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These Dark Sector Missions Are Pretty Cool


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Today was the first time I actually did a Dark Sector conflict mission. It was reasonably interesting but I do want to try out these non-conflict missions as they're apparently better. Alas, no rails are peaceful though.

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Please, please, Pleeease tell me that's from World of Wowcraft... I need a good laugh.

I wouldn't be surprised.


Then there's that guy or those guys (as there are probably more of them) who have actually married a video game character. Full on wedding as well with a cardboard cutout of the digital character being present. Believe she said her vows as well. 


The game can also simulate other... Things.

Edited by Naith
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I'm very sad that the dak sector missions are useless, completely useless, I mean its always a conflict 24/7, there is NEVER one that isn't locked away, why do they even exist if no one can ever go to them?. I wish I could just build a personal one, I mean I have the funds to build an entire ghost clan but even so I would have to challenge a clan to use a @(*()$ map. The conflict missions are cool as well but I couldn't care less really, why is it that I can't use a rail because there is another built right next to it? We are not even fighting on the actuall map! People should be able to use the rails even in conflict, OR these should be only one challenger allowed at a time and other clans aren't even allowed to build untill the previous conflict is done and after a victory the winner should get the rail AT LEAST for a whole day without anyone being able to challenge and the conflict should only last for a day MAX! OR allow every clan to build a personal one only for clan member that doesn't conflicts with anyone, as I said I have the resources to make it happen alone to every map and I just want to play on the new maps. I'm @(*()$ tired that the whole @(*()$ galaxy is full of bickering idiots and fighting while everyone just wants to use the dark maps. It seriously should just be an option to fight in the retard battle or use one of the built S#&$s as really no one cares about the conflicts exept the ones in them, and even so its just an e-penis competition.

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ITT: Fighting over territory in a video game = being a dumbass


It's the amount of fighting going on, not the simple act. 


Being able to actually play a Dark Sector mission is almost impossible right now because the clans simply refuse to stop fighting like quarreling 3 year old girls. 

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ITT: Fighting over territory in a video game = being a dumbass


Fighting over a territory is one thing, but in this case all it does is lock down these missions and piss everyone off.  But hey if you win, you get your name on the map for a little bit until the next dumbass challenges you to lock the missions down for everyone.  

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Don't know how they're fun. It's the same maps in every area, except they spawn infested, give more exp, and resources.


I don't normally like to insult more ingame content, but it's pretty underwhelming considering how much fighting is going on.

Edited by Grascen
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