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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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I fight against anyone trying to make a monoply. Even if they're giving better rewards. I like the idea of multiple tenno clans sharing control of the solar system.

Ill help you for that reason and that reason only.

Edited by ShadowCore67
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Do you guys want to see a monopoly Alliance take control of many dark sectors? Do you want to see the badlands tax rates rise as the alliance behind it sits there and rob you of your hard earned rewards? If not, fight with us at Seimeni in Ceres! We need your help. Fight against the alliance Eclipse, which controls most of the existing dark sectors. We are the Lords of the East,we will bring justice and equality to the whole solar system!


And don't tell me you believe Eclipse's claim of "glitched" taxes. Should you all aid us remove that clan from Jupiter back then, none of these would be happening.


Lol, you're talking as if you've done this before... The alliance isn't a monopoly as they don't even control over 50% of the dark sectors. Might want to rename your topic to Lords of the East propaganda. With Historical references the "Lords of the East" were slave drivers... as well as being known for some of the most brutal and unequal rulers of all time? You're telling people that you want to keep peace and play fair... Try only contesting Solar Rails when they increase in taxed not when they are untaxed. From our perspective it's Lords of the East who are stopping players from going to the Dark Sectors in the first place. So you really want to not post propaganda when you are the ones who are ruining the system with your own regime of evil and control. As you are the ones who are spouting hate and lies about another Alliance. 

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Lol, you're talking as if you've done this before... The alliance isn't a monopoly as they don't even control over 50% of the dark sectors. Might want to rename your topic to Lords of the East propaganda. With Historical references the "Lords of the East" were slave drivers... as well as being known for some of the most brutal and unequal rulers of all time? You're telling people that you want to keep peace and play fair... Try only contesting Solar Rails when they increase in taxed not when they are untaxed. From our perspective it's Lords of the East who are stopping players from going to the Dark Sectors in the first place. So you really want to not post propaganda when you are the ones who are ruining the system with your own regime of evil and control. As you are the ones who are spouting hate and lies about another Alliance. 


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The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!


If you want to do a bit of research about a post before posting... Eclipse are not contesting a single Solar Rail. So how did your clan work hard to put up a solar rail when Eclipse got there first? It's the first contesting period so I don't think you're being 100% honest. You're having anger issues but think how everyone else feels that you have now shut down opportunities to participate in the solar rails because of your own greed. 

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If you want to do a bit of research about a post before posting... Eclipse are not contesting a single Solar Rail. So how did your clan work hard to put up a solar rail when Eclipse got there first? It's the first contesting period so I don't think you're being 100% honest. You're having anger issues but think how everyone else feels that you have now shut down opportunities to participate in the solar rails because of your own greed. 


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I wonder how long they'll be able to keep that up though. From what I've heard, maintaining solar rails is incredibly costly. The taxes exist so that alliances/clans can make resources that they'll need to maintain the rails.


I mean, why are there taxes imposed by one's own government?

Through trying hard, I can achieve supporting one by myself.

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Through trying hard, I can achieve supporting one by myself.

Put up or shut up. Seriously all these people insisting "Oh I can support it indefinitely on pure good will alone!" are giving me the giggles.

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(PS4)billy-d-squid, on 15 Apr 2014 - 05:32 AM, said:

Trickle down Economics has proven to be bullS#&$. Monopolies by their very nature ensure that once one has control or an unassailable position they can do whatever takes their fancy, it's in their nature. People have used monopolies for centuries to impose tax, tariffs and supply controls over certain areas and products.

If one Alliance possesses and unassailable monopoly ie: They earn so much money they can effectively bankroll endless battle pay from exorbitant tax hikes, then they're almost untouchable as given certain mods, such as stances, are supposed to be shifted towards Dark Sectors only, the only way to secure them is to play the Dark Sector, and given the nature of RNG you'll be grinding for that a lot. Thus everyone will always go to the Dark Sectors, as supply is constrained.

You don't even have to have a monopoly, you can have an Oligopoly. Get 3 of the biggest alliances to come to an agreement, that they won't contest each other's areas, charge similar lvls of tax and send members to defend eachothers' rails from other attacks, you have the same conditions. Establishment of control over high traffic lucrative areas benefits the alliances in that informal agreement, no one else.

Think about it, and read a book on how these kind of things work (I'd recommend anything on Keynesian economics). Once these kind of entities get control they're not exactly wont to be altruistic.

While this is true, there's also the matter of the barrier for entry to the tower game being so ridiculously low. Individuals can contest nodes for Cthulhu's sake. I alone have the funds to build two and a half solar rails.

What this means is that an agreement between the big alliances (say, Eclipse/Disregard Lotus) of nonaggression means little since any troll can farm a couple weeks and contest the alliances' claim. Even if the alliance uses their war chest to bump up battle pay, you're still knocking out the node for 16ish hours going by how long Sinai took to fall the first time, and during that time the alliance isn't making money from that node.

Now if the trolls contest all the nodes, you're going to rapidly deplete any alliance's coffers. Battle pay is hugely expensive and so's tower maintenance.

Basically, I don't predict a monopoly forming.


Through trying hard, I can achieve supporting one by myself.

You've got 15 million credits per day just lying around then? Because that's the cost to repair a solar rail that's been almost knocked out.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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While this is true, there's also the matter of the barrier for entry to the tower game being so ridiculously low. Individuals can contest nodes for Cthulhu's sake. I alone have the funds to build two and a half solar rails.

What this means is that an agreement between the big alliances (say, Eclipse/Disregard Lotus) of nonaggression means little since any troll can farm a couple weeks and contest the alliances' claim. Even if the alliance uses their war chest to bump up battle pay, you're still knocking out the node for 16ish hours going by how long Sinai took to fall the first time, and during that time the alliance isn't making money from that node.

Now if the trolls contest all the nodes, you're going to rapidly deplete any alliance's coffers. Battle pay is hugely expensive and so's tower maintenance.

Basically, I don't predict a monopoly forming.

You've got 15 million credits per day just lying around then? Because that's the cost to repair a solar rail that's been almost knocked out.


100% agree. There is a system in E.V.E where alliances can pay a battlepay to keep the node safe from attackers.

I think somthing like this would be great but you would have to lock the node for people to fight against it like a normal contest to let people vote if it is suitable. If you change the % tax then the shield is lost. etc etc.


This gives Alliances a chance to prove that they're not all credit thirsty &#! wipes who will contest a 0% node because they want to offer 0%.

Locking nodes will give the community a stable solar rail but if people feel this is overpowered limit the time you can pay the credit shield for say 1 week? And make it very expensive so that all alliance members have to chip in as well as having a slight tax on the solar rail. 

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So how many times have Eclipse broken their word? "will be 0% tax..." ...  20% taxes everywhere,  greed took over much?    

Not playing for Eclipse or thier controlled taxed nodes just out of principle. And I hope everyone else learns the lesson and does the same. Don't support greedy liars.

Edited by Monolake
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So how many times have Eclipse broken their word? "will be 0% tax..." ...  20% taxes everywhere,  greed took over much?    

Not playing for Eclipse or thier controlled taxed nodes just out of principle. And I hope everyone else learns the lesson and does the same. Don't support greedy liars.

Eclipse wouldn't put up that tax if they weren't attacked everywhere by everyone. Please, use your brain instead of branding everyone greedy liars.

Rails cost a lot of credit to maintain. Maybe when you get one rail and it gets attacked, then you'll understand. Right now, please, stop.

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Lol, you're talking as if you've done this before... The alliance isn't a monopoly as they don't even control over 50% of the dark sectors. Might want to rename your topic to Lords of the East propaganda. With Historical references the "Lords of the East" were slave drivers... as well as being known for some of the most brutal and unequal rulers of all time? You're telling people that you want to keep peace and play fair... Try only contesting Solar Rails when they increase in taxed not when they are untaxed. From our perspective it's Lords of the East who are stopping players from going to the Dark Sectors in the first place. So you really want to not post propaganda when you are the ones who are ruining the system with your own regime of evil and control. As you are the ones who are spouting hate and lies about another Alliance. 

you sir are my hero, very well said

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Why i must fight against 0% taxes?  if they not raise taxes why i must fight against them? So why you so shure if else who take control give higher taxes?

Cause you could and everyone wants to have one, Only to say we had one for 24h.

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Eclipse wouldn't put up that tax if they weren't attacked everywhere by everyone. Please, use your brain instead of branding everyone greedy liars.

Rails cost a lot of credit to maintain. Maybe when you get one rail and it gets attacked, then you'll understand. Right now, please, stop.

Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay. Eclipse had said many times that they would set 0% tax, then they said 20% was a mistake, then they said it was only to repair the Jupiter rail. Then they just set the tax 20% everywhere. No other clan or alliance set the tax as high. Either keep your word or say fair and square "Our tax will be 20%" 

Eclipse should be kicked out of the sector for their lies and overblown taxes. Players shouldn't pay for the repairs or Eclipse pride to keep the name on so many nodes.

Edited by Monolake
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Doesnt matter. Everyone gets attacked, everyone needs to pay. Eclipse had said many times that they will set 0% tax, then they said 20% was a mistake, then they said it was only to repair the Jupiter rail. Then they just set the tax 20% everywhere. No other clan or alliance set the tax as high. Either keep your word or say fair and square "Our tax will be 20%" 

Eclipse should be kicked out of the sector for thier lies and overblown taxes. Players shouldn't pay for their repairs or their pride to keep the name on so many nodes.

It's pointless to argue with someone who is mad.


But Eclipse has 7 rails, and every rail is attacked, and they need money. 20% is not a big deal. If you don't like it, okay, that's fine, but don't call Eclipse greedy liars. You don't call your government greedy liars. Or do you?

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Cause you could and everyone wants to have one, Only to say we had one for 24h.

LOL  If I get 10k credits everytime I walk through the door along with other stuff with 0 tax. I could careless who's name is on the door. The vast majority of players only care about 1. Resource bonuses 2. XP bonuses 3. Battle pay   the name means nothing. It is a title and effectively a facade. There is no bonus to anything for controlling a sector except (potential tax aka Greed). Personally, I highly respect Eclipse for what they are trying to do. For those complaining it is the aggressor that is causing the "lock out" from 1 and 2. Now if you want a name on the door then go back to your cabins and write your name on the door.

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It's pointless to argue with someone who is mad.


But Eclipse has 7 rails, and every rail is attacked, and they need money. 20% is not a big deal. If you don't like it, okay, that's fine, but don't call Eclipse greedy liars. You don't call your government greedy liars. Or do you?

Umm who doesn't call their government greedy liars? and whose government isn't full of greed liars?  *hides from secret police*

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As long as they don't charge anything for the systems I don't care who runs the system - when the tax rate kicks in - then I will support the guys that are not charging anything.




Only one dark sector matters.

The only clan that i've seen that still isn't taxing anything are those 4 canadien guys on venus. everyone else has started because free rails are an unsustainable dream.

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this topic made me realize in 1-2 weeks general discussion will be filled will people advertising their clan and invasions, please no

so DE successfuly diverted our attention from themselves; the bugs, network isues, drop table problems, faulty melee 2.0, missing tilesets, missing missintypes, etc...


I start to think they do know their player base.

Brava DE! /golfclap

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