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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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Maybe some form of strategy? After recruiting almost half the galaxy they'll start their tax tyranny? I'm speculating.


Right now Eclipse is keeping the rails free for players that aren't in their alliance while keeping a very small tax on the alliance members. It will work for awhile but there will probably be a tax on the dark sectors for all players in the future (2-5% is what I am speculating.)

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 Eclipse hasn't done a single thing other then set up 8 rails and yet you are willing to believe an alliance that comes to the forums and "calls them out" for things they haven't done?


 This is a wait and see issue.  Not a support the people going against eclipse because they said eclipse are evil.  If eclipse had set an attacking rail against some of the other locations then maybe, but they didn't.  They set up some rails that they wanted and are keeping just those.  They weren't expanding, they weren't upping their taxes.  They have not done anything that people are saying they are doing.


 There is no reason for me to believe that Eclipse are going to suddenly go power crazy and try to control half of the galaxy, and I'm usually a vicious cynic that would say they are going to take every advantage they can.


 If they were going to go crazy, they would have done something already, like an alliance that attacks multiple rails, says they will be better then the people that are there, and then goes to the forums and says the currently free rail is just an evil trick.  I distrust lords of the east more then I distrust Eclipse.  But as usual it is best if you form your own opinion based off of the information that you understand and make your own choice.  That is part of this system.  Decide what you are going to get out of this system and then take action.  Just don't let yourself be lead around by people that are just passing rumors.

Edited by JHarlequin
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They called eclipse out for something that Eclipse isn't doing, do we get to call this opposition at sinai out for regularly increasing the battle pay to get people to start the mission and then cutting the battle pay off so that no one gets payed.  It's kind of good that they did it because now de has an idea that they might have to put some limitations on how often the battle pay and tax rates can be changed.  It is kind of bad because it shows that the alliance opposing eclipse might be unreliable and even though they say they will have free taxes, they constantly change the battle pay and probably won't hold with their free tax statement.



According to this web site with real time Dark Sector stats, DE has already put limitations on how often battle pay & tax rates can change when it is contested.


Based on what I have seen from that site:

The attacker may not change tribute/taxes for the first 24 hours of their attack.

While being attacked, the occupant (defender) may change it for the first time at any time.  After the occupant makes their first in-attack change, then they cannot make another change for a certain amount of time (24 hours?).

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Right now Eclipse is keeping the rails free for players that aren't in their alliance while keeping a very small tax on the alliance members. It will work for awhile but there will probably be a tax on the dark sectors for all players in the future (2-5% is what I am speculating.)

Since I'm sure some people are going to be posting about it (and granted I'm sure some people won't believe me):


Someone in our alliance had permissions they shouldn't had and raised the solar rail to the absurd tax rate you guys can see now. We're trying to see if DE's willing to change it back instead of us having to wait 24 hours before we can change it back. (Especially since by then the next invasion for it will have started...)

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honestly, it's a complete waste of time for other players not part of the conflict to fight for the alliances. There's negligible or no rewards + the boring grindy invasion so don't bother. Let them fight among themselves. The conflict would eventually be resolved with or without our help anyways.

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Ah, seems like Eclipse isn't sticking to that 0% tax. Fooled all your guys who supported them...


On the other hand, support The Solar Coalition, and the tax will be a fixed 5% credit and resource.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Ah, seems like Eclipse isn't sticking to that 0% tax. Fooled all your guys who supported them...


On the other hand, support The Solar Coalition, and the tax will be a fixed 5% credit and resource.


The tax is taken from what you pick up NOT the end reward. So if you picked up 500 credits in the mission that will get taxed, the guaranteed end reward of 7,000 on Jupiter doesn't get taxed.


But it was locked before it could be changed since people decided to challenge the node right away.

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The tax is taken from what you pick up NOT the end reward. So if you picked up 500 credits in the mission that will get taxed, the guaranteed end reward of 7,000 on Jupiter doesn't get taxed.


But it was locked before it could be changed since people decided to challenge the node right away.

If they don't tax the end reward the tax rate is only going to get up.

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Oh? How would you know what Eclipse consists of? As far as I know, they've revealed little to no information



btw Eclipse is raising the tax to 5%.....which is pennies considering how much it costs for upkeep which btw is a S#&$ ton

Edited by ENDER357
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Should you all aid us remove that clan from Jupiter back then, none of these would be happening.

Unless your alliance consists of clans much richer than Eclipse (and you don't - Eclipse was offering higher BP in almost every mission), you'd have encountered this same situation if you won.

Fact is, in the course of testing mechanics, Eclipse discovered that tax free nodes are not possible.

Not "unprofitable", flat out "impossible".

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i will fight against them to the end

da_n that tax rate i dont care that

i just dont like every words they write on the alliance info

they make me feel sick

Really? That's why your fighting eclipse? Some people are detestable, I get that. But fighting eclipse because you don't like their alliance info is like fighting the Swedish because you think they have a silly accent. It is not a good basis to start a fight on.

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It doesn't matter which you fight for, in the end, alliance need to charge tax or they won't survive. So even if you're from lord of the east or w/e, if I fight for you, eventually you will need to charge taxes as well. So what's the point of this thread. 

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Really? That's why your fighting eclipse? Some people are detestable, I get that. But fighting eclipse because you don't like their alliance info is like fighting the Swedish because you think they have a silly accent. It is not a good basis to start a fight on.

maybe but i'll do my best.i just can't stand that they are so arrogant.

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This kind of threads should be just locked. They will pile like crazy soon enough, and will end in people advertising their alliances. Also, flamewars.



I simply dont care who owns which DS, because missions arent fresh or different from the regular ones ( and yes, more xp doesnt make them different ). So if you guys want to throw S#&$ at each others, just do it in private.

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Arrogant? What are you basing your judgement on? lel.

"Fight for us and...oh...who are we kidding...it's Nano Spores and Control Modules...seriously...those guys really want that??"

“Fight for us so you never have to see that pink thing on the right again!<3”

hum i'm not sure, am i get the wrong idea? or these just jokes? well, i think that isn't fun at all

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