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What's The Progress With The Servers?



I was able to connect to the game and talk to some people who were on the chat. They said that the servers have stabilized a bit. Five minutes later, I got disconnected. That is understandable.


However, right now, when I tried to log back in to the game, first of all, my warframe which is Valkyr got changed into Excalibur in the log in screen inside the game. When I tried entering my password, a message box appeared saying that I should check the info that I have put in to get into the game. It said something about log-in failed, check info.


The two questions that I have are:


1. Is the Excalibur thing a glitch or did I just lose everything in my account from attempting to log-in?


2. Are the devs close to fixing the server issues after this DDOS attack?

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15 answers to this question

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1. Excal is a glitch. Happens when laggy connection or issue connecting. Can also happen when you're trying to connect to a game session already in progress, you load in, have the excalibur frame with default stuff, says "suit" on the HUD. In a less severe case, your own warframe may load, but the colors/cosmetics may be reset to default. In both of those cases, it fixes itself to your actual frame with actual colors. 


2. Don't know. They haven't disclosed anything. Please be patient, argon will not decay, and they're working on something for boosters

Edited by michaelwii
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In addition to what's been said, the reason of the Excalibro glitch is that the server doesn't detect your last settings of the last logged-in account, so it defaults back to Excalibur. This is especially noticeable when you've changed your brightness/contrast and sound settings.


For example, my sound is set pretty low since I voicechat with friends often. When the Excalibro glitch happens, the sound's back at default and is pretty loud for me, until I log in properly and the game detects my settings again.

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One other thing, will DE be able to track down the people who started this attack. If anything, they can always contact the FBI lol.


most sources of a DDOS attack are from pc's/connections that have been infected with a botnet virus and arent really the ppl directly responsible.

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Well, good to know that this Excalibur thing is nothing serious. Anyways, out of curiosity, what should one do when they get a DDOS attack?


In order from least to most desirable:


1. Wait for the attackers to run out of bots/money, or get bored.


2. Get their hosting company/ISP to block the offending connections.


3. Pay assassins platinum to off the attackers.

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Ok, wait... I'm probably the least educated gamer in the world in these matters, I really have no idea what a ddos is. But from what I've gathered on the forums, some douchenozzle is nerdraging because WarFrame beat his favorite game in a stupid contest and now he's essentially stop us from playing our favorite game?

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most sources of a DDOS attack are from pc's/connections that have been infected with a botnet virus and arent really the ppl directly responsible.

DDOS can be done from a smartphone now-a-days through server stress testing apps, kinda dumb now anyone can do this. Its nothing serious, someone just got really butthurt and decided to bombard the connection.

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Can't DE just make the game run via a back up server or something. I wouldn't mind a small lag, but this wait is just really getting on my nerves. I am done with everything that I had planned out for the day. Nothing is good on TV and Warframe is honestly the only game I have been playing for the past few months because it is a really fun game.


And I got some stuff to sell on trade for low costs. A full Paris Prime set, frost prime set, bps, maybe a whip stance mod that I don't need.

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