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Haven't Enjoyed A New Frame In A Long Time....


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So i've been playing for a good while, and there had been...5 new frames released since i started. I've tried all the frames. Ended up loving Rhino, ash and nova being my next favorites. Anyway, i finished lving them and since then i've just been waiting on something i like, or an ash rework, and so far that just hasent happened yet...


Nekros came out, thought i'd love him(he looks good) but then i got him and his ulti was slow and underwhelming, he was the squishiest frame i had ever seen ever. Terrify i never used because i'd rather my panic button save me by killing everything. Chasing down and scared enemy just isnt fun to me. And desecrate i liked.


Then came valkyr. On paper, i liked. Not cause of hysteria, claws and slow choppy movement, meh. But Paralysis, that looked nice...half shields for a cheap AoE stun and dmg? Yes pls. Until i found out the stun durations is so short it doesn't matter and that valkyr was made an armor frame with wimpy shields, so no good damage off of paralysis. I also enjoy killing more than things like rip line, so i just kinda ignored that. As for war cry, meh.


Then comes Oberon. Fusion of frost and nekros. Supposedly a paladin. Eh. Nice AoE that gives health, could make and equilibrium build, oh wait, full health means i can't get energy from the orbs so unless i get a bleed effect....His healing was too weak. His other skills just dont fit my play style.


Then we get zephyr, look fun, sounds fun. Tornados and a dmg mitigation skill, sure. Too bad i'm still getting oxium to make her.....


And now hydroid. Not a big fan of water myself and then i saw his skills. Re-skin rhino charge, meh don't even use that on my rhino. Small AoE dmg, ok but i don't like the looks, and dmg skills tend not to scale well. A puddle.........and kraken, AKA tent rape. If this doesnt kill enemies then it makes them hard to shoot, again not a fan of the looks, as the tentacles seem to appear randomly and again dmg scaling.



Now i'm not complaining about any of the frames or saying their bad, i just wondering if there's anyone else who's still waiting on that one new frame that they'll love just as much as their current main. So for now all i have to do it....grind oxium, ugh....

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It seems you're expecting each of these frames to be something they are not. For example, I can't help but feel you wanted Nekros to have more offensive power than he should. If you don't like it, it's because they don't fit your playstyle.


One thing I will point out is that Hydroid, while having good damage, is not meant to kill. He's meant to CC.

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It seems you're expecting each of these frames to be something they are not. For example, I can't help but feel you wanted Nekros to have more offensive power than he should. If you don't like it, it's because they don't fit your playstyle.


One thing I will point out is that Hydroid, while having good damage, is not meant to kill. He's meant to CC.

They don't fit my playstyle, that's what im saying. And i'm asking if anyone else is still waiting on a frame that fits their style.

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On paper, I wonder why people play anything other than Rhino. Look at Rhino. Just look at him. A power to give him another layer of defense, he already has great shields, armor, and HP. Sure he is slow, but grab rhino prime and vanguard helmet and that isn't a problem anymore. On top of that, he has roar, a straight buff to power strength/damage out put by 50%, which can be increased. And then Rhino Stomp, a AoE damage and CC. Rhino is, on paper and in game, the best warframe statistically.


Sure, he can't spawn mods out of mobs, which nekros can barely do that as it is. And sure, he can't slow enemies or make them take 200% more damage like Nova, but he can buff not only his own damage, but friendlies damage as well, by upwards of 100%+ with blind rage + intensify.


They don't fit my playstyle, that's what im saying. And i'm asking if anyone else is still waiting on a frame that fits their style.

All things considered, the warframes are distinct enough from one another, so I doubt there will be many that fit the same style of play. From the looks of it, you favor Rhino, Ash, Nova. Rhino being the...well in my opinion the best warframe statisically. Nova is the great nuker, Ash is...well fun to use because bladestorm.


that what you typed about hydroid.....reskinned rhino charge...*facepalm*

He does have a point there. It is pretty much another rhino charge/slash dash/tail wind attack. A "Rush forward and do damage" power. Unless it does something else I'm not aware of, like stun enemies around you or something. Either way, it is, at it's core, the same power.

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I like them all, but it depends on the mission. I wouldn't take Zephyr to a defense mission, but Hydroid is a blast for defense. I choose the frame for the function needed at the time. I find Hydroid quite entertaining, how can you not love that puddle?? ;)

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He does have a point there. It is pretty much another rhino charge/slash dash/tail wind attack. A "Rush forward and do damage" power. Unless it does something else I'm not aware of, like stun enemies around you or something. Either way, it is, at it's core, the same power.

Anything it hits is ragdolled

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They don't fit my playstyle, that's what im saying. And i'm asking if anyone else is still waiting on a frame that fits their style.

yeah, I'm always hoping for something to fit my play style. But I already have a few, loki, zephyr and nekros. I play with all the frames and I don't like them all, of course I hope to see more I like in the future, but I find it great that there are already that many that I love.

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From what i read you like frames that can easy oneshot anything or spam a move that can kill fast while being solo as for zephyr dont get her i like her but she wont fit your play style her first move is highy mobile but only with large tilesets 2nd one you need the 1st one to be worth the cost 3rd is good for tanking but youll need to make a build for it if you personally will like it 4th is more cc than damage imo and you need to give it a goid elements for it to be good agents noncorpus so you wont like that

Edited by Sasoka
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I think I somewhat understand the OC's sentiment, a lot of the last 4 or so frames feel somewhat underwhelming in their ability to bring something truly new to the table. Then again, a lot of the older frames could desperatley use a powers update to improve one or two largely useless or very situational powers. 


The more I think about it, the more I realise that the lack of diversity between the frames is perhaps intentional. Like the alt helmets, DE probably has to weigh up the benefits of giving each frame really unique abilities - and the fact that some players see frames solely as cosmetic items. What if you love Oberon's cervine pomp, but hate his defensive focused powerset? 


A possible solution would be an alternative deck of powercards for each frame - perhaps with an opposite focus to the original set - that might minimize the apathy some have to frames who's abilities simply don't work with their playstyle. Or - more frame mods could be released - ones that actually allow the player to tailor the effects of powers to their liking. "Team Spirit" - +10% healing to all teammates in nearby proximity when 4th power is activated - etc etc. 


But knowing DE, such additions are a long way off - if indeed they are even part of the roadmap at all. 

Perhaps our best bet is to simply stop using / relying our frames powers, and treat them as mostly cosmetic / character customization options. That's what I've been doing. 

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I wasn't expecting to enjoy Hydroid, actually... I'm usually an offensive kind of player, Ash being my main and meaning I need to play aggressively and efficiently. I usually dislike playing defensive frames or control frames (though I'm not above picking up the role in clan runs and making it work out nevertheless; not liking a job is not necessarily the same as being bad at it).


So yeah... his 1st power is pretty darn nice as a small CC, knocking enemies down while raining down damage over an area; there are better powers out there but for 25 Energy, it's pretty good. His 2nd power makes for good added mobility as well as bunching up enemies together or pushing them back. His 3rd is interesting; it can alleviate pressure in a defense but is very situationnal. His 4th ability just has me either have "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!" come to mind or some sort of reference to japanese tentacle porn; it's useful as a panic button but again, there's some better CCs out there.


He's kind of a defensive/offensive frame; his abilities makes you think it's defensive but the added damage gives him an offensive edge as well. Oh, and dual pistol noble stance can't help but make me think of Captain Jack Sparrow when his idle animation starts.

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I like them all, but it depends on the mission. I wouldn't take Zephyr to a defense mission, but Hydroid is a blast for defense. I choose the frame for the function needed at the time. I find Hydroid quite entertaining, how can you not love that puddle?? ;)


Now thats interesting. I have clanmates who swap frames in and out depending on the mission, and for a while I did that too. But I've gravitated towards using one frame for everything - even if its not suited towards certain roles, the slight challenge of playing it in that capacity regardless - makes the game actually pose some sort of difficulty. Even if it is pretty token. And you wind up a better (insert favorite frame) player for it. 

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From what i read you like frames that can easy oneshot anything or spam a move that can kill fast while being solo

Yep. I'm a shotgun style player. Love dmg buffs, love swift strong hits that kill. And i love to teleport, to bad ash's isnt free aim. 

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There is little as crazy as a bunch of Hydroids in the same mission hitting 4, lol. Stand by pod in defense, hit 4, laugh and get a drink. And that 4th goes on for so long.


I prefer using my melee more than my powers, I usually reserve frame powers for when I get swarmed (or those annoying poison infested). I do hope DE starts giving us options for frame powers, outside the standard 4 we can equip. But it may never happen.

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Now thats interesting. I have clanmates who swap frames in and out depending on the mission, and for a while I did that too. But I've gravitated towards using one frame for everything - even if its not suited towards certain roles, the slight challenge of playing it in that capacity regardless - makes the game actually pose some sort of difficulty. Even if it is pretty token. And you wind up a better (insert favorite frame) player for it. 

I usually like to have a role (I guess just used to MMOs, lol). You can use any frame in a defense mission, but usually I try to go with one that will give me the best ability to reach wave 30+. any frame will get you to wave ten or so, but then it starts being about CC and AOE damage (for me). Nyx is by far my favorite for defense, she can protect the pod like few others. That 4th maxed out, you can sit there absorbing for a really long time when outfitted for it. Outside of defense, I almost never use Nyx through.

If I'm with a group I trust, I will bring whatever is fun for me. When I play in a pug group (which is most of the time), I just expect to carry the team as pug teamwork is really hard to achieve, and choose the best frame for CC/AOE. This is why you see so many Rhino's out there, because they feel they can take care of themselves in a bad pug.

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Then comes Oberon. Fusion of frost and nekros. Supposedly a paladin. Eh. Nice AoE that gives health, could make and equilibrium build, oh wait, full health means i can't get energy from the orbs so unless i get a bleed effect....His healing was too weak. His other skills just dont fit my play style.


Errr.... Wrong! Oberon is a combination of Nekros and Trinity. Gives health in GENERAL like Trin, gives death like his daddy Nekros. What does he have in common with Frost? In general, he is a pretty bland warframe, the only thing keeping him together is his above average health rating.


Valkyr could have been so much better! Ripline is interesting. Warcry? Who gives a crap about armor rating sometimes! Although I notice the damage reduction, it's still useless in the mind. Melee speed increase? You gotta be kidding me. If they can trade a good ability like overheat for Ember and throw in Accelerant, they can Revamp Warcry. Other abilities are ok.


The only warframe that absolutely needs a total rework is BANSHEE. The, in all means, sucks. Would you put her in a T3? Silence is useless. Sound Quake is weak. Sonic Boom is weak. Why do you have to aim for the targets with Sonar. Stop it! Just stop! She has so many problems. Excuse me while I make a topic professing my hatred against this poor sound manipulator.

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I switch frames based on the mission if the group I'm in as a reason or purpose to doing something.


Farm Beacons : Nova & Nekros

Survival:  Reviving others - Zephyr  Survivability - Trinity   Air - Nekros  Kill/Kill/Kill - Nova  

Defense: Frost, Vanban, Excalibur

Nightmare:  Valkyr with pubs (since I usually have to revive them while being swarmed and cannot count on there being a healer in the group)

Scanning: Ash, Loki

Do something as fast as possible: Zephyr, Volt

Farm Infested or Oxium: Ember

Level up weapons on high level enemies: Banshee


But, when I just want to have fun or just do low level stuff, I will usually pull out Zephyr or Mag, since I enjoy how fast Zephyr moves and goes all over the place, and well, pulling guys towards you and or down a pit never gets old.


And why would you not shoot on the glowing, almost insta kill spot that a Banshee has lit up???  That is what it is there for (and it is a quick an easy enemy radar as well).

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Errr.... Wrong! Oberon is a combination of Nekros and Trinity. Gives health in GENERAL like Trin, gives death like his daddy Nekros. What does he have in common with Frost? In general, he is a pretty bland warframe, the only thing keeping him together is his above average health rating.


I meant that his looks are a fusion of frost and nekros. Not the way he plays. Those skinny arms, that coloring and dangly skirt thing of frosts( also on hydroid now.)

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Skirt thing? 


Its called a robe -_-

I calls it as i sees it. To me a robe either covers the entire body, chest to feet, or has a hood. As for as i can tell, the skirt thing does neither of those things.

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