Don't make it worse for yourself.

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Unbelievable. You felt the need to post this? What, did you expect lots of followers to agree with you on this? This is completely unnecessary. It is a large community here, with lots of opportunities to offend someone. You cannot be throwing around racial slurs like that in the game. Its a matter of respect.  

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meh... DE also doesn't want people to discuss smoking %&^s or starting fires with $&*#^%s or feeling gay. It's like they have something against smokers, boy scouts and people with generally sunny dispositions.

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