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Dark Sectors Are Impossible For Ghost Clans To Claim!


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I am frustrated that large clans and alliances have taken over ALL of the Dark Sectors and are fighting over them! My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail, and if we could we would be wiped out by a 200 person clan!



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I am frustrated that large clans and alliances have taken over ALL of the Dark Sectors and are fighting over them! My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail, and if we could we would be wiped out by a 200 person clan!



Making an alliance is the intended way to obtain and maintain Dark Sectors rails.

Edited by Haldos
Cleaned up.
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I am frustrated that large clans and alliances have taken over ALL of the Dark Sectors and are fighting over them! My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail, and if we could we would be wiped out by a 200 person clan!




You guys were supposed to join alliances.

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I am frustrated that large clans and alliances have taken over ALL of the Dark Sectors and are fighting over them! My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail, and if we could we would be wiped out by a 200 person clan!




DE have said right from the beginning that small clans don't have a chance by themselves. You shouldn't be surprised - this is there idea of endgame, either evolve or fold.

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I am frustrated that large clans and alliances have taken over ALL of the Dark Sectors and are fighting over them! My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail, and if we could we would be wiped out by a 200 person clan!



That's by design. They've been clear from the beginning that ghost clans have to band together in alliances to claim dark sectors of their own.

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I will not support some giant alliance, because resources would be stretched out over hundreds of people and I strongly feel that smaller clans should be able to hold up for themselves, then there will be a diversity of opinions for taxes and battle pay policies. If one leader of a huge Alliance can assert themselves as dictator over a Dark Sector, then I must say their is a serious flaw with the system. 

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My ghost clan has no chance to even attempt to fight another solar rail



Because 10 people should not be able to accomplish the same feats with the same level of difficulty as 1000.



I will not support some giant alliance, because resources would be stretched out over hundreds of people and I strongly feel that smaller clans should be able to hold up for themselves


You should know and possibly be encouraged by the fact that there have been at least two alliances that only consist of one or two players, a current one being "Lag Wave 50", unless they were lying in the message/description posted on their rails.


So it is possible to create a really small alliance that can deploy its own solar rail - You just need to have a lot of resources to build it.  Obviously the likelyhood of it winning against a larger alliance would be very small, but it is possible if they have enough resources to play "battle pay Price is Right" and enough of a PR campaign to get a lot of other players to fight for them.

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You should know and possibly be encouraged by the fact that there have been at least two alliances that only consist of one or two players, a current one being "Lag Wave 50", unless they were lying in the message/description posted on their rails.


So it is possible to create a really small alliance that can deploy its own solar rail - You just need to have a lot of resources to build it.  Obviously the likelyhood of it winning against a larger alliance would be very small, but it is possible if they have enough resources to play "battle pay Price is Right" and enough of a PR campaign to get a lot of other players to fight for them.


I'd like to see that one person gather up that sort of resources and still maintain healthy relationships.

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Why cant 17 people challenge 500 and win? UNFAIR!!!...right?


Right, like how 4 people can't challenge 100, 200, or even 500 people on their own ship with lasers, endlessly spawning robots, mines that shoot lightning, and magic auras that buff them up...Right?...Oh, wait, we're playing Warframe, where common sense goes out the window, and you're Rambo in space <w<



Putting that aside, could you all please shut up? No, seriously, kick the guy some more, it'll prove you're all big strong people...Jeez. First of all, the Solar Rail conflict system DOES need a major revamp-- DUH because it just came out. Even if you do join an alliance, or a big name clan, right now it's pretty much 'sit on your &amp;#&#33; and hope, HOPE that the guy you have sitting around for two hours watching the timers run out can press the deploy button faster than the other clans guys'. It's not even an issue of 'small clans get no share'-- Right now it's NO clans get a share, and it's pot luck who we get in conflict. As a result, what most of the people who were mocked out and told were stupid said would happen-- That is, that eventually all the Alliances would cannibalizes themselves, and we'd only have a handful of alliances running the show, if not just two or three-- Is happening because the system is borked and jammed up right now. THIS IS A SERIOUSLY BAD THING. This is what we saw in a lot of failed MMORPGs-- Hell, even in good MMORPGS like Rift or WoW, or even Everquest back in it's day, where the big name guilds essentially took over, and created a deadlock monopoly, where you played by their rules, or not at all. Hell, this even led to the problems where we saw Guilds selling raids, where member's of their's would purposefully kill a raid by doing something extremely incompetent so that you'd HAVE to go through one of them. Bluntly, the system needs a whole rework to avoid the problem we're facing now, where no one at all can get a rail in edge ways due to this 'first come, first serve' and 'one at a time' setup.


Second of all, who the hell are any of you to tell someone they HAVE to join a big alliance or clan to enjoy this game, or any game? Guess what, most of us aren't molerats like most guildies out there; We have friends who we like to play with, in our own small clans. So fking what if we don't go out and drive for pubs to get over 1000k members and be 'l33t clans with mlg skillz'; Why should we be forced to go through that crap yet again just to enjoy the content? Because it's designed around the notion of having these big clans?...Well then guess what; that's extremely poor game design, and not the fault of the player. This is aimed at the concept and creative lead team for Warframe more than anyone else; Dev to Dev, Reviewer to Dev, designing a major piece of your content around a pop. minimum is a good way to get your game killed. Because if your game doesn't have the organization to meet that, then it'll be a long time before anyone touches it; But on the flip side, if you centralize this content around clans, and large organizations, you leave whole sections of your playerbase out in the dust. As well as give legitimacy to the idea 'we're bigger, so we're more important than anyone else'. Go ask WoW how that worked out, and why they made the shift. Bluntly, this isn't a good thing, and why you all are standing up and defending this is beyond me....Actually, no, scratch that, it isn't beyond me; It's because those of you who haven't had to deal with this crap in other games don't know well enough. You're inexperienced, and ignorant, and ya know what, that's forgivable.....but don't think for a second that pushing for 'big clans show have more power' is a good thing; Soon you'll have it where Big Clans and Big Alliances start making Big Choices that you have no control over, and trust me, won't like.


Putting that all aside, grow up, all of you. Someone doesn't agree with what you believe, so you mock them and call them a troll? No, you guys are the trolls, and you just don't realize it.

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I'd like to see that one person gather up that sort of resources and still maintain healthy relationships.


Believe it or not, it's not that hard. I'm in a four person clan, and I'm the only one working on Solar Rails....I play 3 out of 7 days a week and I'm working on my second Solar Rail-- And I didn't pay a single drop of plat to get the resources I used. It's all a matter of farming in the right places, and using the Dark Sectors themselves. It's not as time or labor intensive as it seems; The issue is actually deploying your Rail BEFORE someone else does.


Also, sorry for the double post, apparently I can't copy/paste edits in....

Edited by Gigaus
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What I suggest: Adding more nodes to contest and adding a maximum number of nodes a alliance can own.

This.Wouldn't it be better if the max number of rails an clan could deploy at the same time was 2 and the max number an allience could deploy at the same time was something among the lines 3-5

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The biggest problem is that small clans do things like keeping the rail at less than 10% tax and some of them keep them at 0% even. Then here comes freaken Eclipse takes over and slaps a 25% tax rate on it. And ruins what small clans were doing to support the game and share what good they have with other players. No 1 organization should be allowed to have that many rails. If the people from eclipse want more money they should all go farm it like we all do. Not take it from us.


While i understand that not every 1 is so selfless as to put a rail just for the sake of other players enjoying it. The rewards from having a rail up should be provided by the game itself. The owners should not be able to leech money or resources from other players. We all like to keep what we work for. 


The current system only feeds the greed of people and deteriorates gameplay for the rest.


The rails should be more rewarding for their owner to play in them than for the rest of the players. That will be better encouragement  for ppl to join clans and alliances. 


I will not ever join a clan or an alliance that put taxes on their rails. While i certainly am greedy regarding that which i work for and i certainly want to keep it. I also do not want to take anything from other people. Nor i want to help any 1 who would take from others.

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What I suggest: Adding more nodes to contest and adding a maximum number of nodes a alliance can own.


This would fix things in the short term. It would let more people into the fights, and give players better options.

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Once more, sorry for double posts.

That's why you form alliances silly.


And then we have the issue we're going to see now; 'You're too small, then you're supposed to join this bigger group silly!'


Then where does it end? This is one of those cases of 'too big to fail'-- Once a Clan or Alliance gets it's hooks on the rails like this, then it's likely unwinnable by anyone else. Eclipse? 25% on any Rail and they've got enough to offer 100k BP if they wanted by the end of the Peace Time. And with the 'wait your turn' and 'first come first serve' system, it becomes a case of 'we're not even getting in on these fights, let alone winning, there's no point for us to be in this Clan/Alliance/whatever'....And then They just start merging until they're the next big bad-- and it keeps going around in a cycle....


There's a reason why some games make an effort to make small Clans and Guilds viable in what amounts to Clan Tier content, and it isn't out of the kindness of their hearts. Making it so the little guy has as much a chance as the big guys if they work at it in these things makes it so that 'bigger is better' isn't the only way to get things done....And so there isn't 'one almighty clan' running everything, like we saw in WoW.


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Just want to throw in this:

Saying "eclipse is bad for owning too damn many rails" kinda doesnt reflect on the fact that we (yes i'm from a clan that is part of that alliance) actually have to work for that achievement. The Rails arent unwinnable by default. It simply comes down to who can do more runs during the battle period, and guess what, doing runs over and over again to hold our rails is actually as time consuming as you guys farming for the stuff to build the challenging rails.

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