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De Always Makes It Right...


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Well the fact is that everyone was so hyped about the update, until it came out with a RNG wall blocking all the stuff we wanted. (cough cough melee 2.0 cough cough) Stances should have been a Common drop or a reward, NOT A RARE OR UNCOMMON DROP! -.- 


Vay hek is locked behind a huge RNG wall which you have to beat 3 times IF YOUR LUCKY!


Hyroid is Vay Hek drop, so ya that's nice De, very nice.


U13, isn't a fun update its just stressful because of all this grind the DE is forcing us to do just to play with a system we have been waiting for, for 1 and a 1/2 months!

Edited by Feallike
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I didn't get to play also yet...

But the amount of negative topics and responses amazes me.

Hopes for the DE team to make it right and can please all the whiners and cryers out there, i understand it is not easy.

There are some true flaws thou that needs to be taken care off asap like binding issues wich i see are the most annoying ones.


Do your best DE.

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Well, no, DE often breaks it in new and exciting ways. A more accurate statement would be "DE usually tries to make it right". So the Glaive's charge speed being busted will probably be fixed pretty quickly, but I wouldn't hold my breathe for some other issues.

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What I meant is that you just...rack up combos to see a number rise.
And now Warframe is the same. Next thing we'll get Guns 2.0 and the same thing will happen.
"You cant headshot in Guns 2.0, you need to build up a combo chain before the game lets you do that"

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I can see warframeas it is now only lasting till it's in beta/alpha/demo (maybe 5-6 yrs as it stills in beta for how long...) cause.. as warframe then and now has nothing in similarity except for its skin. After that i can only see it last few years as warframe, so far excitement only seems around next update (new wpn,mods) rather then gameplay and overhaul of whole features cause i don't think any player new or old wants millions of weapon to grind, build, lvl over nd over again.....

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Melee 1.0 back or Melee 2.5 thats designed under community observation and input.
Cause this right now...just wrong.
Not to mention ridiculous amounts of time spent on getting the new Hydroid warframe.
I have the helmet building yet I know I will just buy the blasted thing for platinum.
Not cool.

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You are testing it.


Paying to test a beta, can you call a game a beta when spending money is involved?


Betas usually have free ingame shop currency to, you know, test the things. For some reason its been twisted in recent years with pay to "beta" and early access.

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