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Gg De, Nerf Blocking More Please.


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So with the hotfix 13.0.6 blocking has been quite neutered in its utility. It can no longer block arc traps, laser doors(stops knock down, but pushes you back, needs more testing), magnetic doors, and status effect DoT.


I could see why they stopped the whole no damage decompression thing(didnt even know it could stop that) and maybe even the DoT status effect(other than to insure your Tenno WILL eventually die if you go melee, i got nothing. I thought it was an added incentive to go melee mode but apparently not). But making block useless against arc traps, laser doors, and mag doors are just horrible ideas. Not only does that pretty much insure melee only equipping is to be non-existent on grineer maps but it also ruins flow with having to get out your gun and shoot the trap or sensor and go back to melee.


On the bright side, blocking still stops knockdowns by heavies and it also stops damage from those fire patches(yay)


So, what do you guys think? Is blocking ok as is? Or do you think they overnerfed it?


EDIT: I'm not saying revert the nerf completely, I'm saying they should at least give us back the ability to block the traps and doors(only griping with mag doors on this really).


EDIT2: Blocking no longer stops Ancient Toxic's poison aura.

Edited by Tormound
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As long as I can block Napalm and other Heavies and Toxic Infested I could care less about blocking some dang lasers from a door.


Oh yeah and Fusion MOAs


Edit:   And I think you are trippin'

Edited by Ishki88
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Honestly, I think it should go back to the way it was. It felt really awesome to be able to parry ridiculous things like decompression or bleed procs. It felt like I was playing a game of exalted, and that was great. Tenno are consistently portrayed as warrior gods, so them doing godlike things was fun.

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It sounds like they plan to implement, or have at least acknowledged on the forums, a "quick shot" button when you're in melee mode.  Pressing the old block key to fire off a quick shot with your gun.  With that in place, I think melee would still be just fine.  My biggest gripe is, like you mentioned, the delay in switching to guns and then back to melee just to deal with cameras/laser doors.

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As long as I can block Napalm and other Heavies and Toxic Infested I could care less about blocking some dang lasers from a door.


Oh yeah and Fusion MOAs


Edit:   And I think you are trippin'

Wanna elaborate on how I'm "trippin"?


Have fun with magnetic doors if you go melee only.

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Would've been great if we kept the Orokin Laser-blocking capability. I can understand not being able to "block" laser doors and bleeding and such (honestly, that's silly), but a narrow beam similar to what some MOAs attack with shouldn't be too hard to block.

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I thought it was a glitch when I ran through a laser door while blocking, lol. But yeah, I just want to block poison. The worst thing about Infested is that poison they hit you with, makes melee impossible if you can't block it.

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Do you not know how to disable the enemies security systems?

Did you miss my... hold on... yep. I could have clarified more but I already said how it ruins flow in changing in and out of melee mode. I'm also a melee only kind of guy since I've been on a leveling streak with melee weapons recently.

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Did you miss my... hold on... yep. I could have clarified more but I already said how it ruins flow in changing in and out of melee mode. I'm also a melee only kind of guy since I've been on a leveling streak with melee weapons recently.


So basically you feel they should remove the "nerf" since there isn't another way for a Sword Only user to bypass traps and etc.




I don't agree with nerfing/toning down something if you aren't going to provide a solution towards the nerf.


>Sword Only Tenno were able to virtually block almost everything. 

>DE nerfs blocking

>Sword Only Tenno have no way to bypass security unless their teammates help.  And that's only if you aren't playing solo.


This nerf would of been "OK" if they applied some attention to the resistance mods.   Because they are horrible.




"Blocking is there as a tool to engage with in melee combat, not neuter environment effects in order to allow you to keep rushing ahead of your team unscathed."


^This.   But I do agree with blocking rockets/bullets/lasers from enemies and void lasers....now do I agree with 100% blocking proc no...........


If a Void laser has a 50% chance to PROC you..then blocking the laser should decrease the PROC chance ...and also decrease the damage taken......

Edited by Ishki88
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Blocking is there as a tool to engage with in melee combat, not neuter environment effects in order to allow you to keep rushing ahead of your team unscathed. And negating status effects by blocking was just silly.

You can still block one environmental effect I know of. I could technically still rush ahead of my team unscathed even faster if i use my gun...


Again, I thought the blocking status effect was an incentive but I was wrong(unintended effect). I always thought it was the Tenno channeling his inner strength or will or whatever to block out the effect(and relatively, it's not that silly considering what the Tenno can do).

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In all seriousness I can see why they would take out blocking status effects attaching to your frame.



Cause blocking napalm, rockets and splash damage, kill people with silent explosive weapons, and stomping hard enough to disrupt time is soo much more realistic...

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I think blocking DoT is a bit silly, but if we can block bullets at high speed there should no reason for use to be unable to deflect arcs of electricity or lasers. (plus, this forces a melee-only player to carry a gun again if they want to get past magnetic doors) Blocking should be set back to it's original Melee 2.0 state.

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Blocking is there as a tool to engage with in melee combat, not neuter environment effects in order to allow you to keep rushing ahead of your team unscathed. And negating status effects by blocking was just silly.


Status effects are quite silly. I was doing melee only ODD and when toxic ancients first appear they were doing about 10% damage to me per tick. This was manageable with a healer or Nekros. If they proc'ed me however, I would take 25% damage per tic for 8 seconds. This is in no way manageable, so I would step back and block it out. Now the player is just screwed past wave 10. The same goes for slash proc's since you are bound to take more shots while in melee than you are when killing people at range.

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As long as I can block Napalm and other Heavies and Toxic Infested I could care less about blocking some dang lasers from a door.


Oh yeah and Fusion MOAs


Edit:   And I think you are trippin'

That sly pun though


All my +1

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It sounds like they plan to implement, or have at least acknowledged on the forums, a "quick shot" button when you're in melee mode.  Pressing the old block key to fire off a quick shot with your gun.  With that in place, I think melee would still be just fine.  My biggest gripe is, like you mentioned, the delay in switching to guns and then back to melee just to deal with cameras/laser doors.

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It sounds like they plan to implement, or have at least acknowledged on the forums, a "quick shot" button when you're in melee mode.  Pressing the old block key to fire off a quick shot with your gun.  With that in place, I think melee would still be just fine.  My biggest gripe is, like you mentioned, the delay in switching to guns and then back to melee just to deal with cameras/laser doors.

And what if you go melee only ?

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