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The Orokin Labyrinth: Epic End Game, Endless Dungeon And Bosses.


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In general, I'd love for more than four player support! But hey, if it can't be done, four men would still be good!

Haha, man, I wish notion's cell concept make it in, though. That was the first thread of his I saw. It was... Glorious.

I wonder how far down the strongest cell would go? :o

400? 500? 1000? Would definitely be fun to see!

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...There's no way... you... how the...


LoL, "Theoretical Enemies" may become "For Real Enemies" if you go low enough. It's supposed to add one level to the enemy per level you go down, and the dungeon enemies starts at 100++. So, basically, that means you'll meet level 1005 enemies at around level 900 in the Dungeons.


Oooooh man. 14 minutes to kill one enemy. That'll be sick.

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LoL, "Theoretical Enemies" may become "For Real Enemies" if you go low enough. It's supposed to add one level to the enemy per level you go down, and the dungeon enemies starts at 100++. So, basically, that means you'll meet level 1005 enemies at around level 900 in the Dungeons.


Oooooh man. 14 minutes to kill one enemy. That'll be sick.

You... I... wha.

*explosion sound*

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You... I... wha.

*explosion sound*



Haha, why? Does it sound too extreme? XD


Technically, the upper limit would be where the numbers stop being able to keep going up. Who knows where that might be? I don't even know how many bits Warframe can count up to, but I'm guessing it must be a whole lot. Viral, Corrosive and Radiation would, fortunately, become very very useful at those levels.

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Is it wrong that I'm thinking about having the Orokin equivalent of the combined G3, Zanuka and Stalker for the Council?  All leveled to around 250, of course.  I also think that, instead of getting a weapon, you get a Regalia (which is the equivalent of a complete 8-Forma) single-use item, that allows you to reshape all the mod slots on a weapon or Warframe to whatever you need as a reward for completing the Labyrinth.


In addition, the Regalia unlocks all palettes for that particular item and that item only

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Is it wrong that I'm thinking about having the Orokin equivalent of the combined G3, Zanuka and Stalker for the Council?  All leveled to around 250, of course.  I also think that, instead of getting a weapon, you get a Regalia (which is the equivalent of a complete 8-Forma) single-use item, that allows you to reshape all the mod slots on a weapon or Warframe to whatever you need as a reward for completing the Labyrinth.


In addition, the Regalia unlocks all palettes for that particular item and that item only


Haha, now that you mention it, it seems to be the case: The G3 has a long-range member, shield member and a melee member. As for the last member, it's currently quite a different beast from the rest, as it's sort of a mixture of Zanuka and the Stalker in a sense: the mage member casts a lot of spells, debuffs, buffs, "Charged" attacks and so on, but is much easier to read compared to the other members. He also does more damage, and tends to do AOE. He's sort of the artillery strike and rear-guard support. 


The abilities and behaviour of the Orokin Battlelords still need more fleshing out, though. Compared to the G3, I'm hoping they'll have more varied abilities, for a whole range of scenarios. Archer with speed, and maybe Sonar, Swordsman with Teleport, shuriken, and Warcry, possibly. That kinda combination. I need to think up a whole new set of powers, of course, but that's more or less the direction I'd take. 


As for the Regalia being a single-use item for a complete 8-Forma, giving colour palettes... I actually don't like that idea. XD  I think it needs to be a distinct reward, and if you manage to get that far, you really wouldn't give a nut about Formas by then. Much better to have a somewhat more unique Prime version of a Prime weapon, which is only slightly better than its less-regal counterpart. Also, if it unlocks all the palettes for that weapon in particular, given sufficient time, you'll unlock all palettes for all gear soon enough. And that's really against DE's interests, in terms of market value. So... I don't think it's the best way to go.


Besides, a whole new fancy gun is way more awesome than just having more colour choices. 

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  • 8 months later...

Make his drops rng with it being a blank systems helm chassis and bp. Which allows us to create our own warframe. (As on taking this frames first. This frames second etc ability. Lock the blank frames to mastery 12-14 area) and obviously one you compete the tower you reset your spawn point to level one. Not level 145

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+1, this is a great idea.Tower progression feels rewarding especially if random puzzles are generated to proceed through the level (though I don't doubt that people will eventually figure out and publicize every combination and "how to"). 


I would not mind if the events leading up to and during the boss fight were insanely difficult like the boss has a number of different perks (ex. shield drain, randomly locking 1 ability, holograms that do damage, damage reflection etc.) that he could activate and the combination of perks that he possesses for any 1 run are different.

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  • 4 months later...

ok i know this thread is really old but this needs to be a thing, this may be the best concept i've seen yet


Haha, I'm flattered you think so. Thanks! I can't believe it's been a year since this was written. Didn't get a lot of reception, though, but I'm okay with that! How'd you find such an old thread? Must've been lurking the fan concepts for a while!

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Plat will never be a farmable reward.


Who will be hosting this long / endless dungeon. Currently the primary host is players. so that limits the size of maps and number of participants.


Also missions can't be to long otherwise people will have issues with connection stability. Keeping connection to other players is not easy so there will likely be disconnections. Although the checkpoints help this, there needs to be a way that all our loot / rewards are saved up to that point atleast, as well.


The only way to make this viable is to have you "checkpoints" actually be end points. Once you reach the end point you are able to go to the next section, you have to start a new match from that point on. The trouble with this is keeping a group the whole way. If you are able to bring others, you can either only bring people who have progressed further, otherwise you could help people skip levels.


I do think you are onto something here. Also the newer game mode. Perhaps some floors can be more tricky, like you have to get a key, which is dropped by a random enemy, or by a specific elite on that floor to go to the next floor.

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Why does this only get 40 Upvotes but that Typhus bullS#&$ gets 1400?





Does he have pretty pictures? Art always gets upvotes. Plus many people don't read large topics like this.


Calayne this inspired an idea of my own, I'll cite you when I post it.

Edited by Lightsmith
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I looked over this and quite enjoyed every bit of it, though I must ask in regards to going back to get a new Regalia weapon. Would the person have to start way back at the beginning, or level 130? It would make more sense to be the beginning, I'd just like clarification.

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Plat will never be a farmable reward.


Who will be hosting this long / endless dungeon. Currently the primary host is players. so that limits the size of maps and number of participants.


Also missions can't be to long otherwise people will have issues with connection stability. Keeping connection to other players is not easy so there will likely be disconnections. Although the checkpoints help this, there needs to be a way that all our loot / rewards are saved up to that point atleast, as well.


The only way to make this viable is to have you "checkpoints" actually be end points. Once you reach the end point you are able to go to the next section, you have to start a new match from that point on. The trouble with this is keeping a group the whole way. If you are able to bring others, you can either only bring people who have progressed further, otherwise you could help people skip levels.


I do think you are onto something here. Also the newer game mode. Perhaps some floors can be more tricky, like you have to get a key, which is dropped by a random enemy, or by a specific elite on that floor to go to the next floor.


Hey! Good idea for the progress being saved at each floor's end point! Frankly, though, I think that's more on DE's part, because there was a time where quitting the level still meant that you could keep your loot. Perhaps they can simply implement that at the end of each floor? For players who have different levels of completion, basically, they have to choose the lowest available floor, and then work their way up from there, and everyone's access will slowly unlock from that point on. 


As for the "Tricky" part, I think I mentioned at the end of the 5-floor waves, there'll be a mini-boss fight you have to complete before you can go to the next set of 5 floors; I can't remember if I've actually typed that out, though! This thread is, after all, one year old!


I looked over this and quite enjoyed every bit of it, though I must ask in regards to going back to get a new Regalia weapon. Would the person have to start way back at the beginning, or level 130? It would make more sense to be the beginning, I'd just like clarification.


You don't have to redo the whole 130 floors, just the boss fight, cause it's supposed to be hard enough as it is! There's also the fact that you cannot "Collect" all the Regalia; When you pick a new one, the old one will be "Retired" until you beat the boss again and pick the weapon of choice. It's basically still in your inventory, but unusable, sort of like if you got captured by Zanuka and don't finish the escape mission. So, to ask the player to go through 130 levels to reselect an old weapon may be just a wee bit tedious! 


The whole concept is that the Regalia is exclusive and personalized in a sense; You can only ever carry one type, which defines who you are, and what your play style is, rather than collecting everything, it gives you a choice with some consequences behind it!

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so this kinda reminds me of parasite eve chrysler tower


after you killed bosses every 10 levels, you'll get an elevator key so you could go instantly to the last checkpoint


as for the nightmare mode suggestion about the random equipment, my mind instantly think about mastery rank test.

higher MR test mean more weapon/frame randomly chosen from your status profile. makes a weapon not just a mastery fodder that you make it, bring it to draco, level it to 30, and trash it. at least that will encourage some people to learn how to use that weapon.

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Haha, I'm flattered you think so. Thanks! I can't believe it's been a year since this was written. Didn't get a lot of reception, though, but I'm okay with that! How'd you find such an old thread? Must've been lurking the fan concepts for a while!

Yeah I get bored at school and just go very very far down into the fan concepts list, but I honestly think that this would be a perfect endgame, since technically speaking it is endless so there's as much content and rewards as you want, and as you said the rooms and traps are randomly generated meaning that each experience is different from the previous.


The only way I can see someone getting bored of this is because they're bored of fighting void enemies, not because there's not enough variety or its too repetitive

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I like the idea of a continuous procedurally generating dungeon. I thought it would be interesting if enemy units randomly changed traits with others and stats varied, and level environmental hazards would change From series of tiles to series of tiles.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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I like the idea of a continuous procedurally generating dungeon. I thought it would be interesting if enemy units randomly changed traits with others and stats varied, and level environmental hazards would change From series of tiles to series of tiles.

I'd like to see, as you got further and further down into the dungeon maybe infestation would start showing up? and it would gradually turn into a derelict kind of look maybe. You mentioned "dungeons" down at the bottom and what came to mind was pitch blackness lit only by our flashlights and the occasional bursts of gunfire, infested and twisted monsters sprinting at us from the darkness, and the sounds of the entire tower being.. ALIVE around us, 

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I'd like to see, as you got further and further down into the dungeon maybe infestation would start showing up? and it would gradually turn into a derelict kind of look maybe. You mentioned "dungeons" down at the bottom and what came to mind was pitch blackness lit only by our flashlights and the occasional bursts of gunfire, infested and twisted monsters sprinting at us from the darkness, and the sounds of the entire tower being.. ALIVE around us, 


Basically that's the idea ^^


I always liked the old Infestation maps back then. Used to be, the maps had almost no lights at all, and you can see only your flashlight, and the glowing of your Warframe's energy. It was a really great atmosphere, and I remember being quite panicked when I first started! With the roaring of Chargers, their steps thumping on the cold Corpus floors and nothing but a flashlight and your weapons. This was way, way back, in Update 7. I kinda wish we had an older version saved so I could download it and play it for nostalgia. For some reason, I found it somewhat more... engaging then. 


Maybe it's just me getting too used to the game, though. ^^;

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Basically that's the idea ^^


I always liked the old Infestation maps back then. Used to be, the maps had almost no lights at all, and you can see only your flashlight, and the glowing of your Warframe's energy. It was a really great atmosphere, and I remember being quite panicked when I first started! With the roaring o

f Chargers, their steps thumping on the cold Corpus floors and nothing but a flashlight and your weapons. This was way, way back, in Update 7. I kinda wish we had an older version saved so I could download it and play it for nostalgia. For some reason, I found it somewhat more... engaging then. 


Maybe it's just me getting too used to the game, though. ^^;

Getting 4 spam tunnel vision? :p and yeah I feel like all of the infested maps should be like this (even dark sectors - even on earth maybe it could just be night or something? feel like that'd be cool)

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Getting 4 spam tunnel vision? :p and yeah I feel like all of the infested maps should be like this (even dark sectors - even on earth maybe it could just be night or something? feel like that'd be cool)


Haha, I don't actually use 4 all that much! I prefer the bang bang and the schwing schwing ;)  It's only when things get very hard where I start popping powers, but I just find guns more convenient most times! 


It was sort of a shame that the lighting's changed so much, though! I believe Warframe has gotten a lot brighter since then, though I still absolutely adore the work DE's put into the levels! It just isn't as... desperate as it once felt. Yeah, Dark Sectors being really dark would be cool! I'd definitely want to do that on Earth. ^^  Would be terrifying!

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