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If we were to get compensation for every time some sour idiot decides to DDOS the game, we would get people purposefully DDOSing the game just to get more compensation.

Now, for the people that keep doing missions and losing their gear, do you not have the common sense to realize that if the servers have disconnected once, its probably not best to keep going into missions when they are back up until they have resolved the problem. Now I do admit, the first time the disconnects started today, I was in a 20 minute survival that is now completely lost, but the second that happened, I realized "Maybe I should play something else while everything is down". Getting back into the game and then expecting them to be peachy perfect instantly isn't something you should get into the habit of.


It was fairly obvious what was going on earlier considering the website, game and forums were completely dead. That is the sign of a DDOS. If it was the game servers having problems, the game would simply be dead, but now the DDOS has moved to everything Warframe related. Its starting to clear up a bit but going into missions is still a lost cause.


The ONLY concern I have is about the lost booster time. I have all 4 boosters running and because there is zero point playing the game right now simply because I wouldn't be able to make any progress with anything, those boosters are now going to waste. Id be happy if they just reimbursed us the few hours we have lost today. Its not their fault some idiots decided to attack them and I don't believe they should give away free things that we don't deserve.

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If we were to get compensation for every time some sour idiot decides to DDOS the game, we would get people purposefully DDOSing the game just to get more compensation.

Now, for the people that keep doing missions and losing their gear, do you not have the common sense to realize that if the servers have disconnected once, its probably not best to keep going into missions when they are back up until they have resolved the problem. Now I do admit, the first time the disconnects started today, I was in a 20 minute survival that is now completely lost, but the second that happened, I realized "Maybe I should play something else while everything is down". Getting back into the game and then expecting them to be peachy perfect instantly isn't something you should get into the habit of.


It was fairly obvious what was going on earlier considering the website, game and forums were completely dead. That is the sign of a DDOS. If it was the game servers having problems, the game would simply be dead, but now the DDOS has moved to everything Warframe related. Its starting to clear up a bit but going into missions is still a lost cause.


The ONLY concern I have is about the lost booster time. I have all 4 boosters running and because there is zero point playing the game right now simply because I wouldn't be able to make any progress with anything, those boosters are now going to waste. Id be happy if they just reimbursed us the few hours we have lost today. Its not their fault some idiots decided to attack them and I don't believe they should give away free things that we don't deserve.

If they credit every booster that existed as of today with a few extra hours to equal out the time the game is effectively down(I'm still getting "invalid server response" at the login screen), I think that would be fair. Beyond that, though, there's definitely nothing they owe anyone.

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If we were to get compensation for every time some sour idiot decides to DDOS the game, we would get people purposefully DDOSing the game just to get more compensation.

Now, for the people that keep doing missions and losing their gear, do you not have the common sense to realize that if the servers have disconnected once, its probably not best to keep going into missions when they are back up until they have resolved the problem. Now I do admit, the first time the disconnects started today, I was in a 20 minute survival that is now completely lost, but the second that happened, I realized "Maybe I should play something else while everything is down". Getting back into the game and then expecting them to be peachy perfect instantly isn't something you should get into the habit of.


It was fairly obvious what was going on earlier considering the website, game and forums were completely dead. That is the sign of a DDOS. If it was the game servers having problems, the game would simply be dead, but now the DDOS has moved to everything Warframe related. Its starting to clear up a bit but going into missions is still a lost cause.


The ONLY concern I have is about the lost booster time. I have all 4 boosters running and because there is zero point playing the game right now simply because I wouldn't be able to make any progress with anything, those boosters are now going to waste. Id be happy if they just reimbursed us the few hours we have lost today. Its not their fault some idiots decided to attack them and I don't believe they should give away free things that we don't deserve.

well said sir

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