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Eclipse Clan


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Sooo....anyone else think the fact that the Eclipse clan has been able to build roughly 5-10 rails already seem a little unfair?  I think there needs to be a cooldown timer after deploying a rail...Because you have the Disreguard Lotus Acquire Plat alliance that took 3 rails, and the Eclipse alliance, which pretty much has one on every planet.  


This doesn't feel very fair to me and my Clan, who couldn't deploy their solar rail due to this outlandish takeover of the Solar System.



Don't get me wrong, we're all fighting them and they're undoubtedly going down, but it's annoying that they can put up so many at once?  DE forced us to wait 3 days to be able to deploy rails, and then we are all trying to spam those buttons as quickly as possible to contest people's Rails.  Doesn't seem right.



I don't know, kinda bugs me that I stayed up until 11:22 every single night to be able to at least TRY to deploy a rail, only to get this "Cannot deploy Rail" thing because someone else instaclicked it, magically faster than me.  That, and the monopoly of multiple clans, taking away from the fun that we all have.



A clan should only be able to hold one solar rail in my opinion.   That makes it a little more fun for everyone, because then perhaps you'd at least have a chance to deploy one of yours, keep it, and play on it!  Instead of one big takeover of the universe.


Don't get me wrong, they have 0% taxes.  that's great!  But it bugs me that they just kinda pushed all the other clans out of the rail system instantly.


Any thoughts?

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That's the nature of the system. Every clan/alliance for themselves.


Get used to it.

Well, don't be an &#! about it.  I thought that limiting a Clan/Alliance to only one Rail could help distribute the fun to a few more Clans.

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It's not really unfair. They chose to spread themselves incredibly thin and charge no tax. There's no way they will be able to hold on to a fraction of their rails for long anyway.


It's part of the strategy of things.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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It's not really unfair. They chose to spread themselves incredibly thin and charge no tax. There's no way they will be able to hold on to a fraction of their rails for long anyway.


It's part of the strategy of things.

I guess I wouldn't be so irritated if we didn't already wait 3 days to deploy the rails.  We wait all that time, only to not be able to deploy one due to them taking it over.  They'll get taken down, but it doesn't make it any less annoying that now my clan has to wait longer to participate in the dark sectors because of their monopoly on the entire system.  It's not about profit, it's about taking over so many nodes that none of us can deploy early on. Now we have to wait, that's the annoying part.

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I guess I wouldn't be so irritated if we didn't already wait 3 days to deploy the rails.  We wait all that time, only to not be able to deploy one due to them taking it over.  They'll get taken down, but it doesn't make it any less annoying that now my clan has to wait longer to participate in the dark sectors because of their monopoly on the entire system.  It's not about profit, it's about taking over so many nodes that none of us can deploy early on. Now we have to wait, that's the annoying part.


I understand that, but that's just the nature of the first few days.

But it's definitely still a tense moment for planning strategies, observing whats going down in the dark sectors, and just preparing for the action.

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I have said before in other posts that the cost to make a solar rail is a joke, only to have some moderator say that what was in the preview video may not be the actual price.


Well, what was in the video was the actual price and when people can personally make these, let alone get an alliance of up to 4000 players.


It's not hard to deploy that many at once, I would not doubt that Eclipse had build enough labs and solar rails to take them all but couldn't.


This Badlands / Dark Sectors has turned into nothing more than 26 Infested missions added to the solarmap with most of them having 0% taxes they will stay free until DE steps in and changes things.

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I have said before in other posts that the cost to make a solar rail is a joke, only to have some moderator say that what was in the preview video may not be the actual price.


Well, what was in the video was the actual price and when people can personally make these, let alone get an alliance of up to 4000 players.


It's not hard to deploy that many at once, I would not doubt that Eclipse had build enough labs and solar rails to take them all but couldn't.


This Badlands / Dark Sectors has turned into nothing more than 26 Infested missions added to the solarmap with most of them having 0% taxes they will stay free until DE steps in and changes things.

Well, I'm not so sure the Price is the issue.  I think a Clan should only be able to keep ONE rail. Period.  Then it's fairly equal, and everyone can have a fighting chance-ish.  That way, we don't have 3 or four moon clan alliances or 100 little shadow clan alliances that take over the entire system.  I'm not angry because of taxes, or greed for my clan's vault or whatever.  I just wanted us to be able to participate in that, and when it's just monopolized for the heck of it, it gets pretty annoying.  If they just were able to keep one rail, then yay for them, they can have their one rail!  Congrats you built like 5 labs for nothing!   I just mean it doesn't make sense to take control of more than one area.  I think it'd be fun to just limit how many they can maintain to one, hell even two rails!  

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Makes sense to limit an Alliance to two rails out at a time, no doubt DE is seeing this mad rush of 0% tax Solar Rails and not pleased.


With no taxes and no maintenance costs on Solar Rails a vast number of players will just support the 0% tax Solar Rails out of convenience and the solar politics DE was trying to develop in the game will be for naught.

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While I think it is a great idea for the amount of rails an alliance can hold to be limited. I can't see it being less then 2 or 3.

However I think yes the amount of rails Eclipse controls will most definitely decrease, it's gonna be harder then you think as it is run by a very popular warframe youtuber known as PeoplesChoiceGaming. And today he made a video basically advertising his alliance and telling people to support it.

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what is the point to the whole dark sector if an alliance only have a one or two rail limit? if you don't like how an alliance is taking over everything, will put up your rail to compete against it by providing a better battle pay and let the people decide.

all this everyone should get a trophy for participating is getting out of hand.

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Or some times you just paint a big target on your a**.

Or fail and just look like a try hard.  Life is a wonderfully ugly mixture of luck and skills, and sometimes, skill just can't beat bad luck.


As for the rails, maintenance fees and battle support should be what determine how many rails a clan or alliance can maintain, not a hard limit set by DE.

Edited by Littleman88
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Sooo....anyone else think the fact that the Eclipse clan has been able to build roughly 5-10 rails already seem a little unfair?  I think there needs to be a cooldown timer after deploying a rail...Because you have the Disreguard Lotus Acquire Plat alliance that took 3 rails, and the Eclipse alliance, which pretty much has one on every planet.  


This doesn't feel very fair to me and my Clan, who couldn't deploy their solar rail due to this outlandish takeover of the Solar System.



Don't get me wrong, we're all fighting them and they're undoubtedly going down, but it's annoying that they can put up so many at once?  DE forced us to wait 3 days to be able to deploy rails, and then we are all trying to spam those buttons as quickly as possible to contest people's Rails.  Doesn't seem right.



I don't know, kinda bugs me that I stayed up until 11:22 every single night to be able to at least TRY to deploy a rail, only to get this "Cannot deploy Rail" thing because someone else instaclicked it, magically faster than me.  That, and the monopoly of multiple clans, taking away from the fun that we all have.



A clan should only be able to hold one solar rail in my opinion.   That makes it a little more fun for everyone, because then perhaps you'd at least have a chance to deploy one of yours, keep it, and play on it!  Instead of one big takeover of the universe.


Don't get me wrong, they have 0% taxes.  that's great!  But it bugs me that they just kinda pushed all the other clans out of the rail system instantly.


Any thoughts?

I already knew this but still, if you work for what want to earn you should deserve it. I would expect huge alliances to have stuff made faster in the long run, Cooldowns for making stuff faster than others would be silly IMO. Really this whole "Dark Sectors" thing was meant to be a Clan V. Clan thing in the first place, Just be happy that all of their owned sectors are free of charge.

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why you mad about them giving you freebies...? because you just want to own a part of the system? nobody really cares that you or eclipse owns that dark sector....

pretty much what he said

also when the hell break loose and it will become invasion mission, i'll make sure to support the eclipse alliance, since they proved that they don't charge tenno's,

no matter the promises of the other alliance (look at politicians,full mouth of promises and...)


and no i'm not in eclipse alliance

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It's not really unfair. They chose to spread themselves incredibly thin and charge no tax. There's no way they will be able to hold on to a fraction of their rails for long anyway.


It's part of the strategy of things.


Aaaactually its 2% tax, and its going to last quite long, because ones that cost more are going to fold cause everyone will go for Eclipse's and ones that cost less can't hold on fast enough to fight.


And yes I am in eclipse, these are just my thoughts.

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Not really on point, but has anybody considered that competition might drive the SR tax rate down to $0 pretty much everywhere, thus negating at least a part of why clans & alliances are building SRs in the first place?


Once a tax rate drops to $0, doesn't building and defending a SR become pretty much a point of pride, and a money pit?

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They should limit it I think. Especially since there are very few places to build rails for. I'd like to see the current DS missions multiplied, and have clan/alliances limited to s number of rails. 2, 3, whatever, but seems there should be a limit. Since Eclipse took the odd tactic of "put up all our rails now!", I'm curious to see how quickly people break their rails down. Maybe they will last, but I doubt it.


-that is to say, I am not for or against Eclipse- 

Edited by nefrai
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I guess I wouldn't be so irritated if we didn't already wait 3 days to deploy the rails.  We wait all that time, only to not be able to deploy one due to them taking it over.  They'll get taken down, but it doesn't make it any less annoying that now my clan has to wait longer to participate in the dark sectors because of their monopoly on the entire system.  It's not about profit, it's about taking over so many nodes that none of us can deploy early on. Now we have to wait, that's the annoying part.

what a clan or alliance gets for deploying the rail first? taxes and resources, right? only that! all the rest of the content that a rail gives is available for every player regardless of the clan/alliance that deployed the rail there... i cant see how your clan cant participate of the dark sectors

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