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Keybinds - Why Is This Not High Priority?


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13.0.6 and still no way to bind Fire Gun & Melee Attack on the same button (Mouse 1) when you have your melee equipped ..


..instead we can bind Melee Block & Melee Channel on Mouse 1 or 2 at the same time and STILL keep Fire Gun on Mouse 1 -.-


DE, how hard can it be to seperate Gunplay (with quick melee) from Pure Melee (with equipped melee weapon) settings so we can bind key seperately for both playstyles? You can't Shoot your Gun when you have your Melee Equipped anyways.


This is how it should look (with my key setup):


Fire Weapon / Melee Attack - Mouse 1

Aim Weapon / Channel Melee - Mouse 2

Melee Block - Mouse 3

Quick Melee - E


Please make it so...and fast...


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no, the system we have is fine, I think it works great for melee. E should remain the melee key for both quick and full melee attacks


I think your system attempts to make it more complicated than it needs to be

Not a lot of people, including me, enjoy hitting E constantly. I bound melee to Mouse 1 for a time before realizing it messed up shooting, and it was much easier to use, and more fun.

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/sign OP.


It's been a week now and they haven't done a thing about it yet. I'm loosing my faith if something as simple as customizable Keybindings can't be realized.


I can take much of this crap that has gone by in the past year... Many of the bugs/glitches, much of unbalanced stuff like Mods/Weapons/Warframes, the RNG-problems and Grind etc and remain constructive about it and think about feedback, but if the basic input is screwed beyond usability then my limit is reached.


no, the system we have is fine, I think it works great for melee. E should remain the melee key for both quick and full melee attacks


I think your system attempts to make it more complicated than it needs to be


What the hell... I'm not using E for Quick Melee.. I'm using the thumb button on my mouse... For Quick Melee it's okay but for Melee mode and Combos it wears on my thumb pretty fast. So I'm not going to bother with that... And a high priority attack button on the keyboard and instead having Channeling on the left mouse Button? Never going to adapt to something as sh*tty as that.


If that's what DE is forcing us to and adapt to and understand when thinking about "There's a learning curve involved" then to hell with Melee 2.0, never going to bother with that sh*t in first place.


Next up bind Primary Gunfire to the Enter key on your keyboard without the chance of binding it elsewhere and see how people like that... Get rid of every standard that's been developed back in the past 25 years of shooter games just to make Warframe feel unique. The irony.

Edited by MeduSalem
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This makes me sad and not wanting to play the game :/


You are not alone, bro. I share your feelings...


U13 is like the nail to the coffin for me currently.


  • Broken keybindings for melee... Even if that wouldn't be f*cked up there's still the grind for the stances to make Melee 2.0 worthwhile, otherwise it's still senseless buttonmashing.
  • Hek is hidden behind this ridiculous paper chase which I've had enough of already back with Lephantis... so not going to bother with that...
  • Then the damn Argon Chrystals simply don't want to drop for me on-top of them being decaying which means I shouldn't overfarm them anyways because otherwise I'll have to do it again once the research for the Nikana is completed.
  • I don't give a f*ck about the Dark Sectors because there's no profit to be had, no fun because of the spare enemies and the community splitting apart on how rushed the system feels and how it should be... and how it's driving a wedge between clans and alliances in general so everyone is about to hate each other for contesting the rails.
  • Even the damn Chat menu is crippled in it's usage because you can't directly access the friendlist from within there and instead have to into the menu found under "ESC".
  • And like a ton of other things that are either rushed, buggy or feel inconvenient or still not fixed/addressed


Summarizing my experience with U13:


Added: A bunch of new bugs and problems.

Fixed: Nothing.


I'm sorry to say but if something as simple as the damn customizable keybindings can't be done how are they supposed to ever fix really major problems which there are a truckload of currently and I'm not even talking about the programming-errors which can happen and their fixing being pretty self-evident.

Edited by MeduSalem
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no, the system we have is fine, I think it works great for melee. E should remain the melee key for both quick and full melee attacks


I think your system attempts to make it more complicated than it needs to be

With respect, your opinion on how the keybindings currently are is moot. This is a discussion about how people should have the option to change them if they want, and there are definitely plenty of people who want to. Personally, i find that having to mash E reduces my capability to remain highly mobile because it diverts one of my fingers away from movement.

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I agree that it's a terrible setup. I made a topic about this (I wasn't alone either) about 10 minutes after the melee 2.0 came out... because you don't really need a long time to realize that something is wrong.

Using E for quick melee was fine... but for combos it's cumbersome. Also... why is channeling on mouse1? Most people won't channel 100% of the time.. so why do I have such an easy access to a feature I'll be using occasionally while having feature I'll be using 100% of the time bound to keyboard? That makes absolutely no sese! It should be the other way around imho.

no, the system we have is fine, I think it works great for melee. E should remain the melee key for both quick and full melee attacks

I think your system attempts to make it more complicated than it needs to be

Guess what you can't do when you're pressing E to attack... you can't move right (D). This is pretty big deal since mobility is a huge part of melee.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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